THE MICHIGAN DAILY I STUDENTS We are ready to show you the best line of V l Kodak Developed and printed over night. Try all the o t h e r places, and then come here an d be satisfied. That is what 1o t s of others have done. CAL KIN'S PHARMACY lien's Suits, Overcoats,, Balmacaans, Raincoats, Hats, Cas .and Furnishings Films SAA660, LMJ*Fo 20 on all Suits, Overcoats, Pat- iC MaCkinaws, Balmacaans and off 324 South State Street Furnishings. r Shown in the City WADHAMS & CO. 1211-123 So. Gain St. ' . 'he Farmers & Mecbanics Bank 101.103-105 South Main Street Capital, $100,000 urplus and Profits . $75,000 be Ann Arbor Savings Bank apital Stock $300,000 Surplus $roo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted .has. Ef. Hiscock, Pres., Mlichael J. Fritz, ash'r, W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres., Carl F. raun, Asst. Cash'r, Wm. Waltz, Asst. Cash'r avings Dept. College Men! My assortment includes the latest novelties for the college men. Workman- ship and designing of the highest quality, and at a reasonable figure. w caflSn 3vns~~ y and Main Sts.: ivenient Place for Your Banking A. F. Marquardt Campus Tailor New Location 5S6 WILLIAM STREET Dieterle Bldg. Reliable Laundry will surely please you if you are particular about laundry linen coeds called for and delivered Phone 794 r. AMATEUR FINISHING CAMPUS VIEWS PORTRAITS -Fresh laws yesterday elected the fol- lowing officers: president, L. Moll; vice-president, C. H. Barnard; secre- tary, W. G. Owen; treasurer, T. H. Cox; football manager, B. W. Kemper; baseball manager, J. Sanders; basket- ball manager, N. Kaufman; track man- ager, L. A, Faxon, oratorical delegate, P. Dunten; sergeant-at-arms, Frank Quail. -Entertainment which is furnished by the Michigan Union to visitors in Ann Arbor for the Cornell game, includes membership dances, specialtdinners, and general welcome at the club- house. -Prof. Robert X. Wenley, of the phil osophy department, gave the first ex- tension lecture of the public library course in Grand Rapids, yesterday, on the subject, "Morality and Humor." -Rabbi Leo X. Frankin, of Detroit, will. speak at the meeting of the Jew- ish students' congregation, in McMIl- lan hall at 6:45 o'clock tomorrow night. -Prof. H. 1I. Randall, of the physics department, will deliver a lecture on, "Nernst's Application of the Quantun Theory to Specific Heat," before the physics Colloquium, Monday afternoo. -At a class meeting of the junior laws, held yesterday afternoon, Pres- ident H. L. Bell announced the fol- lowing committees: Social, J. S. Leon- ard L. D. Cooper, J. C. Melaniphy, D. F. Stiver, F. L. Young; auditing, H. A. Bassett, W. E. Essery, H. D. Brown; finance, C. B. Zewadski, R. 0. Brown- ell. --Yesterday's sale of tickets to the Cornell game was the lightest of the week, less than 200 pasteboarus being sold. From present indications, the to- tal attendance will fall several thous- and short of the record-breaking crowd at the Pennsylvania game. ] -Professors S. F. Ginerich, of the English department, T. E. Rankin, of the rhetoric department, and C. S. Berry, of the education department, will go to Detroit today, to give exten- sion lectures on the credit plan, at the Central high school. PONTIUS' COACHING SUCCESSFUL1 Former Varsity Linesman Employs1 Yost-Michigan Systemt Miller H. Pontius, '14L, last year's star linesman on the Wolverine team, this year demonstrated the efficiency of the Yost-Michigan system of football,1 when he coached the first University of Tennessee team, that has ever won' the southern championship.1 Coach Pontius took charge of the7 Tennessee squad this fall, and went through the entire season without a' single defeat. The team wound up the1 season by trouncing Vanderbilt, roll- ing up a score of 21 points, only two less than the total tally made by the Wolverines. Dr. Wesener Lectures on Bread Making' Dr. J. A. Wesener, in his address be- fore the Prescott club yesterday, em- phasized