ICHIGAN DAILY I STUDENTS We are ready to show you the best liie of Mlen's Suits, Overcoats, Balniacaans, Raincoats, Koak Developed and printed over night. Try all the other places, and then come here a n d be satisfied. That is what lots of others have done. Films I v 1 Alm, 20% on all Suit oft Overc rick. CALKIN'S. PHIARMACY F Caj sand Furnishings wvn in the City 324 South State Street v Balmacaans a F rihns Furns & CO. St. y1I00,000 icted Fritz, Carl F. Cash'r College Men! My 'assortment includes, the latest novelties for the college mnen. Workman- ship and designing of the highest quality, and at a reasonable figure. A. F, Marquardt Campus Tailor New Location 515 WILLIAM STREET 1 Dieterle Bldg. e., fAst. for Reliable Laundry ise you if you are laundry linen delive red: Pbhone 794 LATEUR FINISHING CAWMPUS VIEWS PORTRAITS :dS & N IC K E LS The only Studio an the Campus phonic 310-J otogiaphers For The MICHIIGANENSIAN. th Shop" fitted to the jauntiest sort of an overcoat "akhan cloth, a' tru~e Austrian proudction detail of fine tailoring carried out jus;t as e into my cloth shop, UMArON OPERA MUSIC REPORTED OF HIGHER GRADE THAN USUAL Committees Will Be Apoited 'Today; Announce Choice of Music. in Short Time Prof. Theodore Harrison and Earl V. Moore, of the school of music, mt 10 tryouts for the music to' be used by the Michigan Union opera, at the school" of music last night. Sylvan S. Grosner, '12-'14L and Kenneth S. Bax- ter,5, were present in an advisory The music was presented in better form than in previous years, and the solos and choruses presented were ex- ceptionally well done, according to the facuilty men. Selections of the music to be used will be announced by the judges 'Within a few days. The lyrics to be used have been written by Sy- van S. Grosner. Committees not yet appointed will be selected today andl active 'work is to begin at once. LONDONER -DELIVERS LECTURE ON SUBJECT OF ASIATIC ART Second of Series of Addresses to Be Given kbyDr. Fergson, December I1 Mr.. Lawrence Binyon, of, London, as- sistant keeper of the prints in the British Museum, delivered a lecture on "The' Art of Asia" before a large au- dience in Memorial hall last evening. The address s the first of a series to be given under the auspices of th AnnArbor Art assoiation,on the gen- eral topic, of "The Art of the Far East." Dr. John C. Ferguson, of Pekin, who has only recently returned from China to the United States, will deliver the next lecture in the series, on "A Sur- vey of Chinese Art," at 4:15 o'clock on Tuesday, December 1, in Alumni mem- ofial hall. Dr Ferguson has trans- lated many books into the Chinese language, and is, well qualified to un- 'derstand and present, the Chinese point of view in regard to the question of art. LATE FATALTY STATISTICS. ON 111CHIGAN ALUMNI GIVEN Statistics recently collected by the university, show that 348 deaths oc- curred among former students and graduates. of, the university, between October, 1913, and August, 1914. Of this number, 163 were former stu- dents who had never been graduated, and "I&I were graduates, distributed among the different departments as follows: literary, 53; engineering, 10; medical, 50; law, 50; pharmacy, 3 1entl, 11;;liomeopathic, 4. Two former officers of the universi- ty; ex-Biegent Farr, and Prof. H. L. Obetz, also died. Sec. W. B. Shaw Returns From East Wilfred B. Shaw, editor of the Mich- igan Alumnus, has returned from a week', visit in New York city where he attended the meeting of the Nation- al Association of Alumni Secetaries,. which was held at Columbia Universi- tys. There were over sixty represe- tatives from the larger colleges and universities throughout the country present. E, R. Embree, president of the Alum- ni Registrar at Yale, was elected pres- ident of the association, while Mr. Shaw was retained as secretary by the mn embeip. Remember the special Thanksgiving Matinee at the Majestic starts at 3:00 P, M. 49-0-51 Toem~ple Theatr4 Mon., Nov. :23--The Paisioned Bit.. 