rfect flit at every point if your, es are made here. That we guar- No matter what your build or .cal peculiarities may be, we can ep you apparel that will fit you ctly. See the man whose tailors e and you'll see a perfectly well-, ,ed one. G. H. WILD COMPANY Lug Merchant Tailors State St. ."/ i l (4 1 1 q 45\ J- THE MICHIGAN DAILY Michigan- Cornell "a4i sColor s..." Be up to deati decorate with DENNISON'S New Crepe Ptaper. Try this paper once and you' never will use the cheap grade again. 'students Bookstore DE'TROI'T UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE Limited and Express C~ars for Detroit--7 :10 a. mn. and h ourly to 6 :io p. in., also 8:10t p.11M. Local Cars for Detroit-s :4o a. mn., 6:o6 a. In., and every two hours to 6 :o6 p. m.,, 7 :06 p. mn., 8:o6 p. mn., 9:10 p. in., and 10:45 p. n. To Ypsilanti ony, 11 :15 p. mn., 12:15 p. in., 12:30 p. in., 1 :0o a. m.p Limited Cars for Jackson-7 :46 a. rn. and every two hours to 7:46 p. m. Local Cars for Jackson-5:I2 a. mn., 6:5z a. In., and every two hours to 6 :51 p.' in,, also 9:20 p. Mn., I1:15 p. M. We are better prepared than ever before to meet your wants for the Fall and Winter of 1914 - 15 SHROEN IBROS. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS Ready to wear. The store that always treats you fair COPYRIGHT BY- EA. V. :?RICE & CO. The Little Schoolmaster says: B5oost the Mimes Show' THE MICH-IGAN DAILYJ Official newspaper at . the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.50. Want ad. stations:, Quarry's,' Univ. Pharmacy, C. 11. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Pone 960 Editorial Office cThone 2414 H. 'Beach Carpenter..... ..Managing ditor W Sherwood Field.......Business Manage Frred I'oulk..................... News Edtor V. F. Mt'cI~insiey ........Associate Edtor T1. Hawley Tapping.......... Associate ~di~or F. M. Church:.............Sporting rfditor Assistatts to Business Manager John Leonard- Ray ~efler Rudolph Homnan Arthur H. Torrey SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1914. Night Editor--E. C. Rot. THE BIGHTER SIDE. One of the draw-backs of participat- ing in first class conmpetition is that occasionally there must be a slump. When the 1913 season ended, and three or four particular stars left college, it was not a question of whether Penn or Cornell could be beaten this year; rather, it was aproblem as to whether Michigan could boast any sort of a team, following such a loss.' The gloom thent was overwhelming.j If, at that time, the rooters could have been assur'ed that Penn was to be con-, quered by a record score, that A A. C. was to be denied a second victory, and that Harvard was to be out-played. they would have been almost content. But, in the meantime, unexpected things happened, and the enthusiasts increased in numbers, untilY everyone was hopeful to an extreme degree. An inexperienced team was expected to do the impossible. The past season has been a big suc- cess, compared with what it might eas- ily have been, if the men had been less willing, and the coach less eff- cient. It has surpassed early expec- tations. The prophetic supporter of the Michigan team turns from the 1914 season, with memories of occas- ional flashes of excellence in his mind. He is more than hopeful for next year. Now, if Pennsylvania beats Cornell, the last-straw advocates swill posse~sa some interesting figures. As the third quarter progressed, the kite bearing the Michigan colors as lowered gradually. It was fortunate that the larger crowd of fair visitors saw last Sat- urday's game. Perhaps that Penn game dog was a mascot, after all. Training for the mid-semesters will now commence.3 At I1.c,:30 .secondIu sermon by Mr. Lor- lu.- on Thisiait How Far Was x';l te L ner? At ,11:45 second talk_.y'M.. :. C. Freeman on the Commision orm of Government be- foreSocil SeviceClass. At 730 he oung People's Society asaraed fe or an address on Con- u ianis i. ry> M r. Chang Ping Wang. Unitaria n Church HeenEl,'15, who haIs charge of the dances for the Kermiss, requests that university women who wish to take .part in the Spanish .dance, and are of mediium height and-have dark hair, meet her at 1:00 o'clock Mon- tay, in )T~rbour gymnasium. I[(0 ~iLE VAN <,PIW 1 'SI DENT TO GIV11'Etti a¢lD LECTURE TONIHT I(:r eszident Herbert Welch, of Ohio 'cseyan University, Delaware, Ohio, wilt deliver the third Wesleyan Guild lecture at the MIethodist church at [7:30( o'clock to nigh t. lie will take for his ubjct "he oul of the World." P'res:idenr;,t Welch~t appeared ' on the ailit1anJGuild series here eight .years ago. le has 1;; de a special study of the social uetion, taking a firm stanrd as a lbrl in spite.of consid- eraal opposition. Before taking up hi;; w ork as president; of the universi- ty he was well known as a minister, his largest pastorate being in Brook- lyn, N. Y. State Street p University Bookstore 'Uutvrst M~usic. IOuse MlSrs. 