the importance of retaining the wheat flavor in flour, and told how this could be accomplished in making bread. Dr. Wesener,i who is an expert in the bleaching process used in blending flour, said that it is a common fallacy to suppose that artificially bleached and cured flours are unhealthy.I AINES & ,NICKNLS The only Studio on the Campus. Temnple Theatre Mon., Nov. 9-Sheep's Clothing. Tues., Nov. 10-Hearst Selig News. Wed., Nov. 11-MAN'S ENEMY. Thurs., Nov. 12--Perils of Pauline (1 story). eur h C Fri., Nov. 13 -- When the West was Young. Sat., Nov. 14---A Gentleman of Leisure. Coming next week-Kathlyn Williams In In Tune with the Wild. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital 10,0 Surplus and Profits *6.000 Direetors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S. W. Clarkson, $. D. Kinne, Harrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. 1918 ENGINEERS WIN NUMERALS Junior Laws and Soph Lits Play Last Set Next Saturday By receiving a forfeit from the sen- ior laws yesterday afternoon, the fresh engineer team was presented with its numerals for class football. In the second scheduled game the fresh lits forfeited to the Junior lits. All but five teams have been elimi- nated from play in the interclass foot- ball series, the junior laws, soph lits and fresh engineers having won their numerals, while the possession of the fourth, set rests between the junior lits and the senior laws. The senior laws, being the low team in the first division, meet the junior lits, high team in the second division, Tuesday. The soph lits defeated the senior laws and the junior laws defeated the fresh engineers, thereby bringing the junior laws and the soph lits together in the finals of the series. The "game is scheduled for play next Saturday morning. JUNIOR HOP UNDER DISCUSSION No A6tlon Taken Yt; Sentiment Seems to Favor Its Return Investigation of the campus demand for the re-instatement of the Junior Hop yesterday, showed that the matte' has not yet been actively considered. The inter-fraternity conference, uh- der whose , auspices the big social evdnt has been held in the past, ha' not taken any action looking towa'd its r'tdation as yet, and no regular meeting of that body has been held as yet. R1nville Wheat, '14-'16L, acting head of that organization said yester- day, however, that a meeting might be held in the near future if any mem- bers of the conference petitioned for one. GeorgeMcMahon, president of the junior lits, was out of town last night,"' but Don Smith, president of the junior engineers, said that the matter had received his personal consideration. He said that, although his social com- mittee had only been appointed a few days ago, most of the members were individually in favor of the Junior Hop. According to the plans, that he has been considering, an attempt will be made to simplify and denocratize the affair and to eliminate extravagant and extreme features. Sell Tickets Fdr Detroit Club Smoker Tickets to the smoker, which will be given one week from tonight by the University of Michigan Club of De- troit, have been recelved at the Mich- igan Union, and Huston brothers. Al- though accommodations have been se- cured for 800 people, the Detroit de- mand for tikets is so large, that only 100 have been sent to Ann Arbor. These sell for $1.00, and purchase both admission and refreshments. 