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December 01, 1914 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-12-01

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'hat Crimson Will
es Chance to
is Year's


Dr. J. C. Ferguson on "A Survey of
Chinese Art," Alumni Memorial hall,
4:15 o'clock.
Senior engineer dinner, Michigan Un-
ion, 6:00 o'clock.r


e to Be


Xl1 if

Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra,
Hill auditorium, 8:00 o'clock.
Meeting for formation of Rifle club,
trophy room, Waterman gymnasium,
5:00 o'clock.

as are already
for next fall's
eastern trip
artelme stim-
nite will be
games until
oth the inter-
on the con-
iderstood that
welcomed in


Conditions in Eastern Cities Doy Not,
Seem to Favor Excursion of.
Unless negotiations with other cities
prove more successful and satisfact-
ory, there is a possibility that the
Michigan combined musical clubs will
take no eastern trip during the Christ-
mas holidays this year.N
So far, but five or six cities have
given adequate guarantees for the pre-
sentation of a concert. Financial con-
ditions in the east seem to be such
that arrangements for a profitable trip
cannot be assured. Those concerned
say it is due to war situations, and un-
equal competition with the eastern
W. 1. Shafer, '16, who had charge
of the trip for the musical clubs, was
forced to resign from the management
because of scholastic duties. Adna R.
Johnson, '16L, was appointed to fill
the vacancy and to complete the plans
underway. He has been compelled to
resign for similar reasons. Conse-
quently the clubs are laboring unaer
severe handicaps for this year's trip.
The management, however, is con-
fident of giving the trip, since plans
have gone so far. Definite announce-
ment of the tour, if it will be attempt-
ed, will appear later.
Gies Conditions Under Which Return
of Affair Will Be Considered
By Facultyy

Record Number Signify Intentions
Competeing for Plhces in

r -.

Last Public Meeting of Bigs
Attended by More Than
Delegates and







, . More than fifty men met last night
ts. with general chairman K. S. Baxter,
big '15E, of the Michigan Union opera, to
fg- signify their intention of trying out
be for the cast of the 1915 show. This
he number exceeds the number who came
out last year by ten. It is expected
he that from ten to twenty more will re-
port when the actual tryouts are held
)l3 next week.
re Baxter leaves for New Orleans this
on morning, and immediately on his re-
turn to Ann Arbor next Sunday, active
work in preparing the opera for pro-

Most Successful Conference Ever held
in Opinion of Directors
of Project
Before an audience which numbered
more than 4,000, Fred B. Smith, of
New York, spoke at the final big pub-
lic platform meeting of the Boys' con-
ference held in Hill auditorium Sunday
afternoon. In addition to the 2,000 con-
ference delegates who occupied the en-
tire first floor of the auditorium, more
than 1,500 students of the university
were in the audience.
After the invocation which was pro-
nounced by Dr. F. H. Burt of Chicago,
the Glee club undqer the direction of
Kenneth Westerman, '14, rendered a,
The speaker of the afternoon chose
as his subject, "A Strong Man," and,
at the outset of his remarks,-.said that
he wished to correct an impression
which had been spread on the campus
that he was an officer of a large trust
company. He stated that his position
.was simply in the capacity of trying
to force a corner in the asbestos mar-
ket, and "for a man who had spent
more than 25 years of his life as a Y.
M C. A. secretary, that wasn't such a
bad position after all.",
Makes Plea For Abstinence
Mr. Smith devoted the principal part
of his address to impressing upon his
hearers the fact that any fool could be
an infidel, but that it took a real man
to be a Christian.. He made a plea
for total abstinence and brought out
the interesting fact that in Oklahoma,
a license was required not only for the
man who sold liquor, but also for the
man who drank it.
At the close of his address which was
mainly in the form of an old-fashioned
revival sermon, he asked all those who
wished to become professing Chris-'
tian to fill out the cards which would
be provided by the ushers for that pur-
pose. More than 400 of these cards
were signed by university students,
and over 600 of the conference dele-
gates made a definite decision.

