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November 21, 1914 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-11-21

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V, No. 47



Shows Night
1Hill Audito
r, Tuesday a

Concerts to Pay For Enlarge
Year to Sixty-Fiv

Varsity band is t
t by its moving pict
about $600 must b
exhibitions, which
Hill auditorium,


day, and Wed
e shows each
10 cents adm
though nearl:

1,200 w
" befor
es of ti
the pu
that t2
will co
ney fri
>e devo
ion nex

tly Will Be TODAY Articles of Interest by Men of Note
rlum, Senior lit cabaret, Michigan Union, Feature Initial Number of
nd 2:30 o'clock. Michigan's Legal
Soph lit "Snowball Dance," Barbour Magazine
gymnasium, 2:00 o'clock.
PEiNNSY Chess and Checker club, Michigan C. E. EDRI1DGE, '09-'11L, WRITES
Football, junior laws vs. soph lits, for --
ement Next campus championship, Ferry field, Connecticut Governor Contributes an
e 10:00 o'clock. Article on Aid of Aliens
Membership dance, Michigan Union, By United States
9:00 o'clock.
o be freed H. W. Hobson speaks to Episcopal Michigan Law Review makes its first
ture enter- men at Harris hall, 8:00 o'clock. appearance this year, today. The No-
be realized vember issue contains a number of
TOMORROW articles of interest to ,the layman as
are to be Dr. J. Howard Melish, St. Andrew's well as the student of law, written by
Monday, Episcopal church, 10:30 o'clock. men well qualified to treat the sub-
ghts, when Major D. N. Travis, Michigan Union, jects chosen. The Hon. Simeon E.
. be given, 3:00 o'clock. Baldwin, governor of Connecticut, has
Hamilton Holt, Methodist church, 7:3 contributed an article on 'The Pro-i
rged. o'clock. tection of Aliens by the .United States."
vas netted The Hon. Walter Clark,, Chief Justice
e the Har- of the Supreme Court of North Caroli-
hjourney DE RO T R PA ED a, writes on "Sonie Myths of the
Another U Ull HIP Lw." Judge Charles B. (oling w ood,
ha 4se of Aft f-h Circuit Court, at l ansing, con-
ie otonof Michigan." Clarence EIldredge,
ver these '09-'11L, former managing editor of
om future Alumni Primed for Annual Love Feast The Michigan Daily, throws some1
ted to en- Where Michigan's Team new light on the Sherman law, in his
xt year to is Guest. article, "A New Interpretation of the
Sherman Act."
tainnents STAGED AT BOARD OF COMMERCE Gov. Simeon E. Baldwin advocates
es of the that the right of protection of the for-
vania and Members of the University of Michis cigners in the United States be given
ith other gan club of Detroit expect to make the to the central government. The ad-t
d 'musical smoker given tonight in honor of the mni4straton at Washington has the
e*n game 1914 VarsIty football team the liveliest rligt to supervise the treatment ofl
ear after event of the year for the Detroit aliens in tbis country by the constitu-
alumni. Although only 30 tickets to tion which gives to it the care of for-c
- the affair had been disposed of in Ann ei n relations T' sugge tion which
FIRST Arbor up to last night, the demand in e makt t , hat the United Sates
AYLETS Detroit assures that every one of the gov ernmnent be given power to at-
800 seats at the tables will be taken, tack the constitutionality of any state
preciative whn the program begins. law which deprives them of any rightV
well The celebration will be staged in or privilege, In the courts otth0 state.,
the new auditorum Q the Board of In "Some Myths of the La," Mr.
Commerce building. The entire Var- Clark writes of the common law asi
audie'nce sity squad has been invited, and alum- clinging too closely to the alleged cus-p
ylet, "The ni from throughout the state are e- toms or, traditions of a barbarous peo-a
b, last ev- pected to attend. ple. He also claims that there Is a1
gell hall, Among the features of the program myth iji Magna Carta, saying that it
preciative will be moving pictures of the Har- wUas meant to favor the privileges of
n institu- vard and Pennsylvania football games. the bishops and barons and contains no
ces plan- Speeches will be given by several of thought of protection for others. In
red every'the alumni and members of the foot- the judicial veto the courts have the
ball team. "JIM' Strasburg will act right to set aside an act as unconsti-T
o produce as totate "Hp" Htutional. The myth is that nowhere
art plays, Present to lead the cheering, can it be shown, that such power hass
Those desiring. to procure tickets to ever been given to them,
ig annual the affair today, can get them at therao sr. Eldigeoe . s
er. All Union and at Huston brothers, for Mr. Eldridge offers an exhaustive
treatment of the Sherman law and in- t(
cess were $1.00, which includes the admission tretn t of the rcnt I
Iinterest t h rga n ersmns terprets it in the light of the recently l
latersto'the program and refreshments. decided case against the Internationals
R. L. JICHLING WILL SPEAK ON Harvester company. He states thatY
Western, HYDROXYTRIPHENYLMETHANE when the Harvester case is carried to 1
Banket, the Supreme Court it will give an un-6
rs. West- At the November meeting of the lrecedented opportunity fbr a final and
, as Miss University of Michigan section of the authoritative exposition of our much- 1
s in the American Chemical society, to be held mooted anti-trust legislation.
Elsa Ap- at 4:15 o'clock, Tuesday, November Judge Collingwood calls attention to r
nket was 24, in room 151 of the chemistry build- the conditions under which laws are'
ing, R. L. Jickling will give a paper applied to people who have broken a
Cunning- on "Some Para-hydroxytriphenylmet- statute of the state, and s cws how l
.e part of hane Derivatives. A Contribution to the new probation law of this state
by drink. the Chemistry of Free Radicals." Fol- has done much to aid the boy by put- W
sts him, lowing this paper, the annual bus- ting him under the guiding hand of a t
on. This iness meeting of the society will be capable officer, whose work is one ofN
following held, at which time officers will be reclamation.,!
elected for the year. _ __I_

