THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Imlii i 111 11 i11 i blished Quality Le keynote of our business. Our experience of twen- even years, on exclusively made-to-order work, the s of our fabrics and the entire supervision in the cut- g and building by the man who measures you are the s upon which we base our established quality. r Co., Tailors, 311 S. State St. EXT I U N I V E R S IT E X T, BUA K, New and S cortd Hand IC INSTRUMEE NTS Save your money and buy THE RICHTER BRAND Log Slide Rule, $7.50 with Leather Case. Fountain Pens. IP. Note Books. Try Sheehan's Special Self-filling Pen $1.50 SHEEHAN Students Bookstore I .___________________________________ ROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE and Express Cars for Detroit-7:ro and hourly to 6:co p. n., also 8:io. ars for Detroit-5:40 a. m., 6:o6 a. tn., very two hours to 6:o6 p. m., 7:o6 p. :o6 p. in., 9:io p. mn., and 10:45 p. im. psilanti onlyi2i : :5 p. m., 12:15 p. in., p. m., x :oo a. m. tCars for Jackson-7 :46 a. in. and two hours to 9:46 p. in. ars for Jackson-s:12 a. m., 6 .s r a. m., :very two hours to 6:51 p. m., also p. in., i i :15 p. m. DARPENTERS and Decorators are work- ing top speed on the new building whose entire Second Floor.will be given over soon to a greater and better Announcement of the change will be made short- ly. Meanwhile the present Tea Room will continue with meals -Splendidly prepared -Splendidly served -Splendidly in season THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every !Horning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.50. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. HF. Davis, cor. Packard and State. 'Phones g6o and 24r4. I. Beach Carpenter....... Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field....... Business Manager Fred Foulk...................News editor 11. F. McKinney..... ....Associate Editor '. Fawley Tapping..........Associate Editor F. M. Church................Sporting Editor Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph Flofinan Arthur II. Torrey THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 Night Editor-J. S. Switzer. DECADENT FRENZY As long as there are men who like to stir others, in order that they may satisfy their own desire for temporary leadership, and as long as these others quiver with docility, ready to ram head-foremost into any projected non- sense, just so long will there be some hazing. The hazer is not a bad man. In "the good old days," the very gen- ial madness which made him a talent- ed hazer oftenturned out to be the same quality which spurred him to win cases, build bridges and discover serums in later life. But hazing has gone out of style, along with peg-top trousers and kero- sene study-lamps. The men who took part in it today are usually not the genuine leaders, or even the worthy sheep, in }the student body. They are the riff-raff, the men who would hoot at authority and order on the streets! of any town, even if they were not under a sort of condoning shield which isolates college students as unusual animals. Hazing is a decayed institution in American colleges, and its present- day exponents are not self-respecting men. The methodical parent who requires a monthly expense account is only slightly more popular than the one who insists on coming to Ann Arbor to get young Clarence started. If '18 sounds a long ways off for the regular freshman, let him take com- fort from the Union register, where one man has,signed up as '21M. The man who criticises the team in a loud voice is not necessarily an ex- Varsity player. Fall plowing seems to have gone on without interruption on the campus. Praised be the land-lady who' sup- plies tungstens. i'iajestie Vaudeville A pony ballet of 10 dancers will be featured in "Safety First," which opens a three days' engagement at the Ma- jestic tonight. The piece is described as musical farce. The Prince Chap Folowing a performance in Bay City which did not net enough to pay trans- fer charges, "The Prince Chap" com- pany, which was to appear at the Whit- ney Saturday, disbanded, the local en- gagement being cancelled. For All D i ,, eu. n DRAWINC INSTRM EN and ENCINEER U L LOOSE LEAP NOTE BOO ) I TC I * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN * CHES New and Second and We serve them quickly, our prices are moderate and we are liberal in quantity. C UTTL ES ON STATE TEXT S, State Street F Main :r45 Street Universit ~ostr 11 Open during Store hours Either elevator to second floor CHOOL SUPPLIES FIN E' Michigan Stationery FountainPens All best makes, sold and repaired VING F. SCHLE EDE - - 340 S. State St. HAL LER. JEWELRY CO. STATE STREET JEWELERS tain Pens Alarm Clocks Souvenir Spoons Novelties University of Michigan Pins." Complete line of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware FINE WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING 9taote Street Postal Statlon Loca.ted in Store ours 7.50 a, In. to 6 p. in. daily except Saturday, 7.50 a. in. to s p. in. oney Order and Registry Department hours, 8a. in. to 6p. m. daily. HALLER JEWELRY COMPANY )amBurchfield & Co. The hours for women at the offices of the University health service, 226 S. Ingalls street, are from 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock daily. * * * Judith