E CRITICISM of any woman is the clothing tailored by us. And women certainly do know styles and fabrics. Order your next suit here and you'll have clothes that only appear better the more they are scrutinized. Remember we have the largest line of woolens in the city to - select from. G. H. WILD COMPANY. Leading Mercbant Tailors. State St. Wek Only NS, Sheehan's Leader Now 75c THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morling except Monday"during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Abor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $.0 by mail, $.o Want ad. stations; Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H. Davis, car. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 96o Editorial Office Phone 24 If. Beach Carpenter.......,Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field........usiness Manager a University women are cordially in- vited to the Church of Christ, South University avenue, the Ann Arbor cen- ter of the Belgian relief movement, to- morrow afternoon, when Bethany Cir- cle will ,have charge of a social after- noon, to sew on garments to be sent to Belgium. Refreshments will be served. and arrangements are being made to have moving pictures of the gathering taken. Michigan University Song Book - - - Favoriete College Songs - - - Memmory Book (Block 'M' on Cover) Memonry Book 4 , large size - Michigan Souvenir Book- New Ed. - Michigan Calendar 191 5-best ever Michigan Book Racks, Seals, Banners, - $1.00 - $2.00 $1.00 - $1.50 - .50 - .50 etc. etc. Fred P~oulk................... News F. F. McKinney..........Associate T. Hawley Tapping........Associate F. M. Church..............Sporting Editor Editor E Fditor Editor InS better prepared I, than ever before to meet your wants for the Fall and Winter of 1914 *- 15 N BROS. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS Ready to wear. always treats you f I Thr tir!e that Ssl air M AIN 1000 Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph Hof nan Arthur H.Torrey WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 25, 1914. Night Editor-James M. Barrett. A LITERARY MAGAZINE. In the varied history of Michigan student publications, several attempts have been made to establish a magazine featuring matter of a literary type. The last periodical of this kind, the Painted Window, was discontinued for want of, financial support, and it is presumed that its predecessors passed ' into an unkindly oblivion for pretty much the same reason. It might appear that cold- facts have demonstrated all too clear- ly that the campus is not in need of a publication of this kind. It ought to be equally clear that a great university, in which hundreds of persons are avowedly interested in lit- erary pursuits, should support a liter- ary journal, and that the local history of magazines of this class is to be re- gretted. Other universities are sue- cessful in maintaining publications of this character. Michigan might well make way along the same line. It is to be hoped that the next person or board to promulgate such a venture will not suffer so keenly from the results of destructive .indifference. Among the criticisms of President' Lowell's theory regarding a two-year, college course, might be mentioned the fact that football can scarcely be mas- tered 'within such a short time. Calculations concerning last illness for the gratification of the attendance committee is a common pastime these, days. If variety of weather is the spice of life, Ann Arbor residents have no oc- casion to complain of a dull existence. Propriety almost demands the res- toration of the Turkey Trot at the Un- ion, for tomorrow afternoon's dance. ; By this time she's probably embroid- ering red geraniums on the silk cravatj we are to get for Christmas. Next year's enrollment will tell how- the 2,000 boys liked the university. - Tau Beta Pi initiation and banquet will be held on Friday December 4, in- stead of Wednesday, December 2. Junior lits will hold their class meet- ing next Monday at 4:00 o'clock, in- stead of today. Open house will be observed at the Baptist Guild house tomorrow night, from 7:30 to 10:00 o'clock. ORGANIZE NEW WOMEN'S CLUB AMONG EDUCATIONAL STUDENTS tomen of the educational depart- ment organized and elected officers for a new women's club to be known as the "Girls Educational Club," at a meeting held in Newberry hall Mon- day night. The club was materially aided in its organization and in its plans for the year by Professor C. 0. Davis, of the educational department, who told of the experiences of similar clubs in other universities. Officers were elected as follows: President, Josephine Sherzer, '15; vice president, Mrs. Della McCurdy Thomp- son, '15; secretary-treasurer, Mary