"Above all nations is humanity."
Although war rages bitterly among
the countries of Europe, so that some
are prone _o say, "above all humanity
are the nations," still a spirit of good-
fellowship reigns among the foreign
students of the university. The Rus-

John Zenisek, '15E, who was form-
erly an officer in the Austro-Hungari-
an army, stated, yesterday, that he had
established warm friendships with
both French and English students of
the university. Leonard R. Moiseyeff,
'15E, a native of Russia, maintained


sian shak.s hands with the German, that he had held no animosity

the Turk with the native of sunny
France, an:i the Englishman exchang-
es greetings with the Austrian under
the shade of the Tappan oak or Uni-
versity hall, although their respective
brothers and cousins across the sea
are at swords points.'
There are also representatives of
dependencies of some of the warring
nations, as the South African, the Hin-
doo, and the Canadian. But in them
the political and racial barriers dis-
solve under the wider influence of hu-

any German acquaintances.
W. C. Achi, '13-17L, president of the
Cosmopolitan club, said, yesterday,
in regard to the question of interna-
tional friendships: "One of' the aims
of our organization is to establish clos-
er relations among our members. The
membership of the club represents al-
most every civilized nation and de-
pendency on the globe. It was only
a short time ago, at one of the meet-
ings, that we all joined in singing, 'Die
Wacht am Rhein,' 'Marseilles,' and
'God Save the King.' Does that look
like war?"


European Cataclysm Fails to Ruffle Placid
Surface of Michigan's Cosmopolitan Pool

. C.1





Teams Ready For Final Clash
Championship Series This



Finishers of Recent Contest
Against All State Teams

..v. , ____
utation of knowing more col
ternity men than any other
-America, will be the principa
er at tonight's -mobilizatio
meeting, at 7:00 o'clock, in
ty hall. Mr. Mercer, who
Princeton University, and w
graduate of the University of
will talk on "Down and Out
Again." It will be essenti
story of his life.
During his four years of col
lr. Mercer spent $100,000 of
er's money in and around NE
City. He is somewhat of an
having been captain of his
baseball team. Ji New Yor
where Mr. Mercer lives, he ha
of offices where he employs a
men to look after the needs
and boys in the colleges and
tory schools of this country.
made a study of moral condi
every college campus in the
* * * * , * S* * S
* 8:00-Breakfast for all vis
* speakers, Newberry hal
* 8:30-Conference of all sl
* era and workers, New
* hall.
* 9:30-11:30--Office hours for
* 4Ino : ~ r- UI'. .



Interclass football comes to a close
today when the junior laws and soph
lits clash in the campus champion-
ship at South Ferry field, at 10:00
o'clock, today.
In spite of the apparent strength of
the laws' line the lits should have an
eige on the barristers when they start,
.or the lits have a backfield that has
r.un through their opponents' line in
;,lI of their games. Brownrigg and
Thurston are the mainstays of the lit
backfield, the former being a line
plunger and the latter a fast man
around end. McCall of the laws can'
te dcpend-d on to see that his side
of the line is holding on defense, but
the other side is not so well protected
uid may prove the lits' attacking

Michigan's cross-country tean has
been selected for the Thanksgiving
Day race held by the Detroit Y. M. C.
A., the frst six men to fnish in the
recent dual meeting with the "Y" men,
being chosen to represent the univer-
sity in the Turkey day contest. The
men who will bear the Maize and Blue
in the holiday run are as, follows:
J. V. Kuivinen, '17. H. L. Carroll.

nideavor to
ries of sho
g of the b
d semest
sing a suce
alent and

on Wood, '17, as Mr.
igstun, '17, as Judge
Woodworth, '17, as M
Rowena Bastian, '18
were the principal
hough the acting of]
n the part of Mrs. Ba
"Swan Song," LeonC
L, admirably takes th
grate actor hotmndedt
Wassman, '18, assi
;he part of a compani
r sketch was givenf

