i 1 C 1 ' 4 n Dal y ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1914. PRICE FIVE CI S BACK" IN SECOND ELMINS VARSITI28 ", Is E PlayingI * * * * * * * * allure to punt out * cost the Big Red * e to break the scor- * against Michigan. * more than two steps first kick, and Hill * second. On the * ion, Schuler failed * goal. Had two of * goals been kicked, * Id have totaled 30 * largest previous * n a Michigan team * h Pennsy rolled up * * n team coached by * opped three games * ear. The most un- * evious season was * two defeats were * ,gainst the Varsity. * tball season came to ay afternoon, when the Wolverines the he year by the decisive , and outplayed Mich- partment of the game >assing. ave Michigan her two TODAY "Dad" Elliot, on "Quitters," Maf theater, 6:30 o'clock. Dr. Herbert Welch, Methodist ch 7:30 o'clock. Menorah society meeting, Newb ball, 8:00 'clock. TOMORROW Texas students meet at Union, o'clock. CS FO glCLUB PLAY CHOUS "The Bracelet," Supplemented by Swan Song," to Be Given November 20 NEW MEMBERS DISPLAY TAL Work upon the one act playlet titled "The Bracelet," which the C edy club will present in Sarah' well Angell hall Friday evening,' vember 20, has been progressing st ily, and the cast has been chosen. L. M. Cunningham, '16L, assis passes, manager, has been rehearsing any of production for the past two weeks, ed the has found some excellent abilit l Rea new members of the club this ye * OPINIONS OF THE COAHES. * MANY ALUM SEE FOOTBALL SMOKER * Coch Fielding H. Yost of * CRAIG NAMED'F Michigan said after the game: SLAST 1914 BATLE PLANS COMPLETED The Cornell team preseted a AL IME VARS ,13 srong ttacktoday wit whole lot of power and cohe- * -~~~~~ Sion in it. I wouldn't *CahFedn .Ys ik Famous Stars of Former Elevens Insignia Will Be Presented Players * say t h a t t h e i r back- * Coach Fielding H. Yost Pieks " Come to Cheer For Maize By Prof. A. S..Whitney of * field was brilliant, but they pre- * on Player For Berth and Blue Athletic Board * sented a very strong attack, and * Eleven SEVERAL HUNDREDS VISIT GAME YOST MAY GIVE SHORT TALK were able teda g und. Mich HER SE iga semedunale o' top REPLACES A. IIERRNSTEINt * them. This was true most in * 10-92 A IH Judging from registrations at the Arrangements for the annual foot- * th seco half 1901-1902 AT IGHT Union and the alumni club rooms, ball smoker, to be held Tuesday night, * seemed to have lost its aggress- * several hundred alumni returned to in Barbour gymnasium, are complete, * iveness. You know we had only * SeconTam ReTotehen jestic Ann Arbor yesterday to witness the and, although Michigan met defeat * one man in the game today who * Containing1 TodMembers Michigan-Cornell game. yesterday, the rooters will be given * started against Cornell last * * year, Hughitt." J urch, Some of the "M" club members who an opportunity to show their appreia- * Coach Sharpe of Cornell said: * James Craig, half and quart were visitors were: William Heston, tion of the'work done by the team. * "I was a little afraid before the * the Varsity during 1911, 1912 and berry '04, P.. W. Jones, '00, Cyril J. Quinn, Admission cards will be placed on * game as to the result. My team * has been named on Coach Fieldi '14, Clement Quinn, '13, James E. sale to the general public at the Union * hadn't been tried out lately * Yost's All-Time Michigan eleven Bond, '14. tomorrow, and will sell for 25 cents. * against a big team, and I didn't * made the selection last night, in ' - * know just what it could do, es-* Among others who saw the game The total number for sale is limited * pecially on defense. I am of * ing his mythical team. for publi were: Judge William Day, 'OOL, and to about 1,800. * course delighted with the result. * in the Michigan Athletic Annual. 