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November 26, 1914 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-11-26

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e, '17 Lits

Union membership4
Union, 3:00 o'clock

dance, Michigan

ear Deprived
ling in
ers are the
y ignore the
ws, which is
to the opin-
r Rowe, the
rristers was,
.e situation,
ve, when the

Kentucky club banquet, Michigan Un-
ion, 6:00 o'clock.
Union dinners at 1:00 to 3:00 p. m.
an( 6:00 to 8:00 p. Mr.
Soccer game at Ferry field at 10:30
o'clock a. m.
Cross Country meet at Detroit this
Baptist students' party at guild house
at 8:00 o'clock tonight.
Enrollment of State Y. M. C. A. boys.
Mass meeting for boy delegates at
Hill auditorium, 7:30 o'clock.
New 'York Coach Places Two Michigan
Alumuni on Mythical Track
Howard Seward; '14, and Arthur
Kohler, '14, of last year's -Varsity track
team, have been chosen on the All-

By Robert Marion Riculfi, '15.
There is a law of balance which ap-
plies to benefits received and detri-
ment suffered. If you have received
more benefits from life than you have
suffered detriment, there is cause to
be thankful. Analyze and review your
life, and the lives of those with whom
you are intimately associated. The in-
evitable conclusion derived from your
retlections will be that you and all of,
us have abundant cause for which to
be thankful. In holding the above to
be true, I do not exclude those who
are in any ways, afflicted in body, or
depressed in spirits. To them, I would
say: Rather than be repulsive toward
Him, from whom all blessings flow,
for the ills that have befallen you,
give thanks for your very existence
and for the ills that have not befal-
len you.
There is much for which to be
thankful,-for the beauty of flowers
and the song, of birds; for the joy
of little children, and the loving smil-
es of friends, and loved ones; for the
God-given power to gaze into the eyes
of life, undaunted by any fate that
might possibly threaten us;' for the
strength to draw a veil between our
soul and our eyes, and to keep the
smile of kindness, and goodness up-
on us, when in direct extremity, and
almost unendurable sadness; for our
ever-increasing clear-sighted gaze up-,
on the hurrying stream of life, as we
look deep into the hearts of men, and
see pictured there the generosity, fer-
ocity,. kindliness, want, devotion, the
mockery, and the laughter of debauch-;

ery, the feverish activity, and the stark
despair-all the complex interplay of
human emotions which make life; for
our greater knowledge of man from
birth to death, in his petty episodes
and great moments, in love, work, cre-
ation; for our clearer understanding
of the world of our time-its restless-
ness, its strange new hopes, its shal-
low tumult, its reckless progress; for
strength to confess the presence of
credulity imposed upon, patience in-
flamed, cupidity tempted, 'impulses
misdirected, passions unfettered, and
for faith to approach more closely a
remedy for these conditions; for the
strength of great men to mingle with
and uplift the mass of stupid, loyal
persons, just people, the broken, the
bitter the hard-working, the treach-
erous, the indifferent, the friendly, the
folk who go the pilgrimage with us
through all the days that make the.
years; for our own strength to con-
tend with the young, self-despising
victim of vice; whose very blood has
become impoverished, whose mental
faculties are become weakened, whose
inflamed passions have goaded the
' F ak will on to excesses, which result
in a terrible reaction, demoralization
and degeneration of physical and mor-
al life, which finally paralyze the will
power and leave the victim helpless.
God! Give us men of strength, and
make us thankful for the men who:
all wind their strong arms around
the fallen form of such as these, lift-
ing them up into their world of purity
and self-respect.1