with Architect Kahn,
ill auditorium, it was

According to present plans of the
Michigan Unioi Boat club, a campus-
wide membership campaign will take
place for several davs after Monday,
December 7. The canvass will
extend to practically all men students,
and members of the faculty will also be
urged to join.
John S. Leonard, ;16L, is general
chairman of the membership commit-
tees, and announcements will be made
by him soon of one sub-chairman in
each department, to manage the cam-
paign in that department. Each of
these chairmen will be assisted by a
large number of committeemen. De-
partmental chairmen will be announc-
ed soon. memberships are open to
all at $1.50, but members of the Un-
ion may secure memberships for $1.00.
, Grinstead Will Give Impersonation of
Well-known "Salonie" As One

Faculty Council Will Gather M
and Determine Duration of
Coming Christmas
University Men and Women of Di
Residence Would be Aided
By Measuri
According to a statement mac
President Harry 13. Hutchins ye
day, the senate council will me
special session Monday, Deceml
to decide tho matter of lengthenin
Christmas vacation. This is one
earlier than the regular meeting.
This action follows the present
of the following resolution draw
by the committee of the student
cl, whichtcalls the attention of th
thorities to the general desire of
part of the student body for a 1
vacation this winter.
Wether or not the senate cc
will recommend a change in the
ings made by the regents, which
determined the length of the vac
in former years, will not be know
the senate council meets.
The committee appointed by I
dent A. T. Ricketts, '15E, drew u
following resolution, a copy of u
was sent to both the president o
university and the senate counci
"To the president and senate co
of the University of Michigan.
"Whereas, the holiday vacatil
scheduled to begin the evening o:
comber 22, and
"Whereas, this date is inconve
for the student body, makingit
cult, if not impossible, for those 1
at a distance to reach their home

auaitoiuI, wuud noti n any way
harm the acoustic properties of the
building. Mr. Kahn suggested that the
proposed stage structure be made to
harmonize with the decorations of the
auditorium, and referred the opera
management to several New York
firms, for plans.
Theodore Harrison and Earl V.
Moore of the school of music faculty
are still judging the music for the'
show, and expect to make the an-
nouncement of the successful compos-
er within a few days.

lillibert, is a
Jub, and has

Secretary Talks to Y.M.C.A. Gathering
in Hope of Helping Some of
His Audience

At a recent conference held between
President Harry B. Hutchins, and Don
Smith, '16E, and George McMahon, '15,
presidents of the junior .engineer and
junior lit classes respectively, the ob-
jectional feaures of former hops were
brought out and the basis of elimina-
tion was discussed, if the petition for
the reinstatement of the J-Hop is to
be considered by the university author-
In addition to the reduetion in ex-
pense, and the democratizing of the
function, President Hutchins pointed
out that greater control over the con-
duct of the dancers would be demand-
ed, and that some provisions would
have to be made for taking care of
Spectators have always presented a.
troublesome problem to hop commit-
tees of former years. Many people
wish to see the decorations, and to
watch the dancers, and have been will-
ing to pay for seats in the balcony for
the privilege. Students had become
accustomed to being admitted as spec-
tators after 12:00 o'clock, free of
charge. At the time of the last hop it
had been previously anr!ounced that
no one would be given free ad-nission
even after midnight, but a . crowd
gathered and tried to force its way in.
Its efforts caused the so-called riot
to which many have attributed the
abolition of the J-Hop.
According to an announcement made
by the presidents of the two junior
classes, the approval of all class or-
ganizations favorable to a return of
the hop must be presented before
Monday. It is planned to present the
petition to the special meeting of the
senate council which has been called
to consider the Christmas .acation
question, next Monday night.


