THE MICHIGAN DAILY .............................. ...... I Removal Sale Sale Starts Sat. Nov. 28 /offf Mens'Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, Mackinaws & Bath Robes When You Think gf Christmas THINK OF S Whitman's Candy 60c., 80c. and $1.00 a pound -AM (,Ow 20 oft on all Suits, Overcoats, Pat- rickMackinaws, Balmacaans and $15.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 25.00 28.00 30.00 Suits & Overcoats "4 "c 4 Now $11.25 "i 13.50 "i 15.00 16.50 18.75 21.00 22.50 CALKIN'S 324 South I PHARMACY State Street Furnishings. p mumommommma ODD PANTS 205 OFF WADHAMS & CO. 121-123 So. Iamn St. 6 The Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101-103-105 South Main Street Capital, $100,000 Surplus and Profits . . . $75,000 The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $ioo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted Chas. F. Hiscock, Pres., Michael J. Fritz, Cash'r, W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres., Carl F. Braun, Asst. Cash'r, Wm. Waltz, Asst. Cash'r Savings Dept. Liberty and Main Sts. A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking Colege Men! My assortment includes the latest novelties for the college men. Workman- ship and designing of the highest quality, and at a reasonable figure. A.F, Marquardt Campus Tailor New Location 616 WILLIAM STREET Dieterle Bldg. Jack Watson, center on the Illinois conference championship team, was chosen as captain of the 1915 eleven by his teammates, last Monday. Harold Pogue, the peppery little half back, ! was the only other man mentioned for the honor. Watson is a junior in col- lege, having played on the Varsity for two years. -o- According to rumors on the Badger campus, students will bring pressure to bear on the Wisconsin regents at their meeting, to take steps toward the immediate erection of the proposed new stadium and athletic field. They desire to have it for use in time for the big games on the 191.5 schedule. Tempie Theatre Thurs. Dec- 3.Perils Pauline (14 Story.) Friday, Dec. 4.-ils First Case. Sat. Dec. 5.-Under Royal Patronage. COMING NEXT WEEK The Plum Tree With Francis X. Bushman. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARDBOR Capital -and000 Surplus and Profits $65.000 Directors WVirt Cornwell, Geo. WV. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S. W. Clarkson, E. D. Kinne, Harrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. FU wC T"able Cooking Sets For use with Gas. The Reliable Laundry. Is responsible for your laundry linen. Does not tear your linen, but mends It. Does not promise to sew on buttons, but does it. The RELIABLE LAUNDRY wants your trial to show that it is Reliable. We are anxious to serve you. Prompt service. Phone 794 216 S. Fourth Ave. AMATEUR FINISHING CAMPUS VIEWS PORTRAITS _-- Larger profits were reaped by col-' leges of the country during the past football season than-in any one year since the adoption of the forward pass and the 10-yard rule, says Walter H.. Eckersall in the Chicago Tribune. The three big games of the east, Harvard- Princeton, Yale-Princeton and Yale- Harvard, netted more than $300,000 alone, and big crowds were the rule throughout the country. -0- H. P. Andrews, '16, backfield man,' was chosen to lead the Brown football team of 1915, at a recent meeting of the team. -0-I Prof. Henri F. Micoleau, of the French department at Brown universi- ty, has been reported killed in battle, while serving his native country in the eighty-third French infantry.' -0-' The engagement of Coach John F. Macklin, of M. A. C., to Miss Phoebe Weaver of Philadelphia, Pa., was an- nounced lately. -0- The "Mustache'Growing" contest, conducted by seniors at Chicago, was called off at midnight Friday night. Those who think they have a chance at the prizes to be given Sunday for the most luxurious or the weakest mus- tache, have stayed in the race. -o-- Lieut. George Williamson, Harvard, '05, who died recently of wounds in Belgium, is the first graduate of an American college to be killed in the war, so far as is known. AWARD CERTIFICATES OF MERIT Order HILL'S SWEET CIDER Phone 2140 Why not haveit delivered reguarlyb or tri- weekly? Many do. Always fresh. No preser-, vatives used. Visit the mill at the orchard. KENMORE BROOK ORCHARDS Arcade Theatre Thursday, December 3 "More than Queen," a superb four part drama in Pathecolor. Also the Pathe Daily. Friday, Saturday, December 4.5 Bret Harte's "Salomy Jane" with Beatriz Michelena. 