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October 03, 1914 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-10-03

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J 1





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Case 8.
Case 5.
Case 6.
Case 6.

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Zigan 31, Case 0.
ilgan 33, Case 0.
tigan 36, Case 0.
igan 28, Case 0.
igan 9, Case 0.
igan 16, Case 6.
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igan 24, Case 0.
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* *
* *


Many Organizations to Unite in Large
Peace Program io Be Civeni
In Ann Arbht
The Red Cross mass meeting, to be-
given under the auspices of the Cos-
mopolitan club, the King's Daughters,
the school of music, and practically
every student and religious organiza-
tion in Ann Arbor, will be held in Hill
auditorium, October 15. Though ar-
rangements for the program have not
been completed, it is known that sever-
al peace advocates of wide repute have
accepted invitations to speak at the
The Cosmopolitan club will present
a tableau, in which it will bring out
its motto; "Above all nations is hu-
manity." As this motto embodies the
spirit of American Rpd Cross, the tab-
leau will be particularly appropriate
at the meeting. Twenty-one nations
will be represented in the offering of
the foreign students.
The committees have been appoint-
ed as follows: program, Hospital cir-
cle King's Daughters, Cosmopolitan
club, University school of music; print-
ing, Presbyterian circle; publicity,
Pheobe Beal circle (Methodist), Civic
Association, Homeopathic circle; ush-
ers, Michigan Union, Congregational
circle, Students' Y. M. C. A., Washte-
naw county -Nurses' association; as-
sistants to Red Cross nurses, Marga-
ret Gelston circle, (Presbyterian);
decorations, Sunshine circle (Baptist.)

o Hold First
ght, in


inners are soon to
.rations for what
e of the most suc-
that sport. Presi-
'16L, of the cross

