THE MICHIGAN DAILY I riirmnr+rwrrr Yr r rrr r -- . Y.. - .. IF STUDENTS Kodak Films x We are ready toshow you best line of ]ien's Suits, Overcoats, Balmaaans, Raincoats, Hats, Capp and Furnishings Shown in the City" the Developed and printed over night. Try all the other places, and then come here an d be satisfied. That is what lo t s of others have done. ,,; I' a M A.D. Gi Now 20 off CALKIN'S PHARMACY on all Suits, Overcoats, Pat- rick Mackinaws, Balmacaans and Furnishings. A 324 South State Street I 1r U WADIHAMS & COO 121-123 So. gain St. I The Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101-103.105 South Main Street Capital, $100,000 Surplus and Profits , $75,000 The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $roo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres., Michael J. Fritz,I Cash'r, W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres., Carl F.i Braun, Asst. Cash'r, Wrm. Waltz, Asst. Cash'r Savings Dept. (Genan erican gj~n Jj Liberty and Main Sts. A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking r College Me! My assortment includes the latest novelties for the college men. Workman- ship and designing of the *highest quality, and at a reasonable figure. As F. Marquardt Campus Taller New Location Sil WILLIAM STREET Diietetie Bldg.' The Reliable Laundry will surely please you i op are partlcular about laundry linen Goods called for and delivered _ i Prof. J. R. Allen, of the engineering department has gone to Chicago on a short business trip. -So completely have the facilities of the dental clinic been taxed with the present equipment, that it has been found necessary to add nine more chairs and their complement of in- struments to accommodate the 15 stu- dents who are now without chairs in which to treat patients. --Dr. H. A. Wilson, '1311, has been ap- pointed physician to the state home for the blind at Lansing. He will also act as physician to the Reo Motor Car Co. -Under the auepices of the university extension lecture service, Dean V. C. Vaughan, of the medical department, will speak today at Charlotte, on "Eugenics, or Race Betterment." -Prof. C. B. Vibbert will lecture at Detroit today on the extension lecture for credit system, in place of Prof. R. M. Wenley, who has gone to Nebraska. Band meets at 1:00 o'clock today in front of University hall, and at 7:15 o'clock tonight at the band stand. There will be a meeting of the men's section of the Deutscher Verein at 8:00 o'clock Monday night. Professor Hildner will speak. Cosmopolitan club students will transact general business at their meeting at 4:00 o'clock tomorrow af- ternoon, in the club rooms. President W. C. Achi will present plans for the Chinese night to be held Friday, No- vember 20. All senior lits who wish to try out for the relay team which is to run between halves of the Penn game this afternoon, call Captain H. L. Smith at the Alpha Delta Phi house, phone 18. Phone 794 Announcem ent Having enlarged and remodeled our Studio we are now prepared to give even better service than here-to-fore. Try Us Temple Theatre Mon. Nov. 2-Face Value. Tues., Nov. 3.-Hearst Selig News. Wed., Nov. 4.-Woman against Wo- man (with Betty Gray). Thurs.. Nov. 3.--Perils of Pauline (io story). Fri., Nov. 6.-Coney Island Night- mare (with Josie Sadler). Sat., Nov. 7.--ThMotor Buccaneers (with Francis N. Bushman). Mary Pickford in What the Daisy Said, coming next week. Malan's Enemy. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARDOR Capital A - $1 00.000 Surplus and Profits $65,000 DIRECORS Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Abbott, S. W. Clarkson, E. D. Kinne, Harrison Soule Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schimd. Arcade Theatre THURSDAY, NOVEMBER S Love Everlasting, by the Celebrated Players Company, starring Lyda Borelli. Come out and see this splendid offering. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 The Trey o' Hearts, installment four. Synop- sis given of preceding parts. Get in on this splendid serial now. Also The Danger Line and Dolly's Deliverance SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 The Law of the Lumberjack, in two parts Curing a Lazy Wife. Comedy .I CHIGANENSIAN NAMES FOUR PHOTOGRAPHERS FOR SENIORS Editors of the Michiganensian have made arrangements with four photog- raphers, Randall and Pack, Rentsch- ler, Maedel, and Daines and Nickels, to take pictures of seniors for the year book. Until January 31, $1.00 will be charged for running the cut. From January 31 to February 15, $1.25 will be charged, and after February 15 it will be impossible to use the pictures. Attention is also calledto the fact that the senior record blanks will be made out this year at the photographers. LOST-Male Bull pup, brown and white, clipped tail. Detroit license tag No. 8017. Named "Cad." Re- ward. 510 E. Jefferson. Phone 2276-M. 34-5 WANTED-Student agents. Work spare time in Ann Arbor and ad- joining towns. Liberal commission. Inquire Earl Hackney, 715 S. State St. 32-36 FOR SALE-Finest -lot in Ann Arbor for Fraternity or Sorority. Near corner of S. University and Washte- naw. Almost 120 feet square. Call 1064-J or $14 S. Thayer. t FOR SALE-Hoppe has a 11 by 14 pic- ture of Ferry Field and Stadium. 33-4-5 Long, heavy toques, the kind you've always wanted. 