THE MICHIGAN DAILY "Head and Shoulders above the Crowd" of ordinary dressers is a very natural and wholly justified feeling for a wearer of STBIN-BLocH Smart Clothes. ASK ANY COLLEGE OR HIGH SCHOOL MAN WHO MEASURES UP TO HIS IDEAL IN STYLES THE ANSWER WILLL INVARIABLY BE L ADLER'S ROCHESTER CLOTHES r Try it----you'll like it. Whether you want to dress smartly or conservatively our L. ADLER'S CLOTHES can take care of you in either case. Wonderful showing in Suits, Balmacaans and Overcoats. Prices $18, $eo, and $25. -= Lindcnschmitt, Apfel & Co. CLOTHIERS and FURNISHERS. )fore Buying Your Fall Suit See W. E. DIETERLE at his AnalArbor Store, 516 E.Williams St., three doors below Maynard. All foreign Woolens of the latest weaves and designs. Come in and see for yourself. I TY TAILOR WM. E. DIETERLE N'S Fresh Roasted Peanuts A FULL l POUND 100 214 S. Main St. You Ever rticed game where a ball is ompetitive way, that the official ball -m always bears mht h i tade- mark, whether it be FOOT- BALL, IN- DOOR BASE- ROSSE, BASEBALL - athletic game? .st be a reason for sal adoption by the anizations connected and there is a rea- 3 can make them as t applies ORI RUMORS MICHIGAN VMOUTH GAME NEXT YEAR ifirmed rumors, originating in >rk, persistently tell that ne- ns are under way for a football etwe .n Dartmouth and Michi- >a played on the Polo grounds, rk City, in October, 1915. hought that such a game wouldi capacity crowd to the New iants' field. Dartmouth has en a big favorite in New York, football enthusiasts there' en anxious to see a Michigan 3ver since Yost assembled his evers of 1902-03-04. -Dr. A. E. Hinsdale,t '05H, a profes- sor in Ohio State university, is visiting friends in the city. -C., P. Emery, '18, who was operated on last Thursday for a mastoid, is re- ported by his attending physicians to be rapidly improving. -Prof. Daid Friday of the economics department, will speak at the regular meeting of the Association of Students' Wives, at Newberry hall, at 7:45 o'clock Monday evening. -Prof. E. C. Goddard, secretary of the law department, will speak on "Pre- vention of Abuse of the Law of Injunc- tion," at the fourth meeting of the So- cial Problems class, at the Con grega- tional church at noon today. -Professor C. S. Berry, of the educa- tional department, will deliver a lec- ture on "The Binet Tests" ao a meeting of the educational club in Tappan hall at 7:00 o'clock tomorrow evening. -Members of the board of regents will hold their regular November meeting, in the law building, at 10:00 o'clock Tuesday morning. -Prof. W. T. Fislileigh, of the engi- neering department, has returned from New York, where he has been attending the November meeting of the research committee of the Society of Automobile Engineers. -Dr. James R. Angell, son of Presi- dent-Emeritus James B. Angell, and dean of the faculties of the University of Chicago, has declined the presiden- cy of the University of Washington,. which was recently offered to him. -Members of the Canadian club will meet at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night, in the Cosmopolitan club rooms, on the second floor of the Ann Arbor Press building. -Les Voygeurs, forestry society, held their fall initiation yesterday at Whit- more lak. The initiates were ,Paul Ruedemar carriage. 522. tf Quarry Drug Company's win- See how we sharpen safety ra- Carter the Mysterious carries a car- load of paraphernalia. Special ,values in Mackinaws at Al- len's Good Clothes Store-Main Street. Graham's Barber Shop, 121 W. Hur- on St, opposite D. U. R. Only barber shop in Ann Arbor under student man- agement. Your patronage will be ap- preciated. Glenn Graham, '17 Dent. eod Wed. Geo. P. Geisendorfer "The Qualiy StQor" DEALER IN Fancy Meat Products of all knds ...... A Victoro-Vi ctrolah, Both Pohnes- $25 201 E. Washington Buy-one for your- ro o reat American Magie- at he Majestic. - AT- THE STATE SAYINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $125,000.00 Wm. J. Booth,Pres.. Wm. Arnold, Vice-Pres. C. John Waltz, Cashier, R. A.Beal, Ass't Cash WAI KING LOO COME UP AND TRY George's Chop Sue Grinnell Bros. 120-122 E. Liberty St. 341 S. State St.