THE MICHIGAN DAILY if woul be a suit or ikored in our inimitable cloths not to be matched vn. Stop in and order :n you wear it the first 'on't have to wish your- erry Christmas." You'll hout wishing. THE MICIGOAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mfichigan. Published every morning except Moenday during the university year. E~ntered at the post-office at 'Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub-. by carrier, $.50; by mail, $2.5o. Want ad. stations : Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office 'Phone 960 E~ditorial Office Phone 2414 H. -Beach Carpenter ........Managing Editor' W: Sherwood Field....... Business Manager, Fred Foulk.............. .News editor F. F. McKinney......... ..Associate E;ditor! T. Hawley Tapping ........ .Associate Editor F. M. Church.............. Sporting: E;ditor Night Editors James: M. Barrett, Jr. E . Rodgers Sylvester E. C. Roth Joseph J. Brotherton G.. IWLTS CO. Ierchaut Tailor. State St. Personal h ristm as Cards LJEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW and get the Best Selection r Line of Regular Christmas Cards is the largest In City ileha' St udents Bookstore PROIT UNITED LINES ANN~ ARBOR TIME TABLE I and Express Cars for Detroit-7 :Io and hourly to 6:ro p. in., also 8:zo Cars for. Detroit-s :4o a. in., 6 :o6~ a. in., every two hours to 6:o6 p. t., 7:06 p. 3:6 p.. mn., 9 :xo p. mn., and 1o :45 P. n. p. Mn.,x1:oo a. im. i Cars for Jackson-7 :46 a. m,. and rtwo hours to 7:46 p. mn. 'ars for Jackson- :z2a . in., 6:5j a. m., every two hours to 6:5r p. n., also p. Mf., II :15; p. iM. I ,1 This' is the Week of the 1 FIRE SALE, Thousands of pieces of smoke- damaged holiday goods are mark- ed to be cleared in double quick time. Reporters Chester H. Lang Edward P. Wright Howard R. Marsh BPake' Charles 'Weinberg J. C. B. Parlen Edwin A.: Hyman E ugene L. k uson Tomi C. Reid . ~Ths L. Greenebaumn Assistants to Business Manager_ John, Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph Hofmnan Arthur H. Torrey Business Staff Ferris Fitch Edward Mack C. V.- Sellers Y. R; Altsheler Delos Smith THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1914. Night Editor--Edwin A. Hyman. LOOKING TOWARD SPRING. Michigan' has. the natural. advantag- es to enable it to support a crew, ac- cording to men who have seen the Henley course in England and the waterways of various American col-1 leges. The Huron river, properly pre- pared, would. be an _almost ideal prac- tice. place for -eights and fours, while, with little more preparation, it would be suitable for interclass. and inter-; collegiate racing. It is ,a question, of course, whether there is a general desire for a crew at Michigan. Possibly the situation is not understood clearly enough now to awaken enthusiasm in. those Who have always been under the impression that the Huron was an insignificant little stream, which could never hope to riv- Sal the courses of -other institutions. If this is. the case, the mission of the Boat club would- seem to 'be that of enlightening the campus mind, a-nd stirring up sentiment by, means of a campaign. of information. Before the Boat club can 'do any- thing worth while, however, it must increase in strength. its elf. The first logical move tomard a crew appears to lie in more wide-spread and cordial' support of the only organization which. is in a position to push the -matter. ICamp has ,a close- second in Coach Catlin, of Lawrence, who picks only seven Lawrence men on his all-state eleven. 11 "In the Vanguard," written by XM. Katrina Trask in the cause of human- ity, and presented under the personal? direction of Jessie- Bonstelle, the well- known stock actress, will be seen for the first time in Detroit' at the Gar- rick theater on next Monday evening. It treats of the most hdeous survival of barbarism with grace and gentle- ness. It makes a contribution to eth- ics without being sentimental,. by transforming the heroic brute courage of ,the past into the eiiobling moteal cou rage- possible today. Florence Scott,.'15, has been elected p~resident of the Girls' Educationial club, to fill the. vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Josephin Sherzer, '15. The next meeting of- the club will be held Tuesday evening, January 12. Wyvern will meet at Hillard house, 555 S. Division' street, at 7:30 o'clock this evening. Members are asked to bring sewing materials- F it" BEE. A Pa~r 01f$0.00 Trmoiers Made to Your Order Absohtely Free a Set- also to your M. An. s'bscrfptfon s~. We Offoebeat Clubbing Raetes on Vetadiewl at $:o.oa; the same material as suit or difrerent. I MA!IaX BookStorsSTATE 1 Ify fAr rweeks 'II Xmas Leave your order N*W for Prersona! Xmas Cards F"LANDERS E E '4L Furniture Rugs Draperies Blankets Women'sWear Toys e serve them quickly, our ices are moderate and we e liberal in quantity. UTTL ES ON STATE .A4~S~ Collegiate alumnae of Ann