Adelphi and Webster Tryout Finals
Basis for Choice
In the final preliminaries for the
Intercollegiate debate, between .Web-
ster and Adelphi debating teams, held
last night, the following men were
chosen: H. D. Parker, '16L; J. A,
Phelps, '15L, H. D. Oppenheimer, '16L,
and K. M. Stevens, '16L, as alternate.
The group just mentioned will repre-
sent the university in the Central de-
bating league.
These men will debate in University
hall with Chicago on the affirmative:
H. D. Parker,. '16L, P, A. Mler, '17L,
Isadore Becker, '17L, and as alternate,
Jacob Levin, '17L. The men who will
go to Evanston, Ill., to meet North-
western university are: J. A. Phelps,
'15L, H. D. Oppenheinier, '16L, Samuel
Witting, '15, and K. M. Stevens,
'16L, as alternate.
Naples Table Association Will Reward
Best Research Paper Written
j T A ABy College Wosan






)00 Tickets to
Hands of



ne had
e cam-
Is be-
to the'
he ath-'

.. sic and "
To promote laboratory research leader, wil
among women, the Naples Table asso- The ma
ciation, which maintains a research gatean
gates, and
table at the Zoological station-" at Na- first balcoi


ption American college track team selected,
Fer- -
by "Sparrow" Robertson, New York
s en- coach, for the year 1914.
ag to These two men scored 14 of the 29 /
nfor- points made by the Wolverines at the
scor- Intercollegiate meet last June at
e the Cambridge.' Seward took first in the
ione220-yard dash, and' third in the 100-
year yard dash. Captain Kohler won first
ance place 'in tie hammer throw, and plac-
Aball ed fifth in the shot put.
imer- The team chosen.'is as follows:
da 100-yard run, H. P. Drew, Univer-
sity of Southern California; 220-yard
fro-'run, K, Seward, Michigan; 440-yard
ts in run, T. E. Meredith, University of
Ld6pt Pennsylvania; 880-yard run, D. Cald-
tball well, Cornell; one-mile run, 'C. L.
ecid-:Speden, Cornell; two-mile run, 3. H.
vision Taffmire, Cornell; 120-yard hurdle, F.
ed to W. Kelly, University of Southern Cal-
ifornia; 220-yard hurdle, E. Ferguson,
University of Pennsylvania; putting
16-pound shot, R. L. Beatty, Colum-
AMP bia; discus, A. Muchs, University of
Wisconsin; hammer, A. Kohler, Uni-
rs in versity of Michigan; broad jump,
P. Nordell, Dartmouth; high jump,
ak- W. Oler, Jr., Yale; pole vault,
and C. Bergstrom, University of Southern
and California; cross country, D. F. Pot-
and ter, Jr., Cornell.
ment Letters have beef sent to members
steel of the faculty, by the appointment
uild- committee, of the department of edu-
cted. cation, preliminary to choosing candi-,
pre- dates for the teacher's profession from
the seniorelas. Each professor who
as- has been referred to for reference,
aent, by a candidate, will be asked to ans-
the wet: questions concerning the scholar-
aces- ship, and general impression of the
this prospective teacher.
o be Appointments to positions will de-
iston pend largely on the recommendation



pts for qualified women students, of-,
fers for this year, the Ellen Richards
Research prize of $1,000.00 for the
best scientific thesis, written by a1
woman, embodying new observationsj
and new conclusions, based on inde-
pendent scientific research. Subjects
can be chosen in biological, psycho-


to tl
the V,

Pitance Runners Participate
nual Event of. Detroit
Y. M. C. A.

in An-INo

Admission Charge to Thanksl
Day Contest With Battle
Creek Eleven

the association
April, 1915, its
ied by a 'board

Michigan's cross-country team will
leave this morning for Detroit, where
the university distance runners are
entered in he annual Turkey Day
race of the Detroit Y. M. C. A. Cap-
tain Trelfa, Carroll, Kuivinen, Wal-
ters, Olson, Vedder, Lynch and Fish-
leigh are the men who will represent
the Maize and Blue against the best
"nmarathoners" in the state, and .every
man is confident that the Wolverines.
will be close to the top, when the
score is counted.
This is the first year that a Michi-
gan team has been entered in the De-
troit race, and the men are anxious
to make as good a showing as possi-
bl. It will mark the final appear-
ance of the distance men this fall, and
a victory in today's grind ,will give
Captain. Trelfa and his men a clear
record for the season.
Upon the basis of their showing
against the Detroit "Y" squad, earlier
in the fall,. the Michigan runners,
should be among the first to finish,
and it would not be surprising to see
the Wolverines leading the field at the
finish of today's race.
The team will leave on an early
train this morning over the Michigan
Central. In addition to the men en-
tered, W. B. Palmer, Jr., '15, manager
of the cross-country team, will make
the trip.




