THE MICHIGAN DAILY ow the importance of being prop- tailored. The impression that apparel makes is not to be ly regarded. For twenty-six' awe have been especially suc- ul in making clothes for the uni ty men. Come in today and order suit for the Xmas holidays and will prove not only your good uent, but your good taste as well. 1 Y ' . ' t 4+ [11 0 i ^ , . WILD COMPANY rrehant Tailors State St. Personal Christmas Cards LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW and get the Best Selection Our Line of Regular Christmas Cards is the largest in City Shech Students Bookstore m If I DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE Liinited and Express Cars for Detroit-7:1o a. m; and hourly to 6:ro p. ;m., also 8:io p. m. Local Cars for Detroit-5:4o a. m., 6:o6 a. m., and every two hours to 6:06 p. m., 7:06 p. m., 8:06 p. rn., 9:zo p. m., and 10:45 p. m=. To Ypsilanti only, r r :r p. mn., 12:15 p. m, 12:30 p. m., 1 :oo a. M. im~ited Cars for Jackson-7;:46 a.' m. and every two hours to, 7 646 p. m. Local Cars for Jackson-5:12 a. m., 6:51 a. m., and every two hours to 6:5 p. m., also 9:2o p. M., 11:15 p,. i. LUNCHES We serve them quickly, our prices are moderate and we are liberal in quantity. - Thie Winter Sale -of fine Under Muslins Brings to your notice more than a thousand fie, new snowy white undergarments at special prices- which are seen in this store only twice a year. All qualities a n d varieties are included. THE MICHiGAN DAILY' Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $; by mail, $2.50. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. f1. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 960 Editorial Office Phone 244 I. Beach Carpenter.......Managing Editor W Sherwood Field.......Business Manager Fred Folk....... ............aNews ditor F. F. Mclinney...........Associate Editor T. Hawley Tapping..........Associate Editor F. M. Church................Sporting Editor Night Editors James MI. arrett, Jr. E. Rodgers Sylvester l,, C. Roth Joseph J. Erotherton Reporters Chester I. Lang Etdward P. Wright Iloward R. Marsh J. C. I3. Parker Charles Weinberg Lee L. Joslyn Edwin A. Hyman Eugene L. Bulson Tom C. ReidL . Greenebaum Irwin C. Johnson Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph lofman Arthur H. Torrey Business Staff Ferris Fitch s Edward Mack C. V Sellers Y. R. Altsheler Delos Smith TB URSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1914. Night Editor-E. Rodgers Sylvester. THE WORK OF THE Y. M. C. A. The Y, M. C. A. has done a real and unusual service for The campus this year. It has, in a measure, got away from some of the old mysteriously co- ercive methods and has made the ap- peal to reason which seems to be the only hope of religious and moral im- provement nowadays, depite Mr. Bry- an's wholesome, reassuring, last cen- tury theories. It has put the ques- tion of righteous thinking up to men and women in a virile way, and its partial change in policy has brought results which are complimentary to the persons in charge. There would seem to be a place for the Y. M. C. A. at Michigan, even if it did no more than its customary insti- tutional ,work. It is doing more. It has tried a somewhat doubtful ex~eri- ment, and reached out to put its argu- ments indirectly but squarely before the type of men of whom it is usually thought that he is anything but moral- ly or spiritually impressionable To a necessarily restricted degree, it has succeeded, notwithstanding a trace of revival tactics in the last campaigns. The additional service which it is to perform during the )est of the year will be watched more sympathetically than in the past. It's still pretty early in the year, but already the man is about who always insists on saying: "You watch me work next semester." If the gas leak around the economics building is not discovered soon, some- thing beside economic fallacies may be exploded. The "Come around sometime and see us" of the faculty man is not al- ways a merely formal invitation. Someone suggests that the unfrozen ice rinks be opened for the benefit of aquatic sports. Every tile on the new wornen's dor- mitories is a thorn in the eye of Ann Arbor landladies. Only 19 days until she's yours again; and then again, perhaps only 15. The time-table is a popular form of literature these days. Do that Christmas boning early. Or not at all. Chairmen of committees for the Women's League circus, to be given in January, have been asked to put lists of the members of their commit- tees, with their addresses and tele- phone numbers, in the circus sugges- tion box, placed by Irene Litchmann, '17, general chairman, in the east cor- rider of the general library. The box, designated by a poster, will be in the library today and tomorrow, and may be used for general suggestions con- cerning the circus University wom- en who wish to take part in the circus will volunteer their names through this box. * * * I 'U B 4' (Second Floor.) TUTTL ES ON STATE N Wahr's ook Stores sTATE See also to your Ma.jazine Subscriptions Air .f Only Four weeks 'til Xmas Leave your order NOW for Personal Xmas Cards We offer best Cl'ubbing~ Xw,,t.. on. Perlodleal.s The judiciary council will meet at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gyrnasinuM. Freshmen women, whose designated escorts for the Freshman Spread have not yet called upon them, have been requested to notify Albertine Loomis, 77, telephone 368, immediately. * * * Virginia Morse, '17, general