- . THE MICHIGAN DAILY kt"for you. Neither e style~or__jie~tuilor- the least excuse for ce yoirorder today t, overcoat, or bal- ksgiving. We know will give such all n that we will be - \' I ) i I ' I , _ - nii I, , I - x i i I , 4 '; +I% R: rij; Ii A --_ . _ 1 I 1 t - 1 THE MIC 4OAN DAILY Official newspaper at the Vniverity of Miciigan. Published every morning except. Monday during the universit year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.so; by mail, $2.5o. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H. Davis, cor. 'Packard and State. Businss Office Phone 96o Editorial Office Phone 2414 H. Beach ,Carpenter......Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field........Business Manager University women, who are willing to sew on the Kermiss costume com- mittee, notify Mary Lewis, '15, tele- phone 1235-3. ANY. State St. Fred Foull .................News F. F. Mclinney...... ..Associate T. Hawley Tapping..........Associate F. M. Church.............Sporting Editor Editor Editor Editor EC -IAL. This Woo Only TPENS, Sheehan's Leader Now 7 5 11 Ia ns INES Io i ' {. wnnlW a. m., 6:o6 a. m., o6 p. In., 7:06 p. and 10:45 p. m. Sxn~ 5 p. m., -7:46 a. m. and Mn. 6.51 p. m.'iaso 4.,..,,, i, j. tailor take suits for both ES and GENT' S. :e over-garments in con- with our dress-making .ent. Come in and try erning gowns a.srecialty. Phone logo-T l COPYRICHT BY ED. V.. PRICE q CO. THE LITTLE SCHOOLMANTER SAYS: "HERE'S A HINT TO PROFESSOR DRUMM 1" Asistants to Business Manager John Leonard ' Ray Leffierr Rudolph Hofman Arthur H. Torrey THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1914. Night, Editor--Edwin A. Hyman. THE-ATHLETE AFTERWARDS. Attempts have been made at times to. estimate the degree of success which the college athlete meets in the days following his graduation. No sta- tistics have been gathered, however, from which to draw any conclusion that is more than a guess. So far the argument, rightly or wrongly, has been pretty much with the class of vien who attack athletics, perhaps be- cause these persons make themselves heard most insistently. With the compilation and publica- tion, by the intramural department, of the names and partial addresses of practically all wearers of the "M," it has become possible to trace out the world's opinion of men who have won honor in undergraduate years. The editor of "The .Alumnus" has already expresesd his intention to make such a tabulation His work along this line will be watched with some inter- est, because its result may vindicate the athlete. It will be ,no particular surprise if it turns out that Michigan athletes have met more than ordinary good fortune in business and the profes- sions. As one recalls the Varsity players who have gone out in recent years, he is at a loss to. remember any one who ha ; failed. to make a place for himsel. One New Yorker who read the Maul- betsch pie story. and who seems to have viewed the Harvard game, sug- geststhat "raw meat pie" is what is meant. Postmen will soon be puzzling over the mysterious addresses on letters forwarded to parents of doubting but resourceful students. It isn't the "A" student who calls up the 'prof the night before for the assignment on a thesis due at 8:00 the next morninig. Agitation for a swimming tank and bathing beach has died down notice- tbly during the last few days. Some freshmen from the South are seeing snow for the first time in their young lives. An occasional optimist attributes the prevalence of cracked lips to the Gargoyle. The wise student is writing home about now negotiating for that box. Leave Wednesday noon; back Friday moon; only a matter of 18 bolts. . * * * Dr. Richard Cabot, of Eoston, one of the country's most eminent physi- cians, will speak at the regular mob- ilization meeting at 7:00 o'clock this evening at Newberry hall. * * * Wives of students are invited to meet visiting Y. W. C. A. secretaries and "Mobilization" leaders, at a tea, to be given from 4:00 o'clock to 6:00 o'clock this afternoon at Newberry hall. Uppercass wdmen, who are to es- cort freshmen women to the Fresh- man Spread on December 5, are asked to call on their freshmen before Sat.. urday, or to notify Albertine Loomis, '17, telephone 368, if they cannot at- tend, or take ,tht freshman assigned. Guests' tickets, atr50 cents, which will entitle the holder to dancing and refreshments, nust be purchased of Mrs. Jordan before the day of the Spread. Upperclass women are asked to ob- serve the Spread tradition, and do their part toward keeping it an in- formal function by not using car- riages or wearing fowers. eu M Tryouts for the Union Vaudeville show will be held tonight at 8:00 o'clock in the Adelphi rooms, on the fourth floor of University hall. There will be no rehearsal of the Mandolin club