THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I WILL GET THE PIANO FREE IN AND TRY IT OUT Now is the time for you to learn how to take pictures A GENERAL KNOWLEDGE OF PHOTOGRAPHY is the one thing no college man or woman can afford to be without--Photography is being used in a thousand different ways nowadays and you never know when it might be to your advantage to know how to take pictures. Then there is the pleasure and satisfaction. The pictures of college days will be cherished for many years to come. Rent a good kodak for only 10c per day-or buy one at from $3.00 to $100.00 me for Full'Dress Suits is )ur line is better than ever. :e a good silk-lined Garment der at $40.00. The work- is unsurpassed by a n y he fit, we assure you, will t, or your money is riot wanted k Let me Help You Learn How LYNDON I i . . i 1 W hitny Theatre THURSDAY, NOV. 5 CHARLES FROHMAN Presents miss BILLIE BURKE to Her Createst Success "Jerry" Preceded by "The Philosopher in the Apple Orchard" Miss Burke in Both Plays PRICES Main Floor 1st 13 rows-360 seats...............$2.00 Last 8 roves-232 seats........ ........ 1.50 Balcony 1st 8 rows-235 seats...............$1.00 Last 5 rows-154 seats........ . ...5c Gallery ............................ 0c Mail orders received now if accompanied by check. Seats on Sale Tuesday at 10 O'clock ORPHEUM THEATRE House of Famous Plays by Famous Players Thur., Fri., Nov. 5-6-Subjects changed to Hobart Bosworth in "Burning Daylight" by Jack London. Dress Suits to Rent Sat., Nov. ,7-11ig Comedy Sensation parts-"Bungling Bunk's Bunco." War Notes by Pathe Weekly. ill 3 ARL MA BLOCK L C O L M b04 EAST LIBERTY ommen For Twelve Years The Sign of Satisfaction Jways the New Styles. First :.. LIBERTY ST. Since the announcement of the pro- gram for the November faculty concert to be given this afternoon in Hill audi- torium at 4:15 o'clock, minor changes have been made. Mrs. Giorge B. Rhead will render Scherzo, Op. 4, Brahms in addition to Ballade, Op. 52, Chopin. The school of music requests all patrons to cooperate in making these concerts of the greatest possible value by being present in their seats prompt- ly at the hour scheduled, since the doors will be closed during the num- bers. It is further requested that no small children shall be admitted to the concerts. Dikmmunic&ti0f Editor, The Michigan Daily:- The University Musical society in deciding to make all of the afternoon concerts given under the auspices of the school of music, free to the public, felt that it might be of real service to the community. It is with regret, therefore, that it is becoming apparent that many do not appreciate the situation and do not realize that they, by bringing young children to these concerts, are disturb- ing the audience and jeopardizing the continuance of the series. Let it be thoroughly understood, therefore, that no young children will be admitted to these concerts. It is to be hoped that this statement will be sufficient, and that it will not, be necessary to resort to severe meas- ures. ALBERT A. STANLEY. ATTENDANCE AT PENNSY GAME PROMISES TO TAX CAPACITY Mon., Tues., Nov. g-xo-- -Karl Kienlichner in Schiller's Immortal Drama, "William Tell." Wed., Nov. ix-Mrs. Fiske in "Tess of D'Ur- bervilles," by Thomas Hardy. hP 'I ' e.4nfe Bostonian Footwear 308 South State Street ROYAL TAILORED CLOTHES "MISS BILLIE BURKE" I I I rU BROADWAY AND JOHN R. DETROIT where the U.-of M. spirit is manifest and "M" men are taken care of. Go to The Edelweiss for your luncheon when in Detroit, Soc. Also for your Dinner or after-the- theaire Supper. And we make a specialty of U. of M. Ban- quets. Dancing from 6 to8:30 and to to 12:30. Delightful music - orchestral and voice. Cuisine unexcelled, and Ser- vice the best. A royal wel- come awaits "M" men at any hour of the day or night at S ae JACOB Mac , Manager $8.00 Mackinaw F REE Sweater- Coat FREE U AND GYMNASIUM SHOES -- i We will give away absolutely FREE with every $25.00 suit or overcoat an $8.oo Mackinaw, and with every $i8.5o suit or overcoat a $5.00 sweater coat. Every garment hand tailored to your order-to your measure-Fit and workmanship guaranteed FACTORY HAT STORE 118 E.Huron Street W. W. MANN, Proprietor I Whitney Theatre M O N D A Y Matinee and Night V. Messrs. Kent & O'Connor Offer a Splendid Scenic Production of the Everlasting Success "East Lnno i ... ._ ... ; .. . wwwwmiuwamm.a Phone 1701 Phonie 1701 ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW With a Notable Cast Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 5-6-7 BURTON HOLMES' SWEEPING SVCCESS CHART Es R. MACI.OON, Special Representative '~Warw IfII Including 7 Miss Jacqueline DeWitt as "lady Isabel" All special scenery and lighting effects A specially selected cast RO W marks