Despite a previous report that the
soccer game to be played with the Bat-
tle Creek Normal team this morning
was cancelled, Intramural Director
Rowe announces that the contest will
be staged. The game will be played
on south Ferry field at 10:30 o'clock
this morning.
This will probably be the last home
game of the season, although efforts
are being made to have the team stage
an exhibition contest for the benefit
of the Boys' Conference, Saturday af-
The Battle Creek team comes here
preceded by the reputation of having
oue 'of the best teams in the state.
It -will arrive in the city early this
No charge will be made for the hol-
iday contest, and it is expected that a
large .crowd will be on hand. The
Michigan team will probably line up
as follows: left outside, Romein; left
inside, McCall; center forward, Co-
hen; right inside, Domboraggian;
right outside, Martin; left half, Wal-
ton; center half, Fowler; right half,
Maurier; left forward, Tripolitis;
right forward, Brown; goal, Joseph.
In addition to these men, De Liefde,
Kruger, Rosenthal and Otis will prob-
ably play at least a portion of the
Union.Thanksgiving services will be
held at the Baptist church from 10:00
o'clock to 11:00 o'clock this forenoon.
The Rev. L. A. Barrett, of the Pres-
byterian church, will give the princi-
pal address, but the Rev. A. W. Stalk-
er, of the Methodist church, T. M.
Iden, of the Bible Chair House, and
the Rev. N. C. Fetter, Baptist student
pastor, will also speak. The offering
will be given to the Association of
41) Join Advanced Class in Gymnastics
About 40 persons were present at
the first meeting of Dr. G. A. Mday's
class in 'advanced gymnastics. This.
number is much larger than was ex-
pected, and to cover the work, meet-
ings will be held twice a week, on
Wednesdays and Saturdays. The new
course is primarily intended for men
who expect to teach school, but wish
to be able to conduct classes in gym-

time up to April 1, to the secretary of
the association, Mrs. A. D.' Mead, 283
Wayland avenue, Providence, R. I.,
and applications for the tuse of- the
Table in general, which is free, should
also be addressed to the secretary.
Further information on this subject
may be obtained from Dean Myra B.
Jordan, at her office in Barbour gym-
Dean Cooley's Attitude Not Known;
Medics Join Movement
Fresh engineers were added to the
list of classes favoring the reestab-
lishment of the J-Hop, yesterday;,
when they voted to authorize the
,president to sign a petition to the sen-
ate council in behalf of the - dance.
Prior to the vote, Dean M. E. Cooley,
of the engineering department, ex-
plained the idea of the dance, and the
cause of its discontinuance to the stu-
The class, at first, was in favor of
choosing a committee to investigate
the situation. It was only after Dean
Cooley had spoken to them, that the
mnembers decided to take immediate
.Whether the talk of Dean Cooley is
to be taken as indicating that he fa-
vors the Hop, is not known. When ask-
ed regarding his opinion, he said,
1AS a member of the senate council,
I can make no statement in this re-
The soph medics, at a meeting held
yesterday afternoon, also decided to
petition for the dance.
Ann Arbor Independents and Detroit
Aggregation Meet Today
Ann Ai bor Independents will play
1he Detroit Maroons on the fair
grounds at 3:00 o'clock this afternoon.
An attempt was made to secure Rayns-
ford of the Michigan Varsity, but he.
finally refused to play. It is rumored
that several other Wolverinesnhave
been secured to strengthen th e lineup
of the locals.
Julian, the star line plunger froms
jT. A. C., will appear in the Maroon
lineup, and the visitors are confident
that they will be 'able to take the
measure of the Ann Arbor team. 'Jack'
Dunn, of this year's All-Fresh team,
will referee the game, Freshman Coach
Coach Douglass will umpire.

