I I' r wear I &WALK OUVER Going Like Hot Cakes. The 100 Kodaks at from 3 to 3 off (and a 20 credit, good for developing) are going fast-but there are some big snaps left. Think of buying a $12.00 Brownie (good as new) for $7.75 and $1.55 worth of developing Free of Charge, Don't miss this opportunity to buy a kodak for a mere trifle. LYNDON I LADIES WORK A SPECIALTY HAND P C. I. KIDD o - 'Sophomore 1112 S. Univ. Ave I L 1530-J t sqo ffect. s and quarters of fine grey heels. 15 S. Main Street soc 2ials and ud Low- 118 S. Maid on a: PiTT TICKETS FOR SENIOR 11T SKIT IN COMMITTEE'S HANDS Pasteboards Rave Instructions to Meet at Certain Building, 4:30 O'clock Tuesday Although tickets for the senior lit "Half Dollar Mystery" are to be put on sale by the committee this morn- ing, little additional information as to the character of the affair has been given out. The tickets merely tell the time of the event, and bear instructions for the owner to report at a certain build- ing at 4:30 o'clock next Tuesday. This seems to indicate that the guests are to be collected in groups of 25 or 30, and led to the place where the festivi- ties will be held. Every ticket is numbered differently. A committeeman announced that this was to facilitate Santa Claus in the distribution of the Christmas favors. Tiekets for the affair can be pro- cured by senior women from Alice Wi- arq, Marjorie Delevan, Marion M\e- Pherson, and Fanny Hogan. Senior men can get their admission cards from Chester Lang, Louis Friedman, Harry Gault, J. L. O'Hara, Howard Marsh and Ralph Rice.j Rifle Club Meets to Organize Today Michigan's rifle club will meet in room 311 of the new engineering build- ing at 7:30 o'clock tonight to hear Major Pack of the Michigan National Guards speak, and to adopt some plans for permanent organization, the pres-' ent arrangements being merely tern- ,porary. Prof. Cross Talks in Grand Rapids' Prof. H. R. Cross,uof the fine arts de- partment, will lecture in Grand Rap- ids tonight under the auspices of the Art association on "The Story of American Art." Orpheux Theatre House of Famous Plays by Famous Players Sat., Dec. 5-Return Date, By Request- C hril Scott in, "The Day of Days." Uary Pickford in "As It Is In Life," Re- print Picture. Mon., Tues., Dec. 7--Max Figman in "What's His Name" by Geo. Barr Mc- Coutcheon. Wed., Dec. g-t Day Only-Octovia Hand- worth in "The Path Forbidden" by Jas. rne. Fresh architects meet at 3:00 o'clock today, room 311 engineering building. Web and Flange meet in room 307, new engineering building at 4:00 o'clock today. Posipone Second Religious Service Because of the change of time in the opening of the Christmas vacation, the second of the union religious services, which was to have been held in Hill auditorium, Sunday, December 20, will be held in the Methodist church. As usual, the service will be given under the auspiees of the -Federation of Re- ligious Workers. The program will be arranged by the Methodists, and Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, of San Fran- cisco, will be the speaker; A laundry agency proposition bring- ing good commission is open to a wide- awake student. Address T care Daily. 62-3-4 See the;most phenominal pictures of a touchdown ever made at the Majestic )Ton., Tues., Wed., December 14, 15, 16. 62-07 ANGELI SISTERS 2 Pretty Girls with Pretty Clothes I DODSON & Singers and Dacers d 4 Every Night at 7:30&9:00 Mat.-Tue-Wed-Frl-Sat. at 3 p.m. Phoneil Ph one Best Vaudeville Show of the Season Monday,Iuesday, Wed., Dec. 7,8 LUCAS & FIELD Society Singers Singing Sassy Songs ------------- ---------- MAJESTIC MUSICAL FOUR In a Merry Melange of Mirth & Music' I MLLE, MARTHA "Two Girls in a Sens Ladies nir Matinee Every Tuesday and Friday. nee Every Saturday; Any Child inder 12 Show at Night is Reserved--Seats VG-Max Bloom "'That's MS 1"I - - - - of Music Music Tee Up! Smoke Up! S satisfying as the sounding smack of the perfect drive, is the open-air relish of the perfect smoke-Tuxedo. Both go together, too. When you grab your bag and start for the links, grab up your tin of Tuxedo and take it along. "Follow through" the snappy after- noon with Tuxedo. Put Tuxedo in your pipe and you will "put" the best. And at "the nineteenth hole" rest up and relax with a good,-solid smoke of