7:30 Louis Elbel, '00, author of "The Vic- James Schermerhorn, editor of the * Michigan played a great game." * is placed at right half, the pc Detroit Times, and Francis D. Eaman, g pl*yed gr*at*game. *sfrmerly h afrten tors. '01L, a Detroit attorney, will be the rmerlyheld byA. Herrnsten Other alumni registered during the out of town speakers. Their topics 1901-'02 Varsity teams. week-end were: Fred A. Compton, have not yet been announced. H. Craig is the only member c 13E, G. T. Davis, '07, William H. Each Carpenter, '14-'17, editor of Varsity during the last four ye Chare, '94L, Miss Mildred Kob' 13, BahCrete, 4' , dtro ILL. E P EATTALK b ie etho h l-i Charnley, 4The Michigan Daily, will talk for the be Martin H. Connelly, '99, 'OIL, William student body. I T ganization. Previous to his ap H. Emory, '98, H. Hobart Corwin, '99E Head Coach Fielding H. Yost will ment, Albert ,Benbrook, captain J. H. Beazel, '88, E. A. Roeser, '13E, be present, and may give a short ad- 1910 team, held the honor of beia John T. Kent, '00, L. M. Powns, '07, dress. The "M" insignia will be pre- most recent nominee for the hot "The of Berkeley, Cal., W. T. Clarke, '73, sented to the players by Prof. A. S. "Dad" Elliott, Secretary of Y. M. C. A. eleven. Richard Kuhm, '89E, Harry Z. Folz, Whitney, chairman in control of the Committee, Will Speak Again Coach Yost, it is understood '13, Blaine B.. Schimmel, '12-'14L, board of athletics. On "Quitters" picked a second All-Time Mic Frank E. Shaw, '12L, A. Lendernck, C. B. Haff, '15L, will lead the cheer- team for this year's issue of the ENT '08E, Robert T. Young, '08, Godfrey Ing, and will be assisted by A. S. Lyn- MOVIES WILL PRECEDE ADDRESS letic Annual. Upon this combin Strelinger, '13E, Sidney Small, '10, don with lantern slides and cartoons. which is with-held under cop , en- Ray Diekema, '11, Charles Chapman, Any cartoons for presentation may "Dad" (A.J.) Elliott, secretary of the by the publishers, there are two Com- '11, "Doc" Wight Cook, '12, Rudolph be handed to Lyndon. international Y. M. C. A. committee for bers of the 1914 Varsity. The Cas- Finkenstaedt, '11, James B. Shearer, The committee in charge announces sonnel of the second-best eleve No- '07, Stewart Morely, '06, George Calk- that It has been able to secure 20,000 colleges and universities of themiddle tead- ins, '13, John Williams, '14, Fred Natural cigarettes for the occasion. west,will repeat his talk on "Quitters," ed on sale, next Tuesday." Beacher, '11, Campbell Trible, '1. The band will give several selec- at the regular Y. M. C. A. meeting at stant tions,.together with the Glee and Man- the Majestic theater at 6:30 o'clock SOCCER MEN HAVE EASY TI the when the Maize and Blue line held, he dolin clubs, which will also offer num- tonight. Mr. Elliott's talk made such IN BATTLE WITH SCHOOL 'J and dropped a field goal over from the bers by the Mandolin Trio and the y in twenty yard line. A little later Bar- Midnight Sons' quartette. an impression when he spoke here Enemy Unable to Score Against 2 ar. rett got away for a 60 yard run for early in the season that the university Whose. Injrie ________________ ealy hos Inuris Put it to" d y, a touchdown, no Michigan man touch- Y wsfredt ceet te ayS av~ 'The tng him until Spiawn tackled him at TO PLAY FOR CHAMPIONSHIP "Y" was forced to accede to the many Slight Disadvantage g of the goal line, laying out the Ql[ 9u CA3PUS SERIES TUESDAY"- s of star on the play .' --- - - - - ~ t ' . o ' e el ' o t eun sian Cornell's power was not loet when Junior Laws and Sophomore its Will, ing from R ling Prairie, IlL. I of . Barrett withdrew, however, for Collins Oppose Each Other letasi