vi C I I gan Dat y I NOW $2.00 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER '8, 1914. TTHIEF ROBS THREE FRAT HOUSES OO , Local "Scotland Yard. Men" Think That Amateur Yegg Did Work Three fraternity houses, Phi Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi, and Delta Theta TODAY Phi were robbed Saturday night, of leves That Dr. Jokichi Takamine addresses Amer- articles and money ranging in value ilotics ican chemical society, room 151, from $50 to $150. None of the thieves Che sry bualdng, s4:1 o'Tlock. h has been apprehended, nor any clue ercieFrancaais meets in Tappan hal, 5:00 u'lok. found as to their identity. OURES Keystone club dinner, Michigan Union, The significant fact in regard to the iK DONE 6:09 o'clock. robberies. is that a comparatively Junior lit smoker, Michigan Unon' small amount of valuables was taken er Field 7:0 o'clock. in each case. At the Delta Theta Phi r~ ~ TOMORROW house only 50 dollars was taken, and Prof. E. lR. Turner gives illustrated at the other houses a watch and cash letics for lecture on "Historic London," room amounting to about $100 was taken rsity, was 101, economics building. in each case. It is upon these facts Vaughan, Meeting of all students interested in that the police base their theory that n a state- fencing, trophy room, Waterman the work was that of an amateur yegg- in whi- gymnasium, 4:30 o'clock. man. With opportunity for a big haul ate f4ci- "Speechless" membership dinner, a professional burglar would have , express- Michigan Union, 6:00 o'clock.. kept at his work until interrupted, and asent-yt would not have been contented with and advo two or three small articles of loot.s ta veto- TOTO CONTRACT OF CARLISLE COACH 1 Roor tra * QUIETS RUMOR OF LOSING YOST SaW !anE Rumors t:af:CJah Fielding H. Yost ______-was considering offers from the Uni-1 uonas u ; Toastmaster Schradzki W ll Be$S - versity of Pittsburg'to coqh its foot-f on which Articulator at Union Feast S ball team, were put to rest yesterday.t okng to Tomorrow NIwht Graduate Manager Davis, of the Pitts-t toes otorro- Nburg Institution, announced that GlennI UStCTleEOFW E RANGE .S. Warner, forner Carlisle Indiant coach, had signed a contract to coach aughan, h'nvesta itbrg team for umnaiun Something entirely new in the line the University of Pittsbu art uof Union membeship dinners s offer- the next hree years. ~,iyeac± I ~It is understood that Coch Yosts Sfor at.. ed to members at 6:00 o'clock tomor- it ns undertake to coach yot- Average row night. There woi't be a word ergtheprgram ex -er institution than the University of be reach- spoken by anyone on Michigan, and that when his work heret iefit from pept Harold Schradzki, '15L, who will is done, he will withdraw from the preside and intoduce the musical i edf tourse in nubers. He has admitted, however, feld. Ii credt to everal members of the committee aation the in charge, that lie may forget himself miatics r for e moment or two, and throw a fewT pherhap#, sidlights on varous. mattrs ' t hum- V0,C UN_ bicycling, orous import. fol long Amfng the musical numbers, which Ssude.t wil eatuire the speecless program, S 1J O f#NX y the are selectiois by the varsity quartette,. --- f outd oor consisting of Kenneth Westerman, '14, Senate Council Denies Petition In ItsA io matter Chase Sikes, '16E, S. T. Ajden, '17, Original form, Asking holiday ' and one other member of the Glee To Commence on Friday, > the ulti- club. A saxaphone number will be December 18 is .prcpo- rendered by S. M. Lewinstein, '17H,-- the year andF. C. Wheeler,'15E. J. S. Wick- TURNS J-0OP MATTER OVER TO sted the wire, '18E, and E. L. Zeigler,- '18, will DECISION OF ENTIRE SENATE g, which play a piano and violin duet. George on Ferry P- :Becker, '16, will render several vo- Women in Engineering DepartmentI ain lock- cal selections. There will be at least Secure Right of Forming wimaming pone other number, which will be an- . T Square Society ch would nounced tomorrow..-- e accord- 'Tickets at 50^cants each, are now on Christmas vacation will commence act as a sale at the desk and by members of the Saturday noon, December 19. Thisn committee. More than 50 had been was the decision reached by the sen-n by 'hilt? disposed of up to last night. ate council, at a special meeting call-1 lasses in '_ed last night, to consider a petition,v n Vaugh- presented by the student council con- i the uni- A QIRE INDUSTRIAL RECORDS mitte, asking that the opening datep alk prop- of the vacation be changed from Dec. It percen- Statiscs Present American Conditions 22, to Dec. 18. The petition in itss rt in any -land Probable War Effets form was denied. the blen- Statstics regarding the condition A petition asking for the reinstate-s of'the industries of America, and the ment of the J-Hop was presented to d system probable effects of the European war the senate council, and, after discus-o cited the on these various industries, are In- sion, was referred to the universityo e schools corporated in a tabular statement sent senate, at its next regular meeting,, .)i to the economics department recently- the date for which has not yet beena It has been prepared by the Alexan- fixed.s - der Hamilton Institute under the re- George McMahon and Don Smith,A FRIDAY search department. presidents of the junior literary ande Included among the things tabulated junior engineering classes respective-e erry At are the number of people