M. Purdy, '15. Meetings of the club will be held at 7:00 o'clock every other Tuesday night, and are to be of a social and ed- ucational nature. All women of the university are invited to attend the meetings, as admission is not restrict- ed ta the educational department. CANADIAN CLUB HOLDS SMOKER IN ROOMS OF COSMOPOLITANS Thirty students from the Dominion attended the smoker held by the Cana- dian club in the Cosmopolitan club rooms last evening. The invitation ex- tended by the Cosmopolitan club to have the Canadian organization join them, was carefully considered, and it was decidedthat as a body the Can- adian club would remain distinct. As individuals, however, any member may, join the Cosmopolitan ranks,and it was the desire of the meeting that such would be the case. Several new members were taken into the organization last evening, and the regular routine business was transacted. Subscriptions were start- ed for the relief of the Belgian suffer- ers. Refreshments and smokes were served. _ _. . IN No PHONE St.Wars Book Stores STE tutiivwesit flfusk it)ouse .lbo.. M. .'Moot Corner Maynard and William Streets We have all the vocal selections from this big Musical Comedy Success by Victor Herbert, now playing an indefinite engagement in New York. "When You're Away," a beautiful Waltz Song, "Personality," a lively March Song. "Here's to the Land We Love, Boys," a fine number. COME IN AND HEAR THEM. SHARP RAZORS All Kinds of Safety Razor Blades Sharpened SEE DEMONSTRATOR IN WINDOW . SEE flOW IT IS DONE Quarry Drg C The Druggfists on the corner. State and N. University -. e i__ i i it .. i < i ;[ i' . ra= r ,1_ i t rF Tailors to Men Our Special $30.00 Suits Have Q UALITY THAT UALI FYS UICKLY XRROW COLLAR 2 foro Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers Henry,& Co. 71 1 N. University Ave. U Have You Ever Noticed that in any game where a ball is used in a competitive way, that ARS Trust not to the temptations held out by the boarding house menus. ight idea YLES BEE The health service seems to been more than a luxury. have F, . High Shoe Wcather Is Here We have all styles of black and tan shoe, .Cancel Soccer Game With Battle Creek Owing to Battle Creek's inability to1 reach Ann Arbor early enough to have the 'soccer game played tomorrow morning, Intramural Director Rowe has cancelled the affair. The cancella- tion was made to allow some of Mich- igan's players who live in Detroit and vicinity to get home for Thanksgiving dinner. Alabama Alumni Hold Annual Banquet} Michigan's Alabama alumni held their second annual banquet at the Newspaper club, Birmingham, Novem- ber 14, the day of the Vanderbilt-Au- burn game. Speakers were Iran Mc- Gugin, 'OIL, coach of the Vanderbilt team; McLane Tilton, '00, president of the asscciation; A. H. Pettibone, '59; Albert J. Farrah, '96L, dean of the law department, University of Alabania, and others. The association has a membership of 60. _e i~ -i D;~~ING gTRADE btIN V .the official ball always bears t h i s trade- mark, whether it be FOOT- BALL, IN- DOOR BASE- ) .00 . Stores THE LITTLE SCHOOLflASTEIR SAYS: 1e Thankfqul Tomorrow!" My? Oh' My! If every stude in this great University actually realized how much he had to be thankful for-he'd be grateful every day of the year! Where,.let me ask, is there a finer student body? a more rep- resentative faculty? a more hos- pitable place than Ann Arbor? You students of "Michigan"- you who claim the Wolverine State as your own-you who come from other sister states of the Union-and you who have left foreign shores to finish your learning in this Alma Mater- let us all be thankful-because we are! 'red W. Gross is with you-- and shakes the hand of every mother's son in Ann Arbor. Many happy returns! Phone 2280 BALL, LACROSSE, BASEBALL or any other athletic game? There must be a reason for this universal adoption by the leading organizations connected with sports, and there is a rea- son-no one can make them as good. The, same argument applies to all, things athletic. Catalogue on request. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 254 Woodward Ave. DETROIT, MICH. I Carter's wonderful lion "Baby" is one of the most ferocious and largest in captivity. In future all cars stop at Goodyear Drug Store. tf 522 will bring a Holmas Taxi to your door at any hour. tf Carter's "The Lion's Bride" is the most wonderful illusion ever produced. University Aye. Pharmacy. Fountain Pens and Student Supplies. tf University Ave. Pharmacy, Drugs and Toilet Articles.it University Ave. Pharmacy. Eastman Films all sizes. tf Remember the special Thanksgiving Matinee at the Majestic starts at 3:00 P. M. 49-50-51 S Reservn usnts n n +fthe one- Trucks .4 E. Liberty Taxicab Co.