on. yetorday ,morn i ce: bass ted an attack which had swept Opina OthRe nd IH a mt midfield to the Michigan tex yard fied. No is than ninegals com- line when the final whistle ble and nyplsedtugaih eMc aa' en w saved the Varsity from another cOre. only two more games remain to be though Coach Mcas the Lineup: played in the final round of the inter- a slight disadvantage oin accout keep Michgan (13) Corn (28) class football series, the junior law- enemy went scoreless. uing Bento. . . . . ....LE ... . .. helton soph lit game, for the campus chan- McCall himself suffered a a Judi- Relmann.....T...Glogly l al iisfsffrd.a.1 pionshbruise on.the legTand.had.to au- MeHale.........LT ponship, and the senior law-junior guise onCte leg, andbad to In- Ransord (. . ... ... . . . . . . Cool lit game, for the fourth set of numer- from the struggle early. Otis I, in Raynsford (C) ,. .. C . . .. .. . . . .Gnatholn up du rvhii Watson. .. . ......RG . ... Anderson al acquitted himself in good style, Lb to Cochran.......RT.........Allan The senior law-junior lit game is , st of Saatz. ,RE ean (C)artin, on one of the ivngs, I e Yt of Staatz.........RE . . . OHearn (C) sch eduled for play Teeday. In view the stellar game, scoring thrice oduc- Hughitt........QB.......Barrett the fact lhat t e It have defeated, self and making several other the Maulbh.......LH......Schler in a decisive fashion, the senior engi- e ,..,sibvwits : neers, who played two scoreless ties DA" (A. ) ELLIOTT, boots Fowler's long kicking fro Sthe Bastan..........RH.......Collyer with the, senior laws, the dope seems who talks on "Quitters," at tie Majes- center of the field featured at t a6 7 _13to favor the lits in Tuesday's game. tic theater at 630 o'clo k topght The Interlaken players neve: ank- Michigan....................-...The standings in the final round 3_a chance and n one stood out West- Cornell .......... . ..0 6 13 9-28 are as follows: rtin, Touchdowns-Phillippi 2, ,Collyer, FIRST DIVISION- Won Lost Pct. demands to have him repe it.t Clar- Barrett, Maulbetsch, Staatz. Junior laws1 0 1.0 His talk on "Quitters" hs been de- Ru- Goals from touchdown-Hughitt, livered to between 40,000 1 d 50,000 CO.1 i AIRAN(EMENTS Soph sits..........1 0 1.000,F nket, Barrett. Fresh engineers ....1 1 500 students in universities ad colleges PRODUCTION OF "THE KER wena Goal from field-Barrett. Senior laws........0 2 .000 of this country. "Dad" h the repu- Doris Substitutions: Michigan-Catlton C or SECOND DIVISION- tation of having covered more ground Appointment of Committees Bastian, Dunne for Benton. C el lits.........2 0 1.000 than any other lecturer in the middle Attempt to Secure Tilley for Mugsick, Phillippi for Hill,.west. Bert St. John 1 1.SSenior engineers .. ..0 1 .000wet Cor- Jameson for Gallogly, Phillippi for Preceding Mr. Elliott's address, mov- adily Schuler, Hill for Phillippi, McCutch-Frs i -.. '. . 1 ing pictures will be shown, beginning Mildred Rees, 'lo, general cha until eon for Anderson, Anderson for Tilley, at 6:10 o'clock. A souvenir poem, en- for "The KernIss," which is three Collins for Barrett, Schuler for Coll-. Fresh Architect Committees Appointed titled "The Price He Paid," by Ella. staged by university women o igan yer. Pearce C. Kelley, president of the Wheeler Wilcox, will be given to each evening of December 2, at Hill a back Officials: Referee-Joseph Pendle- fresh architects, has announced the student w-hd attends. rium, completed the appointme were ton, Bowdoin; Umpire-Lewis Hinck- appointment of the following commit- sub-committees for the prod1 first ey, Yale; Field Judge-J. C. Holder- tees: Advisory, Pearce C. Kelley, ILLUSTRATED LECTURE TO BE yesterday. Permanent officers o Coll- ness, Lehigh; Head