a shirts for eve- and dances, that kably smart and oand Np Co., Inc., 3Makers,Troy, N.Y. Prices: -, Motin ee Lower Floor 20c .Balcsy 1e.c Night 1st 4 rows 123 seats...........3"c Balance of Balcony..........25c Seats on Sale Saturday Morning at so i 1 're day, Nov. 7 ican Night Whitney Theatre Friday Nov. 6th, Matinee and Night ar Own Famous) T orman ckett (U. of M. '98) - IN - The THE, From the number of tickets already sold to the Pennsylvania-Michigan football game, it is evident that when the first whistle blows Saturday every seat in both bleachers will be occu- pied. Nearly 20,000 pasteboards to this game- had been distributed up to last evening. Applications for the Cor- nell game, while not quite so numer- ous, call for nearly 15,000 tickets. To Give Lecture Before Adcraft Club Prof. Edward D. Jones, of the eco- nomics department, will go to Detroit tomorrow, where he will lecture be- fore the Adcraft club, a society which is affiliated with the Detroit Board of Commerce. He will give the opening address of a course= of 20 lectures, dealing with political economy; soci- ology, aesthetics, psychology and rhet- oric. The subject of hisaddress will be "The' American Distributive Sys- tem; A Review and Criticism." Other prominent speakers will be Roger Babson, financial expert of Boston, and Prof. Hugo Munsterburg, head of the psychology department at Harvard. President Takes Trip to Princeton President Harry B. Hutchins left yesterday to attend the sixteenth an- nual conference of American univer- sities to be held at Princeton, N. J., tomorrow and Saturday. On Monday President Hutchins will go to Wash- ington, where he will represent the University of Michigan at the Nine- teenth annual meeting of the national association of state universities. The President will speak on "The Presi- dent's Office As the Center of Univer- sity Organization and Activity." Sons of Warring Countries Peaceful Though war clouds: rolled up and burst forth in torrents' upon the con- tinent of Europe, peace and goodfel- lowship reigned at the round-up party for foreign students giV.en by the Cos- mopolitan club last night. Represen- tatives of foreign nations, including those now at war, were present at the meeting, but after the regular program all of those present vied with one an- other in singing "God Save the King," "Marseilles," and "Die Wacht Am Rhein." mwmmmmm Pianos to rent. Good dependable in- struments at lowest rates. Schaeberle & Son's Music House, 110 So. Main St. tf. Gym Suits that are a little better Switzers, 310 State St. New Exclusive Intimate at tf Accompanied by a Special Lecturer and Operator Gus Reed & Nell Wood Lefla Davis & Co. The American Basso and Queen of Pianistes in "As It May Se" "A Little Class-A Little Ragtime" Comedy Sketch Travesty on Woman's Suffrage Lew Wells Davids' Duo Monologue and Saxophone Ecceutricities The Versatile Novelty Pair Four (4) Matinees each week-Tuesday, Wedneslay, Friday, Saturday; The MAJESTIC changes its bill every Mon- day and Thursday. Only the first Show at night is reserved, seats held until 7.30. Every Tuesday and Friday is "Ladies' Souvenir Matinee" at the Majestic. "School Children's Matinee" every Saturday afternoon, children under 12 years of age admitted for Five Cents. COMING MONDAY, for Three Days, the $1,000 Feature Act, Gus Edwards' ""KID KABARET CO." with Geo. Jessel and Betty Washington PAICK DUL UTI- I'LL CALL AND TAKE YOUR MIEASURE Rex St. Clair Lit '17 1331 HILL STREET PHONE 33 Motion Pi*ctlreS And Dissolving Views ..a UNDER i DOG The Incorporable Four Act By Rachael Marshall Oliver Bailey, Author "The Traffic." Drama and of "WARM IUNDERWEAR" Union Suits that fit $1.00 Up or $5.00 Down at ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE Main St. Pianos to rent at Schaeberle & Sons Music House. tf University Ave. Pharmacy. The store that satisfies. tf smummormommmmummwn rhoon ( Tirne Here tic Sensation of New :ago and 5 European Iremendously Start- nal N. Y. production Hackett. Cirne Prices" 0c 75c 1. with check enclosed er received. .... F. L. HALL, 514 E. Wi 11am Phone 2225 PRESSIN Goods Called For ING ad Delivered NO LOSS BY FIRE Mats. Wed. GARRICK Special Elect- and Sat. ion Mat.Tues. D~ETROIT Arthur ammerste,.o.ers "HIGH JINKS" With Stell Maybew Matinee Tuesday and Wednesday....25c.$1.00 Nights and Saturday Matinee... ...50c-$2.50 CLEAN - POWERFUL - TRUE INTENSELY HUMAN Acted by a Superb Class of Players U Prices: Seats 25c-35c-50c-5 c-S1.00 'on Sale Wednesday Stude We Lead for the Pennsy Game Pennants Chrysanthemums Give Us Your Order Now Store r t are showing our Special their Ask the upper class man who sells Dresg the best toque-Wagner & Co., State 29-33 St. - 29-33 Morse's and Gilbert's Chocolates 1111 S. University Ave. El-