OHIGAN DAILY, 11mi --. fly Shop Worn Second Hand KS SUCCESS FOLLOWS UNION EXECUTIVES l hos I? O 0bigIan heads of Michigan Organization Past Ten Years Show Well In Endeavors For Sold before Christmas odak in first class condition and and take pictures just as good as they will all go. 3ml 1/3 to0 2/3 off cial for the first 10 days-with, e of the above Kodaks sold c. 15 goes FREE a credit of 20o ce good for developing is is like giving them away, but l them-so here goes the biggest iyone ever had to buy a Kodak MANY ACTIVITIES REPRESENTED With the successful inauguration of the Michigan Union's eleventh year, the ten ex-presidents of that organiza- tion may claim their share of praise. The Union was founded in 1904, and the names of the chief executives are now arranged on beams in the club- house"annex. Edward F. Parker was elected first president of the organization when it started in 1904. At that time there was no building and only a meager membership. Parker was leader of the Glee club while at the university. He is now an attorney in Los Angeles, but often returns to Michigan for special occasions. The second head of the body was Hugh Allen, who worked on a Wash- ington paper, and is now editor of a paper inAkron, Ohio. F. P. Helsel was elected to the office in )906. He finished a literary-law course, and is now an attorney at Seattle, in partnership with another Michigan graduate. H. W. Clark, '05-'08T, headed the Union in 1907-8. He was an instructor in the rhetoric department for one year. He was intensely popular. It was while he was president that the first Michigan-Pennsylvania game was, played. In the same year the present clubhouse was taken over by the or- ganization. He is now state attorney for New Mexico, and is situated at East Las Vegas, in that state. The first Varsity football player who took the office was J. K. Watkins, who played guard and fullback on the team, and who went to Oxford on a Cecil Rhodes scholarship. He is now prac- ticing law in Detroit. In 1909-10, W. W. Merritt, '11L, af- ter 'having served as general chair- man of the first Michigan Union opera, "Michigenda," became chief execu- tive. Merritt is now an attorney in Minneapolis. The chairman of the second Union opera "Culture," which was staged in December, 1908, and the president of the musical clubs became Union pres- ident for 1909-10. H. L. Barkdull, '09- '11L, though small in size and not athletic, was exceptionally popular. He is now secretary of the National Carving company at Cleveland. M. It. Blish was the only president from the engineering department. He was an excellent student, an assistant in the faculty, and a member of honor societies of his department. He was also chairman of the Union member- ship committee, member of the Glee NELVIILLE.,S 0.IE HOFF Nelville Soule Hoff, dean of the de- partnrant of dentistry, was born at Elizabeth, W. Va. on July 20, 1854. On the maternal side, he is directly de- scended from Sir Francis Drake, the famous English buccaneer and adven- turer, who was so prominently identi- fied with the early history of America. His father was a practicing physician for more than 50 years, and so the ideal of a medical profession was early implanted in the breas, of young Hoff. He took his preparatory work in his native town, and in 1873 he was gradu- ated from the high school at Pomeroy, Ohio. After spending the next year in a dental office in a smali Ohio city, he entered the Ohio College of Dental Surgery, and in 1876 he was graduated. from that institution with the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. He was occupied, the next twelve years, in the practice of his profession in Cincinnati, but in 1888 he accepted a call from the University of Michigan' to fill the chair of assistant professor of practical dentistry. In 1891 he was advanced to the chair of dental ma- teria medica and dental mechanism. This position he filled until 1903, when his title was changed to pro- fessor of prosthetic dentistry. He served for many years as secre- tary of the dental department and on the occurence of a vacancy in the chief executive office of the depart- ment; a few years ago, 'he was tend- ered the postion of dean. He accepted the position, and is still engaged in the administration of that work. Deaa Hoff is a member of the Amer- ican Dental association, the- Michigan State Dental association, the Ameri- can society of. Orthodontists, the Northern Ohio Dental association, and the Institute of Dental Pedagogics. He has been editor of the Dental Register since 1900, and he is en extensive contributor to a number of dental publications. He is a member of the Masonic order, and he is also affiliated with Delta Sigma Delta, a national dental fraternity. Y DO club, and in the Union opera. He is now with the Sullivan Machine com- pany at Chicago. E. G. Kemp, '12-'14L, ex-president, both of the Union and the musical clubs, is a graduate of the law depart- ment, and is at present assistant to Judge Kuhn, of the state supreme court. Last year's executive was Selden S. Dickinson, '15L, who has perhaps held the most so called "campus honors." He was a member of the student coun- cil, president of his senior literary class, and took the coast trips witi the niusical clubs. P. D. Koontz, '17L, is now president of the Union. Homer Heath, former Varsity star broad-jumper, has been manager of the organization since June of 1908, and is' now managing the nation-wide life membership cam- paign. ('lasse, 'turn Out Difficult Castings. Among 'the various castings being turned out by the classes in advanced moulding of the engineering depart- ment, are an improved type turbine and a tortion dynamometer. The tur- bine is a late creation of Prdf. Zow- ski's, and with the dynr'momeetr, will be used for demonstration purposes in the engineering classes. Call 522 for Holmes Taxi, Limou- sine or carriage. 