'A dramatization of "Salomy Jane's Kiss," Harte's fa- mous story of the "Days of '49" in California. TO EMPLOY SEALED ENVELOPES "Modern Dance" Number of Humor Book Adopts Novel Scheme Copies of the "Modern Dance" num- ber of the Gargoyle which is to appear December 12, will be placed on sale in sealed envelopes, as a special induce- ment for students to send them "back- home," or elsewhere. More than 200 copies above the usu- al number published will be placed on sale, and an extensive advertising cam- paign inaugurated to sell them. The expenses of this number are so heavy that unless more than 1,200 copies are sold, the publication will lose money. SCHERMERHORN SPEAKS SITNDA.Y WASNI[NAW GAS COMPANY Toasters, Chafing Dishes, Coffee Percolators, and all accessories for Table Cooking. Gas does the work quicker and better than Electricity. Concealed floor connection under the table making the outfit entirely portable. We invite your attention for Christmas Gifts. s® DAIN ES & NICKELS The only Studio on the Campus 334=336 S. State St. Official Photographers For The MICHIGANENSIAN. Phone 31O-J Quality Tailor We make suits for both LADIES and GENT'S ALSO make over-garments in con- nection with our dress-making department. Come in and try us. Evening gowns a specialty. Phone ioyo-J J. J. SCHANTZ Tailor 340 S. STATE ST. Over Schleede's Book Store TYPEWRITER BARGAIN S We have a few Trial Machines which we offer at greatly reduced prices on the easiest of terms. Will be glad to have you try them. We rent typewriters, too. ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO. INC. A. H. COHFN, Resident Salesman Phone 2282 1314 So. University Avenue MY LES Cloth Shop TAILORS e I _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ Service and durability, built on the lines of fashionable Tailor- ing, you will find in the Myles productions. Our own Tailors and our own Workshops. 11 618 E. LIBERTY STREET . ... .. .. Home-Made Candies AT THE CREST 302 So. Main Street FLASHLIGHT Croys-Country Ien eet Tonight To Receive Ensignial Cross-Country men will be awardedI their certificates of merit, and the trophy cups will be presented, at a meeting of the Cross-Country club, to1 be held at 7:00 o'clock tonight, in thef trophy room of Waterman gymnasium. Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, of the law de- partment, will make the awards. Elec-1 tion of officers for next year will be held. Exhibit Pictures of Modern Logging Motion pictures depicting the life of the forester, and showing modern logging, will be thrown on the screen at 7:30 o'clock tonight, in the econom- ics lecture room. The pictures, which were produced in the southern pine forests and in the forests of the Pa- cific coast, by 'the Clyde logging ma- chine company, will be given under the auspices of the Forestry club. Anyone interested in lumbering or in forestry is invited to attend. The pictures are given through the cour- tesy of the Clyde company, and no ad- mission will be charged. Editor of Detroit Times Appears at Next Y. M. C. A. Meetingr James Schermerhorn, editor of the Detroit Times, will speak to university men at 6:30 o'clock next Sunday night, as the regular speaker of the Y. M. C. A. Majestic series. Mr. Schermer- horn, who was one of the speakers at; the recent Michigan Union football smoker, is well known by Ann Arbor audiences. His subject has not as yet been announced. Preceding the speaker of the even- ing, a moving picture program will be given, beginning at 6:10 o'clock. At The "Majestic" One of the most entertaining bills of vaudeville from the viewpoint of the average patron of this form amuse- ment will be seen at the "Majestic" for the last half of the week-Charles W. Bowser & Co., will present a sketch called "Supersition" which is a finish- ed product in every sense of the word. The piece is well