I C 11 '" 4 I Dai y I. $2.00 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DE9EMBER 10, 1914. PRICE FIVE -~ I ENGINEERING SOCIETIES FAVOR IMPROVEMENT OI GYMNASIUM Vulcans and Web and Flange Vote' Better Accommodations and Sanitary Measures For es Vulcans and Web and Flange, socie- ties of the engineering department, passed resolutions to the board of re- gents on the gymnasium question yes- terday. There are now five campus societies which have expressed them- selves similarly, the other three being - Michigamua, Druids and Sphinx. The resolutions of the engineering societies are identical. The text of the an club, measures follows:- k. "To the board of regents of the Uni- higan Un- versity of Michigan: "Gentlemen: o'clock. "In view of the fact that the accom- modations of the university gymnasi- um have become wholly inadequate for the use of the present large stu- Ldent body, and that the condition of the shower baths in the gymnasium is extremely unsanitary, we most re- spectfully petition you for increased gymnasium facilities." It is understood that several other on Listen campus societies, including the legal Y organizations, will meet during the next two days and take similar actions. REPRESENTATIVES OF COLLEGE ORGANIZATIONS PERFECT PLANS Michigan Union Shown to Have Cov- ered Widest Field; Place Hoontz on Executive Board P. D. Koontz, '14-'17L, president of the Michigan Union has returned from Columbus, O., where a meeting of rep- resentatives of the leading college unions of the west was held. A per- manent organization was effected to be governed for the present by an ex- ecutive board consisting of President F. M. Hall, of the Wisconsin Union, Oliver Gossard, of the Ohio State Un- .ion and P. D. Koontz of the Michigan Union. It was decided to have the details of the meeting printed in pam- phlet form and sent to every college union in the country. Ohio State, Oberlin, Wisconsin, Case, Indiana, Illinois, West Virginia, Purdue, and Michigan were represent- ed at the gathering. In the discussions held, it was brought out that the Michigan Union enters into more activities and provid- es more advantages for its members than any other of the unions repre- sented. Next year's meeting will probably be held at some college farther west, thus making it more central for all of the representatives. PUT OFF CAMPAIGN TO GETMEMBERS Will Rouse Interest Before Christmas; Active Work to Begin After Vacation "inr EPS OF DANCES >a E ;p IL 4 , E. Hughes and H. B. Bartholf to Give Dancing Act at Vaudeville December 16 RGANIZE SPECIAL ORCHESTRA L. E. Hughes, '16E, and H. B. Bar- iolf, '16E, will feature one of the acts n the bill for the Spotlight vaude- [lle in Hill auditorium on December , with an interpretation .)f three of e latest fancy dances. They will ex- ute a number of steps in the "Fox rot," "Pavlowa Gavotte," and the SPREAD RESUSCITATION IDEASl and of its elected to ie committee. FEATURE NAL NIGHT opolitan club gram at 8:00 'ewberry hall.I second of a ghts, and will vision of the Be Students' dances, and of the even- "Maxixe." Both men made a special trip to Detroit last Saturday to get ideas for their act from the dancing of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle. Hugh- es takes the woman's part. Leon Cunningham, '16, who took a leading part in the 1914 Union opera, has written a skit for the show, called "Hyancinth." The setting is worked up around the character of, a female impersonator who gets into no end of complicated situations. Walter De, Lano, '17, will take the feminine role. Gerald Strong, '15D, is organizing a special orchestra which will be com- posed of the leading campus musi- cians. Distribution of tickets to members of the Union, upon presentation of their membership cards, will be con- tinued during the rest of this week. The admission charge to non-members and townspeople is 25 cents. Select Committee for Weekly Dance Donald M. Sarbaugh, '17L, will act as chairman of the membership dance to be held at the Michigan Union from 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock Saturday night. Other members of the committee are' Donald C. Davidson, '17E, W. L. Wat- son, '17E, and Clarence K. Patterson, '17. Pasteboards for the affair will be on sale at the Union desk