THE MICHIGAN' DAILY I f )LLEGE MEN HAVE THEIR V1N IDEAS ABOUT" STYLE 250 MORE Lynf'don's "M"Bok R14C,IVPD Y1gSTERI)AY At the old price $1.00 This is the last lot of these {'M" books that we can buy to sell at this price, so get busy. '] F -I- you're a -College Man and ]hold a ii reputation among your friends for wearing decisive and distinctive clothes, you cannot overlook our Fall and Winter fabrics. They're full of character. H-ave a suit tailored-to-measure which will add 'earance and embody your individual ideas. tee tasteful' yet distinctive style. LYNDON .._ Get your kodak .supplies University Ave. Pharmacy. and night and Sundays. at the uni- Open day tf " 719 N. University Avenue Whitney Theatre THURSDAY, NOV. 5 CHARLES FROHMAN r Presents MIS DILLIE' DOURKE In Her Greatest Success "'Jerry" Preceded by "The Philosopher in the Apple Orchard" Miss Burke int Both Plays PRICES MaiFloor Ist 13 rowvs-360_ seats..........$2.04 Last 8 row s-232 seats..........1.50 Balcony 1st 8 rows-236 seats..... ........ .$1.00 Last 5 rows-154 seats ............ ...75c Gallery ....... ............ oc Mail orders received now if accompanied by check. Seats on Sale Tuesday at 10 O'clock ORPHEUM THEATRE, M011day, Tuesd1ay, Wednelsday, Novem- ber 2-3-4 KARL .COLM BLOCK MALCOL M C 04 BAST LIBERTY For 'twelve Years The Sign of.Satisfaction Qym Suits thatf are a little better at Switzers, 310 State St. tf Go to the "Majestic" Tuesday Nov. 3, (Election Night) and hear the Comn-' plete Election Returns. 28-31 jAsk the upper class man. who sells the best toque-Wagner & Co., State St. 29-33 B ALMACAAN, MACKINAWS8 and Nobby Clothing of ADLER'S (COLLEGIAN) and B. KIJPPENIMER'S MAIRE on Sale at ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHIES STORE Main St. "Say Wife," Let's go to the Majestic , Tuesday night and see a good show and also hear the complete election ireturns. 2.1 Sec our Student Lamps at $2.45. Switzers, 310 State St. tf "4Get In" out of tihe cold election night at the Majestic and hear the comt- plete returns. 28-31 Take your "Best Girl" to the Majes- tic Tuesday night and hear the Elec- tion returns. 28-31 Waterman Fountain Pens of all kinds. University Avenue Pharmacv. FOR RIcNT-Three' single rooms, or a suite and single room furnished to suit, situated on Church Street, three blocks from campus. Call at the Busy Bee. 22-28 ! BROADWAY AND JOHN R. DETROIT -where the U. of M. spirit is manifest and "11" men are taken care of. - o to The FEdel weiss for your luncheon when in Detroit, Soc. Also for your Dinner or after the- theatre Suppcr. Anid we Mtake a specialty of U. of M. Ban- (luets . Dancing from 6 to 8:30 and 1o to 12:3o. Delightful music -- orchestral and voice. Cuisine unexcelled, arfd Fier- vice the best. A royal wel- come awaits "M" mien at any hour of the (lay or nlight at JACOB MACK, Manager 'DJanijel I1robman Presets MARY PICKFOI D In the Celebrated Romantic Comedy, By Chianning Pollock. Five Fcels "MISS BI1LLIE BURKi IE" I I ncrcarr~.SS ' g .FlecT~~sF CAMPUS BOO0TERY Bostonian Footwear 308 South State Strict ROYAL TAILORED CLOTHESI $8.00 Mackinaw FREE $530 Sweater- Coat Always the New Styles.First FREE E. LIBERTY ST. TENNIS AND GYMNASIUM SHOES We will give away absolutely IiREEN with every $25.00 suit or overcoat an $8.oo Mackinaw, and with every $18.50 suit or overcoat a $5.0o sweater coat. Every garment hand tailored to your ordler-to your measure-Fit and workmanship guaranteed T EY T ETR~ SMATINEES & TWO NIGHTSL (ELECTION DAY)-W.EDNESDAY NOVEMBER 3 &+4 ontinuous Performance unttil 5:30 Night-7:30 until 10:30 Great Photo Play Masterpiece. F ACTORY HAT STORE' 1 8S E. Hurona Street W. W. MANN, Proprietor 1 Fountain ePen NON-LEAKABLE ills Whitney'Thenatre SATURDAY NIGHT, Whitney Theatre Friday Nov. 6th, Matinee and- Night November 7th Norman Hackett mi E OF BONDAGE' '" Six PARTS THE e of the Terrible White Slave Traffic' loc :.