THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY TH~E MICIGAN DAILV f Swell Christmias I yourself would be a_ ,rcoat tailored in our ini oe from cloths not to be r this town. Stop in an( When y-ou wear it t e you w-on't have to wi s t"A Merry Christmas." e it without wvishing. imitable § [liatched _ d older the fi rst V . . I G. H. WILD CO. vexchaut Tailors auft er g l hristmas r LEAVE YOURIDER NOW and get the Bes~t Selection, or Line of Regular Christmas Cards is the largest in (fly St udents Bookstore Official newspaper at the University of Mlichiga n. Published everyl morning except Moenday during ;the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.50. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 960. Edit'orial Office Phone 2414 H,. Beach Carpenter...... .Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field........ Business Manager Fred Foulk ............... .News Editor F. F. Mcl ihney.......... Associate Editor TF. Hawley 'rapping.......... Associate Editor F. M. Church. .............. Sporting °Editor . hNight Editors vacns \M. Barrett, Jr. [;. Rodgers Sylvestoer 1 . C, Roth - Joseph J. Brotherton Re porters Chester T1. Lang Edw1ard P. Wright hloward R. Marsh J. C. B. Parker Charles \Vein7berg Lee E. Joslyn Edwin A. liyman Eugene L. Bulson 'iom C. Reid L. Greenehaum Irwin C. Johnson Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph iofivan. Arthur. H. Torrey Business Staff Ferris Fitch Edward Mack C. V. Sellers Y. R. Altsheler Delo~s Smith WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, ;1914.: Night Editor-James M. Barrett. AN INCREASED VACATION. P rac tifal considerations .probably had most weight with the senate coun- cil when it decided to begin the Christ- mas recess on the Saturday noon be- fore the holiday. taut, without regard to what occaisionted the, change, the studenit body is appreciative. .Jist how much- interest,.«was- exhibited by the ccamipus concerning the faculty's ac- tioit, may be etim'Ulated by the fact that the walls onl the 'phione In -the office of IThe Daily numfberedt into the hundreds Monday night, Practically everyone connected. with the university is convenienceld by the increased vacation. Everyone is thankt- ful, It is to .be hoped thait, in. the, fu- ture, thle' yar's schedule will be so v a ^ u oall w ;9czf t i t - l e b tw e en the 'dism issal of coilega andl theda,-u of the eventful day. As a result of the favorable step taken this. year, the amount ofi Friday and Saturday beltin&.might well be inii- mnized, as will probably' be the cn .,, 1 next week,. FROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE d and Express Cars for Detroit--7:10o and hourly to 6:1o p. in., also 8:io n. Cars for Detroit-5:4o a. m., 6 :o6 a. mn,- every twio hours to 6 :o6 p. n, 7;o6 p.r S8:o6 p. mn., : io p. mn., and -p.:. . i Ypsilanti onlyv11:15 p. in., 12 :1 p. i., o p. mn., i :oo a. im. id Cars for Jackson-? :46 a. m.. and. "y two hours to 7:46 p.,im. Cars for Jackson-5:i2 a. mi-., 6:51 a. M., every two hours to 6:51 p. rin., also p. mn., 11 :15 P.n . ___ TYPE WRITERS Underwood and other, r h ,~ v high-grade machines,' Bought, Sold, Rented adEchanged at prices ~W~ITNG & consistent with quality. EWRTIN &MIMEOGRAPHING T'YPEWRITING SUPPLIES 0. D. MORRILL (Over Baltimore Lunch) iState St. Phone 682"J; .d We. are better prepared thant ever before to meet your wan-ts for the tall and Winter of 1}14 - T; DRS' 4OODS, NOTIONS- Ready, to wear.. Thie store that alw ays treats you fair 14 S. M'AIN PHONE iooos I Oliver Morosco has sent his New York company on tour this season wit Elsa Ryan in the leading role of "Peg 0' My