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December 03, 1914 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-12-03

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)ress Suits
ts TIo Aake Them Right
E touches make the difference
tween hig~h class workmanship
id the other sort.,«We take pride
:zng sure that every suit that
uzr name as maker has a very
ive feature that marks the best

AFree Trip to Harvard. in 1915
To the stud;ent holding cash register receipts totalling the largest
amount on the Saturday preceding 'the Harvard Game next fall I will give
free transportation to -Camibridge and returni. To the next highest I will
give transplortatioDn one way.
Cash register receipts are given ou~t with every purchase. Get there
any way y-ou can-ask your friends to get them-save them-ask your
friends to sav e theme.
We'regon to lick Harvard next fall-and here's a chance for you to
S(,(. thegame. L Y N D N


Hat Sale

Every Hat Must Go Regardless of Price
Hats at less than cost to make them, every hat we have rnst'
be sold to, make room for our Spring hats, which wve will
commence to make righit after the holidays.

Hats at Your own Price


vith this artistic
p we make a silk
tWith a heavy
lag at...........

quality of





For Twelve Years

The Sign of Satisfaction

De4aths From Tuaberculosis in VYicinity
of Lakes Fewest, Says
1 ~Dean Vaug"hanl
That Ann Arbor is situated in the
district of the registered areas having
the fewest deaths yearly from the
"White Plague," was the statement
made by Dean V. C. Vaughan of the
medical department yesterday. These
registered area<s comprise more than
63 per cent of the whiole United States,
and the Lake district, whi(,h embraces
Ann Arbor had only 86 deaths out of
eve-ry 00,003 persons in the year 1912,
w hile the general average of the tour
dlistricts, Mliddle, New England, North-
w estrn, and Lalke districts was 143
per each 100,000 di ng the same year.
A great muany of the deaths from
tuberculosis, especially those in the
New England states, wvhere the mor-
tality rate is hig>h, he said, can be,
traced to the old and infected houses
of the inhabitants, and to the closely
confined conditions in the factories,
which are so numerous there. Taking
these things, other than climate, into
consideration, there will not be as
great a difference between the sta-
tistics for the districts, but still it ,s
safe to say that the Lake district has
fewer deaths than the others.
In regard to the other contagious
diseases, Dr. Vaughan said that this
city was about on a levelI with the rest
of the countr y. The death rate for.
typhoid fever has been exceptionally
;rlwi hee, h stiv v r bing but three in~
every 10,0,00 persons, including thos(e
coming to the hospitals here for treat-

Orphevjwx Theatrk
Hlouse of Famous Plays by Famous Players
Thurs.-Fri., Dec. 3-4 -- Maclyn Arbun-
kl1e in "The County Chiairman," by
Geoo. Ade.
Sat., Dec. 5-"As It Is In Life," Mary
Pickford Repr'int.
Mon.-Tues., Dec. 7-8-Max Figman in
"What's Hi-s Name," by Geo. Barr
Co Lt cheon.
-where the U. of M. spirit
is manifest anI' M" men are
taken care of. .~ Go to The
Edeiweiss for your luncheon
*lhen in Detroit, Soc. Also for
your Dinner or after the-
theatre Supper. And we make
a specialty of U. of M. Ban-
quets. Dancing, from 6 to 8:3o
and io to I2:30. Delightful
music - orchestral and ;voice.
Cuisine. unexcelled, and Ser-
vice' the best. A royal wel-
come awaits "I" imen at any
hour of the day or night at
F rancils G. Kane, '0S, land Lee A. WhIte,
'10, Prepare for ]Newspaper

I :



Matinees IA DT i Wed. Mat.
Wed.-Sat.K 500 Seats $1
Nights and Saturday Matinee 25c-$1.50
William Elliott Pres ents
teitty Mac Kay"
The Love Story With a Laugh in Every Line

F. L. HALL, 514 E.
Phone 2226

RESING i 09 lies O


Some ' off, and somea 14 off


ICAMPUS DOO0TERY, Bostonian FootwearI


/ ,
i III ' I

r, ! a

New Styles, First.

leave within a few days.
-1,114t1n I. Dimond, '16, iwas operated
on yesterday for appendicitis.
+- Wartia E. - mcCarty, 'Y:, and GeorgeC
K. Brady, '16, wvho have been confined
to the contagious ward of the universi-
-7ty hospital with mumps, are reported
by hospital authoritie, to be rapidily