tonight. Next meet- ing, Tuesday, November 24. Senior nharmics meet at 4:3i o'clock today, in room 303 chemistry building. PLAN TO ACCOMMODATE BOYS UDderelassmen Have Charge of Plac. ing Convention Guests Accommodations have been provid ed for 1,500 of the 2,000 older boys who will attend the Boys' Conference t& be held in Ann Arbor, next wee. Letters have been sent to 1,200 under- c ssmen in an effort to place the remaining 500. The following com- mittee under J. A. Van Dis, gener secretary, is in charge of the work Robert Bennett, '18; G. E. Dake, '18E: C. W. Good, '18E; Fenimore E. Putt, '16D; Dean Scroggie, '15; Ralp Bauer, '18A; C. E. Briggs, '18E; Har- old Perry, '1$E, Bryant Donaldson, '18E; George B. Hammond, '16A - Fred W. Sullivan, '18, Howard B. Mo- ses, '18; Walter H. Taylor, '18; G. 13 Stevenson, '17E; Edward Hartwe1l '17; James Schermerhorn, '18; Ja Sharpe, '18E; Kenneth Doyle, '17,: E. H. Krols, '18E; J. A. Plane, '1 and Don T. McKone, '17. SOCIAL SERVICE EXPERT WILL ADDRESS COLLEGIATE ALUMNAE Richard H. Edwards, of New York city, will speak before the Ann Arbor branch of Collegiate Alumnae at its November meeting, to be held at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. B. Hinsdale, 716 For- est avenue. Mr. Edwards, the nation- al social service expert of the Y. M. C. A., has chosen for his subject, "The Degredation of the Social Impulses in Popular Amusements, and the Chris- tian Answer." ..mmomom ........ FREE FREE FREE FREE A Pair of $6.00 Trousers Made to Your Order Ab=- solutely F°r ee wi t h Every Suit or ocoat at $200;the Same Material as Sui or Different for a Lim ited Time Only. FLANDERS - IMPORTER R 209 E. LIBERTY ST. ACROSS FROM VARSITY LAUNDRY IN OLD HOME TELEPHONE CO'S BUILDING .5 d University Song Book - - - - $1.00 Favoriete College Songs - - - $2.00 Memmory Book (Block 'M' on Cover) - $1.00 Memomry Book " " large size - $1.50 Michigan Souvenir Book- New Ed. - .50 Michigan Calendar 1915-best ever - - .50 Michigan Book Racks, Seals, Banners, etc. etc. STATE Wahrs Bok Stores 7771 ,I rial ;Maehines featly reduced Di.terms. Will try them. rs, too. TER CO. INC. lent Salesman iversity Avenue One day last week our worthy friend stated that unless further demand was made -for its recon- tinuance,. the University News Bulletin would not be started this year and that he hoped that enough news 'would be available to warrant the issuing of the Bul- letin. As a nattei of fact .the latest Michigan Daily News Bulletin is 4o -displayedby Fred W. Gross, 4th Ave. and Liberty St., and every day "i" students manifest their interest by seeing what the Little Schoolmaster says about current eents and clothes-ques- tions SF thar was a law agin killin' worry, I reckon VELVET would be in- di'ted by the grand jury.. There's no need to tell a real pipe smoker that there's no worry killer like tobacco. But here's 'something for himt to bear in mind. When he wants a tobacco that's mild, cool, long burning and fragrant,-let him say VELVET. The natural qualities of Kentucky's Burley de Luxe and aged-in-the-wood mellowness make VELVET The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco. IOc tins and 5c metal- lined bags. ' & t y, our and we v. + Of course, we do not wish Pro- fessor Brumm to think this new Bulletin is in competition with his Bulletin, but we really believe it is to every Stude's interest to leave his measuie today for an Ed. V Price & Co. tailored-to-or- der suit. Come in and order your Tanks- giving outfit today., r TRY OUR DEPARTMENT PAPER' and ENVELOPES LOOSE LEAF PAPER ALL n *n . F ou ntia in P en H os p it al S IR VING F. SCHLEEDE - 340 S. State St. y mn Burchfied &'CO. We can offer you the finest and best tailoring'service to be had in the state, with no exception. Evening dress is our specialty., $25 IN GO'LD FOR A. SUGGESTION FROM A MICHIGAN STUDENT See Sunday Supplement BUSY BEE "Wait. sloga '. till next year" is the winter "THE POPULAR PLACE" _ made with a home flavor. In fact, all our confections are strictly home made; such delicacies as candies, ice creams and dainty lunches we claim to be the best you can find. THE CREST- Burchfield,& Co. 106 E. HURON ST. 599 Got Time to LOOK' All is.. a. Reasonable Price AT ho4ANN DJRVGSTO3 E Phone 876 213 S. Main St. We've got Time to Show you our corpplete'line of Toggery Carter the Great Ajuerican Magic. ian will soon be at he Majestic. Carter the Magician will have the biggest act ever at the Majestir. Buy your Conklin Pen at Van Dor- en's Pharmacy, 703 Packard street. tf to Toggie r Shop Graham's Barber Shop, 121 W. Hur- on St., opposite D. U. R. Only barber shop in Ann Arbor under studentman- agement. Your patronage will be ap- precia.ted. Glenn Graham, '17 Dent. eod Wed. Best shoe shining. cleaned and blocked. & Co. Hats of all kind Next to Wagne