THE MICHIGAN DAILY - N -w r lity r business. Our experience of twen- exclusively made-to-order work, the and the entire supervision in the cut- y the man who measures you are the base our established quality. , Tailors, 311 S. State St. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entcred at the .ost-office. at Ann Arbor as second-class .matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.5o; by mail, $2.50. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H1. Davis, cor. Packard and State. 'Phones 960 and 2414. Ff. Beach Carpenter ........ Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field .... ,...Business Manager IFred Foulk.................... News Editor V. F. McKinney ......:. .. .. Associate Editor T. Hawley Tapping..........Associate Editor F. M. Church...............Sporting Editor Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph 1iofman Arthur H. Torrey FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1914. Night Editor-W. A. P. John Majestic Theater "Safety First" lived down its name and sparkled out more than occasion- ally with bits of cleverness, at the Ma- jestic last night. It is one of the two or three best tabloid affairs offered in local vaudeville during the last few years. Mabel Rogers, as "Billy," and Earle Dewey, as "Bud Green," seem to de- serve the capitalization of their names on the program. "Safety First" re- mains at the Majestic today and tomor- row, matinee and night. . TEXT A913116, vOKS U N I V ER S IT Y OT BO K S New and Second Hand IC INSTRUMENTS Save your money and buy THE RICHTER BRAND $7.50 with Leather .Case. Fountain Pens. .P. Try Sheehan's Special Self-filling Pen $1.50 4Y1tYX L1LLt111.ti'L 1.1'9. "L4E11tt'YL ^1.iL'ti Michigan's Best Book Store New and Second Hand For All Departments DRAWING INSTRUMENTS and (ENGINEERS SUPPLIES LOOSE LEAF NOTE BOOKS FOUNTAIN P tiETC Staten Street IME*LStreet University Bookstore A ;t I IE E H A N Students Bookstore . DLINIESI I __ TABLE Detroit-q:xo m., also 8:io m., 6:o6 a. in., P. in., 7:06 p. id 10:45 P. . in., 12:15 p. i., :46 a. m. and n. :S IP. im., also We are better prepared than ever before to meet your wants for the Fall and Winter of 1914 - 15 SHROEN BROS. DRY GOODS,'NOTIONS Ready to wear. The store that always treats you fair 124 S. MA IN n, i PHONE 1000 i --- clear WHY be be AR ROW SH IRTS are in every style suitable for city or country, frolic or function. The colors are fast, the styles smart and right-the patterns correct-insist on the label. $1.5o and up IN 1934. Twenty years from now, when we take a chance hour off to banter rem- iniscences with some old Michigan man, the first few moments of conversation are going to bring out at least one ref- erence to the 1914 football season. Right now we are not much impress- ed. Perhaps we sit next to one of the players in class, and all of us know, unless we are freshmen, that the stars are quite human. Everything is dis- gustingly real. But go forward mentally a couple of decades. Pennsylvania, Cornell, Har- vard, Vanderbilt, Yost, Hughitt, Rayns- ford, Galt will form a joyful, jumbled memory. A haze will rise over old Ferry field, in the brains of the most matter-of-fact, andeach one of the names connected with 1914 football will come up before us to be endeared all over again. Then it will be "that big year." We will be proud to recall that we lived within cheering distance of the first real Michigan team to play Harvard. Never was the campus more sym- pathetically behind a Wolverine team. Never did a hopelessly one-sided, early season game create such unprovokedI enthusiasm as did Wednesday's contest.! Conservative sophomoreg yelled and decrepit over-graduates had to smile appreciatively. We hope we are going to win. Some of us are certain that the team is not so amateurish as the head-lines would indicate,and most of us have unquench- able trust in Michigan fighting spirit directed by Yost. Bumping into the new iron-pipe goal posts on Ferry field must give the ef- fect of falling seven stories onto a reinforced concrete pavement. With the possibility of a new club- house put forth into the future, a per- manent sign on the front of the Union would be convenient. The passing of the old-fashioned hamburger deserves a place with the! exodus of freshman awesomeness. Cheap rates will.tempt loyal Michi- gan to Lansing, October 17. And, after that, on to Harvard. FOR SALE-Good set drafting instru- ments Cheap. Phone 962-M. R. D. Albertson, 127 N. State St. 3-4 ROOMS TO RENT-Proces reasonable. 1221 S. University. 