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November 28, 1914 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-11-28

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, , .





i i I M iM I~liw

AY, NOVEMBER 28, 1914.






Ask Help Of University Men In,
Campaign For Acsisting Stricken



Secretary of State W. J. Bryan speaks
at Hill auditorium at 7:30 o'clock.
Membership dance at Michlgan Union
at 9:00 o'clock.
Chess and Checker club at Michigan
Union, 7:30 o'clock.
Reception for Secretary Bryan, High
school, auditorium, 5:00 o'clock.
Soccer game, Ferry field, 2.:00 o'clock.

Men students in the university have
joined forces with the fair sex, in the
movement to aid the destitute inhabi-
tants of Belgium, and Albania, and
have begun an active campaign to se-
cure contributions to send to the poor
and homeless of these countries. Head-
quarters for the committee which has
the work in charge are at the Church
of Christ, across from Alumni Memo-
rial hall, and someone will be in
charge -there throughout the day, to re-
ceive the much needed contributions.
University women have responded
to the call for aid most loyally, and so
earnest have been their efforts, that
the sympathies of the whole campus,
deans, professors, students and all
have been focused upon the work that
is being done. Sororities and women's
house clubs are the most active partic-
ipants in the campaign, and sonie of
the women have gone so far as to give

up 10 hours a day to the burdensome
task of making garments for the suf-
ferers in Europe, with the gayest of
Thanksgiving social functions to dis-
tract their minds. Two boxes were
sent yesterday containing in.all nearly
800 dresses for the women and chil-
dren of the stricken countries.
Such noble work on the part of the
university women, has awakened the
interest of the men, and they are now
through a committee, sending out cir-
cular letters to class presidents, and
to the heads of fraternities and house-
clubs, asking for their co-operation, in
raising contributions for the sufferers.
Money, is not necessary; what is want-
eC consists chiefly of clothes for these
unfortunate beings, who are about to
face the perils of winter, wholly with-
out protection. They need our sup-
port, in this undertaking. Let us give

e which

John Maulbetsch of Ann Arbor, and
lately halfback on the Michigan foot-
ball team, spends his time now in
making All-American teams. His ef-
forts in the past season have just been
recognized by his being selected on
two more of these imaginary elevens.
Frank G. Menke, of the International
News service picked the following team
which was published in the Detroit
News for Wednesday, November 25:
Player College Position Weight
Hardwick (Harvard) . .L.E 174
Ballin (Princeton) .... L.T 194
Mucks (Wisconsin) .. .L.G. 265
Peck (Pittsburg) ......C. 180
Spears (Dartmouth) ..R.G. 245
Hadigan (Nebraska) ..RT. 180
Graves (Illinois) ......R.E. 170
Barrett (Cornell) ..... Q. 180
Spiegel (W. & f.).....L.H. 170
Maulbetsch (Michigan) .R.H. 165
Legore (Yale) ......,.F.B. 185
This team is remarkable from the
fact that no institution is twice repre-
sented in the selection, eleven col-
leges being honored with places ol
the team.

. B. Smith speaks at
urch, 10:30 o'clock.


R. M. Leland, Michigan Union, 2:301

red B. Smith, on "A Strong
auditorium, 3:00 o'clock.
enorah society meeting,

Man," Hill

and the hall, 8:00 o'clock,
the high
f the bus-
V. Welsh,
the regis-
dition, up ,.,,,
boys who CC T

' -

"Americans" and "Cosmopolitans"
Stage Final Game of Season
on Ferry Field This
Dope Favors Team of Foreigners, V
have Many Seasoned Players
in Line-up
European wvar conditions will
resembled somewhat this afternoon
Ferry field, when nine nationalil
will open hostilities. Two teams b
been selected from the soccer sqi
to stage a game for the benefit of
visitors in town for the Boys' con
eice. One team, which will be ca
the "Cosmopolitans," will be made
entirely of men from foreign counti
and includes in its line-up two Gre(
two Boers, two Englishmen, two I
landers, one American, one Fren
man, and one Chinese student. 'I
tMam will oppose a team of native.
this country, which will be known
the "Americans."
This will be the closing contest
the season, and according to Intran
al Director Rowe, will be the har4
fought; While the "American" tE
ha in its line-up McCall and Fow
the individual stars of the soccer -
son, the "Cosmopolitan" team is m
up entirely of men who have had
eral seasons of experience. Accord
to dope, the team of foreign studE
ought to win.
The game will be put on for
2,000 boys at the Boys' confere:
To accommodate the boys, who
attend in a body, the contest will
staged on the main gridiron on Fe
field, and the stands will be open
spectators. The game will begin
2:00 o'clock, and no admission wil
The teams will consist of the toll
ig deir: e 'Cosmiopolitans, "Tripol