a meeting
ay evening


he gymnasium,
hose interested
unusually large
year will re-
eason, opening


Contestants Will Default Unless They
Report to Committee by Tonight
Play in the first round of the
E T T IN l N fall tennis tournament started
yesterday with two matches,
New England Alumni Association Wi'llH. H. Allan '17, defeated Ger-
Hold Big Smoker For Va Grylls, '17, in three sets, and A,.
Michigan Men Hart, 17, lost two out of three to S.
With 36 ske duled matches, it was a
the New England alumni asso great disappoin ent to the committee
TheNewEngandaluni ssoia-that only two were'.layed, and, as a
tion is making plans to entertain all of result; all those match the outcome
the Michigan men who attend the Har- ofewhichlthecmtteontow
vard-Michigan game, at a big smoker of which the committee doa not kno
at the Copley Plaza hotel in Boston, by tonight, will be defaulted Scores
on Friday night, October 30. Elaborate - Jack Swltzer, 0; E.P.
plans are being made for the affair, 131;and'Willis Broadhead, 16.
which is to be free toall alumni and
undergraduates who care to attend.'
The Copley Plaza's co-operation has '
te been secutred, and the gathering will -F
take place in the big ball.room of the
hotel. FIR
Several of Michigan's prominent
alumni will appear on the program, S
and the band 'probably will be on hand
to put the campus spirit and enthusi- Douglass Gives Each Dan Chance to
asm into the occasion. An endeavor is Show Form in Scoreless
being made also to arrange for some Half-hour Play"
movies and stereoptican views of life
Headquarters for the Michigan men
who will be in Boston during the week Freshman Coach Douglas sent hisj
end have been arranged for at the squad through a fierce 30 minute score-
Copley Plaza, where a room for the less scrimmage last nght,in the course?
purpose will be provided. The New of which every man who showed up in
England alumni are striving to do ev- a suit was given a. chance to show
erything in their power to make the what he could do. It wad hot work for
event one to be remembered in the the first night, and tle coach was kept
east. The secretary of the association busy making substitutions. After the
has written to Manager Homer Heath first five minutes, hardly a play went
of the Union, explaining the prelimi- by without some change in the lineups.
nary plans and asking for further sug- While the work of the backfield ment
gestions. A circular is now being pre- in carrying the ball was all that could
pared, giving all. the information nec- be expected for so early in the season,4
essary for those who plan to make the the blocking and tackling was ragged,
trip, and the line furnished evidence of the
lack of work. The showing of the men'
y TI in their first real workout promised
well for the season, however, as the
CON INU SuSAT continual sending in of substitutes pre-_
X N I RT vented any semblance of team play.,
The- work of Dunn, the diminutive
quarterback on the so-called first team,
wasatc times sensational. He ran the m
team well and was usually good for al
Preparations Are Made to Deliver 300 gain when carrying the ball himself.t
Lectures in the Course of The other backs also did good work,1
The Year the playing of Smith and the twot
TO INTEREST ' LOCAL BODIES Schultz brothers being unusually
strong. Pobanz played a strong gamet
in the line for the short time he was
Under the direction of the university in, and Plain broke up many of thel
educational extension service, 300 free first team's plays before they were
extension lectures will be given this fairly started.
year by members of the faculties of the Dunn and Romans made a forward
various department. These lectures, pass combination that looks like a win-
ner, the little red-haired end pulling
which are given annually throughout down several heaves for.good gains.'
the state, are designed to foster a close Douglas promised his men anothert
and sympathetic relationship between scrimmage for tonight if the CaseI
the citizens of Michigan and the uni- game Is finished early enough. Ther
versity, and to extend as widely as pos- first team lined up last night as fol-t
sible the educational facilities of the lows: Ends, Brown, Romans, Tackles,F
state. Prof. W. D. Henderson, head of Pobanz, Ewert; Guards, Robbins, Hol-s
the university :extension service, de- lenbeck; Center, Thompson; Quarter,
sires to.assign lectures to various local Dunn; Halves, Schultz, Schultz; Full-t
committees throughout the state, such back, Smith.,
as alumni associations, fraternal soci-
Detroit extension ourses, planned PROFESSORS TO APPEAR SOONc
to give teahers and others interested
in systematic study opportunity to gain "A History of England and Great
credit in the University, will be held Britain," by Prof. Arthur L. Cross, of
in Detroit this year, starting on Satur- the history department, has been re-
day, October 10, at 10:00 o'clock. Prof. ceived for review by Wilfred B. Shaw,
R. M. Wenley will give one course in '04, editor of the Michigan Alumnus.I
philosophy; Prof. E. R. Turner, one Prof. Louis Strauss, of the English de-N
course in English history; Prof. T. E. partment, edited "A Discourse uponc
Rankin, a course in studies of the Comedy," by George Farquhar. Thesev
drama; Prof. S. F. Gingerich, a course books, together with "The Whig Party
in American Literature; and Prof. C. in the South," by Charles Arthur Cole,
S. Berry, a course in the psychology A.M. '08, now professor of 4history ina
of education. These courses will all the University of Illinois, will be plac-e

be held at Detroit Central high school. ed in the alumni reading room. . o
Complete details of these courses may .
be obtained in the bulletin issued by Failure as a Lawyer Causes Suicide.
the extension service. Failure to succeed as a lawyer caus-c
ed Robert Emmet M. Nolan, '11L, to'
Graduate Engineer Opens New Office commit suicide by jumping from thea
J. N. Hatch, '92E, for eleven Manhattan bridge, New York City,p
years connected with the firm of Sar- September 23. .Nolan's home is in Bir-b
gent and Lundy, engineers, of Chicago, mingham, Ala. His mother survivesD
has resigned and opened an office as him, living with her daughter in Nash-b
consulting engineer in the same city. ville, Tenn.r