~ rU- ALL SEATS 10c -r -IN - UNDER Extra! Extra! TUESDAY NOVEMBER 3rd, THE WHITNEY THEATRE WILL RECEIVE COMPLETE ELECTION PRIVATE WIRE. THE FIRST ELECTION RETURNS WILL BE READ AT 7:00 P. M. MAJESTIC THEATRE P1HONE WHERE EVERYBODY GOES 1701 dlay, Tuesday, Wednesday, NoyV.-2-3-4 The Sensational Aerial:Is no, Jordaan Zeno, Comic Comicatities _____ Dip your Conklin into any inkwell, anywhere; press the "Crescent-Filler" with your thumb an~d- in 4 sec- onds your pen is full; really for action and plenty of !t. TPAOtE' MAR K Peg.U.S. Pat, Off. The The Dramatic Sensation of the World TeIorporable F(,ur Act By Rachael "Marshall Oliver Bailey, Author °"The Traffic." Drama and of I 00C The Play Berlin andI which took London, New York By Storm. Paris, $2.50, $3, $4, $5 and up At all Good Dealers' The Conklin Pen Mfg. Co. Toledo, Ohio, U. S. A. Al LRe T his Prices 25c, 50c. 75c, $1. Seats on aleThursday 10 A. I. Mail orders now it accompanied by check. Prices; Seats CLEAN - POWERFUL - TRUE INTENSELY HUMAN Acted by a Superb Class of Players 250-5c-5,0c-5c-$ 1100 on Sale Wednesday i The Big Feature EL-IPIERIOT CO. e Screaming Farce "I Died" a SER & REISSIBR ack and Tan Comedians Kiarictonj & Clifford Revelation in Art U I i EXTRA! EXTRA! Added Attraction THIREE MAJESTICS "Harmony and Humor" The Reliable Laundry will surely please you if you are particular about laundry linen I I W 14E DO TAILORIN c rfor both ladies and gents. We also carry a fine litie of samples--imi- ported silk and broadcloth. Prices right, best in town, and work guaranteed. We also have a DRESSMAKING; department, with lowest prices and best work. Cleaning andi Pressiug promptly donle J. J. SCHANT ifZ 340 So. State St" Second Floor TYPEWRITERS* FOR 'SAL Y(ON EASY TERMS SPECIAL PRICE TO STUDENTSk Machines for Rent at Low Rates Ou r fac tory re)uilt mnachinues defy comp- etition. -take us prove it. ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO. INC. A. 13. COHE N, Resident Salestnaa Phone 2282 1314 So. University Avenue Matinees every wes'k-.-Tuesdaly, Wednesday, Friday, irday. The Majestic after* entire new shows every Men-, and Thursday. Only the lirst strowe a t fght is r- serve d, s hlcd until 7:30. Ladies' souvenir mainee Tuesday Fridmy---school children's mati-nee are*-y Saturday, all Ireli under 12 years of age admitted loi 6 cets. Watch the day and date of the 'Majestic Big Coliry Store Night---$10.00 in prizes given away. Goods called far and delivered Phone 794 I I p .s I Complete Election Returns at the ( Majestic To-night. The doors will abe open and returns Will start to be oread at 7 p.m. Ladies' Silver Souv. Mat.Tues. Extra' The Election returns Tuesday will comnieice to bie read at. 7 :00 o'clock At the Afajestic. "Come Early and Stay Lai e." 28.31 Unve"°;itv Ave. Pharmacy. The new store. Drugs, sundaes, and toilet ar- tid.5 We Lead for the Pennsy am students' Chrysanthemums Give Us Your Order -Now 1, 14E. I a ~Mals.Wed GAR RICK SecalElect- L954EW!H mIand Sal. v~~OfT tr a Tues. Phone 2225 Arthur'Hamnmerstein Otters ING Goods Called For 4 HIGH JINKS" and Delivered With Stella MV.aybewv Matin1ee TIuesday and Wedniesday. ... 25c-$1.50 LOSS FAY FIRE N\ights .and Suittirday Mtatinee........50C-$2.10 Pennants The fellows are appreciation of our Suits. W aer & Co., showing Special State St. their Dress 29-331 Phone 1160-R S~~~ SIS 49. _ . ss s , . q drt'.f. s~ k s G $$$ $$ $$ $$$ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $cS$ Sa S C