50 cents. Harry Mul- ler, 334 S. State St. 35 University Ave. Pharmacy. Eastman Films all sizes. tf After the Michigan-Penn game dance at Granger's from 9-12. 50 cents per couple. Best of music and best floor. 34-35 Wear :Luller "Best in Town" Toque in the cheering section today. 35 Pianos to rent. Good dependable in- struments at lowest rates. Scheberle & Son's Music House, 110 So. MaIL St. tf. Wear a Muller "Best in Town" Toque in the cheering section today. 50 cents. Harry Muller, 334 S. State St. 35 __ t -7ol t i i tt "The Meter" is not a poem, as you might think from the title It is a plain tale of the moderate cost of household comfort. It reminds the reader of how little the joys of well-cooked food, unlimited hot water and perfect artificial light have cost him for any given period. It calls up visions of emergencies met and conquered, of household problems solved, of all the comforts of a truly modern home. From chapter one to the very end, every episode referred to in "The Meter" brings a sense of satisfaction to the reader. No home is complete without " The Meter." It you haven't one, phone the Gas Office. "The Story of Naney Gay" tells of th. joys "'Th Meter" brings. It is FREE. Call at our office for a copy. P1 f" 2. f y4 Washtenaw Gas Company i DAINES &NICKELS P h OT OGR A P I-SE R S J34 and 336 S. State St. Phone 3108- YLES C;loth Shop P It you want to be fitted to the jauntiest sort of an overcoat of the newest astrakhan cloth, a true Austrian production, with every little detail of fine tailoring carried out' just as it should be. come into my cloth shop, 618 E. LIBERTY STREET W E DO TAILORING for both ladies and gents. We also carry a fine line of samples-im- ported silk and broadcloth. Prices right, best in town, and work guaranteed. We also have a DRESSMAKING department, with lowest prices and best work. Cleaning and Pressing promptly done J. J. SCHANTZ 340 So. State St. Second Floor . TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS SPECIAL PRICE TO STUDENTS Machines for Rent at Low Rates Our factory rebuilt machines defy comp- etition. Make us prove it. ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO. INC. A. H. CoHFN, Resident Salesman Phone 2282 1314 So. University Avenue IL == PARTICULAR LAUNDRY FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE CITY LAUNDRY THOS. ROWU, Prop. 406 Detroit St. Phone 457-M- Take a "Pixie"' as a Mascot. and souvenir to the ball game. See window at The Palais Royal. 304 S. Main St. Towels--soap-tooth brushes directory at Quarry Drug Co. and cod Best shoe shining. ,leaned and blocked. & Co. Hats of all kinds Next to Wagner eod. Take a "'Pixie" as a Mascot. and- souvenir to the ball game. See window at The Palais Royal. 304 S. Main St.. In future all cars stop at Goodyear Drug Store. t University Ave. Pharmacy. Fountain "WARM UNDERWEXR" F $1.00 Up or $5.00 Dow* Union Suits that l.t at ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORK' Main St. Wear Muller "Best in Town" Toque in the cheering section today. 35 SENIORS. We beg to announce that the man- agement of the Michiganensian has selected us as one of the official pho- tographers for 1914 and 1915. We are the only portrait photographers locat- ed on the campus which=makes a great saving of time to you. At least call in and see us before deciding. Daines and Nickels, 336 South State St. 34-5 Gym Suits that are a little better at' Switzers, 310 State St. tf Charles D. Kountz, '02L, of Thomp- son, Montana, whose new song, "That' Michigan Band," was introduced by Chase Sykes, '16E, at the mass meet- ing last night, is also the writer of "Men of Yost," and the "Michigan Drinking Song," which he composed while in college. Mr. Kountz is a lawyer by profes- sion, and writes music as a pastime. His best knowi composition, an intro- duction to "The Berner March," writ- ten in 1520; is one of the official marches played by all of the military bands of the Swiss army. Among his vaudeville songs which are now being introduced by- "Bill" Pruett, "the cowboy Caruso," at the Palace theatre in New York City, are, "Welcome to the United States," a neu- tral war song, "Lovelight," and "You Came to Me Out of the Darkness." Broken Lenses DUPLICATED IN TWO HOURS We grind any Eyeglass Lens in our own shop. Competent, accurate optical work, in the fitting and making of Glasses EYES EXAMINED GLASSES MADE NO DRUGS - NO DANGER E. H. ARNOLD OPTOMETRIST With ARNOLD & CO., Jewelers 220 So. Main Street Registered by State Examination New Victor Records Just Arrived 1000 Brand New Records 50 Latest Popular Selections Making our record stock most complete-Just drop in and take a few home with you over Sunday. It depends on you to make our 24 hour approval plan'a success. We deliver; just phone one-seven-o-seven. i Pens and Student Supplies. HILL'S, SWEET CIDER. 2140 Kenmore Brook Orchards. tf Phone tf After the Michigan-Penn game Buy your Conklin Pen at Van Dor. dance at Granger's from 9-12. 50 cents en's Pharmacy, 703 Packard street. tl per couple. Best of music and best floor. 34-35 See our Student Lamps at $2.45. Switzers, 310 State St. tf l Victrola IV $15 ORINNELL BROS. Victrola XIV 1ao.1 22E. Liberty St. $200 ._ -.# Ago"" Idow" A- A- W -- "k- -l lW Dhnuno 101A