at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon. Plans for a campus-wide member- ship campaign are nearing comple- tion sin the hands of leaders of the Michigan Union- Boat club. Until the holidays open, all efforts are to be spent in publicity and in stirring up en- thusiasm, and at the close of the holi- days an active campaign is to be made in all departments and among the fac- ulty. Although the membership canvass was slated to commence Monday, De- cember 7, unforeseen re-arrangements in the managership forced a postpone- ment of that date. It is now deemed best by those in charge to use the re- maining days before vacation in rous- ing interest, and to start the actual work soon after the holidays. One stu- dent in each department is being se- lected to have charge of a large com- mittee from his respective department to cover every man in that section of the campus. W. L. Watson, '17E, is chairman of a Boat club committee which is making public all available Information on resuscitation, with the cooperation of the university health service under Dr. H. H. Cummings. About 5,000 pam- phlets on the subject have been receiv- ed from the state officials at Lansing, and these are being distributed among the student body. Copies will be giv- en out at the "Spotlight vaudeville" at Hill auditorium next week, and at other occasions. Prof. Gram Enters Mayo's Sanitarium Prof. L. M. Gram, of the engineering department, who has been ill since' last July, is at present in Rochester, Minn., where he will enter the Mayo brothers' sanitarium. HOLD OPERA TRYOUTS MONDAY Men For Cast to Report In Alpha NuM I Rooms at 7:00 'clock General chairman K. S. Baxter, '15E, of the Michigan Union opera, announc- RI ethtcstrosfote19=hw es that cast tryouts for the 1915. show will be held at 7:00 o'clock Monday Feature Oriental Dance by Grins night in the Alpha Nu rooms on the '16L; Chinese National Antheim fourth floor of University hall. Bert Will Be Sung By St. John, director of the opera, and S. Glee Club S. Groaner, '14L, author of the book, will be present at the tryouts. It is PROMISE UNIQUE PROGRAM P4 expected that more than 50 men will CONCERT TO BE HELD TONI be present. New Song Is First Attempt Along More Than 30 Enter Bridge Contest Line; Obtained by Kenneth More than 30 entries have already Westerman, '14 been received for the Union Bridge tournament which will start at 7:30 Featuring an oriental dance by o'clock Friday night. The committee ward Grinstead, '1L, the singing o is anxious to have every man interest- Chinese national anthem by the ed entered before 5:00 o'clock Friday. club, and noelty stunts on lnd by the Mandolin quartette, the se home concert of the combined mu clubs will be given in Hill audito 11p1 11 at 8:00 o'clock this evening. ' From the standpoint of new n hers and uniqueness, this enter ment will exceed that of anyco rendered so far. Dr. Cummings Tells of Difficulties The Chinese song was obtained Under Whitc Health Service a Chinese student this summer by Staff Works neth Westerman, '14, leader of the club. It has the distiction f la EXPLAINS MATTER 10O COUNCIL the first attempt along this 1le made. In response to a complaint made by R. H. Mills, 'iGE, M. F. Bennett, a student who received a bill for $7.50 L. O. Aldrich, '17E, and E. K. Mars for three days care in the university '17E, compose the Mandolin quart hospital, after a nose and throat op- This personnel was incorrectly si eration, Dr. H. H. Cummings, head of yesterday in the Daily. The work of the Midniht Sions' q the university health service, present- tette needs no Introduction to thei ed the facts pertaining to the health pus. Leroy Scanlon, '16L, Is to be service fees to' the student council tured at the piano in the "Rag Tuesday night. era' Union." The doors will be open at 7:0 o'c Dr. Cummings' statement was as fol- in the evening. Tickets are on lows: "Last year the university health at 25 cents. service was not self supporting and . the regents decided to raise the fee TO HOLD PEACE CONTEST LA! for medical attention from two to four dollars per student. This fee was sup- Divide Tryouts Into Two Groups posedto care for the expense of any B Prellwlnary peeche student serlol ill and requiring hos- Beecaus of the e-alyChrstas pital attention, if