Arbor} have contributed $10 toward thie ex- penses of the Vocational conference, to be held for university- women on' January 7, 3, and 9, 1915. Other gifts from- the women's honorary societies, individuals, and an appropriation froYm; the Women's League, will be the meads of financing: the conferenco. Ruth Hutzel, '16, has charge of the entertainment' of 'speakers and guests, who will be lodged in the sorority and other organized houses. Groups who wish to entertain any particular speak- ers, either, for the entire duration of~ the conference, or at meals, have been asked to inform her at once. More -, olkuteers among sophomore- women are 'needed for the. circus to. be given by that class in January. Names should be handed in to "Irenle -Litchmann, through the box placed for that purpose in the- east corridor of the~ general. library. University women, who do official writing for the Women's League, are asked to use 'the paper and, stamps available at the president's desk' in Barbour. gymnasium to which M2rs. Blackburn has the key. They, should sign up there for stamps used.' 2 09 E. LIBEIA~T-Y ST. ACROSS FROM VARSITY -LAUNDRY! IN OI.D HOME TEtLEPHONEl CO'S- BUILDING LII THR'S two places whair yo can always - the dictionary an'-in ef at pipe o' VELVET. ~- flFor there's soli solace in that aged-in-the- [ IIwood mellowniess which changes. Kentucky's I urley de Luxe into VELVET, The Smoothest L U Smoking. Tobaccos 10lc tis and 5c metal-linedQ f a SuggostionI WINS "BiVSYBE **Tho Popular Place" TRADE-PMARK CONTEST I I i mm w.. ' irr rriiiui niili' rurri .;:.. , _ i. v .. . .. w 1 NOTICEi TRY OUR DEPARTMEN PAPER and ENVELOPES LOOSE LEAF PAPER 41.1,SIZES Fountain Pon Hospital A new, campus pest has been discov' ered in the person of the maan who bor- rows a dollar to send it to' the Belgi- ans.. About Friday, the, engineers and dents will curse the day they chose their respective professions. The old clothes men say that somet of the old clothes sent away were not fit to sell, anyway. It's well to consider- the infinite number, of railway ties before: buying that present. Rhetorio instructors, may, have rea- son to stand in fear of :the snow-in- spired ones. Kindly profs will, not returnt the crushing. blue-books until after vaca- The annual Y. W. C. A. Christmas bazaar will bie continued throughout the day in Newberry hall, due to the, demand for Japanese goods. lion. Quite right: "Mr.' Man is watching for the Kermess Girl." The stage is all set for' a white Christmas. IF. SCHLEEDE" --340 S., State St'w. * * * * * : * * _,.. iii Burchfield &Co. We can offer, you the. finest and best tailoring service to be had in the state, with no exception. Evening dress is our specialty. mrt Burchfield,& Co. * * * * * WRIGHT SAXOPHON~E PARTY At the Michigan 'Union Friday, Dec. 11, 9 to 2. For Paste-board' call '236'or 374. * * * * * t o C Maybe= you can win a big- sack flour at ithe "Country Storer' Night the Majestic, Thursday, Deec;17thi of ate [TTLR SCOU01MSThER SAYS: to le Mauhly Bulletin !'r PHONE 599 106 E .HURON ST. !II Complete Line ot Next week the Michigan Union issues its, first number of the -Monthly Bulletin (per- m-iission- received from B1. of- R.)° and every Wolverine who.' ever crossed. the- campus -will. get a copy. It'll be full of good thiligs and if you know: something, (that 'no one else knows) slip.- it on, to Eddiex Haislip, '141. If you~ haven't as. yet left your measure with Fred W. Gross, 4th & Liberty Sits., for an Ed. V. Price &Co., tailor d-toi-order st or overcoat, don't tell the bunch,. but slip over to the corner and tell Fred you're ready ! PAR.TIULAR pLAUNDRY ]FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE C "T' ILAUNDRY } ~TIIOS. ROWE, Prop. 4" OUktrwit t. Phone 4S7-AE Graham's 'Barber Shop, 121 W. Hur- on St., opposite D. U. R. Only barber shop in' Ann Arbor- under student man- agemenrt. Your patronage will be ap- pred~ated: Glenn Graham, '17 Dent. We have a- select stock of White- Ivory. Sugden Drug Co., 302 S. State strveet - ead, T Best-shoe -shining. Halts of-all inds- cleaned and block~ed. Next to- Wagner &c Co. -eod Call' 622 for Holmes Taxi, Limou- sine or carriage. 622.'t! -University- A~e. Pharmacy. Eastman Ftian- all sizes. U See the Harvard team at-signal prac- tice In motion pictures at the Majestic Vlon* Tues. Wed. Dec 14, 16,16. 62-67 See "Mfrhi1gan's Fam ous Band" 'and the "'Roosters" arriving at the Copley Plaza, in mtilon pictures at the Majes. tfr -Morn., Tues. Wed., Dec. 14, 1;, 16. 62-67 See the -student's cheering section in the "Block It at the Pennsylvania- game in motioni picturesi at the Majes- tic Mon., Tues., WYed., Dec. 14, 14, 16. See I higan~s Band In "Block lM" on Soldier's -field at the Majestic the. atre lion., Tues., Wed., Dec. 14, 16, 10. 62--67 622 will bring a UQlm^s Taxi to your door at any hour. -f Furnishing larnielShirts &Mackinaws ity TgeyShop 1107 So University Ave.