THE MICHIGAN DAILY. THE DAR FLOWER By JohnGs (sworthy (828 G1784d R4) Conventions connected with mar- riage are attacked in this earlier work of the notable English writer. Passion is made to over-ride reason, and the chief character, an artist, is given a free rein by the author, the result of which is that he forms a series of questionable attachments. In his typical manner, the writer, while seeming to give some justification to unrestrained love, shows, at the same time, the disrupted homes brought about by a loose view on questions of this kind. The hero is represented as being somewhat abnormal, so that the theory of the argument is scarcely applicable to, or analogous with, everyday life. The story uses the element of' sus- pense to a degree which almost amounts to misuse; the reader isamade to expect that the artist will, in the end, return to his first love, which consummation is never reached. Ualswortliy's regard for poignancy is apparent on every page. He even goes so far as to have one of his characters, Sylvia, ignored for the very lack of it. The book is stirring to even-minded persons who have settled opinions on a much-discussed topic. otunrati on Editor, The Michigan Daily: The disgraceful deal which was at- tempted by "Joe" Reinger has, of course, caused considerable comment, and the guilty party has come in for Ihis just share of criticism. Without attempting in the least to excuse this rotten scheme, I believe that an at- tempt to point out the underlying causes of it all would not be amiss. I firmly believe that those students who are supporting the institution of betting on the big games are directly and morally responsible for this dirty scheme. It is the money which these students put up which is the stake for which Reinger was dealing, and it was out of this money that he planned to pay the players for throwing the game. This same institution of betting robs all clean sport of its attractiveness and interest. It killed wrestling as a pro- fessional sport and all supporters of the boxing and fighting game have be- come disgusted with stories of frame- ups in connection with large betting pools on the big fights. Horses have been doped and poisoned, jockeys have been bribed and general enthusiasm in racing has died down, and now we hear of a gigantic frame-up to buy off two of our Varsity men. Blameless and honest as we know these men to be, yet the campus will never forget the insult to them and to the team. Yet we cannot fail to think of the con- sequences had the deal not fallen through, and if our team had been made up of men of different calibre. In the exposure which would have fol- lowed, college athletics would have received a death blow. Looking at it from a different angle, the true sportsman is the man who desires to see the best team win. To him, the real exhilaration comes from the pleasure of seeing the exhibition of perfect form in a race-horse, or in a fighting man, to see every man on the team excel in individual play. True sportsmanship has not, and never can have, anything in common with the mercenary spirit of the bettor who sits with his mind only on the score, and upon the few filthy sheckles which a lucky .score may roll his way. The man who bets on Michigan is not backing the team or supporting Mich- igan traditions, but his whole mind is on his money, and his whole enthu- siasm is directed toward a lucky out- come of his bet. While none of us desires to excuse the culpable part played by Reinger, let us hope that a consideration of the real cause of his scheme will bring all loyal Michigan men to use their influence in mitigating this betting evil which has twice been the cause of such scandals. MELVIN E. CASE, '15E. Editor, The Michigan Daily- I believe the increasing prorninence which military drill is taking at many of our state universities, and th world's situation at present, warrani the consideration of the adoption of some sort of a military system here a Michigan. Gym work, while it is of ar unquestionable value, has alway. seemed irksome to most freshmen, ane ...._ , domilli, You Smoke a "Better" Tobacco -Why Not Smoke The Best? T'HE tobacco you now smoke you consider "better tobacco than you ever'smoked before." Natur- ally, you kept trying until you found a better one. But it stands to reason that since there is a difference in tobacdos, you, may be missing still greater pleasure in a still better smoke-in the BEST smoke, in fact. Tuxedo is the best smoke because no better tobacco leaf grows. The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe andCgarette Tuxedo is treated by the famous original "Tuxedo Process " for re- moving the sting and bite of the natural vegetable oils. Tuxedo was born in 1904. Its first imitator appeared two years later. Since then a host of imita tions have sprung up. No other tobacco can give the unique pleasure of Tuxedo because no other maker has yet been able to equal the Tuxedo quality. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Conveient pouch Famous green tin inner-lined withp with gold lettering. fa moisture-proof paper rF 4 curved to fit pocket U In Glass Hamidors, S8c and 90c Send us 2 cents in stamps for post- FaREE ge and we will mail you a souvenir tin of TUXEDO tobacco to any point in the United States. Address THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY WALLACE IRWIN writer an iyricit "Tuxedo is alwa.s wel- come. A' pleasant smoke, a mental bracer-the ideal tobacco., I. HENRY HUTT famous artist "A pipeful. of Tuxedo puts new life into me. The mildest and purest tobacco grown. GEORGE E. PHILLIPS Mayor of Covington, Ky. "A good pipe, and Tux edo to fill it, and I'm satis- fied. The tobacco in the little green tin has no rival as far as I am concerned." Room1299 Ill Fifth Avenue New York 1* i, j upperclassmen have little of it, as it is not required. Of course it is not held that drill would not at times become dull and monotonous, yet it has several advantages over gym work. It gives every man some actual training In the elementary art of defence, in simple manoeuvers of group action, which, however impracticable they may seem, are always useful for the rigid disci- pline and the self-control essential to the group subject. At Michigan, in particular, it will solve the band problem, and it, will certainly go a long way to fill the want of group spirit which is a natural con- sequence of the segregated private residence system of housing students. Thentoo, the general epidemic of mil- itarism makes it proper that Michigan at least consider the matter. A fea- ture, so elemental as militarism, in our civilization, cannot be wiped out even in many generations. The subject might be aired in The Daily, referred to the student council, and submitted to student vote. If desired by the students, petitions to the effect might be presented to the board of regents. The government usually is anxious to install such a system, and the ~mere expression of the student wish for it might bring results. MILITARIST. Chubb House (open year, RATE $4.25 per Week G. S. CHUBB, Proprietor J. A. NEELANDS4 Steward BALMACAArNS, MACKINAWS and Nobby Clothing o1 ADLER'S (COLLEGIAN) and B. KUPPENHEIMER'S MAKE on Sale at ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE Main St. Pianos to rent at Schaeberle & Soes Music Rouse. d. Block "M" Postal Cards of the Team at Lyndon's. tf University Ave. Pharmacy, Drugs and Toilet Articles. tf We Print Dance Programs, Tally Cards, etc. Leather Programs ,a Specialty, Class Records, Technical Journals, Periodicals, Magazines, ete. 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