1 'lie g H I I $. I- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 8SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1814. - . a. s Lette, of auditori- . of the is' for IN" GYGMVE3N RISLFSsJH L. TODAY Drcoso1M Cu'n ebr DnigNibr ttatEtnieIre4,ixnen at C14 0.H .Wernicke speaks at Michigan Board in Control of Athletics Atnina eera fForced to F Un ion, 3:008o'clock. AttAittinentiaRe arsa of t James Schermerhorn at the "Y" meet-ofCreomnS ing, Majestic theater, 6:30 o'clock. ___ Dr. A. A. Neuman addresses Menorah PROPOSAL FOR IN~CREASED E&Y3 CATHJERINE REIGHJIARD, '15i, MADE I" SAlNIT RY C( oceyNweryhl,8:00 o'clock.* FACILITIES TO BCE SUBMITTED RSA FRENETIMET BE FOUND IN TOMORROW Hundreds of Students- Sign Petition Production Will G~o Down on Record It Seems That 01 Ann" Arbor Civic Association banquet to Be Presented to asBgetSetce_~ie isi to Varsity football team, at the Ar- Regents 'Without Men T N[e CERIERON mory, 6:30 o'clock. '__ forbeter ymnsiu fa "Fom he howng adeby he 00speaker on the Y. ItI. C. A. programI Bathing facilitie Agitation ftobete ghnaiumfnaFrmiuemhoiareae butes10z Senator Robert :M. LaFollette speaks cit.s rceveda ig mptusyeter wrnin aeufoat in I-ill auditorium, 8:00 o'clock. iiisrcivdabgiptu etr oen in the cast of the Kermess at _________________ __ _ _ _ _day from the directors of the "M" yetedyaftroo'erheraloatee fonrriini f the.Teoy y~l n h aysuetsgaue otesturday atonigh swileofhigsa o h dr eserviheforty ~ ~ERNICKETO ~ ~~ club, the board in control of athletics, entire program, the entertainment next IJLB IIfU II 2shwrbt, pro T IR E H N TOf'I KIT 9 K2 therm aseec pn h ysuetitionsatrto somt e tudy ihtwllb o igIrdr showesere for ATO IN M E I G paed nothe regents. smeparts of it approaching the pro-K;AThMAJESTIaableeto The directors of the Varsity club fessional in their excellence," was the Isoeswr r abet comdT [ T M J S I TUl' E ING pse nenthusiastic resolution of statement of Bert St. John, when n . ingh gm support for the student movement, and terviewed last night. Detroit's Advocate of "Clean Sheet" The showers are Graned Rapids Business Man Speaks to offered to aid in "arousing alumni sup- The dancing, which has been coach- Speaks on "Y" Programn. for th students~, Students on Commerclai Life pr for relief from the present unsat- ed by Director St. John, includes, many at 60;30 O'clock the large freshmx This Afternoon r numbers put on the professional stage. nearly 200 stud4 isfactory conditions In addition, a number of new fancy HAS YISITED MICHIGAN OF'TN the systeiti is at MlUSICIAN~S RENDER PROGRAM The members of the board in control steps will be shown, and many men ar ____discussed the matter, and informed the Large posters, announcing the af-I As the speaker for the Majestic g ym1 without batl Members of the Union will have the student backers of the present cam- fair, wer~e distributed yesterday after- meeting to be held at G:38 o'clock to- The showers the opportunity at 3:00 o'clock this after- paign, of the action of the board more noon. The design was drawn by Ray-nihteuvrsyY.I.C.Ahafcoynds - than a year ago in calling the atten- Mond Perkins, ,15A, and shows the ightenvrsti.xiC . a acoyngasystmt noon of hearing 0. H. L. Wernicke,tionof the rgns oteneed fr m* fgueof aGreek dacig3omn. seurd Tme Shemehoneditor mxn ytmt ilonregu~sto ue or m- ~gur a ±~n~ngwomn. ams ~ture of the - ater president of the Macey Company of provement in the gym facilities. At yesterday's rehearsal, Catherine of the Detroit Times. Mr. Schermer- lgi vrpee Girand Rapids. He will take for his A committee wvas appointed by the Reighard, '15, was appointed Marshall horn is becoming one of Ann Arbor's hot water availab subject some phase of practical busi- board in control to lay the matter be- of the whole production. Her authori- wyell-known speakers, having appear- The 24 showers Hess life, fore the regents, and although the at- ty will rank next to that of Director ed at the recent football smoker. He ity to the equipm nadiintMrWrnkestltention of the regents was called to St. John. was also one of the speakers in the university athletic IadiintMrWencestlconditions, as fair as the members of Tickets for the Kermess may be ob- Mblzto"capin whn ettyfrte195 ~everal musical numbers will be given, the athletic board know nothing fur-. twined at the Fries~s art store on Main talkedzbeforeth cign c nhapto f rsltely,950 Hugo C. Johnson, '18, will render a vo- ther has been done. street, and of Mrs. Blackburn at Bar- Sigma Delta Chi, the honorary jour- The floors of tb cal solo. A sextette of mandoilin strum- Although there were few classs our gym, in addition to the places nalistic fraternity. unhygienic, and tl miers composed of R.. G. Day, '17E, D. yesterday, several hundred students named in the announcement. They Throughout the newspaper world, tion of the qutartE B. Gardiner, '17E, Rix St. Clair, '17, signed the petitions to the regents for will also be placed on sale to all stu- Ml, Schermerhorn is recognized as the presence of la E. K. Marshall, '17, H. H. Whitingham, increased gymnasium facilities. The dents of the university, in the corridors one of the most progressive editors in rooms. In the p 17E, and