It DAILY I DAILY. CRITICISMI of any womanE is the clothing tailored] by us. And Vromen certain'ldo'know, styles and fabrics. Order your next i suit here and you'll have clothes that, only appear better the more they are scrutinized. Remember we have the Slargest li-ne- of woolens in the city to - 'select from. G. H. WILD COMPANY. Leaning Merchaut Tailors. State- St. 'CIALI Week ;any NS, Sheehaa's Leader THIE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published evety morning except Monday during the uniflblity lyear. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Unitarlai Church At 10:=30--Third sermon about Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.5o0; by mail, $2.59. Want ad. stations:. Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office4;hone 960 IEditorial O0fice-Phone 2414 H. Beach Carpenter ....... Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field....... Business Manager Fred Foulk.................. News Editor F. F. McKinney........... Associate Editor T. Hawey '('apping.........Associate Editor F. M. Church.............. Sporting Editor -Assistants- to Business 'Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph Hofman Arthur H. Torreyi SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1914. Night Editor-J. S. Switzer. Christianity, How About the Creeds? At 11:45-The Social Service Class. has the final talk on City Government by Mr. C. C. Freeman. At 7 :3o--The Young People's Society has an address by Dr. S. M. Ha.rdiker on the life of a Hindu Saint. Michia Univecrsity Song Book * - - $1.00 Favorict. College.Songs - .. -$3.00 Memmnory Book (Block IM' on Cover) $1.00 Memomiry Book is " large size - $1.30 Michigan Souvenir Book- Now Ed. - - .50 Michigan Calendar 191 5-best ever - .30 Michigan Book Racks, Seals, Banners, etc. ctc. Unitarian Church I St.wuirs Book Stores Ss Now 75c., :s.Bookstore 1. 7:46 a. ni. an4i ASTER f11 t Iv- 0 THE LITTLE SCOOLM), SAYS: NEXT YEAR'S SCHEDULE. Next year's schedule is now being formulated. It is not going to be al- together satisfactory to the man who only sees those games which are play- ed on Ferry field. The Pennsylvania and Cornell con~tests will, of course, take ,place at° Philadelphia and Ithaca respectively,' and it .seems useless to expect that In the case that "Harvard is again scheduled, the game 'will beedi n Abr Despite considerable grum-bling, on both sides, the M. A. C. game proba- bly will not bo discontinued, and if held, it,'will attract more than usual Attention on Ferry field. Then there is a ,possibility of Notre Dame return- ing to the Michigan schedule. If ar- ranged, such a game would doubtless be the big one o the home list. Mt. Union and Case seemi to be fixtures, and. the Syracuse gaine will not be without interest. The man whj- stays at home will not lack excitement, although it is ad- mittedly a -weak year as far work in teeducatioa department are cordial- ly invited. tUniversity women. will gather for the last meeting of the mobilization campaign in -Hill auditorium- today atl 3:00 o'clock, in the- mass meeting for 3men and women at which Dr. Allaan Stockdale -will speak. DR. FLORER WILL INTERPRET FOLK PLAY, D'ZWJ1EDERWTJRZ'N' Byr special request, Dr. W: W. ,Flor- er, of the German, department, will give an interpretative talk on Von Schmid's folk comedy, "D Zweider- wiIrz'n," at 7:00 o'clock Tuesday even- ing in Newvberry hall. "D'Zwieder- wurz'n" will -be presented at the Whit- ney theater, Monday, November 30, by the Munich folk players, of the. theater. am' Gaetnerplatz, Munich. Professor Florer will explain the: main idea of the comedy, trace ,the plot of the Flay, describe the festival upon which3 the plot is based, and em-1 pibasize the principal lines of the dif- ferent roles. "ALICE AT MICHIG~AN" WILL BE- PRtESENTED BY MASQUES Adele Crandall, '17, Plays Title Mole; Numerous D~ancing Numbers Will Be Given "Alice at Michigan." an adaptation of- scenes from "Alice in W'onderland," rendered by ,Louise Markley, '15, will, be presented by Masques at the Ker-' miss on December 12, in -additionv to John Marsi-all's "Shades of Night,"- as, already announced. Adele Crandall, '17, will play the title: role, and the other m~embers of thet cast will