tain tickets at the office beginn
this morning. Special arrangeme
have been made so that fraterni
and . clubs, desiring to sattend in
body, may have space reserved.
At the meeting Saturday night,
glee and mandolin clubs of the i
versity, will furnish the music. "Ha
Haff will be on hand to lead
On Saturday morning, at 11:
o'clock, there will be a parade oft
boy delegates through the princi
sections of the city. Starting at
high school, they will march de
Huron to Main street, down Main
Packard, down Packard to State, a
and from there, back to the h
school where they will disband.
sides the regular deleg'ates, it is
pected that many university stude
will be in line.
Five bands will furnish music
the march. The University band R
lead the procession, while bands fi
Ann Arbor high school, Alpena,
Joseph, and Battle Creek, will also
in line.
Sunday afternoon Fred B. Smith
the H. W. Johns Manville Co., Na
York, will be the principal speak
Tickets for this meeting, which, I
the Saturday night meeting, will
for men only, may p secured at
University Y. .M. C. A., this mornit
Secretary of State Bryan will
tendered a reception, at 4:30 o'cho
on Saturday afternoon in
corridors of Ann Arbor h
school. At this time the delegates
the convention will have an opi
tunity to meet him.
The committee in charge of acco
modations for the boys has been s
cessful in obtaining rooms, and
pects to have everyone taken care
by tonight.
Many townspeople have offe
their automobiles to the committee
charge of sight seeing, for Satur
afternoon. The management desi
that university students who can
so, will offer their services also.
rangements of this character can
made either at the University Y. M.
A. or at the city Y. M. C. A.
There is, indeed, abundant ca
for which to be thankful; but, ab
all, let us sing a song of gratit
and praise within our hearts this
for that greatest of all gifts-1
Lighttthat the Christ holds forth
mark our Heavenward Way.

t the
r will

n surveying camp.
Paper Gets Financial Aid
to continue publication
financial aid of Bryant
-'79L, who has agreed to
entire expense, the serial
of th.3 department of zool-
ional Papers of the Muse-
ogy of the University of
will again make its ap-,
is year. The publication
last year but became in-.
nancial difficulties. 1

of the various instructors, 'This plan
of procedure in making appointments
was adopted last year, and proved so
successful that it is now permanently
Narsteller Takes New Business Course
"History of Economic Doctrine" by
Charles Gide, the noted French econo-
mist will be used as a text book in a
new course, given by the political
economy department, next semester.
Mr. William F. Marsteller who taught
French in the university last year, and
who is now in the economics depart-
dnent, will be the instructor in charge.-
As the book his not yet been trans-
lated into English, the discussion will
be largely held in French. Further
details, in regard to the course, will
be announced later.
Bartelme Arranging Eastern Relations
Director P. G. Barteline, who is in
the east arranging Michigan's athletic
relations wit Harvard, Pennsylvania,
and Cornell, , expected hone the,
first of the we, . Mr. Bartelme was
present at the t arvard-Yale contest
on Saturday.


Kentucky Club Will Banquet at Union
Final arrangements are now being
made for the annual banquet of the
Kentucky club to be held at the Mich-
'igan Union at 6:"' o'clock tonight.;
Mr. W. F. Marsteller, an instructor in
the economics department, and sever-
al or the student members will speak.
All students and all faculty mem-
hers' whose homes are in the state of
Kentucky are invited to. attend this
dinner.. Those who have not as yet
made arrangements for their plates
are requested to inform Frank B.
Thompson, '17k, whose telephone
number is 18.
Rearrange Exhibit in Memorial Hall
Redecoration and replacement of
many of the flowers in the floral dis-
play at.Memorial hall, is now taking
place under the direction of Mr. Wie-.
ner, head gardener of the botanical de-
partment in order to make a better
appearance for the invasion of the
2,000 Y. M. C. A. conference. boys to-



. Demmon,
and Regent
City, left
east, where
libraries of
Guthe and
return tol

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