Civic (* Association Asks Studeiits
Support Plan For Quick
Aid in War Zone


,n princi-
ols in the
re, "The
!eetlng of
esday ev-
pinner of

-At a weeting of the '18 architects?
yesterday afternoon, a unanimous vote
was cast in favor of the revival of the
J-Hop. At this meeting the class de- 1
cided to hold their first smoker on
Monday night, December 14, at. the
Michigan Union.
-Aft the meeting of Alpha Nu Debat-
ing Society at 7:00 o'clock tonight, a'
debate will be held on the question:.
"Resolved: That provision should be
made by the congress of the United
States, for the nomination of candi-
dates for the Presiency by a popular
primary." Arrangements have been
made to hold a debate every two
week~s, with participation rotating
among the members.
-William ltowl and, formerly head of
the vocal departmnent of the school of
music, is visiting in Ann Arbor.
-_Drii A. H. JFifeid and D. X. Cowie-
of the university hospital staff, react

Michigan students are asked to take
part in the "buy a barrel of flour"
movement, instituted some time ago by
the Northwestern Miller to provide in-
stunt relief for the Belgians. 'Those
instigating the 'movement- feel 'that,
the sufferings of the Belgians come
principally from the inability of the;
relief committees to furnish food to
ward off starvation before winter be-
gins. One shipload of flour, do nated
by the 'milling interests, has alread y
been transported from the United
States, %and another will he sent this
m-onth, to be given by persons
throughout the, United, States.
The wort: in 'Ann Arbor was begun
by the Michigan Milling company, but
owing to the vastness of the results,
the campaign was turned over to the
Ann Arbor Civic association. A plan
has been launched to send 'a carload
of flour consisting of 205 barrels, from
Ann Arbor, on.December 15. A dona-
tion of five dollars will send one bar-
rel, the Michigan Milling company
manufacturing and shipping to the
Atlantic coast one barrel of flour for
each five dollars received. In the east,

case reports at the December meeting
of the Clinical society of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, in the medical am-
phitheatre of the university hospital
last nighit. Dr. R. F. Skeel of Cleve-
land, O., read a paper on, "An Analy-
sis of the Mortaclity Rate in Abdominal
--Prof. L1. Siarfimmai of Ihpolit ical
economy departmhent, will lecture on
"The Judicial Depa rtmnent of our
Coveornment," at the regunlar meeting
of the W. C. T. U., to be held at 2:30
o'clock this afternoon, at the city Y.
W. C. A. home. The public is, invited.
--6kriffins, inter*-departmuental honor
society, will ,giv-e its annual fall party
at Granger's academy, at 9:00 o'clock
tomorrow night.

WVith Leopold Stokowsky as con-
ductor, the second appearance in Ann
Arbor of the Philadelphia Symphony
Orchestra wvas made last night in Hill
auditorium. As individual musicians,
they are exceptionally able and supe-
rior, and, as an organization they have
attained a solidarity, precision, ~and
uinity that is rare. Mr. S~tokowsk isa
conductor of marked emotioa qual-
ities, but his fancies are controlled by
a tuidious mind, and serious muscian-
ship. Hiis ability to subordinate one
choir to another, balance solo with
accompaniment parts, and to work up
climaxes is extraordinary. By his
depth of feeling and int(ellectual com-
mand, his men respond with surprising
spontaneity to e very whim of his ba-
The Beethoven, "Symphony No. 8," is
not frequently played, and, therefore,
was a vailuable contribution to the
program. It was clearly articulated,
and truly revealed the powerful emo-
tional sprfngs of the symphonic king.
Of all the orchestral numbers, the Si-
belius group wvon the greatest ap-
plause. The "Legend," an ethereal
fantasy of solo reeds and muted strings,
portrayed true Slavonie feeling. The

f the graduate
ned from the
ast week, in-
lame~r cities.
Lthorities re-
1'17, who has
ospital on ac-
v ill be able to


