THE MICHIGAN DAILY - 9 x "Head and Shoulders above the Crowd" of ordinary dressers is a very natural and wholly justified feeling for a wearer of STEIN-BLOCH Smart Clothes. Shoulders Above the Crowd" Young Men Whatever you pay for your clothing you cannot afford to overlook this fact ; the big store of Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. can and does positively give the greatest value. Whether it is a suit or overcoat, Manhattan Shirt, Knox Hat, Spalding Sweater, neckwear, hosiery, gloves, un- de'rwear, trousers, fancy vests, slipons. Everything new and everything right. Try it you'll like it. .,, Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co. CLOTHIERS and FURNISHERS 1 Before Buying Your Fall Suit ,_I See W. E. 'DIETiRLE at his Ann Arbor Store, 516 E.Wlliams St., three d ors below Maynard. All foreign Woolens of the latest weaves and designs. Come in and see for yourself. VARSITY TAILOR WM. E. DIETERLE DEAN'S Fresh Roasted Peanuts A4FULL lO a 214 S. Main St. r LEMAIRE OPERA GLASSES OUR 1MPORTED ORDER OF OPERA GLASSES HAS ARRIVED $5.-$25.00 AND UP Bausch & Lomb-Zeiss STEREO PRISM BINOCULARS. $40.00-$50.00 AND UP Upon a'snall deposit we will gladly lay aside until Xmas any article Purchased. BRING IN YOUR BROKEN LENSES AND HAVE THEM DUPLICATED H ALLER JEWELRY CO., State Street Jelvelers -Officers were elected at the nmeeting of the Classical club Monday after- noon .as follows: president, James E. Dunlap, grad.; vice-president, Dorothy il Roehrm, '15; secretary, Frances C. Tubbs, grad.; treasurer, Lucile A. Sproat, '15. --'there will be a meeting of the Zo- ological Journal club at 11:00 o'clock this morning, in room 305 of the zo- ological laboratory. Prof. A. K. Shull, of the zoological department, and Dr. R. W. Hegner, of the zoological depart- ment, will be the speakers. --"Studies in East Christain and Ro- man Art" is the title of the twelfth volume of the humanistic series which are published by the authority of the executive board of the graduate de- partment of the university. It con- tains many east Christain paintings in the Freer collection, and is illus- trated with full page cuts. -Paul Jenkins, '17E, severed an artery when he cut his thumb, with a piece of glass in the chemical laboratory, Wednesday. Jenkins was treated at the university health service, where four stitches were taken in the injured member. -University health service officials stated that three students were treated there yesterday with sprained ankles, as a result of the interclass football contests. -Local Knights of Columbus will en- tertain all Catholic students after the mass meeting tonight at St. Thomas' hall. There will be dancing and re- freshments. -The second of the series of informal Fischer parties will be held at the Union tonight. -Owing to a postponement, fresh pharmics will meet at 4:30 o'clock Monday afternoon, Nov. 9, in room 303, chemical building, to elect class officers for the year. -Although the size of the junior phar- mic class in previous years has never warranted its organization, this year's class will violate the custom, and will meet at 4:30 this afternoon in room 303 chemical building, to elect their officers. -Because of their failure to hold the election last spring, all senior phar- mics meet at 4:30 this afternoon in room 303, chemical building, to elect their member of the student council. Many more people want coupons f o r Hoppe's special offer: Two $25.00 per doz. Photos for $1.50_ If you want one, a solicitor will call on you. Telephone your name and address to Studio Hoppe's Studio= 619 E. Liberty St. Phone 10784J 200-202 So. Main St. Temple Theatire Mon., Nov. 2.-Face Value. Tues., Nov. 3.-Hearst Selig News. Wed., Nov. 4.-Woman against Wo- man (with Betty Gray). Thurs., Nov. 5.-Perils of Pauline (10 story). - Fri., Nov. 6.-Coney Island Night- mare (with Josie Sadler). Sat., Nov. 7.-The Motor Buccaneers (with Francis X. Bushman). Mary Pickford in What the Daisy Said, coming'next week. Man's Enemy. CLUB:HOUSE DINNER CANCELLED Unexpected Absence of Dean H. 1. Bates Causes Postponement Because of the fact that Dean Henry M. Bates was called out of the city un- expectedly the Union dinner scheduled for last night was called off. Dean Bates was to have been, the principal speaker. Tickets may be redeemed at the Union desk. The next dinner will not be held until after the football season. I PREKETEES SWEETS ARE the best because they are manufactured of the best materials and under our supervision. We give you quick service in our fountain drinks and lunches. SUGAR BOWL ~$-/- "'-- 4rp " (y ' b w t y:~ ,. . ,,,'ti . .. , : , t'fiV1 ° . Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. TYPEWRITERS of all makes, Bought, Sold, and Exchanged at prices consistent with quality. Typewriting Supplies,Type- writing and Mimeographing 0. D MORRILL Yl --Baltimore Lunch) 322S' f'oto St. Phone 582-J Frlowers Choice Cut Flowers 11. Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Colsinsa e, Heal Co . 