THE MICHIGAN I)AILY "Head and Shoulders above the Crowd" of ordinary dressers is a very natural and wholly justified feeling for a wearer of STEIN-BLOCn Smart Clothes. GLOVES N ALL LEATHERS-for all occasions- black, tan, white and grey. We havei them unlined and lined in such a wide range of sizes that we can assure you of a perfect fit. IN KER & C-C ASK ANY COLLEGE OR HIGH SCHOOL MAN WHO MEASURES UP TO HIS IDEAL IN STYLES THE ANSWER WILLL INVARIABLY BE L1 ADLER'S ROCHESTER CLOTHES I )o Try it- you'll like it. Furnishers and Hatters 342 S. State St. AGENTS POR POWNE'S and LUCAS, KENNEDY'GLOVES. Whether you want to dress smartly or conservatively our L. ADLER'S CLOTHES can take care of you in either case. Wonderful showing in Suits, Balmacaans and Overcoats. Prices $18, $2o, and $25. 11 lcnsclimitt, Apfel & Co CLOTHIERS and FURNISHERS e Buying Your Fall Suit -........... .... l DIETERLE at his Ann Arbor Store, ams St., three doors below Maynard. Woolens of the latest weaves and Come in and see for yourself. All' TAILOR WM. E. DIETERLE .iw iq y / . . -Thanksgiving dinners, with special music at noon, will be served at the Union tomorrow, from 1:00 to 3:00 and 6:00 to 8:00 o'clock, at $1.00 per, plate. - Christmas packages and boxes of cigars have been obtained for distribu- tion by the Union, La Preferencias par- ticularly'may be purchased in attract ive packages. A full- line of other ci- gars and tobaccos is carried. ., -C. P. Emery, '18, who underwent a mastoid operation last week, is recov- ering rapidly. -Donaald C. McIntyre, '17, who Was op- erated upon .last week for a mastoid, is reported by the hospital officials to be improving rapidly. -Members of the Michigan State En- gineering society will meet in Ann Ar- bor some time in January, the exact date not having been set. -University hospitalsauthorities re- ported yesterday that D. C. McIntyre, '17, and C. P. Emory, '18, who were pperated upon for mastoids last week, were both much improved. -.W."-Carp'en'ter,'18E, has been dis- charged from the homeopathio hospit- If you can't go home for Thanksgiving you can do the next best thing. Send Your Portrait. We please. while others fail. Amatuer printing on Vest Cyko Paper. Kodak Supplies and a fine line of Mc. Donold's home made chocolate candy. Hoppe's Studio 619 E. LIberty St. Phon. 10784 P"ONe 117 Fresh Roasted Peanuts A FULL1 POUND 214 S. Main St. Geo. P. Geisendorfer I,& Reule, Conlin, Fiegel C 200-202 So. Main St. "The Quality Store" ..... al, where he appendicitis. has been suffering with' DEALER IN Meat Products AGREE ON SYSTEM FOR CLASS MEETS' of all kinds Two Elimination ,Contests Will Held; One Indoors and One Outdoors Be 201 E. Washington St. I i F jil i I don't have to prove that I am the best-and O N L Y REAL cigarette case made I admit it. Ask to see me HAVE ONE ALLER JEWELRY CO. SUGGEST PLAN FOR ELECTIONS At the meeting of the various class track managers at the athletic associa- tion yesterday afternoon, it was defi- nitely decided to establish the pro- posed system of interclass track meets, In addition to this action, a plan for a new method of selecting the varsity track manager was discussed. Two series of elimination class track meets will be held, one coming during the winter, indoors, and the other in the spring when Ferry field is avail- able. At the conclusion of the outdoor meets, a big all-comers event will be held, and prizes will be awarded the winners. It is expected that, in this way, promising varsity material will be lined up to fill the many vacancies caused by graduation last June. As soon as any man shows particular marked ability in any event, he will be shifted to the varsity squad. Believing that the present system of selecting track managers is unsatis- factory, a new plan was suggested for consideration. Under the Proposed system, class track maagers would be eligible for this position, and promo- tion would be based entirely upon abil- ity. This would preclude the elections at the end of the sophomore year, which system is in vogue at the pres- ent time. It was held that the biggest fault. found with the present election system, is that the campus in general has no way of knowing which men have done the best and most faithful work, but instead often elect an in- dividual who is better known than his opponent. Temple Theatre Mon., Nov. 23-The Paisioned Bit. Tues., Nov. 24-Hearst Selig News. Wed., Nov.. 25-The Derelicts. ThursZ Nov. 26-Perils of Pauline (13 Story). Fri., Nov. 27--The Livid Flames. Sat., Nov. 28-Seven Sealed Orders. The Song of the Wildwood Flute (with Mary Pickford). Coming Next Week--"Gwendolyn." Order HILL'S SWEET CIDER Phone 2140 hy not have it delivered regularlybi or tri- weekly? ° Many do. Always fresh. No preser- vatives used. Visit the mill at the orchard. KENMORE BROOK ORCHARDS IArcade Theatre Wednesday, November 25 What a Woman Will Do. A Drama of compelling interest. Thursday, November 26 THE FOLKS FROM WAY DOWN EAST. A Special Thanksgiving Fea- ture. Friday-Saturday, November 27-28 Dramatization of JULES VERNE'S great story, "Michael Strogoff." It is a wonderful, gripping story, magnifi- cently produced. If you have read the book you will not miss it; if you have not read the book do not fall to see the picture. Monday-Tuesday, November 30-Dec. 1 WHEN BROADWAY WAS A TRAIL. Another splendid Shubert Feaure. WILL SHOW "SINGING MOVIES" AT FINAL BENEFIT FOR BAND New Films