Tuxedo. That's the ad- vice of good golfers everywhere. v Phone 1242 an"y HOWE ThinS Junio. ALSO CIGARS P GET THAT I E 605 R. William St. WE USE PURE LARD OREN'S CAFETERIA roe Senfor i 1/ I i of these Suits rself in the Mirror You'll buy it J i The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette Tuxedo positively cannot bite-not even if you smoke pipeful after pipeful, as many as you can crowd into a day or a week. Tuxedo is made of only the finest, choicest, selected leaves of perfectly aged Burley tobacco. It is made by the original "Tuxedo Process" which-removes every trace of bite and sting and develops all the wonderful mildness, fragrance and flavor of the Burley Leaf in a way that no other brand of tobacco has ever success- fully imitated. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient pouch Famous green tin, inner-lined with SG with gold lettering. 10C moisture-proofpaper curved to fit pocket In Glass Humidors, 50c and 90c I J E Send us 2 cents in stamps for post- age and we will mail you a souvenir tin of TUXEDO tobacco to any point in the United States. Address I THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY Room 1299 111 Fifth Avenue New York [ !ere are such Suits as young men have never had a chance to faiy before for $25. They are actually cus. tomn tailored Clothes. We cut the patterns for them. They are English Models,- designed especially for young men. As different from ready-made styles as a 1T1; Packard from a five-year old buzz wagon. Smart lines ; sterling quality throughout; every inch a{ thoroughbred. 't be Just One of the Mob in Dress; r One of These Distinctive Models ny imported materials in the assortment, such as Bannockburn Cheviots and lish Serges; soft uninished worsteds; rugged homespuns; patterns not ob- able elsewhere. - - - E 't,.. George Becker, '16, sang the leading tenor role in the cantata "Rose Mai- den," by Cowan, with the choral socie- ty of Pontiac on Monday and Tues- day evenings. Becker has been a pu- ,ail of Mr. William Howland. former head of the vocal department, for the past three years. This fall Becker was engaged as tenor soloist in the choir at Tcmple Beth El, Detroit., More than 500 persons have already enrolled in the Detroit Institute of Musical Art, of which William How- land, formerly head of the vocal de- partment of the university school of music, is a director. Five branches have also been established in differ- ent parts of the city, and at Royal Oak and Pontiac. Mr. Howland will read a paper on "The Vocal Teacher's Opportunity in America's Musical Awakening," at the convention. of the National Music Teachers to be held in Pittsburg, on. December 30. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec. 14, 15, 16-The Majestic will shoivw 'The Trip to Harvard" in, motion pie- tures. 62-67 C Chr s Sggestions for the Home! ALEX CAMPBELL Country Club, Brook-line, Mass. "I am always glad to speak a good word for Tux- edo tobacco. Constant use of it only serves to make it better liked. Its fragrant, soothing flavor makes it the choice of many golfers." ALEX ROSS National Open Champion, 1907. says: "Tuxedo, cool and mild, is essentially the smoke that satisfies. Many ofmyfellow golfers agree with me in giv- ing preference to Tuxedo." The Selecting is Best while the Assortment is unbroken and before the crowds come in. Our Floors are filled with the price is only. $2 . Couldn't duplicate the quality or i made-to-measure Sit for less than $So. interested? workmanship or lg best of d Yankee wait your our Cus- ring De- JORDAN TAILOR Full Dress Waistcoats Very new and fash- ionable to the last de- gree-white Pique Waistcoats for full dress wear. Ten Dollars I FINEST FURNITURE Awaiting your Inspection By this we mean all those objects which go to make a home beautiful, such as Davenports Tables Chairs Rockers Desks Cabinets Portiers Draperies Rugs, etc. and will particularly appeal to you at this Christmas season. WANTED-Space for ad. Watch space tomorrow. Balmacaan suit sale. 334 S. State St this and 62 I Lafayette Boulevard and Wayne Street See in motion pictures at the na- jestic Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 14, 15, 16, the entire croh-d that went to the Harvard game viewing Niagara Falls.1 -..,. 6"-67 Marti. Furniture, Rugs. tam