written, splendidly staged and costumed and, what is more important than all else, "ie" pre- sented by a cast that is entirely capa- ble. The sketch is new to Ann Arbor though it was first presented in vau- deville several seasons ago. It deals with the experience of a reporter of a metropolitan newspaper who "cov- ers" the city hall for his paper and is sent on an assignment to get some information in a crusade against clair- voyants. While in the elegently fur- nished home of the seeress seeking in- formation for his story he finds a pol- itician who is "to put over" a crooked deal in the city hall that afternoon has an appointment with the clairvoyant. The reporter seeks to prevent the poli- tician from making a speech and en- lists the aid of the clairvoyant. The reporter gets along immensely with his scheme only to find out that the politician has that day purchased' the very newspaper which is going to ex- pose him. The politician then rewards the newspaper reporter for his keen- ness by ordering his pay raised. Mr. Bowser as "Big Jim Kingston" the pol- itician is immense and his assistants Mme. Mureal as Mme. Floteau the clairvoyant and Sidney K. Powell as "Tredlow" the reporter all are very capable performers and the entirq sketch will show that careful study and unusual ability above the average run of vaudeville sketches will be ob- served in this number. Belmont and Harle are. a clever pair who furnish more than usual merit. They are a "Classy" looking couple and their work is also classy. The maiL has a good singing voice and the woman of- fers a clever pianologue. They close with a medley of lines of popular love songs that should be a hit-Cimedy and skill will be offered in abundance by the "Jungman Family" five wire art- ists whose offering should be received with much more enthusiasm than this class of acts is generally accorded the entire family works hard to please and endeavor in every manner possible to be the applause hit of the bill-GeorgE Moore a juggler to open the show will offer a comedy juggling act that should PARTICULAR LAUNDRY FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE - CITY LAUNDRY TI10S. ROWE, Prop. 406 Detroit St. Phone 497-M please and they say he has something a little different than the ordinary per- former doing this line of work. Well anyhow let us see.-Hawley & Hawley are two men who have a comedy talk- ing act with a lot of new gags that have only been released a short time, they bill their offering "Up-To-Date Skeaddles" What Ever That Is" and it looks as if the "Majestic" will offer a pretty even balanced Vaudeville bill for the "Week-End." Well let's all go and see for ourselves what Manager Butterfield has to offer. Adv. 57 WANTED-Five good salesmen. Ap- ply today between two and five. W. A. Muller, 334 S. State St., upstairs. LOST-A Martin Fur neck-piece on North University or Geddes on Thanksgiving Day. Reward at Uni- versity Y. M. C. A. 53 All Sizes s.t Reasonable Prices AT MANN'S DRUG STO.E 213 S. Main St. Phone 876 # - 522 will bring a Holm.s Taxi to your door at any hour. tf University Ave. Pharmacy, Drugs and Toilet Articles. tf Graham's Barber Shop, 121 W. Hur- on St., opposite D. U. R. Only barber shop in Ann Arbor under student man- agement. Your patronage will be ap- preciated. Glenn Graham, '17 Dent. Best shoe shining. Hats of all kinds cleaned and blocked. Next to Wagner & Co. eod MONEY-RAISING SALE-All Cloth- ing, Balmacans, Overcoats, Sutts, Men's Furnishing Goods and Hats at Sacrifice Prices. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. Buy your Conklin Pen at Van Dor- en's Pharmacy, 703 Packard street. tt In future all cars stop at Goodyear Drug Store. tf University Ave. Pharmacy. Fountain Pens and Student Supplies. tf r .1 11 We have a select Ivory. Sugden Drug street. stock of Whi Co., 302 S. Sta ead GE~T TIS "I Want to Go Back to Michigan" ON THE VICTROLA GRINNELL BROS. 120 E. Liberty E. Collier-Graduate Surgeon ( opodist. Blackheads a Specialty dies treated at home. 215 E. Libe Call 522 for Holmes Taxi, Li sine or carriage. 522. 11 University Ave. Pharmacy. E Films all sizes. , J 0 ram..... ... . ,.. e"' ' p Adpoy 1 0': 1