To Dr. A. B. Prescott, Dean
1905, Goes Credit For



Look Bright For
in Intercollegiates
Autumn As Present
Season Ends




d Next Year's Cross-Country
tain Will Take Place
Next Week

Organized in 1868, as a division of
the department of literature, science
and the arts, the department of phar-
macy has had a growth which is pro-
portional to that of the rest of the
The degree of Pharmaceutical Chem-
ist was first conferred in 1869. For

.t the first three years of its existence,
1- only one year was required for grad-
h uation; then the course was lengthen-


i meeting of
last night in
:h the public

the cheer-
ons which

an address of
.e boys of Ann
I by President
welcomed the
the university.
ginaw, the re-
for the con-


is, who spoke on "Training
1racter Building," and United
enator, Charles E. Townsend,
dressed the conference on the
"Christian Citizenship."
Bryan Will Appear
ain attraction of the conference
his appearance tonight, when
y of State William J. Bryan,
invitation of 4,000 Michigan
11 address the conference plat-
eeting in Hill auditorium at
lock. No women will be allow-
s meeting. A few more tickets
available for students at the
ty "Y" offlce. During his stay
Arbor, Mr. Bryan will be enter-
by President Hutchins. The
>f Ann Arbor will be given an
nity to meet Mr. Bryan at a re-
which is to be held at 5:00
this afternoon in the high
ighout the day, sectional meet-
11 be held in various places
out the city and delegation
ns will be served by the
ig Parade Comes Today
morning at 11:30 o'clock one
host interesting features of the
onference will take place, when
re registration of the big gath-
ill form a parade and, march
the streets of Ann Arbor.,

the usual number of recruits, the dis-
tance men should develop a team that
will place well up in the eastern inter-
collegiate race.
Michigan made a rather sorry show-
ing in the eastern distance classic last
year, and it was considered inadvisa-
ble to send the team east this fall, but
in view of the excellent prospects for
the coming season, it seems quite prob-
able that Michigan will be represented
in 1915.
The cross-country team celebrated
the closs of a successful season on
Thursday, when the eight man team,
entered by the Wolverines, beat the
Detroit "Y" athletes out by the nar-
row margin of one point, in the annual
Thanksgiving Day race of the Detroit
Y. M. C. A.
By winning the Detroit race on
Thursday, Michigan received the De-
troit "Y" cup for one year, and earned
one leg toward the permanent posses-
sion of the trophy. In addition, the
first six Wolverines to finish were giv-
en medals.
K. W. Vance, '16, won tenth place in
Thursday's race instead of Lynch, as
was at first announced. Lynch was un-
able to run, and Vance was substitut-
ed at the last moment.
The election of next year's cross-
country captain will take place next
week, at a time and place to be an-
nounced later.
Prof. S. L. Bigelow, of the chem-,
istry department, narrowly escaped
injury, at 11:00 o'clock, Thursday
night, when his automobile was
struck by a street car on Washtenaw
avenue. The automobile was stand-
ing when struck, Professor Bigelow
having stopped to call his dog which
had escaped from the machine.
Three Classes Favor Return of J-Hop
Three classes went on record yester-
day, as favoring the reestablishment
of the Junior hop, as proposed by
George McMahon, '16, president of the
junior lit class, and Don Smith, '16E,
president of the Junior engineer class.
The senior laws and the senior dents
voted power to their presidents to
sign the petition which is to be pre-
sented to the committee on student
activities, as did the first year laws,
First year laws decided to have a
dance soon after Christmas. The
smoker which had been proposed for
that week was postponed indefinitely.

