ING $2.00 I IC ich igan Daily SUBSCRIBE NOW $2.00 :X, No. 58. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1914. PRICE FIVE ------------- IM INSUFFICIENT ~0 MEETDEMANDS ferent Athletics Tax Facilities, Requiring Basketball Practice At Night MEROUS CLASSES RESTRICT 'RACK MEN TO SHORT PERIODS 7 PCK CARROLL FOR ER15 C-C-C CAPTAIN ENGINEERS TRY TO INCREASE SOCIETY xtend Structure 50 Feet East and West Ends and SouthSide in Waterman gymnasium is inadequate for the demands which are put upon it, and Michigan's athletics will suffer more seriously than ever this winter from the cramped conditions. Varsity athletics, the many class teams, the different tournaments and clubs of the minor indoor sports, and the main- moth freshman gym classes bring about a congestion which is a severe handicap upon the Wolverine athletes. Basketball, which is the principal indoor class sport, is restricted to night practice. Four evenings a week, when there are no first year gym classes, the class athletes are allowed to use the main floor, but there are so many teams that each one gets but two 20 minute periods a week for prac- tice. Minor sports show the same unsat- isfactory accommodations. Wrestling and fencing enthusiasts are restricted to the use of a small room between them, each group having three days a week available. The boxing room is probably the most crowded of any of this class of sports, although the handball courts are always overcrowd- ed at the available hours. Track Men Hampered Varsity sport is also a victim of the cramped quarters. In track, the field men especially are hampered, the gym classes restricting them to but a few hours in the late afternoons. The equipment of Waterman gym is also inferior to that of most university Athletec plants, and Michlgan's track men must run on 35 yard dashes and 40 yard kurdle distances, which aver- age ten yards shorter than the dis- tances in the gymnasiums which the Wolverines compete in abroad. The distance track is also much smaller than most gyms, and Michigan's 14 lap track compares poorly with the 12 and 10 lap indoor ovals of her principal rivals. Indoor track is of little importance from the student standpoint, because of the limited accommodations for the five annual meets. Owing to the danger of the inferior exits of the present gym, but 500 spectators are allowed to attend. Even this number is de- clared unsafe by the athletic author- ities, as danger from the weights and other apparatus is still an important factor. Could Enlarge Gym Relief for the present conditions is seen by Varsity athletes and interested students in the proposition to enlarge the present structure. The main floor could be extended 50 feet on both the west and east ends, and on the south the structure could be carried flush with Doctor May's office. This would give needed room for basketball courts on the main floor, a beter track on the balcony, athletic offices on the first floor, better boxing, wrestling and fencing rooms on the second floor, and much needed locker and bathing facil- ities in the basement. The present shower accommodations in the basement are inadequate for the large gym classes. There are but 24 showers, and many of the classes con- tain 180 students. Put About 50 New Volumes in Library About 50 volpmes of Jewish history and literature have been placed in the general library by the National Meno- rah society. They will be made avail- able as soon as they can be classified and catalogued. TODAY Oratorical association presents, "A Curious Mishap," University hall, 8:00 o'clock. Colorado club banquet, Michigan Un- ion,6 :00 o'clock. Fresh lit class meeting, Economics lecture room, 4:00 o'clock. Junior lit class meeting, room 203 Tap- pan hall, 4:00 o'clock. Griffins' dance, Granger's academy, 9:00 o'clock. Junior engineer mechanics ball, Mich- igan Union, 9:00-1:00 o'clock. TOMOR~ROW "Freshman Spread," to all first-year women, Barbour gymnasium, 8:00 o'clock. Oratorical Association play, "A Curi- ous Mishap," University Hall, 8:00 o'clock. Membership dance, Michigan Union, 9:00 o'clock. Chess and Checkers club, Michigan Union, 7:30 o'clock. Catholic Students Will (ive :lance Members of the Catholic Students' club will. give a dance in St Thomas hall from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock tomor- row. An auction dance will feature the affair. Tickets are being sold at 25 cents. REQUEST FOR 1000 SUITS HAS RETURN 3ake Response To Efforts To Secure Clothing For Shipment To Needy Belgians BANNERS ADVERTISE CAMPAIGN In response to the appeal of the com- mittee in charge of the campaign to furnish 14M0 suits.for the suffering Belgians, a number of contributions have been made. Some of these have come from faculty