rt of

Preparations and rehearsals are
under way for the second appearance
of the combined musical clubs before
the student body in Hill auditorium,
the evening of December 10.
This entertaimnent will be in the
nature of a pre-vacation trip concert.
It will feature practically all the num-
bers to be used in the tour through
the east:
Among the novelties is the singing
6f the Chinese national anthem by the
Glee club. The words are to be sung
in Chinese. This is ,omething en-
tirely new, and if successful may lead
to similar attempts in other fields.
Durward Grinstead, '16L, has agreed
to give an impersonation of "When
Miss Salome Danced Before the King."
T1is act will b oe of the drawing
cards of the conc rt, ristead's abil-
ity in such lines beinvg .-ell known on
the campus.
Chase B: Sikes, '16'. will sing the
famous German Christmas ballad
"Stille Nacht," and 'U: S. Wilson '16,
is to sing "On the Road to Mandalay."
Tickets will ;e placed on sale in a
few days.

I Ethyl Fox, '1
J.lthy broker, R
lie Lisle, '14-'1
1 parts in prep
)ns. His daught
y Bess Baker,'
the annual pl
ati last year.

It is considered a significant fact
tic pro- by those who are well acquainted with
f De Le- William Jennings Bryan, Ann Arbor's
t. Earl recent distinguished visitor, that he
scon- gave his services to the Boys' Confer-
tscoigne,ence entirely gratis, receiving only his
maid of railroad fare in return for his trip
.5. The here. This is significant in view of the
.iccardo, fact that Mr. Bryan often receives as
7L, who much as $500.00 honorarium for a sin-
paratory gle address.
er, Cos- While in Ann Arbor, Mr. Bryan said
'15, who that during the years in which he has
ay pro- spoken to Y. M. C. A. gatherings, he
has never accepted more than the bare
expenses of the trips, and, that if his
time permitted, he always deemed it a
AKE great privilege to speak to gatherings
[ANGES of young men, with the feeling that
perhaps he might beuable to make the
Lockers life of some one young fellow Just a
ts little. better than it had been before.,
Mr. Bryan came to Ann Arbor to
speak to the Boys' Conference on be-
en made ing pre'sented with a bound folio which
hin the contained the signatures of more than
acy has 4,000 Michigan boys.
.a ini

Thank Ann Arbor People
Following a brief, farewell service
Sunday night at which "Dinnie" Upton,.
coach of the Grand Rapids Central
high school football team, spoke, the1
conference was formally declared at an
end. The last official act was the pass-
ing of resolutions thanking the people
of Ann Arbor for their hospitality.
Today, in speaking of the conference
.one of the officials said that it had
been the most successful gatherings of
its kind ever held. There were 2,042
registered delegates representing 232
communities and 112 different boys' or-
ganizations were included in the vari-
ous delegations. Lenawee county had
the largest delegation, numbering 122
boys from 16 different points.
The conference was held under the
direction of J. A. Van Dis, State Boys'
Work secretary of the Y. M. C. A., W.
W. Welsh, secretary of the Civic asso-
ciation, and Principal W..M. Aiken of
the Ann Arbor high school, assisted by
a large number of high school boys
who made up the various committees.

One of the main results of the.'
mammoth s o c i a i service cam- mas or
paign which the Y. M.:' A. recently eyj
staged on the campus :. as the sign- enoyt
ing up of, more than a Lundred stb- en c
dents to take part in mme form of . stuc
practical social service? Several lines
of work have been m' pped lt o st

Plan Io Enlist More T'
in Bettering Co;
Aum Ar]


been proposed :
pose of lengthe
though the resu
tion of two scho
"It is for the
more suitable
-students who,
would not be ab
until -af'hn +i.,


lled Laboratories andI
re Among Improvement
improvements have bee
university hospital wit
v months. The pharma
oved into new and s
s in the surgical build:
rters having been lon
n by the rapid develop
small hospital, into on
ical facilities exceeded
section of the country.
medical ward, the labo
en remodelled, and hav
I with the most modern