Heart." The company is sched- uled for matinee and night, December 19, at the Whitney theater. The cast includes Thomas Holding, Alice But- ler, Robert Forsythe, Vivian Gilbert, Agnes Heron Miler, Sydney Mather, h'erbert Ashton and Marie Merla, as well as Miss Ryan. This is the com- pany that is now playing at the Gar- rick theater in Detrot. ''he lower women's section it Deutscher Vrein meets at 7 :00 o'clock tonight. The weekly Y. W. C. A. vesper se- vice will be observed at. Newberry hall from 5:00 to 5:30 o'clock this af- ternoon. Vera Burridge. '15,wi'I speak. Tickets for the junior women'sl luncheon, to be hld in Barbour gym- nasium at :12 :15 o'clock Saturday a- tern oon, may be obtained from Isa- belle Hicks, '16, cairman of the luncheon committee, or from members of the social committee. Dancing will follow the luncheon, at 2:30 o'clock. The Women's League 'has purchased a seing machine, which has been- ,lacd in Barbour gymnasium for the general use of university women. Ar- rangements as to time should be made in advance with Mrs. Blackburn, The meeting of, Omega Phi, which was to be held today, has been post- poned until next 'Wednesday, at the Gamma Phi Bieta house. 'All university women are invited toj the annual Episcopal Girls' club sup- r 'to be given at H-arris hall tomor- row. Tickets cost 25 cents and may be obtained from Edna Bromley, 16, Jane Hicks, '15, ,Elizabeth Bostwik, '15, or at Harris hall. Il4ectrify Spur, Track to Storehouse In compliance with the request of the city of Ann Arbor, the spur track running from the tracks of the Michi- gan Central railroad to the university storehouse has been electrified. The track crosses several streets, and the city officials refused to allow the use of a steam locomotive. The use of electricity also permits more effective switching on the part of the university; and simplifes the switching to a great extent. The track which runs along the side of the power house is used fay bringing coal to that building, and also for bringing sup- plies to the university storehouse. Senior To Give Tal&k On South Ara W. S. James, '15, will give a talk on South Africa, at a meeting of the Cos- I ";It's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary." just as in the Spanish-American War, "A Hot Time in the Old Tlown" became the favorite song of the American soldiers, in the European war, a popular ditty has become the favorite war song of the soldiers of the Allies. FIT'S A LONG, LONG WAY' TO TIPPERARY" has sprurr&.into world- wide popularity, It is whistled, sung and played everywhere. We also have "Tipperary" on the Victor Record, both as a song and a band number. Come in and -hear it at "~The Horae of Michigan Music" Utversit' fU-Sic lbOuse Only Four weeks 'tii Xmas Leave your order NOW for P''ersonal Xmas Cards See, also to your W. offer boat, ClubbingF Ra.tes ors. Porlodlopa is MAIN STT Wahrs Book stores. R Corner Maynard and William St*zeets 4+ Cutting Winds of.Winter needs a Paper Vest 5oC .The Druggists on the orner. State and N. University cvpt Plover.s SA :lt 't,iPeab : r&Cc ,,i r: .".n kes lot of Palms and s for Decorating Just .tsor the novelty of. the thing. why does not the police department apprehend an occasional middle-of-the- night visitor" jNot every studen~t is poor but proud who shaves before he goes to the bar- ber'shop fpr his nvont ly hair" cut. Harboring two presidential hope- fuls w ithin two weeks, Frill auditorium is stornlg up memories. Rs$%6 81 9%I~l 12th Fat. and S. Univ. Ave. 1Pho Ie 113 r ED. Y. 1,11CC & CO. THE L E ] TLE SCHOO7IL#A ST11 - SAYS: "You Can Always Bank on 'Buzz' Caleti! " e WIN "'Time Poap"Iar Place" TRADE-MARK CONTEST ii One weakling rises to inquire if a larger gym will include more heat and t more hot water, It is so near now that even the more duill among us may begin to figure the mi nutes.. The humno r magazines will soon be encouraging the yearling to write to Temple Theatre Mon., Dec. 7-On the Isle of Samne (with Maria~n Nes-bit). Tues., Dec. 8--The Plum Tree (with Francis X. Bushman). 