sent by any health cation, the unIversiI" Peace cox service physicians. The fee was not scheduled for December 21 has I intended to cover expenses incurred postponed until after the holidays. for elective operations such as the re- winner of tlhis contest will repre moving of tonsils. In the case of this the university in the state contes particular complaint the student was be held in January. cared for for three days by the univer- The five selected in the prelimi sity hospital after a nose and throat tryouts will enter the Peace cn operation which was performed free The tryouts have been divided of charge. Had this operation been two groups. The following ;will sj performed by anyone outside of the in the oratory room, rniversty university hospital physicians, the fee at 3:30 o'clock Saturday aftern would have been from $50 to $100. S. P. Hilado '15L, G. F. Hurle, "There are 800 students In the unil- N. E..Pinney, '16, P. v Ramsdell, versity, who have been found lin need Isabelle Rionan, 1, S.,.Skinner, of nose and throat operations by the and H. H. Springstrun '17. health service physicians, and it is The second group to speak at estimated that there are 200 others in o'clock Mondy evening in the s need of such operations. At an ex- room is: A. P. Bogue, '16, G. K. pense of $7.50 per person, this would dy, '16, Roy R. Fellers, '15, D. A. amount to $7,500 for the 1,000 students. ham, '16, C. I Henke, '17, Laura But it is plainly seen that the health ten, '15, W. A. Pearl, '16, F. S. S service can not pay $7,500 for hospital son, grad., and Chester H. Ross, '1 fees, when only $5,000 is appropriated for this purpose. FAIL IN ATTEMPT TO CHANGJ "Of the $20,000 income derived from QUESTION OF LEAGUE DEB the student body for medical attention,- $15,000 is used for the running expen- An attempt to change the que sea of the 'health service, while the for the Mid-west debate was other $5,000 is used for hospital fees, successful, as the other member and, under the present tax it is impos- the league had gone too far with sible to give hospital care to students preliminaries to make the ch ill with the less serious diseases. without detriment. The questio "During the first month, the health mains the same as first stated: service spent $485 in having students solved; that in anti-trust legisla cared for by one university hospital. labor unions should be exempt f Pneumonia, pleurisy, appendicitis, per- construction as combinations in itonitis, quinsy, diphtheria, and frac- straint of trade - constitution tures were among the conditions for waived." which this sum was spent. Tryouts for the debate must be c "Not only are the medical fees at pleted by December 15. Each soc this university lower, than at any oth- will choose six men, and these 24 er university of its size, but the treat- will form the debating squad. ment accorded students is far superior, as at.most other institutions they have Cercle Francais Plans Benefit D to pay extra for their physician's ser- Committees for the play and d vices and for all operations." to be given by Cercle Francais at bour gymnasium December 17 THIS IS THE LAST DAY been chosen, and preparations for You can save 50 cents. After today, coming event are under headway. all unpaid subscriptions to The Daily ceeds of the affair are to be dei rill be charged at $3.00 rate. to the Belgian relief fund. ,' . g Patient After Two DaysJ Zdering about the country ondition for two days, and uesday and Wednesday barn on the outskirts of . Paul Uber, who escaped ycopathic ward of the uni- pital Tuesday night, was k to that institution at an Mr y host ht bac se, and early hour last night.. Aristolochites Elect Annual Officers eumnae Aristolochites, honorary senior chem4 oak ol ical society, elected the following offi- meet- cers at a meeting held Tuesday: presi- ofth- d~t, W. F. Kunke; vice-president, W. of the E. Seek; secretary, S.E. Curtiss; treas- nA .-Aturer, G. K. Finzel; sergeant-at-arms, 'I MR.A1 1 cle Offer Reward for Lost Suits i Brothers, a State street and pressing establishment, ed a reward of $50 for n leading to the return of stolen last week. The "°Kern 7A N! Bess Girl" campus fi Is on the4 A REAL MUSIC FEST BY THE Glee and Mandolin Club Bit In Hill Auditorium Tonight Doors Open at 7:30