522. If UNION MEMBERSHIP DINNER WILL BE SPEECHLESS AFFAIR New Musicians To Make Debut Before Members in Varied Numbers 'on Progranw Speechlessness is to characterize the next .Union membership dinner which will be held a week from tonight at 6:00 o'clock. No one except Harold Schradgk, '15L, will get a chance to speak a word. He will announce the musical numbers which will make up the program. Chicken will feature' the menu. Tic- kets will sell for 50 cents as usual and may be obtained within a few days. The committee is now working on a varied musical program for the entertainment of the diners. Many musicians new to the members of the Union will be introduced. Extension Course Lectures Announced Under the auspices of the university extension lecture service, Prof. C..O. Davis will speak tomorrow noon be- fore the Saginaw board of trade, and in the afternoon before the city feder- ation of womens' clubs on, "The School as a Social Center." Prop. J. R. Allen will speak on Fri- day in Grand Rapids on, "Unknown Mexico," and Prof. A. R. Crittenden will talk at Flint on Friday on, "A Summer's Wandering Among the Bat- lefields of Caesar in Gaul." RPIDti¢a r I ImRi® i l "l. ng complement to their undergrad- lDays. Others are actuated by the to show envious gentlemen ads the latest from Paquin's, while rs sincerely say they want it for pteasure they derive. Well and I. Let us have it by all means, let us have a hop restricted: ) To juniors alone. ) The managing board absolutely -pai tisan. ) As unostentatious and iextrav- it as possible, yet subserving the rests and pocketbooks of all con- to our neighbor, and go pleasurable, selfish path. our own' said, I in favor of the hop.I .g We are looking at the greatest war >r the world has ever known. Tales of r unparalleled suffering are in all pap- f ers. We read them but absolutely fail s- to grasp and appreciate their awful- s ness. We cannot. We are too far Le away. The present gene ration never ,y experienced a like situation, for we P- have never gone days without a fair e amount of food or clothes to keep us warm. We have never .ad our homes e swept away and our family scattered - by bursting shells. We read, but shrug :d our shoulders, pass a careless remark aily 20 Years Ago s tonight before the Inland League on st the "The Trial by Ordeal' and by t- Battle." He will deal with the de- s velopmcnt of modern jurisprudence, n from the custom during the dark ages' r when a man's innocence and guilt was 1- ascert'dined by means of some physical d torture, or by combat with some an- tagonist. Without the hop last year we exist- ed; without it this year we can do the same. To precipitate the campus in the hop discussion during the present universal business depression and European misery is indiscreet and un- pardonable. Countless European non-combatants are doing their utmost to alleviate the horrible misery; many Americans have enlisted in the work. All have unsel- fishly given time and money, some even their own lives, to care for the refugees from the corpse-littered, de- vastated fields of war. Why cannot the student body here help the cause of humanitarianism? It can, but will it? Our community has already start- ed relief work, and the women of the student body have joined the com- pany. As for the men, the least they can do, is to forget the bop and donate the money which would be spent for, it, to procure bare necessities for the war sufferers. This is only a little unselfish denial of our pleasure seeking college days, and need not be advertised as any great moral movement. But a move- ment so started among American col- leges would reach to goodly propor- tions. It would at least help dispel a somewhat erroneous idea that college students are a crowd of arrogant, sel- fish hogs. It ix ould do us absolutely no harm, and it would bring comfort to some hungry, shivering, terrorized mortal.: Are we men of Michigan, truly men, and big .enough to deny ourselves one iota of needless and extravagant pleas- ure? I hope we are. I, for one, petition the university 'authorities to most rigorously put a quietus to all hopes for a hop this Slip into One of these Suits Look at Yourself in the MIrror That's All. Custom Tailored Suits $25 You'll Buyit Here are such Suits as young men have never had a chance to buy before for $25. They are actually cus- tom tailored Clothes. We cut the patterns for them. They are English Models, designed especially for young men. As .different from ready-made styles as a 1915 Packard from a five-year old buzz wagon. Smart lines; sterling quality throughout; every inch a thoroughbred. will ,ho-, Sit Th Students' Christian association is to Le congratulated in having se- cured the presence of Miss Jane Ad- dams, of Chicago, for an address on Frhday eening. Miss Aridams is iden- tified with the Hull house, which is ofle of the most successf ml social set- tleme>ts in the country. Her presence in Ann Arbor is a rare opportunity for students to learn the true meaning of social settlements. I year. Don't be Just One of the Mob in Dress; Wear One of These Distinctive Models Many imported materials in the assortment, such as Bannockburn Cheviots and English Serges; soft unfinished worsteds; rugged homespuns; patterns not ob- tainable elsewhere. Edgar R. Theiss, '16. IIFNRY STEPHENS ANNOUNCES is CANDIDACY FORl REGENT e of treat A Henry gan, v ill Stephens, of Waters, Michi- be a andidate for the nom- And the price is only $25. Couldn't duplicate the quality or style in a made-to-measure Suit for less than $50. Are you interested workmanship or m closed ating the ven, 34-6,. ination for rege the Republican7 r of with and inter-' n the game :oring was -- . vention to beI Professor Finley, member of the February. The Roy, Ei ducatior al society of England uis Beal, '82,' and prof'essor at Rugby, gave a very land, '82-84L, interesting address yesterday after- said that Mr. B noon -n Professor Adams' room upon, didate for re-e "Secondary Education in England." He is a weill-know has becn commissioned by the Royal graduate of se society to investigate the systems of cluding Harvari secondary education in America. He :colleges. bears the novel distinction of being the only professor of Pedagogy in University Av England. Films all sizes, ent of the university on ticket, at the state con- held in Ann Arbor in terms of Regent Jun-- and Regent Frank Le- expire in May. It is Beal will not be a can- lection. Mr. Stephens n lumberman and a veral universities, in- d and four .European e. Pharmacy. Eastman ti Custom Tailoring The very best of Foreign and Yankee Woolens await your selection in our Cus- torn Tailoring De- partm ent. Suits $400$60 JRD AN TAILOR Full Dress Waistcoats Very new and fash- ionable to the last de- 6ree-white Pique Waistcoats for full dress wear. Ten Dollars Lafayette Boulevard and Wayne Street I_