men. The senior lit class at a meeting donated $10.00 to the fund, and it is expected that other classes will follow its lead. The banners to advertise the cam- paign have been put up, and the sys- tem of collection of offerings from fraternity houses by automobiles will be started today, and will be continued tomorrow. The campaign has been lengthened to Monday, and the Church of Christ, on South University avenue, across from Memorial hail, will be open at all hours of the day to receive any contributions. Suits of clothing are especially desired, but anything will be taken. The Arcade theater has offered 1000 tickets to be sold among the students, the profits to go to swell the fund. A committee probably will be formed to distribute them among the stu- dent body. Loss of Film Postpones Movie Show Several hundred persons who came to the economics building to view the motion pictures of modern Jogging last night went away disappointed, when they discovered the movies had been postponed because the films were lost in transit. Officers of the Forestry club, under whose auspices the pic- tures were to be given, expressed sor- row at the inconvenience caused so many persons, but stated that the show would be held some time early next week. Goldmana Bros. Robbed Of Clothing Goldman Bros. cleaning and press- ing establishment was robbed of four suits of clothes belonging to students Wednesday, when a thief entered the store from a window on the north side. Cr )s-Country Team Elects Sophomore to Ilead Next Year's Team; Selects Walters President GIYE 29 MERIT CERTIFICATES T10 SUCCESSFUL CONTESTANTS Each Section of Boilermakers Director Rowe Promises Coach Distance Men Within a Few Years For H. L. Carroll, '17E, was elected cap- tain of the 1915 cross-country team, at a meeting held in Waterman gymnasi- um last night. Carroll will succeed T. C. Trelfa, '16E, who led the Michi- gan distance men during the past sea- son. Frank L. Walters, '16, was elect- ed president, Ex-captain Trelfa, secre- tary, and' J. V.'Kuivinen, '17E; H. A. Donnelly, '17; I. S. Olson, '17L; and K. W. Vance, '16; directors. Following the election, Prof. James P. Bird, of the engineering depart- ment, presented 29 certificates of mer- it to the men who have aided in build- ing up the 1914 cross-country team, and also cups that were in the novice and handicap races. President Floyd A. Young, '16L, pre- sided at the meeting, and called upon the incoming and outgoing officers for speeches. In commenting upon the past season, Trelfa stated that the team had run more than 100 miles dur- ing the past year. The ex-captain thanked the men for their work done throughout the season, and prophesied a winning team in 1915. Director Rowe told the men that Michigan would have a cross-country coach within a few years, and would be a regular contender in the eastern intercollegiate runs. Captain-elect Carroll, Kuivinen and Walters, also gave short talks, in which they advised all men to do a little work during the summer, m order that the squad may be ready for hard practice as soon a- the university opens next fall. In presenting the certificates and cups Professor Bird related several of his experiences in cross-country run- ning, and took another example of dis- tance racing from the Bible to show that the sport is by no means a modern one. Kuivinen received two cups, one for, first place in the novice race, and one for best time in the handicap race. Edward Bouma, '18, received the cup for first place in the handicap race, and ex-captain Trelfa was presented with the cup going to the winner of second place in the handicap race. In addition to the cups and certifi- cates of merit, the first six Michigan men to finish in the Detroit "Y" race were given medals by the Detroit as- sociation. The team picture will be taken Sat- Campaign to Swell Lists of Men Enrolled in Organization DEAN COOLEY SUPPORTS BODY AS FINE PRAC'fICAL SUCCESS Iechanicals Station Men in Building to Secure New Recruits For Division Members of the Engineering society are making an extensive campaign for members, in the different branches of the society. The sections of the socie- ty are carrying on the campaign, each in its own department. A committee has been appointed from each of the civil, mechanical and electrical departments, and the mem- hers of these committees are striving to reach each senior, junior and soph- omore within the next few weeks. The freshman group leaders are soliciting members among their groups. The Engineering society is divided into departmental sections. Those of the mechanical and electrical depart- ments are connected with the national societies, the American society of Me- chanical Engineers, and the American institute