ed to two years. In 1876 the depart-
ment became separate, with Dr. Albert
B Prescott as its dean, in which ca-
pacity he continued to serve until his
death in 1905.
It is impossible to make even an
approximate estimate of the influence
Dr. Prescott has had on the elevation
of pharmaceutical education in the
United States. He always stood for
higher education in pharmacy, and
was the first to recognize the import-
ance of laboratory training in phar-
macy. When he was entrusted with
the organization of the department in
1868, he introduced these methods of
instruction, and from that time to this
a feature of the department has been
the requirement of laboratory work
from all students.
Michigan was the first institution to
grant a pharmaceutical degree without
actual drug store experience. Dr.
Prescott realized that this experience
was something which was entirely out-
side the control of a university facul-
ty. It was the aim of the department
therefore to replace the apprenticeship
system with an actual laboratory
course of instruction, under compe-
tent instructors, so that the student
would learn the manufacture of drugs
under ideal conditions,
In 1895 the faculty realized that,
while graduates of its two year course
were in demand, they would be much
better qualified to hold most positions,
if they were to have a more extended
course, than it is possible to give in
two years. A four year course, leading
to the degree of Bachelor of Science
in Pharmacy, was therefore establish-
ed. This gave an opportunity to in-
clude. courses in mathematics, physics
and one or more of the foreign lan-
guages which are so necessary for sci-
entific investigation.
The degree of Master of Pharmacy
which was granted from 1887 to 1895,
was discontinued when the four year
course was established. The depart-
ment has granted about 1,500 degrees,

Celebrated Religions Worker Appears
Every Year at Lake Geneva
gir. Fred B. Smith, of New York,
who will speak to men only, on the
Boys' conference program, at Hill au-
0itorium at 3:30 o'clock Sunday af-
ternoon, is ranked as one of the most
successful religious speakers in the
United States today.
For years he has been identified with
the Y. M. C. A. work, and he formerly
traveled as secretary of the Interna-
tional Y. M. C. A. committee. He is
always on the program at the sum-
mer conferences at Lake Geneva, Wis-
consin. Last year he addressed the
great Student Volunteer convention at
Kansas City which 7,500 delegates at-
Mr. Smith was, one of the prime
movers of the Men and Religion For-
-ard movement which swept over the
United States two years ago. He is
now employed as secretary to the pres-
ident of the H. W. Johns-Manville
company.I He accepted this position
on condition that he be given two days
of each week to devote full time to re-
ligious work.
Besides his address for men in the
afternoon, Mr. Smith will speak at the
Baptist church at 10:30 o'clock Sun-
day morning.'
Prof. A. L. Cross' book, "A History
of England and Greater Britain" was
highly rated in a review of the same
in the last number of "The Athenae-
um," an English publication. The arti-
cle ended as follows: "Altogether, it
may be doubted whether there is at
present available another general in-
troduction to English history, which, is
ot the same time, so carefully and at-
tractively written, and so obviously
the product of a sound historian."
Professor Cross' work, which came
out early in August, has proven very
popular as it has already been adopted
by 35 institutions, the last to adopt it
being Princeton. The demand was so
great that it was found necessary to
publish a second edition.


Under Leadership of Professor L. A.
Strauss Since 1908, Society
Shows Improvement
No amount of searching among the
records of the university, or consulting
the oldest memories on the campus,
has been able to cast enlightenment
upon the definite founding of the Com-
dy club.
Though 'one of the olde4t forns of
student endeavor, the dramatic organ-
ization has changed names three times
since 1895. It has seen periods of suc-
cess and apparent failure, finally
gaining a perfection of organization,
which has placed the University of
Michigan in no mean position of au-
thority on collegiate dramatics.
From the clubs, known as the
"Thespians" and "The Dramatic Club,"
the present organization traces its lin-
eage. The first production; as near
as can be ascertained, was staged on
May 10, 1895. Two farces comprised
this initial production. They were
"Woodcock's Little Game," and "Lend
Me Two Shillings."
Norman Hackett, Karl Harriman and
James O'Donnel Bennett are names
connected with the early history of the
Comedy club. The plays were crudely
produced, as compared with the offer-
ings of today. Many struggles in the
formation of an adequate constitution
and personnel of the club ceaused hope
of successful dramatics in,:the univer-
sity to be almost forsaken.
In 1908, Prof. L. A. Strauss, of the
English department, took charge of
the club. Under his guidance the
membership of the organization was
broadened and interest rekindled in
student dramatics. ',The progress ef-
fected in the past few years is notice-
able in the style and quality of presen-
tations staged by the club. "Money,"
"The Scarecrow," and "Pomander
Walk" are plays of the first order, the
latter being the production chosenE
for this year.
Professor Strauss' aim has been to
modernize and advance the character
of the plays given, realizing that stu-'
dent interest can not be aroused in
most cases by the productions of the
past. It is to him that the Comedy
club owes much, for its firm estab-
lishment and success in recent years.
With the inauguration of the month-j
ly performance, the Comedy club has