Linesman-Lieut. chairman, M. M. Brundidge,Paul 0. Da- HEiICAL EN(NEERS general committee were electe N. A. Prince, West Point. vis, Walter J. Dixon, E. H. Meibeyer, .Efollowsc: Minerva Bowen, '15, tre rung Time of quarters-15 minutes. Reece B. Oberteuffer, R. Salmon, er and business manager; Vera print Frank H. Taylor; finance, Frank H. Mr. H. A. Gardner, director of the rige, '15, secretary; Ruth Carmi yard Cross-Country Team Wins Close Race Taylor, chairman, Walter J. Dixon, scientific section of- the American '15, property manager; Ruth Cra Phil- Michigan's cross-country men de- William S. Dinwiddie, Pearce C. Kel- Paint Manufacturers' association, of '15, advertising manager. ough feated a team representing the Detroit ley, R. Salmon; auditing, Reece B. Ob- Washington, D. C., will deliver an il- Negotiations are now under w f the Y. M. C. A. yesterday morning. The erteuffer, chairman, J. C. Andrews, lustrated lecture before the chemical secure professional musicians, a race started in front of the chemistry A. J. Dohmen; social, M. M. Brundidge, engineering branch of the Engineering :o a professional trainer. Be turn- building and ended at the same place. chairman, Harold A. Brennen, George society, in the chemical amphitheatre, John, who supervised the prod dfield The course was three miles, and the H. Burrows, William W. McKelvey, at 4:30 o'clock tomorrow, on "Paints of the pageant last year, will p and, finish was close.A Bertha Yerex. as Protective Coatings." bly be chosen. hil~n de- L. M. Cunningham, and Norman AV *b men, man, '18, will enact the selection.I 'as badly old Forsythe, '17E, will play an ac paniment- on tie violin. )wns. In plot, "The Bracelet"', follows ay of the theme of a wife too absorbed toI touch- the love of her husband, with ens ack with complications, humorous and1 ; and in crous-tragic. Alfred Sutro is the tely out- thor. His play was first staged Three Iiverpool, Eng. here roll- It was the intention of the clu Michigan charge no admission, but the cos the scenery and materials for pro Michigan tion had to be met, resulting in O'Hearn necessity of charging a price of however, cents. Invitations will be sent to npare in patronesses. stars of The cast is as follows: Judge B sult, the et, H. Springstun, '17; Harvey V ity by ar en, Morrison Wood, '17; Ma Frederick Sullivan, '17; William, C ence Lokker, '17; Mrs. Westren, ush, and, berta Woodworth, '17; Mrs. Ba * Barrett, Elsa Apfel, '16; Miss Farren, Ro' pass to ]astian, '18; and Smithers, T cross the Stamats, '17. y rc Hughitt r second score. Splawn passed on, and the end raced to the yard line before Barrett stop- i. Maulbetsch twice smashed line for four yards, and, al- stopped on his third plunge, e the score on the next effort. kicked this goal, and once d as if the point might be im- In the second half it was all nell. The visitors marched ste down the -ld to start the half, Phillippi planted the ball on the t yard line for a first down. Mich rallied, and for four downs threw the red attack. The Wolverines offside, however, and Cornell got a down on the one yard mark,, and yer went over on the first play. Barrett inserted another long in this period, and his 45 yard s planted the ball on Michigan's 19 line before Catlett stopped him.: lippi went over for the score, alth Barrett carried the ball part of remaining distance. In the final quarter, Barrett re ed one of Splawn's punts from mi to the Michigan 17 yard line, en i the longest 64 yards on a n his five yard aight up the mates mowed lers as far as ine. Phillippi kickout failed. "The aid," by ler Wil- e given "Y" MAJESTIC MEETING For Men "DAD" ELLIOT T Movies at n. Gives his Famous Talk on "Quitters" Doors Open at 6:00