be -annouuced -later. Local hits on- student activities-will be 'the feat-ure-of the skit. The dancing nu-mb ors, under the auspices of the Women's league, -and' in charge of Helen Ely, °'16, will con-' sist of a Spanish dance, the "Dance of the Hours," the names of-those tak- ing part- to- be -announced as: soon as a final decision has been reached, and a 'French- solo dance by- Miss rMarjorie Adams. The Girl' Glee club will sing a Span- ish song, an Irish love -song, and an adaptation -of the Blue Danube waltz.b Clara Roc, '15, has been appointed stage manager, and Lavinia MacB ride, '17, head usher. UWniverst Mlfusic, lbs Corner Maynard and William Streets WE have all the vocal scelections from this big Musical Comedy Success by Victor Herbert, now playing an indefinite engagement in New York, "'When. You're -Away" a b~eautiful Waltz -Song, "PRersoaslity" a lively -March Song. "Here's to the Land We Love, Boys," a fine number. 1 COME IN AND HEAR THEM. SHARP RAZORS' All. Kinds of Safety Razor Blades Sharpened S ~3DE~MONSTRATOR IN WINDOW SE1HOW IT . IS} DONE Quarwr rg o ,The. Drugg19ta at the corner..Stat. and -N. Undversity I." w - I Tailors to Men. Ou'r Special$30.0 suits Have ' UALITY THiAT UALIFYS QUICKLY I Il Cochran is popular because he delivers the goods-all the time. 711' N. University Ave. Henry & Co.' I jAnd whenever you see a- man -who does this, you can rest assured I that he -has a host of friends. Wherever you see an Ed. V. Price & Co. tailored to order suit or overcoat you may rest assured that its makers "delivered the goods." Ask Fred.Gross, 4th & Liberty Sts --he- sells this famous tailoring. Prices easily within your allow- ance. $25 IN GO LD FOR A SUGGESTION FROM A MICHIGAN STUDENT' "See Sunday Supplement &A L up Inc. Makers - Ooskaftp4o Owm N,"!"Om iopomo - ft 0 - Inter-society Debates Will Come Soot Alpha--Nu and Jeffersonian -debating societies will meet toraorrow night, in the preliminaries of :.he intercollegiate debate. The question is, "Resolv'ed1 that the- M'onro~e Doctrine should be abolished as a part of our-foreign-poli- cy." On Wednesday night Webster and Adelphi will debate the- same -quest-ion. Jeffersonian society is represented by: W. J. Goodwin, 'lFL, I. -L. Becker, '16L, H. IK. Miller, '1-7L, and the Alpha -Nu -team is-composedl of: Samuel--Wit- ting, '15, L. D. " Benedict, '15, and J. _Levin, '-15. "THE POPULAR PLACE" F BUSlY BE E High ShoceWRather Is 1Here TYPEWRITRS of all makes, Bought, Sold, and Exchanged at prices consistent with quailty.R Garter the Magician -will- have -thae biggest ~act ever at the MKajestic. Flowers Choice Cut iFlower. 3A. Finue lot of Palms and' Ferns for Decorating- Cor. 12th st. sand S. Univ. Ave. Fhe.,. r115 ' We have all styles of black and tan shoes in prices ranging from Typewriting 'Supplles,T pe. writingund Mimeographing 0. D, MORRILL - Baltim-ore-IDutch) rBond St-. $3.5o to_$74,00 a hr's Shoe Stores State an a Mnsts. r . - q Your razor bftades made - better than new-any time. See how, it to dame. Quarry -Drug Co: Carter's "The Lion's- Bride" iS the most wonderful Musion ever produced. University Ave. Pharmuacy. Fountain- Pens and- Student -Supplies. tf 'For Musical Instruments of Every Description, Victrolas, and Edison Di- amond Disc Machines, go to SCHAE-, 'BERLE & SON MUSIC HOUSE, Main Street. eod Wed PRICEFS WILL RAISE Coupon books now on sale for both ice and roller skating. 40 admissions for $2.50 if purchased before Dec. 1st. Office will be open from 7 to 11:30 A. M.1 and from 12:30 to 5:00 P. M. Lock- ers for the season as long as they last for $1.00. Fred C. Weinberg, Prop. 725 South 5th Ave. 4$-7-5 In future all cars stop at Goodyear Drug Store. tf Taxi" Phone 2280 Open. Sundays, 9 :30 to, 4:34.. don. University Ave. Pharmacy, and Toilet Articles. Drugs -t# Taxicabs, Llmousnes, Touring Cars and Auto Baggage Trucks .4 Unlversity Ave. Pharmacy. Eastman Films all sizes. t Arbor Taxicab. Co. 515 E. Liberty LOST--Chi Psi fraternity badge. Find-- 522 will bring a Holme.s TaA4 to er please call 231. Reward. 47-8-9 your door at any hour. tf Don't throw your safety razor blades away. Bring them here and get a! sharp edge. Quarry Drug Co. 10c rents a kodak. today, Lyndon. Carter the 1 will b