01he Wtfer" IS not a poemn, as you, I~ighttintk fromu the title It is a plain tale of the moderate cost of household comfort. It reminds the rader of how little the joys of well-cooked food, unlimited hot water and perfect artificial light have coast him forany given period. It callsu p visions of emergenlcies met and conquered, of household problems solved, of all the comforts of a truly modern home. Froi chpter one to the very end, every episode referred to in "The Meter" brings a sense of satisfaction to the reader. No home is complete without "The Meter." If you haven't ane, phohe the-Gas Office. "TheStory of Nancy Gay' tells of the joys "The Meter" brings. It as FREE. Call at our office forsa copy. 1i '^y F Pi ?RCN Wastenaw Ga Company i, I. State St.: Phone 310J Official Photegraphers For The MICHIGANENSIAN. MYLES Cloth Shop if you want to befitted to the jauntiest sort of an overcoat of the newest astrakhan cloth, a true Austrian proudction, with ever y little detail of fine tailoring carried opt just as it should be. come into my cloth shop, 618 E. LIBERTY STREET Wu DO TAILORING for both ladiei ad gents. Welso carry a fine line of aample-im- ported silk and broadcloth. Prices right, best in towa, and work guaranteed. We also have a DRESSMAKING departineut, with lowest prices and beat work. Cleaning and Pressing promptly done J. -. CHANTZ 340 So. State St. Second'Floor r TYPEWRITER BARGAIN S We have a few Trial Machines which we offer at greatly reduced prices on the easiest of terms. Will be glad to have you try tL-mt. We rent typewriters, too. ROYAL TYP WRITER CO. Iiwc. A. H. COHEN, Resident Salesman Phone 2282 1314 So. University Avenue - -II'1 ;.. I No Dttugs No Danger Have your Eyes Examined by the modern" Drugless Methods- without "drops"--a system of eye measurements based upon the laws of Physical Optics and Mathematics. I Use 'em at the Cornell Game. This novel feature will make the biggest hit ever "pulled off" on Ferry field. That little "Big Noise" maker will save your voice and help beat Cornell. 522 will bring a Holmes Taxi to your door at any hour. tf "Yea Team, Fight 'em." Kazoo Noise. Nov. 12, 1914. To the Student Body of the University of Michigan and the General Public: We have this day purchased Joseph E. Reinger's entire interest in his bil- liaid establishment. 312 State Street. We are the proprietors of one of the best "Ice Cream Parlors" in the state of Michigan at Adrian. We ask for the kind consideration of the student body and general public and sincerely hope'that we may not be judged by the wrongful act of another. We feel that the spirit of "Fair Play" so prevalent in this great university town will accord us, at least, a fair trial. This is all we ask. Very sincerely, POSPAN and Kokkales. 40 Everybody wears toques in the cheering sections today. Get the "Best in Town" 50e. Harry Muller, 324 S. -Scientific Accurate Convenient We Make Glasses to Order in our own shops insuring Com- fort, Neatness and quick Service. Btoken Lenses of any kindreplaced in two hours Optical Relairs given expert attention. I DAILIES WANTED!. Five cents per cop, will be paid for copies of The Michigan Daily in good condition, of the following issues: Nos. 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18, 19, 24, 26, and 27. 41 Everybody wears toques in the cheering sections today. Get the "Best in Town" 50c. Harry Muller, 324 S.. State St. 41 Block "M" Postal Cards of the Team at Lyndon's. tf University Ave. Pharmacy. Fountain Pens and Student Supplies. tf EMIL H. ARNOLD I , e . . ._ . . .. ,, . .. r . ... . . OPTOMETRIST, OPTICIAN Registered by State Examination Wth 'ARNOLD & CO., Jewelers 220 So. Main Street I __ , -1 A Vitrola at $25 I State St. 41 Call 522 for Holmes sine or carriage. 522. TaXi, Limou- tf This advertisement is aimed at you who have not the money to buy an expensive Victrola, but who still want a pure Victrola tone. Our extensive line of instruments makes our stock most ideal to select your Victrola from. The home Free trial plan appealssto many. Our phone number is One- semen-o-seven.- Others $15-$20 Orinmmell Bras. Mucalo aeuss-e "On the way downtown' I' LOST-Either on State St., Huron orl i Pen at Vs Celebrate Michigan's cow bells and horns at; State. Dor. Victory. Get Switzer's, 310 41 Division, one painted fox. Quarr'y Drug fur collar of silver Reward. Leave at store. Lost--A small gold watch with Fo fob. Between Michigan Union ar Main St., on State or Liberty. Plea return to 310 East Liberty St. r .- r m