G. L. Tesler, '17E, will offer petitions are at the Mihigan Union, of the general library on Wednesday, the field. During the past several however, there se selections. The Michigan Daily, and Huston's. Thursday, and Friday. years, he has made a number of rad- lief, and only an - - ------ They will be there most of next week, As this is the largest function, open ical changes in the policy of his paper, ent structure or Union Continues Job Assignment (Yor~k but it is essential that those who care to the public, which has ever been pro- that have attracted widespread atten- relieve the utnsat Among several student applicants to sign them, should do so at once, in duced enti T~y 'y~ women of the uni- tion~. Among these mi'ay be mentioned' for work at the Michigan Union em- order that they may be prepared for vorsity, it is expected thtat an audience, his refusal to allow any liquor or pat- ploymient bureau this week end, one presentation to the regents in time for which will fill Hill auditorium, will ent medicine advertisements to ap- ff w a ug p ie with tab eea d y o k a a t on i e a i a tersec mbreceivedet th op nigddmb r atgda.p anig hhe colmThe hi p pe.tM1 ng nw ill, nd obers rprecededin . n gh . T e ee ilg wil eA Yec de B R I1R I obs. The distributing of two card- - moving pictureprgawihwl writing jobs, two openings at kitchen begin at 6:10 o'clock.F IfA1 work and two or three odd jobs wereFE L W fmn h eas atviisduigSUCCESS COMES TO FOOTBALL PLAYERS ( BFERNELONAFECTONFE W EI.LLULI then latheue a'sa ctivitiesduringAFERNON R CTONFEECEWILlghLaue Inni'rnnimi nn tas nimmirn Rnnnraiu ptihtVn I 11111 lose of light foi Antiqua F : ..,..:.,. 1:111&-I UEEEEEWiUE 11111111uII 1h HINbLNII IProfessor Hlollister, Expresses G~reat Pleasure Ov'er Second Performanco PLAY DECLARED WYELL-BALANCED One of the best balanced plays ever > presented by the Oratorical associa- tjion, seems to sum up the general opin- ion of the appreciative audience which turned out to see the final production of "A Curious Mishap" given in Ui Un-versity Hall last evening. >' 1 Prof. R. D. Hollister, director of the production, was well. pleased with the performance, and said that theexri epr-ence gained from the previous night's performance served to give a more fin- fished presentation. Frances Hickok, '15, Walter Petti-, .ti cord, '14-'16L, Louis Etch, grad., Les- lie Lisle, 114-'17L, Bess Baker, '15, }. and Ethyl Fox, '15, won much applause for their clever presentation of their various parts. Chines84 ,, t'01., .rid Ma F OLLET E C O -T hursda l SENATOR RIllER 1' M. LAJVOLLETTL, Hill Auditorium ill auditorium itomorrowv night on "Representative Govern. SUINUJ I UMVUBBUV tBanquet Will Be Tendered 1914 Eleven Bly Civic Association at Armory RECENT .E. BEAL 'OASTIM4STER Accommodations for 300 men have *been arranged by the Ann Arbor Civic *association for the banquet which they t will tender the 1914 football team, at z 6:30 o'clock tomorrow evening at the Armory. Tickets, at one dollar a. plate, are on sale at the Michigan Un- ion, Huston Brothers, Switzer's Hard- *ware s ore and at the local banks, the sale to be continued until Monday noon. *Regent Junius E. Beal will act as, toastmaster, and will call on Prpse- cuting Attorney Burke. E. F. Mills and several of tho gridders for speech- es; It is also possible that Dean Bates 3of the law department andl Ex-Mayor *Codd of Detroit will be present to talk (Continued on page 6) For the purpose of bringig univer- sity women into direct contact with the speakers of the women's Voca- tional conference, to be held in this city, January 7, 8 and 9, informal re- ceptions will be held imnmediately af- ter the afternoon meetings of the con- ference. A luncheon will be held at noon on the last day of the conference, Saturday.' The, entire daily program of the conference will be announced in the near' fututre.j Checker Men Hold Business Meteting No decision as to whether or not thej University of Alichigan will be repre- 0 flltfrl 0at+1h Nnnc.+an Tntnrooll(,21o~l FRiEE TICKI Waldo Fello the profession, * who, while in leadin~g campu on his act ati on December ran~ge to get engagement fc to for Tuesday, east of Ann Arb~or, andi woutld be ble to make a special trip to Chi during the holidays, a renewed e will be made by the club to have annual match postponed to some during the spring vacation. It was decided at the meetini have Chess and Checker club rern e nt e M eb g n ni nt i own. wvhe n Thes ' + . eSondB THKC utjmdofllziClub C'ELRT ;8 P. M. Twenty-five Cents Class Presidents Will Sign Petitionf Class presidents, who have been au- thorized by their respective classes to cooperate in the movement for the Junior hop, will meet at some time between 9:30 o'clock and 12:30 o'clock this morning in the rooms of the Engi-. x neering society to sign the J-Hop pe- tition.1 jAt a meeting of the Michigar ter 'of the Brotherhood of St.I last night in iHarris hall, definite of organization were adopted,e 'chapter roll was called. The per officers elected for the year Irin C. Johnson, '16, directs George S. Johnson, '14, secreta treasurer. ______. in Majestic James Sc ermerhorn Movies 6:10to 6:30 "Testing the Beatitudes", P. M.