'Wedl., Dec. 9-Mlartin (Jhizzlelniit (with Isabel Rea). TPhurs., Dec. io-Perils of Pauline (j_5 story). Fri., Dec. iu-Moving Picture Cow-boy (with Tom Mix). Beloved Adventurer (with Arthur Johnson). Sat., Dec. U2--The Devil's Signature (with Richard Trovers-). Mary Pickford in The Thiree Sisters. CQM 1NG NEXT WEEK- Marguriter Courtot in "The Barefoot Boy," Order HILL'IS SWEET CIDER,. Phone 2140,, why not have it delivered rerularly b1 or tri- waeckly ? Many do. Always fresh. No preser- vatives used. Visit the will at the orchard,. KENMORE *ROOK ORCHARDS Arcade Theatre NNonday-Tuesday, December 4-$. " LOLA" another Shubert feature with, Clara Kimball Young in the difficult title role., Wednesday-Thursday, December 9g-10. To be announced. Friday-Saturday, December 11-12, ANDREW- MACK noted Irish Come- dian and character actor in the comedy-, drama "THE RAGGED EARL." II S,et l e o m o d t High Shoe Wleat hier IsHre Wehave all styles of black anid tag s hoe nta mop olitan club at 3:30 o'clock Sunday, in1 the Cosmopolitan club rooms. Fol- Not ver naionl poitiiancanlowing the talk, regular routine bus- jtake refuge in Hamlet. ns will be transacted, See In motion Pictures 1Michigan's Percy [I. scarcely need complain GrandI Old ,s o, President Angell. also about hard times. Vreslid ni Hutchins and the deans of - each department At the : ajest a Mon., The half day doesn't bother the over- #'fTes., Wed., December 14, 15, 16. worked lits. I 6"-7 and Lifer, Corbin and Am- phy are not a bit behind. Our 'Track candidates should be putting in appearance good and strong-where are all these clean-heeled chaps who were so enthusiastic earlier this Fall? Nothing like giving Coach. Farrell the right -sort of Support ! i in prices .ranging from $3.5o to_$.o Wahr's Shoe Stores State and.Man Sts. "Call a Taxi" - If yotire a little short on "1)ep" just see hred Gross, 4th &Liberty Sts., for an Ed. V. Price &. Co., tailoreddto-order suit and Overcoat and leave your nmeasure-Today ! Then yonu'll lead theta..all from getaway,,Qver hurdles to. the finish, See the: student's cheering -section in the "Bldock Vii" at tile Pennsylv'ania gamne in motion pictures at the.laes. tic lion., Tutes., Wed" 1Dec. 14, 159 16.' 62-67 See Michigan's Band in "Block W'l on Solier's Field at the MTajestic The- aitre Ion,, Tuies", Wed., Dec. 14, 15, 16. 62-67 There are three enfptyr places at the, Linda Vista. 62 X M A SI Phone 2280 kT Not WE RS S A T AND EY T. SIL1tERSM05 aNNARg R J E 111 E L R Y" 5 EI WAN KING LOO' comp- UP AND TRY George's Chop Suey. Delicious Chinese and American Dishes. 341 S. State St. Phone 1244 L ?Norinal Choir. Frederick Alexander, Conductor. Mixfed chorus of 200 voices in a pro- gram of Christmas Music, aIla cap- pella., Thursday, Dec. 10, at 8 p. m. in Normal Hall, Ypsilanti. Traditional carols, French and German; composed by Praetorlus, Mozart, Cornelius~ Ce- sar Franck, Grieg and Beethoven. Ad- mission $1.00. Entire prograix to be repeated in Detroit at St. Paul's Cathedral, Sun- day, Dec. 13, 7:30 p. in. Detroit pro- duction is under the patronage of the Taicabs, Limousines, Touring Cars and Auto Baggage Trucks at~) 515 E. Liberty Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. _. ' ____