8M. M. lToot Corner Maynard and William Streets Pianos for Sale and Rent 'victor Victrlas and Records Michigan University Song Book $1.00 Michigan's Favorite College Songs $2.00 Michigan Memory Book (Block M on cover) $1.00 Michigan Memory Book, larger size $1.50 Michigan Souvenir Book, new edition 50c Michigan Calendar, 1915, better than ever 500 Michigan Book Racks, Seals, Banners, &a., &a. WAHR'Street %M -,Ad * EVERY MICHIGAN STUDENT and ALUMNUS S H OUL ,D 'HAVE A Woven 'In blue S EE WINDOW AT The Druggists on the corner. State and N. University ing porch. 143-J. -Large room with sleep- :537 S. Division. Phone 42-44-48 It's going if Kendrick to be a dandy bill and Haislip have I I S. MAIN PHONE i4oo COrLLAR Cluett, Peabody,& Co., Inc. Makers . : anything to say about it and there certainlIy enough good talent here to make it an "All- Star" attraction. Better freshen up on your his- toric ability and make your presence known. If yout are troubled with "stage fright" boost the 'good caahse by selling Kendrick that you can sell a bunch of tickets Eto. fellows who don't belong to the Union. If you are, one of the uadience take a tip fromFr dG os , 4 h A e an Liberty St., and order your new Autumn suit now so "that your "best girl" will be proud of you on the night of December 18th.r MO)NDAY $2.50 Pillow-$1, GrahiamsBarber Shop, 121 W. Hur- on St., oppIosite D. U. R. Only barber shiop) in Ann Arbor under student man- _get Your patronage will be ap- preciated. Glenn Graham, '17 Dent. eod Wed. Florida E xursion Decemuber 1st. Round trip $35.00. Join the party for a trip. For further in- formatfion call or write_ C. E. Pence, 700 South Ingalls St., Ann Arbor. Phone 2472. 42, ForMsia Instruments of 'Every Description:, Victrolas, and Edison Di- an OP.dI Di sc ',a-chines, go to S.CHAE- I3}'RLL6,&,SON MUSIC HOUSE, Main Street. eod Wed. Buy your coffee, tea and peanuts at The Coffee R anch, 211 East Liberty. Retail atz wholesale prices. Quality Tailors to Mene Our S~eciaI S3O.0O Suits. Have UA!lLITY THAT UALIFY;S E UIGKLY I. Henry & C. 71 1 N. University Ave. andy Making is a Sciteneeu Whole families -were chrysanthemums. out selling Our expert understands it perfectly. He insists upon the finest of materials, so we give them to him;" things such as chocolates, sugar, fruit, nuts and flavors. J Cornell 'appreciated Michigan's hos- pitality. Hats off to O'Hearn. Congressman to IDiscuss P-Iinnirailoi Congressman S. W. Beakes, of the second district of Michigan, will adl- dress the third meeting of the social; problems' class at the Congregational church at noon today. His topic wil be "Mlore Effective Distribution of Imn- migrants." $4"qar"nner-$ $4 "Square" Banner-$1. State St., Opp. tinir Hall. Bl"llu 8 T unexceledl. eod Wed.I ""THE POPULAR PLACE" The Nettleton Bond St. High Shoe Weather Is Here We have -all styles of black and tan shoes B E $4 "Square" Tlanner-$2 $"Square" lanider-$1.. $t St., (pp, Univ.Hll 42 1inch IPennants Asst. N e- or 75 cents. 2.5 0 IPilow-$L. of all makes, Bought, BILLE. N 1AL CARI E Sold1 and' Exchanged IfRE 0i~i TAGS~ at prices consistent, l with quality. Typewriting Supplies,Type- -/ wrtigand Mieographing 0. DiMORRILL- ,r Baltimnore Lunch) 228 s~ {s to St.Phone" 52"J, in prices ranging from $3.SPwo to $7.o I Wahr's Shoe StoresI State and Main Sts. "Cal.aTaxi"s WAI KIP40 LOO COi UP AND TRY: George's Chop 'Suey Delicious Chinese and American Dishes 3i1 S. State St. Phone 1244 L THE STATE. SAYINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $125,000.00 Win. J. Booth; Pres.: Wmn. Arnold, Vice-Pres. C. John Waltz, Cashier, R. A.Beal, Ass't Cash Arcade Teatre FRIDAYi, MZ0VEMjBER -13 The< Tr ey 0' Hearts. Episode 5. I Roome.e T!1e return of the Twin's Double. 3 part iDraa. Sim p le Faith. - _IONiDAY, NOVEMlBER 16 Adlventures in Diplomacy. Drama in 3Parts. All at Sea. Comedy. Beautiful Cor- sica. Scenic. typewriters-in otne-it writes, this without a dollar for "special" attachments. The one machine does it all. W rite Direct for our new Brochure, "BET. TER SFR VICE," and a beau- tiful Color - Photograph of the Nety Royal MAloter-Model 10. P O YAL TYPEWRITR CO. Inc. DETROIT. Mich. Royal Typewriters SOL~D on easy monthly payments. RENT$D' at very low rates, SPEC1AI, RATES TO STUDE~NTS AiSK FOR DEMONSTRATION A. R. COHEN, Resident Salesman 1314 So. University Ave. Tel. 2292J Phone 228Q~ Takabs, Limous s, "Touring Cars and Auto Baggage Trucks$ Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. 515 E. Liberty