AILY. L only one more day before they the junior laws in the final Af the interclass football series e campus championship, the ts were out in force on south' field yesterday afternoon. morrow mo the good should be ,have been or play eve and outside training th on their of e is scheduled for play to- rning, and, jiidging from showing of each team, l IEF evenly played. The lits on the field for practiceTO HELP OUT BAND r since the season started of a ,possibility of over- ey should havety the edgethreeShows Will Defray Expenses of pponents. Harvard Trip and Cost of New Overcoats every ad. puhished )for the Best tisingprofessionisattract- college men. Several s recognizing this ten- ive inaugurated special the science of advertising.C chance for you to prove .OU have talent for the ssion-with a possibility $500 toward your. next enses. t original Fatima ad. sub- 0 i college man before June your ho e will pay $500 in gold. t installment of students' ads. 1 10 next month i, beginning next month, some of the ads. will be published in college papers and With each ad. so published, if the writer us, we will publish his name, year and ublished will be paid for at the rate of 85 nust be understood however, that the selec- td. for publication does not signify that it tter chance to win the $500 than the ads. io restrictions whatever as to the method mploy or the way you shall approach the cept that the ad. nust be truthful h our experience that no man can strike the ction in any kind of salesmanship--written -unless he believes in what he is selling. a hint. however. Fatima Facts Pure Tobacco. No finer tolacco used than frn iimnple, inezpen ,ivc p ',kng".. rc!te in Aiuarica. Mac famous by co leae - The Turkish tol': u in P ~ifuS S!"citbys. ,. res~du nai~ ues CaNvalla, Samisoun and S_- Smokers of h'gl rc' c~-i.. rCt' eS " Lo S;:;ok aa .wpI a" ,res of Faiua are usn;u sa isfied to "Switch." Fatima Cigarettes are "distinctively individual" They are 20 for 25e PLAN NISIC FOR EACH PROGRAM Movies, picturing the Harvard trip' and the Cornell and Pennsylvania football games, are to be shown in Hill auditorium on next Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday nights,. for the benefit of the Varsity band, which is endeavoring to meet expenses remain- ing from the trip to Harvard, and to pay for the new military overcoats. Three shows will be given each ev- ening, at 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00 o'clock, 10 cents being the admission charge. Performance will be continuous. In ad-dition to the pictures of the trip and games, new films of President- Emeritus James B. Angell, President Harry B. Hutchins, many of the deans, professors, and regents have been: made for the occasion. Musical entertainment will feature each exhibition. On Monday night, the Varsity band is scheduled to ap- pear, and will play the new band song, entitled "That Michigan Band," for the first time. Several other concert pieces- will also be played. A quartet number termed "Talking Movies" will be given at one of the. shows. -J. J. Cox, instructor in civil engi- neering, has returned from Atlanta, Georgia, where he has been attend- ing the Good Roads Congress for the 'HARVARD PROFESSORS WRITE FOR COSMOPOLITAN STUDENT Facuity Men of Eastern University Will Be Chief Contributors to December Number Prominent Harvard professors will 'be the chief contributors to the De- cember number of the Cosmopolitan Student. Among the professors who will contribute articles on current po- litical and social problems are: Pres- ident-Emeritus Charles W. Eliot of Harvard, Prof. Hugo Muensterburg, Prof. M. Anisaki, Prof. Josiah Royce, and Prof. Francis T. Peabody. "Roads Toward Peace" is the sub- ject of the article by President-Emeri- tus Eliot. Professor Muensterburg, who created a nation-wide stir by his articles on the war, will contribute an article entitled, "International Under- standing." Josiah Royce, professor of philoso- phy, has written an article, "The Tasks of the Interpreter." Prof. Francis T. Peabody will contribute an article bringing out the university ideals in England, Germany, and the United States. George W. Nasmyth, instruc- tor at Harvard, and director of the In- ternational bureau of students, will contribute