udents and Faculty MICHIGAN DAILY is your college aper, and we desire to make it as useful as to you. Below is a list of merchants advertising appears in the DAILY, and will stand back of as the most re- ts in the city. We will gladly in adjusting any differences between our rs and any advertiser. Show your appreci- of our efforts, and at the same time protect elf by patronising DAILY advertisers. BUSINESS MANAGER. r-_____________ GCOVERSBIG FIELD Guiders and Trainers of Michigan's Teams Spend Time Off Duty in Various Ways OIL LAND WORK BUSIES YOST Speculation concerning the occupa- tion of Michigan's coaches and train- ers, when off duty, has always been a somewhat favorite post-season sub- ject for the student football fans. The truth shows that the brains of Wolver- ine football also direct several other industries. Head Coach Fielding H. Yost is at. present spending a few weeks in Nash- ville, Tennessee, preparatory to an excursion to his many business enter- prises. Purchasing and developing oil lands inKansas and Oklahoma, man- age to keep the gridiron wizard busy during the winter months of the year. "King" Cole, this year's reserve coach, is the possessor of a huge fruit ranch in Montana, and was selected by his neighbors to act as secretary of the. Bitterroot Valley Fruitgrowers' asso- ciation. He is at present remaining in Ann Arbor, awaiting notice from the association to make an extensive east- ern business trip. Big "Germany" Schulz, 'who acts as Yost's assistant and specializes in teaching tricks to the linemen, spendso the winter and summer in the employ of the Fort Wayne Electric Works. i Trainer "Steve" Farrell spends the entire school year in Ann Arbor, but gains a period of relaxation during the summer months, when he spends the time fishing and swimming at Win- throp, Massachusetts. Freshman Coach Douglas is a part of the legal machin- ery of the Studebaker Corporation, while "Rosy" Rowe, the intramural di- rector, is employed during the summer months at engineering work for the university. STUD ENTS' H A T in the university hospitals to the number of 1,415, 1,246 goin to toIe allopathic hosptal, and 169 to the hori- eopathic institution. Out of the 175 different conditions which were diagnosed, the following were most frequent, acne vulgaris, 159; asthenosia, 113; bronchitis, 269; conjunctivitis, 112; dermatitis unqual-- ified, 117; laryngitis, 166; neurasthan- ia, 120; pharyngitis, 784; rhinitis, 607; sprains, 122; tonsilitis, 588. There, were 3,678 examinations made of dif- ferent students. Hygienic advice was given to 500. The various common contagious diseases follow, with the number of students taken ill with each: diph- theria, 7; malaria, 4; mumps, 7; scar- let fever, 1; tuberculosis, 12; whoop- ing-cough, 1 Following are the statistics:. Individual students treated, regular session, men, 3,464, women, 420; sum- mer session, men 268, women, 81; to- tal 4,233. Office calls, regular session, men, 13,- 881, women, 2,380; summer session, men, 1,604, women, 385, grand total,< 18,250.. Outside calls, regular session, 406; summer session, 19; total, 425.£ Statistics by departments, men, lit-t erary, 1,878; engineering, 1,095, law,, 218; dent, 86; medical, 56; forestry, 49; homeopathic, 38; and pharmic, 44; to- tal, 3,464. Women, literary, 396, post- graduataes,13, medical 11, total 1,420. By classes, men, freshmen, 908, soph- omores 718; juniors, 970; seniors, 768; specials, 100; total, 3,464; women, freshmen, 130, sophomores, 105, jun- Iors, 82; seniors, 80; post-graduates, 13; specials, 10. Nebraska has receiyed offers fr= 'the University of Texas for a football game to be played next year in either Austin or San Antonio. Texas is very desirous of securing the game, and lhas held out extra inducements. "Dave" Allerdice, former Michiga hatba*k and captain, coaches the Texas team. He was assisted this year by "Bubbles" Paterson, '14E. -o- "Fie! Fie! Fi-Fi" is the~ name of this year's production of the Trl jgle club, Princeton's dramatic oigauization, which will show in Chicago, December 29. Funds will be turned over to the Chicago Red Cross for use in Europe. The book, lyrics, music, costumes, scenery, posters, effects and orchestra are the work of students. -~0- Fire, starting from a defective flue, destroyed the Kappa Alpha Theta house at the University of Illinois No- vember 19, at a loss of $50,000. Other sororities have extended hospitality to the homeless women. -..0-. Twelve overcoats were taken from the Chi Psi lodge, Cornell, Sunday night, by a thief, who entered, thraugb a window. Cornell athletics last year ran behind $3,000, according to the annual statement, recently issued, for the year ending August 31. Every sport made money, the deficit being due to perma- nent crew equipment and improve- ments to Percy field. The difference was covered by a note for $2,000 and an appropriation of $1,000 from the in- terest account. -0-- The Surkiss Solly, publishe4 joint- ly by the Northwestern Y.1M.. and Y. W. C. A., just in from Evanaton, remarks: "We have enough Mexican athlotes around here; what we wnt i %.more football stars." So many people in this world Think they are poets flue; But I really doubt if they can beat This litle rhyme of mine. -Ohio State Lantern. Advertisers ATHLETIC GOODS & ACCESSORIES Harry Muller Sheehans Spalding and Bros., Detroit Wahrs ADDRESSING AND MAILING S. A. Moran O. D. Morrill Davis and Ohlinger I ART GOODS, Mack and Co. Palais Royal James Foster AUTO LIVERIES Ann Arbor Taxi Co.