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November 10, 1914 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-11-10

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Shown in the City

121-123 So. lain St.


The Farmers & Mechanics Bank
101-103-105 South Main Street,
Capital, $100,000
Surplus and Profits , , $75,000
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $1oo,ooo
Resources $3,000,000
A General Banking Business Transacted
Chas. F. 1-1iscock, Pres., Michael .3. Fritz,
Cash'r, W. D. Harriman, VicePres., Carl 'F.
Braun, Asst. Cash'r, Win. Waltz, Asst. Cash'r
Savings Dept.
(jenan* jeaicha "ainS fak~
Liberty and Main Sts.
A Most Convenient Place for Your

College Men!
My assortment includes
the latest novelties for the
college men. Workman-
ship and designing of the
highest quality, and at a
re'asonable figure.
A F- Marquardt
Campus Tailor
New Location
Dieterle Bldg.

r .a

The Reliable Laundry
Will surely please you if you are
particular about laundry linen
Goods called for and delivered
Phlone 794
Ann ouncement
Having enlarged and remodeled our Studio we are now
prepared to give even better service than here-to-fore.
Try Us
334 and 336 S. State St. Phone 314-J
US {
Cloth Sho
If you want to befitted to the.jauntiest sort of an overcoat
of the newest astrakhan cloth, a true Austrian production,,
with every little detail of fine tailoring carried out just as,
it should be. come into my cloth shop,
1 -MM

-Information has just been given out
by the dental faculty, that the S. S.
White Dental Manufacturing Co., has
agreed to equip a modern office in the
dental building, for demonstrating
purposes, and for doing more careful
work than can be done in the regular
clinic. The office will be fitted with
the latest and most scientific applian-
ces in use.
-Charles Loos, purchasing agent for
the University, is confined to his home
with a cold. It is expected that he will
be able to attend to his duties again
by Wednesday.
--Announcement of the engagement of
Prof. Willard T. Barbour, of the law
department, to Miss Vera Keith-Jopp,
of Oxford, England, is made in the
current number of the American Ox-
on.ion. Professor Barbour was a stu-
dent at Oxford in 1910-11, having com-
pleted his law course in the Universi-
ty of Michigan in 1908.
-Cosmopolitan club members held an
informal meeting in the club rooms,
Sunday afternoon.
--Prof. T. Diekhoff, of the German de-
partment, addressed the Deutscher
Verein last night on "German Folk
Song." The meeting was held in the
Vereini rooms.
--At a meeting of the junior engineers,
held yesterday, it was decided to hold
a "get-together" party at the Union
Friday, November 20.
-Senior dent classes are not meeting
in their regular classes for a few days,
owing to the State Board examinations
which most of the class is taking.
--Prof. R. D. Hollister and Mrs. Hol-
lister announced the birth of a daugh-
ter yesterday afternoon. The new ar-
rival weighed eight pounds.
-Former students of the Normal
school of West Chester, Pa., are re-
quested to send their Ann Arbor ad-
dresses to Muriel Tyson, 802 S. Uni-
versity, who is gathering data for the
secretary of West Chester Normal. All<
former students are requested to give<
their names, addresses, college de-1
partment and year. If any are gradu-
ates of West Chester, Miss Tyson1
would like to have the year of gradu-
[-Mr. F. D. Holdsworth, engineer ofE
the Sullivan Machinery Co., delivered
an illutrated lecture last night, under
the auspices of the Engineering soci-
ety on, "Some Commercial Uses ofI
ICompressed Air."t
-Until r. 0. W. Boston, instructor
in engineering mechanics, who hast
been all for the past two weeks, is able
to return, his classes will be met by
another instructor.
-Owing to trouble over the allegedP
football bribery, student councilment
were unable to count the votes of
freshman pharmics last night. The to-
'als will be announced tomorrow.
-Prof. E. R. Turner, of the English
lhistory department, leaves next Friday
for Alpena, Mich., where he will give7
an etension lecture on, "Present Pol-
itics in Europe."
-Prof. H. R. Cross of the Fine Arts
department, will give a university ex-
tension lecture at Manchester, Mich.,]
this evening. He will talk on, "How
to Judge a Picture," and will give the
lecture in the high school.
-Pictures placed in the art exhibit
at Memorial hall will be removed after

Temple Theatre
Mon.,; Nov. 9 Sheep's Clothing.
Tues., Nov. 10-Hearst Selig News.
Wed., Nov. 11----MAN'S ENEMY.
Thurs., Nov. 12--Perils of Pauline (11
Fri., Nov. 13 -- When the West was
Sat., Nov. 14--A Gentleman of Leisure.
Coming next week--Kathlyn Williams
in In Tune with the Wild.
Capital - - $100,000
Surplus and Profits $65,000
Wirt Cornwell, aeo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab-
bott, S. WV. Clarkson, E. 1). Kinne, Harrison
Soule, Waldo Al. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred

Fresh and Salt Meats
Pork, Ham Pouitry, etc.
Bell Phone 2294 212 N. 4th Ave.

Saturday of this week. The Art as-
sociation is planning another exhibi-
tion in the near future.
As the Choral Works, to be given at
the May Festival, require the assist-
ance of the children's chorus, the adult
chorus will be somewhat smaller this
year than last. There are, however,
several places for tenors, first and sec-
ond basses, and first and second altos,
still open.
About 3,500 season tickets have al-
ready been sold for 'the Choral Union
concerts. This is somewhat in excess
of the number disposed of at this time
last year. The season cards remain-
ing after the Gadski concert were bro-
ken up into individual tickets and have
been on sale ever since. Of this num-
ber, many have been taken for the Bu-
soni recital to be given January 14.
The next number of the series will
take place December 2. The Philadel-
phia Symphony Orchestra, with Leo-
pold Stokowski conducting, will be on
the program then. Theodore Harrison,
and Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Lockwood, of
the university school of music, will
also appear on that date.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Harrison, and
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Lockwood, of
the university school of music faculty,
attended the concert of the Chicago
Symphony Orchestra in Detroit, last
evening. There were also many stu-
dents of the school of music present.
LOST--Either on State St., Huron or
Division, one fur collar of silver
painted fox. Reward. Leave at
Quarry Drug store.
-LOST-On State St., between Park
street and Main entrance to Ferry
field, or on Ferry field, a ladies' seal
skin cap, Saturday, Nov. 7, 1914.
Finder please leave at Daily office
and receive reward.

Gents' Hockey and Clamp - - 50c to $8.00



Spaulding's, Peck & Snyder's, Barney & Berry's


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The Best Dance Music is Furnished
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Many Fraternities and Sororities have taken advantage of our FREE
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an entertainer. Just write one-seven-o-seven down on a piece of paper,
and call us over the phone some timie today, so that you can have that
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Buys a Complete
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_____________________________ 1J

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