an article dealing with the war entitled, "Above All Humanity Are the Nations." WRESTLING MEN PREPARE FOR COMING MAT TOURNAMENT Although the annual wrestling tournament is still far intthe future, the advocates of the mat game are busying themselves in preparation for the coming championship struggles. A meeting is scheduled for some time next week, at which all contest- ants will gather to discuss the pres- ent situation. Although the elimina-' tion tournament will not be staged until some time . after the holidays, the men will start work. DIRECTOR BARTELME LEAVES TO FIX EASTERN RELATIONS Director Phillip G. Bartelme, of the athletic association, left yesterday af- ternoon for the east. He will stops at Philadelphia and Cambridge, and probably at Ithaca, to determine the athletic relations of Pennsylvania, Harvard and Cornell, with Michigan during the next year. He hopes to be home by Thanksgiving. ROWE WRITES AUTHORITIES FOR RIFLE CLUB'S EQUIPMENT Intramural Director Meets Difficulty in Securing Muskets For Members Intramural' Director Rowe is in communication with the government- al authorities, relative to the procur- ing of equipment for the newly or- ganized rifle club. The greatest dif- ficulty offers itself in the securing of muskets, which Rowe feels certain that the state and federal Qficials will furnish Michigan's interested sharp-shooters. Most of the men who are anxious for the sport have their own outdoor guns. The membership of the rifle club includes some 50 names, although the list will be greatly augmented, when arrangements for active work are completed. Anyone, desirious of at- filiating himself with the club, is re- quested to give his name to Director Rowe. E. T. PERKINS TO LECTURE IN. ENGINEERING BUILDING TODAY Edmund T. Perkins, president and, chief engineer of the E. T. Perkins Engineering Co., of Chicago, will de- liver a lecture on "The Reclamation of Arid and Wet Lands," at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in room 348 of the engineering building. Mr. Perkins is a prominent expert on drainage matters, and is a member3 of the American Society of Civil Engi- neers, and of the Western Society of< Engineers. He is also president~ ofl the American Reclamation Federa- tion and of the National Drainage] Congress. This lecture was originally to havei been given on Wednesday, but owing to the inability of Mr. Perkins to be, here, was postponed until this after- noon. Tickets For Soph Lit Dance Go Fast Tickets for the soph lit "Snow Ball" party which will be held in Barbour gymnasium tomorrow after- noon, have had a rapid sale. The7 committee has arranged a number ofj innovations and novelties, chief of7 which is an indoor snowball fight,] from which the party derives its, name. The chaperones will be: Dr. J. F. Scott and Mrs. Scott, Dean J. R. Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, and Mr. Harold P. Scott and Mrs. Scott. In the November issue of the Alum nus, is an article describing original manuscripts of Dr. Henry Philip Tap- pan, formerly president of the univer- sity. These manuscripts were presented to the university by Prof. Rudolph E. Brunnow, professor of Semitic phil- ology in Princeton University, in whose hands the papers fell on the death of Dr. Tappan. While available for anyone who has sufficient cause to justify investigation, they are now safely stored away in fireproof vaults of the library. The manuscripts, as presented by Professor Brurnow, are mostly in Dr. Tappan's own band, and are contained in seven packages, as follows: a com- plete work on psychology, of 457 oc- tavo pages; translation from German to English of a large portion of W. Jordan's "Nibelunge"; various arti- cles on universities in general; course on moral philosophy, 127 pages; ser- mons on widely differing subjects; several poems but mostly incomplete; an essay on John Milton of 121 pages length. There has been much talk of a "Tap- pan Book" being issued by the univer- sity, to contain all these manuscripts and papers. Senior Pharmics Appoint Committees At a meeting of the senior pharmic class yesterday, J. W. Higgins, was elected sergeant-at-arms, and W. L. Seibert class historian. President R. B. Shivel appointed the follow- ing committees: Invitation and