Two Michigan graduates, formerly
connected with the Detroit :News, and
now with the department of journal-
ism at the University of Washington,
at Seattle, have entire charge of pre-
paring for the meeting of the News-
paper InstitutL'e, which is composed
of all newspaper men in the state of
Washington, to be held in a short
Francis G. Kane, '08, now head of the
journalistic department, and Lee A.
White, '10, assistant professor in the
same department, are the two men who
are doing thi's work, which is attract-
ing attention all over the country. Lee
White was managing editor of The
Michigan Daily while in the Universi-
ty, and afterwards was with the De-
troit News until going to the Universi-
ty of Washington.
This gathering of newspaper men
is of considerable importance, as the
scribes come from all parts of the
state. At the Newspaper Institute,'
the members have papers read, and
jhold discussions, which are afterwardsa
published for use of students in the
journalistic department.' The holding
of this gathering is a comparatively
new idea in journalism work, and its7
results will be closely watched by
members of the rhetoric faculty here,
who are interested in this work.




it will be placed aboard a charter- "Valse Triste," perhaps the general
ed steamship, and shipped to Belgium.I favorite, was a rare and original
Cobntributions of any amnount, will sketch of weird melodies, and haunting
be 'received, and are to be turned in' rhyvthms, while the "Tone Poem-Fin-
to th~e deans of the departments, or,- l, ndia" was a miracle of brilliancy.
to thxeir office secretaries. Mr. Theodore Harrison showed his
~ sfor dramatic singing in both
lIADY O PIZ1S1ll the arias which he contributed. Ifis
ASS I ITION FLAY clear, resonant voice, manipulated
with distinct artistic style, merited the
(Contihed from Page 1.) favor he won in the aria from 4Le Noz-
tomorrow, at the box office of Univer-- ze di Figaro." This number 5would
sity hall. General admission 'is 35 h-ave been more pleasing, however,
cents and reserved seats are 54 cents. with a 'more subdued orchestral ac-
The play is to be presented two nightsI compamiment. The aria from Massen.-
wiic ,wt h a aiy o h al ts leidae" sfee r m teinsures good seats to all, and makes! lack of the orchestral background.
it unnecessary to use the seats at the Through inadvertence the orchestra
side of the auditorium. had prepared the accompaniment in
___________--the wrong key, making it necessary to
,POeSTP;NiE BELGIAN call Mrs. Rhbead from the audience
BENEFIT CONCERT to play the accom-paniment on the pi-
______ano without rehearsal.
(Continued from page 1) As a brilliant climax to the splen-
a fraternity house at the University.- did concert, the orchestra played
of Chicago. Bonci invited him to IILiszt's, "Hungarian Rhapsody, No. 1V"

..,. .. . ___...r



,rtay, Friday, SaturdayDecember 3,4,1
~ba. .Bowser &to . n"SHP[RSJIJIQN"


Regent PeA Announces C a1ndIdacy
Regent Junius K B~eal in an inter-
view yesterday, denied the statement,
made by Henry Stephens, in announc-
ing his candidacy for regent of the
university, that Mr. Beal will not be
a candidate for re-election at the state
Republican convention, to be held in
Ann Arbor in February.

come to his hotel to sing for him, and
proclaimed himt to have the best nat-
ural tenor voice that he had heard
in America.
Since leaving Chicago, Lindquiest
has been a professional singer for
two years, and has toured the entire
United States in concerts and song re-

citals. He htas touired wvith the Min-
nieapolis and St. Paul Symphony or-
chestras, and sang with the Chicago
and St. Louis Orchestras. This seas-
on he is +,o sing in Chicago, Mlinneapo-
lis, St. Paul, Buffalo and. a number of
other larg;e cities of the United States.


"The Man, The Maid and the Piano"

"Up to Bate Skeaddles"


ni F mily'
Wire Performers

ladies Souvenir Matinee Friday


We have a
complete leof

Fountain Pans
Stationery, P'ouind Paper

?rilces: 16089Seats at loc. Few Reserved at 15c*
"Entire Main Floor at 25c. Entire Balcony at 20C.
for the day and date these big time vaudeville acts will appear at the .Majestic.
Sse'Tis sthe Life" Ah .& loett"- xmModels4
[S st rer-iAsI Shaw-Max Blurs-- Tbla's My Horse"

M Scrap Books, Pennants, Michigan Souvenirs, etc.
it11 University Ave. Everything a Student Needs Phone 11

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