12th St. and S Univ. Ave. Pho^4 115 _ i Gents' Hockey and Clanp c50 to $8.00 ICE SKATES Spaulding's, Peck & Snyder's, Barney & Berry's Ladies' hockey and Clamp s $1.25 to $8.00 Fresh Lits Elect Officers gor Year Fresh lits failed to elect a president or a vice-president yesterday because no majority was secured for any of these candidates. The class did choose the following: secretary,Helen Bourke; treasurer, Lane Barron; football man- ager, Carl Weidmann; baseball man- ager, Kenneth Matheson; track man- ager, Robert Halstead; women's bas- ketballmanager, Margaret Birdsell. Thirty Men Attend Jackson Banquet At a banquet at the Catalpa Inn last night, 30 members of the Jackson club perfected a closer organization. H. R. Marsh, '15, acted as toastmaster, and short talks were given by R. L. Macduff, '15M, H. D. Boardman, '15L, P. L. Marsh, '15M, H. A. Enos, '15E, and J. Van Schoick, '16H. Me'imngs will be held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, at * 7:00 o'clock, at the Union. Chairmen of committees in the Women's League are asked to hand in lists of the members of their commit- tees to Helen Burlingham, '15, imme- diately. * * * Women will line up for the cup hockey game to be w played at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon between the freshman and upperclass teams, as follows: freshmen, Louise Garaghty, Hazel Procter, Ruth MacLachlan, Mar- garet Young, Marie Fluegel, Georgi- ana Packman, Constance % Winchell, Marion Galtoi, Reeva Lloyd, Jessie Hopkins; upperclassmen, Ethel Vail, Bertha Marsh, Bertha Pulford, Laura Miller, Jean Miller, Mary Lewis, Eli- nor Heap, Ruth McCandliss, Cather- ine Reighard; Judith Ginsburg. An inter-freshman game in hockey will also - be played. An exhibition cricket game will be played at 2:00 o'clock, and the finals in the tennis ,tournament at 3:00 o'clock. * * * If the weather is inclement this af- -ternoon, the women's field day will be held on Palmer field next Tuesday. * * * Bloomers, middies and the shipment of gym shoes, ordered from New York, will be on sale from 1:00 o'clock to 2:00 o'clock Thursday and Friday, and from 9:00 o'clock to 11:00 o'clock Fri- day morning. * * * There will be a short cross-country walk, leaving Barbour gym at 9:00 o'clock Saturday morning. Ask for a FREE .book of "papers" with each Sc sack. FREE Y An Illustrated Book- let, showing correct way F'to " Roll Your Own Cigarettes, and a Book of Cigarette papers will both be mailed to you, free, on postal request. Address "Bull" Durham. Dur- ham, N. C., Room 1298. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY American Chib men Prefer "Bul Durham Hand -made Cigarettes These wealthy men are used to the best of everything, and are good judges of quality. They find the cigarettes they make for themselves, from "Bull" Durham tobacco, have a delightfully fresh, mild, unique fragrance and flavor that afford the greatest enjoyment and satisfaction. At all times it is correct and fashionable to "Roll Your Own." GENUINE SMOKING TOBACCO Made from absolutely the finest, choicest, mellow-ripe leaf grown in the famous "bright" tobacco district of Vir- ginia=North Carolina, that supplies the world with cigarette tobacco. Much of the delicate flavor and fragrance of this leaf escapes from the ready-made cigarette. These rare quali- ties can only be retained in the bulk of tobacco in the "Bull" Durham sack, and enjoyed in the fresh-rolled "Bull" Durham cigarette. All Skating Accessories-Inspect Our Line Schumacher Hardware Co. Phone 174 South Main Phone 17-J-- 175-L U m Pianos to rent. Good dependable In- struments at lowest rates. Schaeberle & Son's Music House, 110 So. Main St. tf. After the Michigan-Penn. game dande at Granger's from 9-12. 50 cents per couple. Best of music and best floor. 34-35 FOR SALE--Hoppe has a 11 by 14 pic- ture of Ferry Field and Stadium. 33-4-5 FOR SALE-Finest lot in Ann Arbor for Fraternity or Sorority. Near corner of S. University and Washte- naw. Almost 120 feet square. Call 1064-J or 614 S. Thayer. tfj HILL'S SWEET CIDER. 2140 Kenmore Brook Orchards. University Ave. Pharmacy, 4nd Toilet Articles. Phone tf Drugs tf For that Week-end Party Dance music is provided any time with a victrola. It plays all the latest dance music clear and in perfect rythm--when you want it and as long as you like. When the Victrola is once tried it never fails to make good: So why not phone seventeen-o-seven and try out a Victrola for this week-end? Gym Suits, Harry Muller, 334 ,S. State St.. After the Michigan-Penn game dance at Granger's from 9-12. 50 cents per couple. Best of music and best floor. 34-35 University Ave.-Pharmacy. -Eastman Films all sizes.' tf Buy your coffee, tea and peanuts at The Coffee Ranch, 211 East Liberty. Retail at wholesale prices. Quality unexcelled. eod Wed WANTED-Student agents. Work spare time in Ann Arbor and ad- joining towns. Liberal commission. Inquire Earl Hackney, 715 S. State St. 32-36 WANTED-Student agent to repre- sent us in Ann Arbor for the heat- less trouser presser. Fast seller, good commission. Seacamp Sales Co., Detroit, Mich., 35 Rowland. Arcade Theati THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Love Everlasting, by the Celebrated P Company, starring Lyda Borelli. Con and see this splendid offering. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 The Trey o' Hearts, installment four. S sis given of preceding parts. Get in o splendid serial now. Also The Danger Line and Dolly's Deliv SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 The Law of the Lumberjack, in two par Curing a Lazy Wife. Comedy "WARM UNDERWEAR" Union Suits that fit $1.00 Up or $5.00 Down at ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES S' Main St. Long, heavy toques, 50 cents. The kind you've always wanted. Muller, 334 S. State. Victrolas $15-$200 CRINNELL BROS. 120-122 E. Liberty St. Records on Approval 24 hours Pianos to rent at Schaeberle Music House. Gym Suits that are a little t Switzers, 310 State St. ..._._.. EdoxA7idome vin 1y rte-M I "llw0% 11