Three Boys Assist Police to,
Catch Naughty Burglar Man
"A stitch in time saves nin " hear the mysterious sounds repeated.
This ancient, and moss-cove red ad- This time, they jumped out of bed, and
age was again proved Sunday night looking down the alley, saw a man
by three high school boys, who vere in in the act of "jimmying" open a win-
Ann Arbor attending the Boys' confer- dow.
ence. The boys, Troy Reiman c, Plym- Upon the apprehension of the burg-
outh, Mich., Earl Power of Adrian, and lar, one of the boys ran to the tele-


these men, and the co..: t+ whichi
has the work in chare-" expects' to
begin a number of forms of actual ser-
vice in the near future, in addition
to those which it has already inaugu-
Duing 'the campaign. Fred Riudge
and Richard Edwards, social service
cxperts of the internatinal committee
of the Y. M. C. A. in _ew York city,
made a partial survey of the condi-
tions now existing in A Arbor, and
it is on the results of t'ir work that
the local committee expects to put the
students to work,
Two classes for the purpose of
teaching English to 'foreigners have
already been started in loyal factories,
and it is planned to eilarge this
branch of the work in tde near future.;
In addition to this, a sys temn of hos-
pital visitation has alreaidy been deo-
vised and put into ope tion,
Among the lines of werk which are
contemplated in the near future is the
organization of classes inofirst aid
among the various sho s of the city,
and a more complete organization of
the Ann Arbor playground system.
When all of the lines of work will1
have been started, it is expected that
more than 300 university students will
be actively engaged in some form of
social service endeavor.
Show Much Interest in Road Building
Many letters of inquiry have been
icceived by the civil engineering de-
partmuent in regard to the course in
highway engineering which it will in-

but we can not help but feel th
loss of time to studies would be
than repaid by the extra four
which would be added to the vac
"For these reasons, the a
council is unanimous in asking
favorable consideration of the c
es as stated in the enclosed reso
Yours truly,
'915 Eng ieers Dine at Union To
Senior engineers will give a
dinne at:600 o'clock tonight,
Michigan Union. 'The committe
M c li ; 7 -i o . ' ' e o r itearra n g e d to h a v e P ro f. H . C . A
.son, of theengineeringdepart
peak in behalf of the faculty.
ntbers o?,the program will
speechty Mr. J H rinuratc
engineering department, and mu
a string quartet. A. T. Ricketts,
ident of the student council, s
W. Hall, class president, will be
Bridge Tournament Has Many E_
Most of the entries for the
bridge tournament are expected
in, before tonight at 7:30 o'clock,
the committee will meet to con
arrangements for the tourn
which will start. next Friday ni
7:30 o'clock at the clubhouse. I
who have not paired off may be a
arrange with the committee-for a

~1 Y. ,

ing, the
g since
ment of
ne, hav-
by few
ve been
n appa-

Mary M. Turner, '92, of Detroit, has
recently placed $300 in the hands of
Dean Myra B. Gordan, to be adminis-
tered as a loan fund for university
women, in memory of Jane 0, Turner,
ex-'00. The fund will be administered
as the Jane Turner loan fund by a
'committee consisting of President
Harry B. Hutchins, Dean Jordan and
Mary M. Turner, and will be available
at the beginning of the second semes-
ter of this year.

Dewey Meyers of Bay City, were get-
ting into bed about 10:30 o'clock Sun-
day evening, in their room at the Al-
lersel hotel, when their attention was
attracted by a series of peculiar
sounds in the alley below their win-
Peering into the darkness, the boys
were able to discern nothing, and they
thought the sounds had merely been
due to their imaginations. Tht boys
retired for the second time only to

phone and called the police to the spot.
As -police hgadquarters was less than
a block from the scene of action, the
miscreant who gave his name as Clar-,
ence Lennan of Sault Ste. Marie, was
handcuffed almost before the boys
could count 10.
"Yes," said a sergeant of police last
night, in discussing the affair, "those
boys were right smart, and I'd be glad
to see a Boy's conference here again

hanges, a new systemI
en instituted for stu-!
in the hospital, and
iently located for user

any time,",

augurate on Monday, February 15:

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