Ginsburg, '15, is chairman of the committee planning the vocational conference, which is to be held at the university during November. Author- ities on different lines of work, as do- mestic science, library work, and civil service, will hold round table con- ferences in the women's league par- lors. ** * Information concerning employment for college women may be obtained by calling Marian Stowe, '16, 815-J, or by applying at Newberry hall. Tickets are now on sale to sopho- mores and upper-class women at fif- ty cents in Newberry hall for the ban- quet to be given October 10 by the Y. W. C. A. in honor of the freshmen. Sophomores and upper-class wom- en desiring to take work in physical training, are asked to report at Bar- bour gymnasium before 5:30 o'clock Friday afternoon, October 2. - Entries for the woman's inter-class tennis tournament wil be closed at 5:30 o'clock, Saturday, October 3. To Hold Red Cross Mass Meeting Soon Arrangements are nearing comple- tion for-a large Red Cross mass meet- ing to be held in Hill auditorium soon. The purpose of the meeting will be to raise funds for the American Red Cross. Three organizations, the Cos- mopolitan club, the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Red Cross association are co-operating in the arrangement of a program. Several speakers whose names have not been announced are engaged to speak at the meeting. Do Not Break City Ordinances. Don't run auto faster than 10 miles an hour in, business districts and 15 miles in other parts of city. Don't play ball in the streets. All sidewalks are in the streets. Don't ride bicycle on sidewalks. Don't post notices on poles, fences, buildings or sidewalks. Don't have a dog around without li- cense. Bull dogs must be muzzled. Don't peddle on streets or from house to house without a license. Don't break the ordinances of the city and expect to get off without pay- ing the penalty. 3-4 Aprons and Lab. supplies in general at Wahr's University Book Store. eod 1 H E 1 LI B L AUN R Y i f E L A LE RE '94 LE 209 F, I IBER 1'Y ACROS. FROM V RV N1 Y - - 11 ------------ Phone 7 C A N'T Imake allt the men's clothes made in town, so I make the: BEST of it, BIG buildin's don't make th best college. Gt . 'g men al the buildin's will je t. O sort o' grow. VELVE ~ >f ain't good because it \ made by the world's biggest tobacco h ouSe th' house grew becau.eN: - ---i of the kind o' goods t put out, VELVET, The Smoothest SmokiIng Tobaeo, is Ien tucky's Burley de Luxe with that aged-in-the-woo -il- lowness. 10c tins and 5c metal-lined ;:ag,0s. 13~4~co FOR RENT-Two desirable rooms in quiet house, well lighted and heated, near the campus, to me of good hab- its who are here for business. Ap- ply 123 N. Thayer St Phone 183-J. A bag of fine peanuts at the game helps some. Try Dean's. 3&6 PAC]KARD ACADEMY Dancing classes every Monday and Thursday 7:00 p. m., beginning Oct- 5th and 8th. A very competent in- structor from New Jersey will dem- onstrate the new dances both in class and private lessons. The academy has been newly decorated and equip- ped with electric fans. Phone 1850-M. Call up 57 and we will deliver you a pound of fresh roasted peanuts for 10c. 3&6 Call "Messenger." 795-J. Brown, '17E. A.F 3&6 We can offer you the finest and best tailoring service to be had in the state, with no exception. Evening dress is our specialty. im Burchfield & Co. E 599 106 E. HURON ST. art College Right ROOMS TO RENT-Proces reasonable. 1221 S. University. 3-4 FOR SALE-Good set draftinginstru- ments Cheap. Phone 962-M. R. D. Albertson, 127 N. State St. 3-4 Best shoe shining. Hats of all kinds cleaned and blocked. Next to Wagner & Co. eod. When you return to town ten years- from now you will give us a call if you buy peanuts now at Dean's. 3&6' Michigan Stationary Memory Books, Song Books. Banners, Pennants etc. at] Wahr's University Book Store. eod. THE KEMPF MUSIC STUDIOS, 312" S. Division St. . Phone 212-J. Piano, Voice, Pipe Organ, Harmony. Leave orders for fine piano tuning. Good tenor soloist wanted for church work. F O R S A L E- Work your way through school. Vacuum Cleaner and business established. Snap for -right man. Inquire University Ave. Phar- macy, So. University and Church Sts. LOST-A self-filling Conklin fountain pen Tuesday morning. Call 452 or return to 1205 Hill. 3 FOR RENT - x'->n room for gi on st noor L 1014 E. LOST- -AthletPc 1bouk on Rerry held September 3iQ. Li1bcra1 rcward if re- turned to Miss Pbye w Waters. 1017 L. tUth''rio:, U' FOR RE Two )sitbL, txoms in quiet hom-e, weil iP~hd Gi heated, near t . p , of good habits who are here for business. 3 LOST- A pik a brooch sept. 21, at M. C epo oi on ca . Call 368 or at 8l4 S, Vnhver~ity and re- ceive rew~u-d. 3 I OST---Micaiga mu Haicl' (1915). Finder p1-ask notif I eindel, 506 S. ith Ae, a1:u;e j1 4- . 3 FOR RENT- Snu rooms rvte toi- let et - , heat, ch e a Wa p one 291. 3-4 FOR SALE-Good set t ln instru- ments. Cheap. Phone 2-M. 3-4 FOR RENT- -T irab rou two blocks fro a e is. l e low. 412 Caulen 'lace bh' i ' 'en Voland and Geddes. 3 For M ssenger call 7- un Arbor Parcel & essenger S -Auto and Bit.-cI [klivery, . i . -wn '17e 0 FURNISHINGS The Official Fresh Cap All Wool Mackinaws The known "Young Hat" Balmacaans Toggery Shop So. University Ave. i SL _X 7 T y a Ln Arz PHOTOGRAPHERS 121 E Wa'