Early season dope can hardly be de-
pnded on for this game, as the laws
lraat the junior lits who defeated the
senior laws by a larger score than did
the soph lits. On their merits alone
the lits appear to have a stronger
eam than the laws. The lit machine
has been out every day since the sea-
son began and is running like clock-'
-work, while the laws have had little
praetice outside of their regularly
scheduled games.
The first and third halves will be 10
minutes long, and the second and
ourth 15 minutes long. Officials are:
referee, Floyd A. Rowe; umpire, John
S. Crawford.
Quarterdeck Keelhauls Nine Middies
Nine upperclass marine engineers
were made members of Quarterdeck at
he regular fall initiation, yesterday
ernoon. As part of the ceremony
1 initiates paraded the campus clad
a sailor suits and bearing oars. Those
aken were: J. Silverman, '15E, A. O.
1ams, '15E, C. H. Sung, '15E, C. Vil-
iams, '15E, W. C. Cook, '16E, N. L.
Goldstein, '16E, L. McCarthey, '16E,
I. L. Mattison, '1UE, and J. S. Bibber,

'17E, F. L. Walters, '1
Trelfa, '16E, I. S. Ols
cuma, '17.
These men scored si
nine places in the race
runners last Saturday
vinen finishing first,
ranking 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, in
ed. The showing of
men this fall insures
the Detroit race, altho-
2est distance men in I
Captain Trelfa and
rector Floyd Rowe pie
the basis of the showi
;'alt races, and both ar
the Wolverines will g
count of themselves

place in
ne of the
e will be

ral Di-
nen on
in the
nt that
od ac-


Wellesley, and M
Hall, graduate' of
speak to committe
women workers at
Newberry hall.
2:00-4:00-Office hot
visiting speakers.
4:15-5:30--Social ho

Union Bureau Offers Employment
Work on a commission basis is open
for a few students at the Michigan
Union employment bureau. Jobs at
selling pennants, smoking apparatus,
and soliciting are now on hand. Oc-
casional odd jobs which require speedy
fulfillment are being received from
time to time.
Junior Engineers Hold First Smoker
With cigarettes, cider and a program
of stunts and speeches the junior
engineers held the first smoker of]
the year last night at the Union. The
program included F. T. Mack, chair-i
man,, Prof. John R. Allen, Clesson
Bushnell, Russell Mills and A. T.

Detroit Society Rears Prof. Cross
Prof. H. R. Cross, of the fine arts
department, left for Detroit, last night,
where he delivered a lecture before
the Archaeological society at its an-
nual meeting. Professor Cross's ad-
dress consisted of a general talk on
archaeology, and its relation to mod-
ern life.
Lawyers Entertain D. M. Boudeman
Members of the law faculty enter-
tained as a guest Hon. Dalas M.
Boudeman, of Kalamazoo, who is in
Ann Arbor for the "Y" mobilization,
at a luncheon, at the Michigan (nion,
yesterday noon. The facult., expect to
hold luncheons bi-weekly for the rest
of the year.

Finzel Party Scheduled For Nov. 27
The second Finzel party will be giv-
en at Granger's November 27, for those
remaining over Thanksgiving day.
The series will be continued through-
out the year.


Edison Makes Film to Aid Campaign
As an aid in the Red Cross Christ-
mas seal sale and the anti-tuberculosis
campaign, a motion picture dealing
with the problem o(. tuberculosis in
children has been pr-pared by Thomas
A.' Edison, and beg, ing next week,
will be shown throughout the country.
The film was produced in co-operation
with the National Association for the
Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis.
It is entitled the "Temple of Moloch."
Whether the picture will be shown
in Ann Arbor is not dertian. Miss
J. P. Bradley, in charge of the Red
Cross interests here, has not been
notified as yet in regard to the pro-
Fight Opens Soph Lit Social Season
Soph lits will open their social seas-
on this afternoon with a "Snow ball"
dance at Barbour gym. Among other
original stunts arranged for the oc-
casion is a snow-ball fight, from which'
the affair gets its name. Just how the
fight will b waged officers and com-;
i-ttee refuse to announce. Men are
requested not to bring women to the,
dance and visa versa. Tickets may beI
I urchased from thg'members of the
e ocial committee or at the door for 251
cents each.-

* 7:00-8:00-E. C. Mercer and A
* *len A. Stockdale speak at mas
* meeting, University hall.
* Miss Mary Corbett, M.A., '0£
* speaks at women's mass meet
* ing, Newberry hall.
* * * * * * * * * * S
States and has collected some i
esting facts concerning them.
Besides Mr. Mercer, Rev. Allen
thur Stockdale, the "Pitching Pars
pastor of the Congregational chu
Toledo, will speak.
Miss Mary Corbett, who received
master's degree from Michigan in :
will be the principal speaker at
women's mass meeting, at 7:00 o'c
toi;ght, in Newberry hall. Miss
bett, who was traveling secretary
the Y. W. C. A., in the east, for-
years, is now national secretary
the central field.
Meetings will be held at the fra
nity and sorority houses both at i
and in the evening. More than 40
ternities entertained speakers, yes
day, and 12 of the sororities en
tained the women speakers.
At noon there will be a luncheon
the men student members of the n
(Continued on Page 4).

Editor of The Independent
"The Great War and Peace Movement"

"What Is

Michigan Spirit ?"



Let "Ted" Mercer tell you

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