engaged in ly, were admitted to the meeting, andf At each separate -industry, the amount of presented their views in favor of the ak at the capital used, the value of the annual hop.l d at 7:30 production, the total exports with the An application from a group ofg A musI- per cent going to Europe; the total im- women, in the engineering depart-g uged. A ports with the per cent coming from ment, asking permission to form then harles C. Europe, and then the probable effect T Square society, as a campus organi-e ady, '16L,, of the war on that particular indus- zation, {ias received and approved.1 nley Rob- try, including in this, the effect on the o ar songs. foreign trade, the effects on the prices ichiganensian Art Competition Opensi F. Croc- at home, and lastly, whatever other Competitors for art work in the 19150 h will in- general efects ,may result from the Michiganensian, will meet tomorrowa war's influence. evening at 7:30 o'clock, in the Michi- by C. L. The tabulation has been prepared ganensian office. The art work for the' ose, '15L, with the idea of showing at a glance, year book will comprise chapter head-a in, while the comparative importance of the ings for the various departments. Thes k Stamp- leading industries in the United States prizes, which will be awarded , fol-. e several and the probable effects of the war on low: first, $20; second, $10; third, $10;1 them. fourth, copy of the Michiganensian.- r- ._..,---- PLAN CORNELL FENCING MATCH February Set as Date of First Duel With Eastern College Interest has been stimulated in fencing this year by the announce- ment thatan aggregation of foil art- ists will journey to Cornell next Feb- ruary. This is the first eastern inter- collegiate match scheduled, in the his- tory of fencingat Michigan. It is known that Michigan will find a worthy foe in the Red team, as it won the eastern intercollegiate cham- pionship two years ago, and was sec- ond only to Columbia last season. No other important matches have been scheduled thus far, but there are sev- eral in view, and it is possible that the team will meet Chicago univer- sity again this year. Prospects for a good fencing team are bright, as there is a larger amount of talented material to pick from than ever before. Prospective tryouts, as well as members of last year's team, will meet at 4:30 o'clock tomorrow af- ternooh in the trophy room of Wat- erman gymnasium. COACH MACKLIN OPPOSES PLAN OF SHIFTING FARMER CONTEST Coach John F. Macklin, of the Mich- igan Agricultural college, is authority for the statement that he is opposed to any change being made in the usual date for the playing of the Michigan- M. A. C. game. He stated that all agi- tation for an earlier date is unauthor- ized. "What I want is an easier game the week following the Michigan contest," said Coach Macklin on the subject. "As it is, we are now playing the Wolver- ines a week later than heretofore, and the' date is satisfactory, for it gives the boys an incentive to get into fight- ing shape earlie in the season." AND VAUGHANJOIN Michigamua and Sphinx Go On Record As Favbring Movement For Better Facilities in Gymnasium VAUGHAN DECLARES EQUIPMENT OF BUILDING IS INADEQUATE Petitions Circulating Among Students Receive Large Number Of Signatures , Campus agitation for increased gym- nasium facilities received the endorse- ment of Michigamua and Sphinx, sen- ior and junior honor societies, -when vigorous resolutions favoring the present movement were unanimously passed yesterday, and will be placed before the Regents at their coming session. The action taken by. Michigama and Sphinx was similar to that taken on Sunday by Druids, senior literary hon- or society, and which other campus organizations are expected to take be- fore the present campaign comes ,to a close. The proposition i. to be pre- sented to Griffins, all-campus society, Archons, junior law society, and the engineering organizations, and it is expected that all of them will take favorable action. In a statement yesterday afternoon, Dean Victor C. Vaughan pronounced the present facilities at Waterman gymnasium as inadequate to meet the needs to which they are put. This expression of opinion by the universty medical head came following a tour of inspection of the Waterman gym- nasium,.during which he made a thor- ough examination of the locker rooms and shower baths. The petitions which are now being circulated on the campus, and which are intended to express the student sentiment in favor of the gymnasium project, are gaining new signatures in large numbers. From several of the (Continued on Page 4.) SMITTEN BY CUPID'S SHAFTS SOPH UT ELOPES TO DETROIT For several months Francis C. Hayward, '17, has found studying an irksome and prosaic occupation. When he sat down to work with a book in hand, his thoughts would drift from the pages to people and places far re- mote., Nothing would induce his mind to concentrate upon the scholarly task before hin. The secret of it all was a girl. Dan Cupid had smitten the would-be-student and the sting of his darts was beyond cure. But Hayward solved the problem Saturday night by going into Detroit, and eloping with Emma Major, of that city, the girl of his dreams. She Is 19 years old, younger than her husband. When asked yesterday, if there was any particular bit of romance connect- ed with the marriage, Hayward's room- jnate stated that the couple had, been