'Tucs., Nov. 24[-H1earst Selig ?News. Wed,,(., Nov. 2--The Derelicts. Thtirs.. Nov. 26-Perils of Pauline (13 Fri., Nov. 27--The Livid Flames. Sat., Nov. 28- evein Sealed Orders. The Song of" the Wildwvood Flute (with Nary Pickford). Coining Next Week--"Gwendolyn." FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARDSOR Capital - - $ 100,000 Surplus and Profits *65,000 Directors WFirn Cornwell, Geo. w, Patterson, H1-. J. Ab- bott, S W. Clarkson, L. D. Kinne, Harrison Sdu Waldo li Abbott, Pans B, Sutton, Fred Schmid. ,Order HILL'S. SWEET CIDER Phone 2140 by not have it delivered regularly,b i or tri- weekly? Many do. Always fresb. No preser- vatives used. Visit thte mill at the orchrd. KENMORE DROOK ORCHARDS, Arcade theatre Fridlay and Saturday, Nov. 20 and 21. "Fl +or the Honor of Old Glory." A realistic story of the Mexican War. Shows conditions on the Mexican fron- tier today.. :Ntonday and Ufesday, INov. -03 and 24. Dramatization of Dickens' novel "The Chimes"-a splendid Shubert feature starring Tom Terris, the noted Dickens character actor. Don't miss it. "TUBERCULOSIS DAY" PROGRAM TO( BE PRESENTED BY SOCIETY Mfiss Carol F. Walton, secretary of thie local Anti-Tuberculosis Society,. has received a copy of a proclamation issued by Governor Woodbridge N. Ferris, in which he urges that the state of Michigan should observe .Sunday, November 29, as "Tuberculosis' Day." Dr. Jeanne Solis, who will take charge of the observance of this day for Ann Arbor, said, yesterday that as yet no definite program had been arranged for carrying out the governor's proc- amation. telhe Meter" is not a poem, ats you might think from the title It is a plain tile of the, moderate cost of household comfort. It reminds' the reader of how little the joys of well-cooked food, unlimited hot water and perfect artificial light have cost him for any given period. It calls up visions of emergencies met and conquered, of household problems solved, of all the comforts of .a truly modern'home. From chapter 'one to the very end, every episode reerred to in "The Meter" brings a sense of satisfaction to the reader. No home is complete without " The Meter." It you haven't one, phone the Gas Office. "The Story of Nancy Gay" tells of the joys "The Meter" brings. It is FREE. Call at our office for a copy. Washtenaw Gas Company A _ Ii r: ,.1 'ry, 0. YSTREET -- -- .___.....W.,, , NOTICEAn Illinois manufacturer, wishes to co-operate with a man, lady or company to handle a staple' article and permanent position in Ann. Arbor. No soliciting and only spare time re- quired. Remuneration about $10.00 a week. An investment of $500.00 re- cjuired which is entirely secured. A personal interview will convince the most skeptical person that this ;is the safest and largest earning proposition: obtainable.' Address F. M. D.,. care this paper. 49-5051 After the Turkey dinner Thar~ssgiv- ing go to the Majestic. 49-50-51 Call 522 for Holmes Tsui, Limou- sine. or carriage. 522. tf Best shoe shining., Hats of all..kinds cleaned and blocked. Next to Wagner &Co. eod Clirter~ the, Mysterious carries .a. ear- load of paraphernalia. Be sure to attend' the Thanksgiving M1atinee at the Majestic. 49-50-51, Carter's wonderful..lion "Babey" is one of the most ferocious and largest fit Captivity., University Ave. Pharmacy. Eastman' Films all sizes. tf ARR OW- Donc1hester 0HIRTS' THE bosoms always, remain fiat 'and creaseless. They can- not bulge or break Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc., Makers,Troy, N .Y. ,i . L:. ' 9 "_t. I, :' Fraternities and Clubs 11. Please note that the Annual sale of Tihanksgivin Linens Yom....., r le with a home flavor. In fact, all our confections' trictly home made; such delicacies as candies, ioe tns and dainty lunches we claim to be the best you find. i -T~E _CREST--' i -.. ._ I Is well under way and gatheri speed. Rvery tablecloth and no kin in the Store has been special lowered in price. This inclue all fancy linens and table clo made to order. All Sizes ekA ReagorzabI* P'rIoe. AT MANN'S DRVG STORL Ii 213. S. mi5t.. reat American Magic-'Carter the Magican will bae you at he Majestic. guessinig at 'the 2t'efc TRANSIT MARKET Wm. LINDTMAN DEALER IN Fresh and.Salt Meats Pork, Ham Poultry, etc, Bell Phone 2294 212 N. 4th Ave. PARTICULAR FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE II L ail Dor- a street. tf will have Mlajestic. the Carter's "The Lion'sp Br 1e l the mtost woderful llutsi(on ie o!"prod ues d, tUniversity wAve. Phxari#ty . Fo Cntaina Pens and Student Suppliejs, tf University Ave. Phlar p, zacy, Drugs and Toilet Articles. t1 Th1ese chilly fall evenings are yi(?ce to stay at Home and hug the tire. With a Victrola playing' you can invite your friends in and; enter- tamn them royally. No need for an expensive exntertainmlent.- Don't throw your safety razor blades away. Bring them here and sharp sedge. Quarryr Drug Co, The Victrola is always ready for an informal dance. get a; I CIT'Y LAUNDRY THIOS. ROWE, Prop. 40 Detrelt St. Phone 467 In future all cars stop at Goc Drug Store. Thone 147 IIN NELL BROTHERS 120-122 E Liberty St. Your razor blades made better thanj new-any time. See how it is dlone. Quarry Drug Co LOST---Cli Psi fraternity badge. Find- er please call 231. Reward. 47-8-9 win- We have a stoeh of thirty-file victrola" to ;elect from. I522 will your door w _- -r