of Electrical Engineers, re- spectively. The efforts of the civil branch to affiliate itself With a nation- al organization have been futile, since the American society of Civil. Engi- neers has no student branches. The mechanical engineers are at- tempting to secure members through the stationing of a man in the corridor of the main floor of the engineering building. The civils are distributing circular letters describing the bene- fits which accrue from membership in the society. Each membership includes a subscription to the Technic. Those sections which are associated with national organizations are obliged to charge a larger fee than the other sections of the society. All civils, and the freshmen are charged one dollar. Several years ago, expressions on the value of membership in the Engi- neering society were secured from the various heads of departments, and printed. These have been printed again and are being redistributed. That of Dean M. E. Cooley follows: "The Engineering society is a prac- tical success in. every way, and should have the active support of every engi- neering student in college. Through the Technic, it makes the department known to the engineering world." The object of the society is two-fold. It attempts to establish a closer re- lationship between the undergraduates of the engineering department, and the profession for which they are being trained; and secondly, it at- tempts to furnish opportunities for the engineers to get together to hear Starts VAUDEVILLE TO OFFER NOVELTY Sikes and Moritz to Present "The Lamp, The Maid, The Man" Chase Sikes, '16E, and George Mor- itz, '15, will feature "The Lamp, The Maid, The Man," one of the acts on the program of the big spotlight vau- deville show, to be staged on Decem-, ber 16, in Hill auditorium. Both Sikes and Moritz are well known to the cam- pus for their ability along musical lines, and an act of high order is as- sured. The act is a reproduction of a New York. act, and will be seen in this part of the country for the first time. Tickets for the production will be Five distributed to ning Monday. Union members, begin- Admission to members, I TONIG Oratorical Association Presents I Play By Carlo Goldoni in University Hall COMPOSITION USED BY CLASS IN LANGUAGE AS MASTERP ofethe Union is free, and they may ob- tain tickets until next Wednesday, when the general sale will start. Tick- ets to the general publc will be sold at 25 cents. A. student orchestra will supply the music for the show. There will be six acts, all widely varied. A large mu- sical act is being worked up, along with a monologue. Louis K. Friedman, '15, is chairman of the committee in charge of the pro- duction. He will be assisted by Wil- bur Brotherton '16, and ' W. A. P. John, '16. E. B. McKinley, '16, is chair- man of arrangements, and will be as- sisted by E. R. Sylvester, '17, and Law- rence Puchta, '17. J. S. Leonard, '16L, is chairman of the finance committee and C. H. Lang, '15, is in charge of publicity. FORTRACK SQUAD, Captain of Football Team Announces Intention of Taking Up Shot-Put LAPSLEY APPEARS FOR SPRINTS Captain "Bill" Cochran, the 220 pound tackle on the Varsity football team, has announced his intentions of trying for a position on the Maize and Blue track team. Cochran is slat- ed to appear in the role of shot putter. Although "Bill" was not on the team last season, he has had considerable experience wrestling with the weights. Two years ago he attended to this de- partment on the all-fresh squad, and performed creditably. Cochran has failed to put in an appearance as yet, but is expected daily. The big squad of varsity track candidates, who are loosening up in the gym, has been progressing as rapidly as Coach Far- rell will permit. Cross, the weight man on last year's yearling squad, who was injured during the football season, is recovering rapidly, and ex- pects to be in first class condition soon. Lapsley, the colored sprinter why has been battling for a position on the varsity for several years, is back on the job again, looking better than ever. Lapsley is, without question, the fastest starter in the university, and one of the fastest men at leaving his marks that the gym has ever seen. His strength lies solely in the getawayr, however, which, makes him chiefly valuable as an indoor man. With Captain Smith, O'Brien and Fontana out for the dashes, the colored youth will have to show a world of speed, but Coach Farrell declares that Lap- sley is apparently better than ever, and that it would not surprise him if. he made the grade. Several freshmen have been work- ing out during the past week, and the prospects seem excellent. Scofield and Robinson showed to an excellent advantage in the sprints