3-4 * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN * Civil service examination schedules will be posted as they arrive in the west, corridor of the library for the benefit of women wishing to enter that work. Further information concern- ing this or any other vocational work can be obtained from Judith Ginsburg, '15. The Women's League board will hold its first meeting at 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. Mrs. Jordan holds her annual recep- tion for freshmen women this after- noon from 4:00 until 6:00 o'clock. It will be followed by a buffet supper given the freshmen by the junior ad- visers. The Annual Student Convocation calls for academic customs represent- ing all departments and colleges. We carry caps, gowns, and hoods and all official colors. Mack & Co. 2-4-6 FOR RENT-One pleasant room - for girl on first floor. Enquire 1014 E. Univ. Ave. tf FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS Now Ready, Including ADLERS' & KTJPPENHEIER'S MODELS REXALL Ansao Films--- EDSILL'S R exalt Quality exall Service iexall Prices SiGNIFiES SATISI Come in. let's get acquainted REXALL DRUG 122 S. Main St. THE HOME OF REXALL REMEDIES The Live Wire Drug Store e . - - Prescriptions, Medical, and LaboratorySu plies Just now when you are getting started you will need TOILET ARTICLES, SOAP, TOOTIj BRUSHES and P 0 W D E R S, TOWELS. SHAVING NEEDS of all kinds and not the least at this time a STUDENT. CARD DIREC- TORY for your own use at all hours. The Druggists on the corner. Statesord N. Univ. FAC-TION ---Cyko Paper STORE rk repre- p in the quipment w0GUE Good Clothes Store, Main St. Get the official Freshman Wagner & Co. State Street. U verstt fusc I IMrs 1. 1. .1oot Corner Maynard and William Streets 4 Pianos for Rent Victor Victrolas and Records College Music tf. & BROS. d Ave. Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers -- --- - You will find the largest and most oomplete line of PACKARD ACADEMY Dancing classes every Monday and Thursday 7:00 p. m., beginning Oct- 5th and 8th. A very competent in- structor from New Jersey will dem- onstrate the new dances both in class and private lessons. The academy has been newly decorated and equip- ped with electric fans. Phone 1850-M. Do Not Break City Ordinances. Don't run auto faster than 10 miles an hour in business districts and 15 miles in other parts of city. Don't play ball in the streets. All sidewalks are in the streets. Don't ride 'bicycle on sidewalks. Don't post notices on poles, fences, buildings or sidewalks. Don't have a dog around without li- cense. Bull dogs must be muzzled. Don't peddle on streets or from house to house without a license. Don't break the ordinances of the city and expect to get off without pay- ing the penalty. 3-4 r Tailors to Men Our Special $30.00 Suits Have UALITY THAT UALIFYS 9UICKLY Henry& Co 71-1 N. University Ave. Footwear, for ladies and gentlemen at Stores, MAIN STREET STATE STREE r and let us show you the new Fall models $2.25 buys a outfit at Wahr's complete University gymnasum Book store.. eodW NEW AND BECOMING Styles in FALL HATS Now on Display ALLEN'S Good Clothes Store Main St. , i Gym Outfits complete-at a bar- gain-Wagner & Co. State Street. tf. , a Taxi" Phone 2880 Taxicabs, Limousines, Touring Cars and Auto Baggage Trucks , . Arbor Taxicab Co. .613 E. Liberty Expert Pipe Repairing - R. ride, 422 Detroit St. Disde- TF. Laboratory Outfits-Wagner & Co. State Street. tf. FOR RENT-One Single room, mod- ern. $1.75. 503 E. Ann St. 4 FOR RENT-Pleasant warm room at 604 Madison St. single 4-5-6 You will cone back if you buy some of our Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Dean & Co., Ltd,, 214 So. Main. 1-4 LOST-Athletic book on Ferry field September 30. Liberal reward if re- turned to Miss Phyllis W. Waters. 1017 E. Catherine tf WANTED-Second hand Log Log slide rule in good condition. Phone 1356- M. t LOST-A Parker Lucky Fountain Pen without cap. Finder pleas', return to 1114 White St. 740-J. Reward. 4 LOST-One athletic book. Reward. Earl L. Wiener, 213 N. Division. Phone 23-J. 4 FOR SALE-York professional 13 flat cornet with quick change to A. Iligh or low pitch slides. Inquire 432 S. Division or phone 1741-W. 4 FOR SALE-Excelsion Twin Motor- cycle. In fine condition-cheap- -cash or time. Inquire at 1118 S. Uni- versity, 4-5- LOST. OR STOLEN--An iUnderwood typewriter. Return to Michigan Daily office and receive reward. 4-5-6 Best shoe shining. Hats of all kinds cleaned and blocked. Next to Wagner & Co. eod. wmw ww k dependable in- es. Schaeberle 110 So. Main tf. Pens of all nue Pharmacy. tf Drawing instruments and engineer's supplies at Wahr's Book Store. eodW Peanuts at 214 So. Main St. are roasted fresh daily. 1-4 Dean's roasted peanuts are digest-, able. 1-4 A great big bag of fine peanuts forj 10c at Deans. 1-4 FOR SALE-Barber shop. 207 Huron Street. 2-5 FOR SALE-Indian twin cylinder mo- torcycle, $100. Call 339-J. FOR RENT-Rooms for girls. Two single rooms and one suite. Good, light, airy, well furnished, and con- venient. Two doors from Campus. Prices reasonable. 610 South In- galls. Phone 936-J. 2-3-4-5 For Messenger call 795-J, Ann Arbor Parcel & Messenger Service. Auto and Bicycle Delivery, A.-F. Brown, '17e' TE. a store