Big Canvass to Still Further
Roll Which Already Eclipse
1tivIls at Other
Clubhouse Open to Free Use of
Student Body for Next
Two Weeks

e Than 350 Students Cannot Enroll
Until Supplied With




\ The membership total of th
ha ||now reached 2052, which,
will uii, oubtedly eclipse the t
ion enroll t of any other co
university Unio that offers vv
memberships. P1 s are nov
perfected for a big m to m
vass next Wednesday a T
A complete faculty and ho
campaign will be made and all
sultswill be published in ful
the campus will have 1'letal
port of the progress. of this
Wednesday and Thursday'sr:
man canvass will be launched
smoker at 6:45 o'clock We
night for the sub-chairmen an
mitteemen who will do the cans
Short speeches will be given 1
resentative faculty mnen and st
The campaign will be carr
with a dual object, inasmuch
work of the committeemen
closely observed and recorde
the idea of ascertaining the m
gible men for later and more I
ant committee chairmanships a:
vice. The primary idea is, of
to have every Michigan man a
Fully 1,700 attended the big
tion to all students of the uni
given at the Union last night
band was on hand for its init
lic appearance of the year an
a fine impression. After the p
in the yard, the crowd adjourne
building where large numbers
tle informal gatherings were he
Union authorities desire t em
the fact that the clubhouse is o
the whole student body during tJ
two weeks.
Fractured Wrist Is Suffered as
of Fall From Tree
Russell Jacobs, '18, llviag
north State street suffered a fr:
right wrist when he fell from a
the corner of east liberty and
Fifth street during a lazing spr
night. As a result he may be
to return to his home in Coshe
as his right hand will be usel
some time.
Groups of student council m
had little trouble as most of the
broke up at the first command
older men. Pictures taken duri
hazing last night may aid in th
cil's investigation.
The Technic will make its inii
pearance of the year on Oct.
will bring before its readers a
on a variety of subjects, chief of
will be one on the new stadiiu
one on the new science building
articles to appear in this firsi
are: The Graphical Solution of
ential Equations, by Dr. T. R. Ri.
of the engineering departmen
Effect of Heat Treatment on Br
A. E. White, assistant profess
chemical engineering; One, Tv
Three Hinged Arches, by F. A. S
and a discussion of the Argo da
plant, by Don Smith, '15E. Un
heading of Departmental Notes
plete notes in new material r
by the engineering department
new courses will appear.

Employment continues to be scarce
both at the Michigan Union bureau and
*at the department in the University
Y. M. C. A. At present more than 350
working students who are not supplied
with labor can not enroll until relief
is offered through the employment bu-
The Michigan Union has supplied 100
student applicants during the last few
days with work, including 50 board
jobs, 20 room work positions and many
odd jobs. There are 250 applications
still unfilled at the Michigan Union' bu-
reau. The office hours are from 11:00
a. m. to 12:00, and from 1:00 to 2:30


with thes-
erwise, are
ger . W. N.
e, as there
such men
clubs this

p. m.
Although the University .Y.

M. C. A.


onspicuous places
nd Manager Sha-
rospects were ex-
ful year, and that
e competition for
'al new men have
names to Shafer
s of the clubs, to
ills, '14E, of the
es that players of
ndo-bass, and es-
y out for the man-
ub needs men for

has handed out 300 jobs to students
since September 1, there are 160 ap-
plicants supplied with jobs. Of the
work given out at the "Y," about half
was table-waiting, a quarter was room-
work, and the rest largely odd job'
work. About 40 of the applicants will
be forced to leave school if work is not
given them within a few days. The of-
fice hours will be from 8:00 a. m. to
12:00, and from 1:00 to 5:00 p. m. dur-
ing the next two weeks.
Student Lists Are on Public File
Lists of all students who have reg-
istered are filed for public use at the
Michigan Union and at the University
Y. M. C. A. The names are taken
from university enrollment blanks
from a special section which was in-
serted this year for the first time. The
files of both buildings have been refer-
red to by thousands of students and
town people, and by most of the fra-

er of the
ainent on
ila to act
o is Chief









in the United States from Oct.1 to Dec. 1

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