during the fall relays, while other promising material has been cited. Cherry, a miler from Culver, Wickersham, a hurdler, and a few others have at- tracted the attention of Coach Far- rell particularly. of Cast Members Have Experience Along Similar Lines For the sixth time the Orat association will offer its annual to the campus, tonight and tom4 night, in University hall. Admil have been selling rapidly at t office of University hall, and a seats remain on the lower floor. balcony will not be used unles demand makes it necessary, the pose of the association in pres the play two nights being to gI eryone an opportunity to get seats. One of the objects of the org tion since its beginning, has be foster interest in the stage, and : come to be one of the strongest I in its line. Another idea can b credited to the Oratorical assoc which pr~dicts good for Mchg always has presented its plays campus building, in order to alive sentiment for a campus tt for student affairs. In line witI policy, "A Curious Mishap" 'i staged in University Hall tonig When the oratorical associatioi organized out of the old Students ture association, the presentet plays became one of its prime fea The first year, "Julius Caesar" w en. This was followed by "The als," "The Honeymoon Express," Fan," and last year "She StoQ Conquer" was chosen. Play Considered Italian Maste "A Curious Mishap" ha, bee popular and has been found to beautiful and simple that it has taken as a model of Italian for of the classes in that language I university. Carlo Goldoni, the author o play, holds an interesting positi the list of playwrights. His fame chiefly upon the fact that he I country's only represeutattve i field of polite comedy. From es childhood he showed great Inter the stage. His, grandfather ga vate plays in his residence an father kept a puppet show fo son's enjoyment. He began to early, trying his hand at tr tragic comedy ands melodrama secured his greatest success h: field of comedy. When he die left 150 such plays. The cast is as follows: Walke dicord, '14-'16L, Philibert, a merchant; Frances Hickok, '15, na, his daughter; Louis Eich, De Le Cotterie, a FrencI llIeut Earl Ross, '15, Gascoigne, sera De Le Cotterie; Ethyl Fox, '15, ana, maid of Giannina;Riccardo, Lisle, '14-'17L, a wealthy broker; tanza, Bess Baker, '15, his dau Five of the seven members of th appeared in "She Stoops to Con4 last year and all have had expe: in theatricals elsewhere. F Hickok, '15, besides being in year's play, distinguished hers Shakespearian roles at AlbIo ce before coming to Michigan, and Eich, grad., had charge of dra productions at Knox College. Announce Committee For Union Martin H. Galt, '15, cha George F. Hurley, '16, Robert C. num, '15 and Frank J. Kane, comprise the committee in char the Michigan Union membership to be held at the Union from 9 12:00 o'clock, $aturday night. T are now on s.le at the counter urcy morinUIg. rand to discuss original papers. Prom- inent men of the profession are often WOMEN JOURNEY TO YPSILANTI secured as speakers. Membership is TO SPEAK AT NORMAL COLLEGE open to faculty, graduates and under- graduates. Women active in various organiza-. tions on the campus, will go to Ypsi-, lanti this afternoon to speak on wom- en's activities in general, before the senior class of the State Normal Col- lege. Communications, stating that the women of Ypsilanti are desirous of benefitting by the women's experience in organization at Michigan, were re- ceived from Marion White, dean of women at that institution. Catherine Reighard, '15, Alice Wiard, '15, Huldah Bancroft, '15, Judith Gins- burg, '15, Vera Burridge, '15, Martha Grey, '16, 'and Helen Humphries, '16, are among the ones who will make the trip. Besides the giving of talks, they will meet several Normal College women, to give suggestions as to the forma- tion of an organization similar to the Women's League. RED CROSS CHRISTMAS SEALS SELL WELL DURING PAST WEEK Red Cross Christmas seals, which were put on sale the day after Thanks- giving, are reported to have had a good sale during the first week of their appearance. Miss Carol F. Walton, secretary of the local branch of the Anti-Tuberculosis society, has charge of the sale for Ann Arbor. The seals sell for one cent each, and may be used on all packages and letters. Banners are to be awarded to the cities, towns, and communities which sell the greatest number of seals in a particular class. Ann Arbor was one of the prize winning cities last year, and will strive hard to up- hold her reputation during the present sale. Hill Auditorium GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLUB TA X Thursday Dec. 10th, 8 P.M-. CERT 2 Featured by the Rag Pickers Quartet and the Midnight Sons BITS