chair- man of the Freshman Spread commit- tee, Dean Jordan, and the judiciary council have combined in requesting upperclass women who escort fresh- men women to the Spread to observe the Spread tradition, and to keep this function informal, without flowers or the use of carriages. The senior girls' section of the Deutscher Verein will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Professor Winkler's room. * * * The Junior Play committee will hold an important meeting in Barbour gym- nasium at 3:00 o'clock this afternoon. Sophomores and upperclass women who are willing to teach and read to children in the University hospital, in place of the freshman .women recent- ly declared ineligible for such work, will notify Mrs. Sarah Burrows, Uni- versity hospital, or telephone 1108. Men's section of the Deutscher Ver- ein meets at 8:00 o'clock tonight in the Verein room. Soph engineers will pay their class dues of 50 cents for this semester to the treasurer, who will be stationed in the engineering library, from 1:30 to 5:30 o'clock, tomorrow afternoon. Junior lits will hold a class meet- ing at 4:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Tappan hall, to discuss the Junior hop and take 'action on the Belgian relief fund. Fresh lits will hold a smoker at 7:30 o'clock tonight,. at the Michigan Un- ion. Plant Runs on Part of Electric Load For the first time today, the new power-house will run under a part of its electric load, amounting to 100 kil- owatt hours. The new plant has a capacity of 500 kilowatt hours, and it is expected that within the next two weeks, the use of the station on the campus will be discontinued and all electric power will come from the new plant, which previous to now has only furnished the heat used on the campus. 209 E. LIBERTY ST. ACROSS FROM VARSITY LAUNDRY IN OLD HOME TELEPHONE CO'S BUILDING mummum I'p owl THE only way to prove that a straight line is th' shortes' distance 'tween two points is to measure it. The only way to prove VELVET'S the smoothest smoke is to smoke it. ,. Ff A Pair. of $6.*00 Trousers Made to Your order Absolutely Free With every suit or overcoat at $20.0; the same material as suit or different. FLAN DE RS i We ar going to have that ,rade-mark k Coen across with your Idea A WRD may win That aged-in-the-wood mellowness which slow-curing puts into Kentucky's Burley de Luxe will convince you that VELVET is The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco. 1Oc tins and 5c metal-lined bags. BUSY BEE 'Th" Popixtar Place" NOTICE TRY OUR DEPARTMENT PAPER and ENVELOPES LOOSE LEAF PAPER ALL SIZES Fountain Pen Hospital IRVINC F. SCHLEEDE - - 340 S. State St. W.. Sam Burchfield & Co. COPYRIGHT iBY VD. V. PRICE & C< "11 PIOl DI S1UO Llwscate la Signor Feder! o Non e' nece parlare Italian conoscere ed splendita qual pagnia di Ed.. Chicago, che e We can offer you the finest and best tailoring service to be had in the state, with no exception. Evening dress is our specialty. L.O MAESTRO ILA DICE:" vostra luisura al ico Gross quest' fggi ! sario per voi di o per poter ben apprezzare la lita' della com- V. Price -& Co. di e l'unica sartoria LECTURES ON CHINESE PAINTING Dr. Ferguson Gives Third Address of Series Today Dr. John C. Ferguson, of Peking, China, will give a lecture on "Chinese Painting," -,at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon, in Alumni Memorial hall. This is the third lecture of the univer- sity series, given on the subject of "The Art of the Far East," and is the second one to be given by Dr. Fer- guson. The lecture will, be fully il- lustrated, and is free to the public. Those interested in the subject of Dr. Ferguson's lectures, can pursue the study of Chinese art still farther by reading in the university library. There will be found "Painting in the Far East," by Laurence Binyon who lectured here last week. In addition, mention may be made of Fenollosa's "Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art;" Brinkley's "China;" Laufer's "Chinese Pottery," and Dillon's "Por- celain." The library has recently been pre- sented with a copy of the privately printed, descriptive catalog of the loan exhibition of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese potteries, held under the auspices of the Japanese Society of New York. Issue Discusses Prof. Johnston's Paper In the November proceedings of the American Society of .Civil Engineers, there appears a discussion of Prof. C. T. Johnston's paper submitted to that society, entitled "Some Principles Re- garding the Administration of Streams." George P. Decker, an attorney of Syracuse, N. Y.,-who is assistant coun- sel of the New York State conserva- tion commission, and who has done much work in the administrating of streams, has written a discussion which will appear in the December proceedings of the society. M0!I Y-RAISINfG SALE-All Cloth.- Men's Furnishing Goods and Hats at Sacrifice Prices. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Sam Burchfield & Co. HURON ST. 106 E. 1 PHONE 599 e Complete Line of ehe potete ordinare i vostri abiti. Come vedite ancora che H Signor F. W. Gross vi mostra dippici di 500 campione di stoffa di lana finissima per abiti d' invierno e tutte le mode di --Furnishings- Flannel Shirts & Mackinaws Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 So University Ave. novita. I prezzi sono convenientissimi (he senza -dubbio sarete con- tento! Fred V. Gross 4th & Liberty Sts. _______________________________ I