Give Pictures of Doctor Angell, President Hutchins and Dean Cooley Tonight's exhibition of the Varsity band's movie shows in Hill auditori- um, is to be featured by "singing mov- ies." This number consists of a film made of the "Orpheus Four," a quartet which formerly appeared at the Orphe- um theatre, on Main street, and which will supply music suited to the pic- tures in which they appear. Approximately 600 persons have at- tended the exhibitions in the past two nights, and it is expected that tonight will be the big night. Among the new films which were shown last night,, were new pictures of President-Emeri- tus James B. Angell, taken in front of his home, and a film of President Har- ry B. Hutchins and Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, which was made in front of the law building. An addition was made to the film of the Cornell game, showing the making of the second touchdown of the game, complete from the middle of the field until Maulbetsch crossed the goal line. A feature film, taken at close range of a person feeding a squirrel, was also added to the program. ! .. Attractive Eastern Michigan Edison Compainy Corner E. William and B. Main Streets Lighting Fixtures H AVE you ever thought how you might improve the interior of your house by putting in some new lighting fixtures of modern design ? 4L t is easy to choose from our die- play. You will find some unusually appropriate designs in side brackets and chandeliers in our show room. ffly 1° atty toa aoutb at ' PREKETEES SWEETS AR] the best because they are manufactured of ti best materials and under our supervisio We give you quick service in our fountain drinks a lunches. SUGAR BOWL s M. LELAND SPEKS ON UNION PROGRAM GIVE NEXT SUNDAY usical Numbers aid Refreshments Also Included for Mixer By Commttee Mr. H. M. Leland, of Detroit, will eak on "Character a Business" on e program to be givn by the Mich an Union at 3:00 o'cock next Sun- y afternoon. Musici numbers are ing prepared, and rereshments will on hand for the (fair, which is signed as a mixer. Mr. Leland is Consilting General anager of the Cadillc Motor com- ny, of Detroit. He i an ex-presi- ent of the firm, and Is son is now neral manager of the company. Mr. eland designed the ca: made by the >mpany, and is classe by many as e of the two greatestbusiness men Detroit. The chairman of the committee on usical numbers for th, semester is lesson T. Bushnell, '15 The others the committee, which i to be chang- L every two 'weeks are:John L. Me- hem, '16L, Ralph L. Hatins, '16, and enry H. Roberts, '15L. LEADERS OF JUNIOR CLASSES TO TARE ACTION ABOUT J-HOP George McMahon, '16, and Don Smith, '16E, presidents of their re- spective classes, will consult Presi- dent Harry B. Hutchins today in re- gard to the Junior hop. The class presidents will try to learn what the faculty will demand in the nature of. reforms, before it grants permission to the junior classes to undertake the social function this year. The senior engineers voted yester- day to authorize their president, '0. W. Hall, to sign the petition that will be drawn up by the class presidents, as announced in yesterday's issue of The Daily. The engineers are the first class to respond to the appeals made by Smith and McMahon. THANKSGIVING PARTY TONIGHT at Granger's from 9-12. 50c per couple. ROOM FOR RENT-Front 'room suit- able for two in quiet home. Cheap. Phone 2352-J. One-half block from campus. 50 LOST--Loose leaf r ote book. Owner's name on it. Phone 2112-J. LOST-Probably on campus Monday, watch fob with initials E. A. H. in gold. Finder please retlirn to Mich-1 igan Daily office for reward. 5 good acts and 2 reel of. motion pic- I tures at the Majestic' Thanksgiving matinee at 3:00 P. M. 49-50-51 FOR RENT-A very desirable front suite two squares from campus, New double deck bed. Only two in fam- ily and 4 students in house. Apply WAN KING LOO COME UP AND TRY George's Chop Suey Delicious Chinese and American Dishes 341 S. State St. Phone 12441 Carter the Magician will have you guessing at the Majestic. Carter the Great American :Magic. ian will soon be at he Majestic. Buy your Conklin Pen at Tan Dor. en's Pharmacy, 703 Packard streets ti NOTICE-An Illinois manufacturei wishes to co-operate with a man, lady or company to handle a staple article and permanent position in Ann Arbor No soliciting and only spare time re- quired. Remuneration about $10.00 a LET A VICTROLA MAKE *%U HAPPY President Of Club To Go To Madison Members of the Dixie club met at the Union last night, and chose their president, M. J. Broussard, '15, to rep- resent them at the national convention of Dixie clubs of northern colleges and universities, to be held Saturday at Madison, Wis. Plans are now in progress for a smoker to come some- These chilly fall evenings are nice to stay at home and hug the fire. With a Victrola playing you can invite your friends in and enter- tain them royally. No need for an expensive entertainment. The Victrola is always ready for an informal dance. GRINNELL BROTHERS 120-122 E. 1iberty St. Phone 170' 1207 Willard. . 50-1-2 week. An investment ._quired which is entir Carter the Mysterious carries a ear- personal interview wi load of paraphernalia. most skeptical person safest and largest eari Be sure to attend the Thanksgiving obtainable. Address Matinee at the Majestic. 49-50-51 this paper. We have a stock of thirty-five Victrolas to select from. .-..