- Polhemus Lines' Holmes Taxi Co. BANKS AND BANKERS - . Ann Arbor Savings Bank Farmers and Mechanics First National Bank German American Bank State Savings Bank Mack and Co. BARBERS F sa Barber Shop Glenn Graham BILLIARD AND POOL ROOMS Wuston Bros. BLANK BOOKS Mayer-Schairer Co. Wahm Sheehan Students? Supply Stare I. F. Sehleede BOOKS Callaghan and Co. Mack and Co. 1. F. Schleede Students' Supply Store Geo. Wahr- Sheehans James Foster BOOTS AND SROES Walk-Over Shoe Co. Wahr's Shoe' Stores Wagner and Co. Mack and Co. Allmand and Forsythe Purfileld Statistics Show Service to 4,239 University Health Have Treated Students BUT THREE FATALITIES RESULT' Complete statistics of the work ac- complished by the university health- service, during both the regular and summer sessions of the university for, the year ending last August, are em- bodied in the annual report of the' staff which was submitted to the board of regents at the meeting yesterday. During both sessions, a grand total of 18,250 office calls were made, and' 4,233 different students, 3,732 men, and 501 women in the university were pa- tients, at some time during the year, out of a total of 6,300 students enroll- ed in the institution. There were but three fatalities among the entire num- ber, appendicitis, tuberculosis and dia- betes each claiming a victim. With a total of 2,274 patients treated the literary department leads the uni- versity. The engineers are second with 1,095, while the other departments follow in order, according to their en- rollment. The junior class has the greatest number of patients, 970, while the freshmen follow close behind with a total of 908. Kenneth Westerman, leader of the university Glee club, will act as con- ductor of the Choral Union chorus dur- ing the absence of Professor A. A. Stanley, who is spending Thanksgiving with relatives in Providence, R. I. Theodore Harrison, of the vocal de- partment of the university school of music, returned yesterday from Pitts- burg, where he gave a joint recital with Helen Stanley, of the Chicago- Philadelphia Opera company. Because of the Thanksgiving vaca- tion, the regular rehearsal of the Uni- versity Symphony orchestra will not. be held Sunday evening. The next re- hearsal will be held a week from Sun- day. Colorado Club Holds First Meeting Members of the Colorado club held their first meeting of this year in the form of a smoker at the Michigan Un- ion last evening. Nine new members were taken into the organization. Plans are now being made for a ban- quet to be held on December 4. The exact time and place will be announced later. Clark Discusses Noted Petrographer Mr. R W. Clark, instructor in pet- rography, in his lecture "The Life and Work of Ferdinand Zirkel" discussed the importance of.Mr. Zirkel's work in mineralogy and petrography. " Besides writing several valuable text books, the German petrographer has made many interesting discoveries, and ad- ded much to the knowledge of micro- scopic mineralogy and petrography. Now don't you fret, exohange, old top, No one will call your bluff; You've got old Horace beat a mile On this gas meter stuff. -Michigan Daily. Freshmen at the University of Mon- treal held a meeting recently at which they knitted socks for Canadian sol- diers. At a recent meeting of the Prince- ton senior council it was decided that freshmen and sophomores should not be permitted to wear mackinaws. Freshmen, however, may wear black toques during the months of Decem- ber, January and February. -o-- They say there is a freshman at Minnesota named Iona Lozier. -o-- Minnesota's Cosmopolitan club con- tains 20 foreign students, 15 Amer- ican students and seven faculty mem- bers. -0- The Randolph-Macon Tattler num- bers among the horrors of war the high price of automobile tires, lack of pistachio nuts, and the fear that caps and gowns will be white for lack of dyes. 11 ,,58 Class Committeemen. Programss Tickets Menus Posters I can fix you up better than anyone in tow, and do it reasonably. Programs and Menus are my Specialty C-OME IN AND SEE ME 111 West Liberty Millard Press Phone 138 BOWLING ALLEYS Huston Bros. NOTE:-This list, will be continued until all the merchants .are classified. In case, any advertiser handles goods which we have not listed call 960, business department, and we will have it put in. This list is intended to be of benefit to readers and advertisers and we want to make it complete. 'p