cane, A. H. Hauenstein, chairman, R. M. McGregor, W. L. Seibert; cap and gown, W. F. Kunke, chairman, W. E. Field; picture, O. A. Brines, W. E. Feek; Michiganensian, R. L. Arner, chairman, C. E. Putkin; social, E. II. Woodhouse, chairman, L. L. Andrus; finance, F. . Prentice, chairman, H. H. Thomas; auditing, G. A. P(rgy, chairman, R. E. Morse, R. C. Blrown. I It TAPPANORIGINALS Prof. R. E. brunnow, of Princeton, Gives Papers of Former Presi- dent to University FALL U L I INTO SEVEN DIVISIONS o 212 Fifth Ave., New York RKISH BLEND CIGARETT E A Cood Suit for $20.4 ptter suit for ptionaIly Good Suit 'IANZLE The Washington St. m past ten days, as the representative of the university. -Prof. Aubrey Tealdi, of the land- a0 scape design department, left Wed- nesday night for Owosso, Mich., to 22.50 give reference to a new park which is to be laid out. -C. K. Valton, grad., gave a short $2500 talk on "Land Classification" Wed- nesday night, before the Forestry club. The lecture was illustrated by slides of scenes in the Missoula For- est Reserve, where Valiton has been employed by the .government for the past year. -Dr. Richard C. Cabot, of Boston, who was one of the speakers at yes- terday's mobilization, conducted the clinic in the university hospital yes- terday in place of the doctors who r a 10 r regularly have charge. Archons, junior iw honorary so. ciety,' initiated the following men 2nd Floor Wednesday evening: F. M. WcHale, H. L. Bell, W. E. Es sery, P. Frary, E. R. McCall, A. R. .Johnson, L. J. Scanlon, T. R. McNama.ra, W. C. Mul- lendore, F. L. Young. -"College Life," its conditions and problems, is the title of a book re-r cently written by M.aurice Garland, Fultoti, '01-'03, professor of English in Davidson college. It consists of a selection of essays for use in college writing courses, which were arrang- ed and edited by the author. Pro- fessor Fulton has also written a book entitled, "Expository Wr-iting." -Wilfred B. Sbraw, '04, ma naging edi- tor of the Michigan Alumn us, who is attending a three day's con vention of the National Association (; f Alumni Secretaries at Columbia a nd Yale universities, is expected, to n eturn to the city the first part of nev t week. -W. G. France, '17, was sendt to the university hospital yesterday^ with a mild 'case of chicken-pox. -Prof. Robert M. Wenley, o the philosophy department, will give his regular extension lecture al4 the De- troit Central High School t omorrow. -Elementary classes in deleotrical measurements are locating f a ults In dummT telephone line strin g about Omfo 14t the electrical laboratory. Ti s is a practical feature of the pri( scribed work for the semester and w' as first cc made a part of the course la st year. -Members of the univerit1 Ferris rest. Institute club will be guests of tjie op. Ypsilanti Ferris Institute cdub, at a reception given at Ypsilai ati tomor- y- row evening. The local club wilI meet at the interurban depot at 7:.00 o'clock ith genuine leather, and go in a body. -B. S. Gitchell, seertary of the De- troit Board of CommercE,, spoke in- JR formally to the Commere club at a. smoker at the Michigan Union Wed- nesday night, on "Thex Possibilites of the College Graduat.e in the Cona- mercial World." This is the first, of a series of lectures which will be given before the Co.nmerce club by outside speakers. heii oau 0o How.e (Sounds Good, Doesn't It?) V ou will want to take something home with you, something which the "Home' Folks" will really en joy. Now can you think of anything they would rather have than " chima,_.B Mr-,R C ron a- A Good Portrait . of yourself'? N, ESKWIN Pie .Last Word in and Convenien ride soft cushioned seat with adjustable back rmi rests that are almost as large as a desk t agazine and Book compartments. vinging shelves roomy enough for a small librar djustable book holders for reading. ade of best solid quartered oak and upholstered w wilt by hand and perfect in every detail. We don't believe you can. A Portrait will be SURE to please. Come in right away and let us make one for you. Don't wait until "we can't pos- sibly get that out before Xmas." Come in now and we can do it right. Dames & Nickels CALL AT THE FIRST FLOOR FURNITU 334.336 So. 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