Plans For Spring Vacation Trip Draw
Much Attention to Present
Year's Show
All members of the Michigan Union,
who are interested in trying out for
cast parts in the 1915 opera, are re-
quested to meet at the Union Monday
night at 7:00 o'clock. At this time,
General Chairman K. S. Baxter, '15E,
will explain the requirements for tak-
ing parts in the cast,' and the date for
the actual tryouts will be announced.
The opera, as is well known, has both
feminine and masculine roles to be
filled. The men who have taken the
leading women's parts during the last
few years have made hits in practical-
ly every case.
With a trip already assured for
spring vacation, it is expected that
this year's production will attract
more attention than any previous
show. Two years ago the opera' went
to Detroit and last year it was played
in Chicago and Detroit, but never be-
fore has anything like a six-day trip
been planned.
Michigan alumni associations in the
cities to be visited will have charge of
the production in each place. During
the performance in Chicago last year,
subscriptions were received of suffi-
cient amounts to gutarantee the suc-
cess of next spring's presentation.
There is similar enthusiasm in the
other cities in which the show will be
Matters pertaining to the national
convention of the Cosmopolitan clubs
to be held at Ohio State university, Co-
lumbus, Ohio, this winter will be dis-
cussed at a meeting of the board of
directors of the Cosmopolitan club, at
6:45 o'clock, this evening, in the club
rooms. Nominations of delegates to
the convention will be made, and reg-
ular routine business transacted.

Theatrical Organization
High Among College
Dramatics of

ton, James, Robertson
Li; "Americans," Mc
Fowler, Cohen, Joseph,
sal, Brown, Otis, Coo
and Campbell.

"D'Zweiderwurz'n," a musical com-
edy by Schmid, is the name of the
play to be presented by the Munich
Folk Players in a return engagement
Monday night at the Whitney theatre.
The motif of the production is the cel-
ebration before Easter and the Octo-
bex Schutzenfest, and as the work is
one of the. few of Schmid's which is
not written in the Bavarian dialect, the
appeal will be wider than usual. Zither
music and folk songs and dances will
be the principal features of the play.

and now boasts an
than 100 students.

enrollment of moreI

The troupe comes direct from Munich, increased its favor in the student eye,
Bavaria. It has appeared before sev-{ and the management expects that the
eral of the crowned heads of Europe. club will double its popularity by the
close of this year.
Ann Arbor Germans Plan Relief Funds,

Deutscher Verein Initiates New MenI

Deutscher Verein
Verein rooms last
several new men.

assembled in the
night and initiated
After initiation the

Working quietly, the Ann Arbor Ger-
man societies are gathering funds forI
widows and orphans in the eastern
war zone. A check for $500 will bey

Louisville Rabbi Speaks to Meeting
Rabbi Joseph Rauch of Louisville,
Ky., will speak on "The Need of a
Spiritual Background, at the meeting

society adjourned without further bus-
iness to the gymnasium where the
first dance of the season was held.
Prof. John Dieterle and Prof. Max
Winkler and Mrs. Winkler acted as


sent this week, and it is hoped that of the Jewish Student's Congregationt
another can be mailed before Christ- in McMillan hall, at 6:45 o'clock, to-
mas. The Munich Folk Players will morrow night. The speaker on Sun-
give 20 per cent of their receipts to the day, December 6, will be Rabbi Morrisj
fund. iS. Lazaron of Wheeling, W. Va.

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