close friends for three years. DEVOTES SHARE OF FUNDS TO C HARU1TY Either Local Poor or Belgians Will Receive $100 From Profits Of Kermess Play PRICE FIVE MODE OFELECI Board of Directors Adopts e B id of D r c o s do t eFor Selecting Assistants Varsity Athletic Managers EACH ASSISTANTSHIP ALL( ROOM FOR EIGHT TO ' From This N1umber Four Willt] ted; Name Two of These Final Selection Radical changes in the ru erning the election of the stu sistants to the Varsity footh: ball, and track managers, we ed by the board of director athletic association, at a mee terday. The new rules were subs the form of resolutions, from mittee consisting of John '16L, and W. B. Palmer, '15. port stated that the method no is inadvisable, because comp narrowed down too early to good choice; that there is no to work after the assistants a en, and that election is based on campus popularity. The new plan provides for ination of eight men for eac assistantships, instead of foi present. Of this eight, four elected assistants, and the these who have shown'thems the nominating committee to most capable, will be nomin the varsity maaagership. will be by the popular vote members of the athletic associ at present. In case the nominating boar es that no men, or only one, is to the nomination for manage respective sport, the power is the board of directors to nam EXECUTE SPANISH DANCEI SIX To the etxent of donaing 100 dollars of the Kermess box office receipts to local charity, some 100 women wi-ll dance, sing, and act on the stage of Hill auditorium Saturday night, to help mitigate the suffering of Ann Arbor unfortunates. Just what 'or- ganization will be benefited, has not yet been decided, and there is a pos- sibility of giving the money to help swell the Belgian Relief fund, but the majority of the committee are in fav- or of the latter plan. Approximately 1,000 tickets have been, sold thus far, according to Min- erva Bowen, business manager. The heaviest sale was reported at the desk at the Union and at Wahr's book store. The pasteboards may be had at 25 cents each. Honor Gaines, '16, will assume the responsibilities of head page. A bug- ler, dressed in the traditonal garb, will announce, and conduct the various numbers on the program. The Spanish dance, LaCachuea, will be ushered in and accompanied by a picked string orchestra of the Man- dolin club. Mandolin and guitar art- ists will compose the group of accom- panists. Six women will be included in the dance, led by Helen Elq, '14. Alice Evans, director of Barbour gym, is daily lending her assistance to the training of the dances, devot- ing the chief portion of her time to "The Dance of thd Hours." MEMBER OF MICHIGAN GUARDS TO ADDRESS RIFLE CLUB MEN Feels Sure That Michigan l arksmen Can Use Range of State 1oi ftia; -Will Report Later Major Pack, of the Michigan Nation- al guards, who has been a prime-mov- er in the organization of the Rifle club,I will speak at the meeting of the gun- men in room 311 of the new engineer- ing building at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night. Major Pack feels confident that the Michigan marksmen can use the rifle range of the state militia, and after further investigation, will give a final report. His interest in the university rifle societies is not confined to the present organization, but he was also active in the organization of that na- ture which existed in the university some years ago, With the rapid progress that is be- ing made, it is likely that the Michigan Rifle club will be able to put a team in the field to compete in class C, withl such institutions as Dartmot'h, Mis- souri, Lehigh, Columbia, . and Penn State; ager was change time as the ele and track main come effective it on a. competitiv may run by pet The resolutior of the duties of to aid the intram takes pa , or have his propose n Vaughan lowed in th4 d on Page.4 PROF. I Year Men To MakeI Smoker Union Tonigb >f. David Friday will spe r lit smoker to be held k tonight at the Union. rogram has been arra g quartet composed of C augh, '16L, Eugene E. Ek 'S. Switzer, '16, and Stai , '16, will render popul ,walian ukekele trio, W. '16, Eady and Ashbaugb ce this instrument. baret capers introduced rick, '15, and B. B. Bo( also feature the progra r Scanlon, '16L and Fran school of music, will giv The board granted the juni two extra sets of numerals, procured at the expense of th The list of men to receive the : was ratifled. To determine and ratify the 15 fresh engineers, who are ceive their numerals, a commit sisting of Intramural Directoi C. H. Lang, '15, and W. B. Pal was appointed. A committee consisting of Johnson, '16L, and W. B. Par was named to investigate suit signia to be awarded this yea cer team. PERCY HAT'GHTON DRAWS Harvard's Share of Receipts i With Eli Large Harvard's championship eleven cost about $25,000 to be ed this fall. The single large was .the salary paid Coach Haughton. As head coach, Per down a -meagre $7,500. The sistant coaches also drew sub remunerations. The team's traveling expens light, as only one game was away from the stadium. This encounter in the Yale Bowl, ar yard's division of the $120,000 from this encounter were of s proportions to at least guaras continuance of the game at Can 9 ill Auditorium GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLUB TjAX Thursday Dec. 10th 8 PS.M. Co CERT 2 BIT Features by the Rag Pickers Quartet and the Midnight Sons