THE MICHIGAN DAILY A/a .f sip may. ol- i never 'ailored mti -s TIE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class natter. Offices, Ainn Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $; by mail, $2.50. Want ad. stations, Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. FH. Davis, cor. Packard and State. 'Phones 960 and 2414. Business Office Phone 6o 1 ) editorial Office Phone 241 H. Beach Carpenter......Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field......Business Manager A .W ® m State St. IT stands to reason that we can make you suits cheaper but of the same quality as other tailors be- cause we pay less rent. A. Marquardt is sit= uated over the Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank.. The Farmers & Mechanics Bank 10 1-103-105 South Main Street Foot Ball Goods for Interclass Foot Ball Foot Ball Trousers Shoes Stockings Hiead Harne Shoulder Gu $1.60 to $3.50 - $3.50 to $4 - 25cto 75c Ss - i1 to $2.60 lards $2.50 to $5 4: Every Article Guaranteed OT $A10 t OO 5 line of Font Ball Cools of all kind from $1.00 to $5.00 Fred Foulk.................News F. 1. Mceiinney........... Associate T. Hawley'apping........Associate F. M. Church...............Sporting Editor Editor Editor upplies for $2.25. Get your Gym Shoes for, the rush 75c e tudents Bookstore TO EAT? Y B E E ULAR PLACE" EVERYTHING O. - AS LAST YEAR IC ,~- Assistants to Business Manager Tohn Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph Ilofrnati Arthur H. Torrey TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1914. Night Editor-Edwin A. Hyman. THE HARVARD TRIP. Several hundred men among the stu- dent body learned last week-end Ahat the average Harvard man is not so much different from the average Mich- igan man. Those of the invaders who had preconceived, critical notions re- garding the Cambridge t'ype were dis- illusioned. Aside from a habit of pro- nunciation which jars a bit on the western ear, and a trifle of aloofness in his nature, the Harvard man would seem to be as totally unlike his cari- catures as is possible. The Harvard Union and the Harvard club were thrown open to the Michi- gan visitors, together with the inci- dental hospitality of other club-houses. This was the more formal part of the welcome, and it was appreciated.. Per- haps the friendly and cordial attitude of the individual students on the Cam- bridge campus was more liked, how- ever, because it demonstrated genuine feeling in an indisputable manner. Michigan students return the ex- pressions of good will manifested by Harvard students. They hope that their respective teams will play regu- lar games. They also look forward to greeting a Crimson eleyen with its followers in Ann Arbor.' When asked to explain it during vacation, don't'forget to tell them that Maulbetsch made more ground than the entire Harvard team. The Young Gentleman's Now-If sp- ciety will meet seven nights a week for the remainder of the winter. Dragging class elections do not speak well fol' the efficiency of a smaller student council.' With no green-horns in its numbers, the band is said to be a polished or- ganization. Capital, $100,000, Surplus and Profits . State Street ger at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon in the athletic offices. Soph lit election at Library from 2:00 o'clock to 4:00 o'clock this af- ternoon. Tryouts for the Michigan Technic staff will be held at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in the engineering society rooms. A Mickel will buy a copy of the, Peunsy sporting extra. 31 Best Cym Suits. Harry Muller, 336 South State St. 31 The Muller Gym Suit" has four ex- elusive features but costs no more than the common kind. She will like a copy of the big Penn- sy extra as a souvenir. 31 $75,000 . , 1 _ _.i WA Main Street University Bookstore FREE FEE A Pair of $6.00 Trousers Made to Your Order Ab= solutely Free with Every Suit, or O'coat at $20.00;the Same Material as 'Suit or Different for a Lim= ited Time Only. FLANDERS - --I M PORTE R 209 E. LIBERTY ST. ACROSS FROM VARSITY LAUNDRY IN OLD HOME TELEPHONE CO'S BUILDING FREE FREE Towels-soap-tooth brushes directory at Quarry Drug Co. and eod Phone Us Your Order1 Detroit-7:10 in., also 8:io m., 6:o6 a. m., p. m., 7:06 p. nd 1o:45 p. M- ., 12:15 p. m., 46 a. in. and m., 6:51 a. n., 51 p. in., also The Yellow extra will be on sale im- mediately after the Pennsy game. 31 The best chocolates--Cranes and Gilberts at Quarry's. eod. -FOR -- MICHIGAN The Pennsy extra is coming. 31 PENNSYLVANIA, Bunting in Official Colors NOTE-Bunting in Michigan's; new blue has .been especially prepared by us and may be had only at this store. FRA MING Best shoe shining. Hats of all kinds cleaned and blocked. Next to Wagner & Co. eod. Watch for the big Peunsy extra, 31 Toilet preparations of all kinds and right prices. Quarry Drug Co. eod. Learn to dance the One-step, Hes- itation, Maxixe, Fox-Trot, Half and Half, Lulu Fado, Castle Gavotte, etc., at the Packard, phone 1850-M. Best Gym Suits. Harry Muller, 336 South State St. 31 0 DoN'T judge a man's III o it.ead by the outside of it. Remember thar's realtobacco satisfaction inahpipe o' VELVET, wheter it's smoked - in a cob or ina meer- schaum, That aged-in-the-wood mellowness which is in VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, and its natural taste and fragrance make every kind of pipe "free and equal" when filled with VELVET. 10c tins and 5c metal-lined bags.O P fPr x CCO = 0 L--_- __ Announcement Having enlarged and remodeled our Studio we are iow prepared to give even better service than here-to-fore. Try Us Any size or shape moles. Lowest Prices PE -HOSPITA . DE - - 340 S. State 'St. It's a poor - social lion who can't think up a name for the way he dances, It wouldn't be so bad if, after de- feat,-only hearts were broke. The greeting Sunday evening was a loyal one. A game's but a game, for a' that. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Senior lits meet, 205 Tappan hall, 4:30 o'clock today. Junior engineers elect class presi- dent, 348 engineering building, 2:30 o'clock to 5:30 o'clock, today. All candidates for assistant mana- gerships in football, baseball and track mnust report to their respective mana- LOST-Saturday night, a gold Elgin watch. Finder return to Michigan Daily. Liberal reward, 31-35 LOST-'15 numeral lpipe on North State St. Sunday evening. Reward. Shappirio, 307 ,. Division St. Phone 2139-M. 31 LOST-Tuesday, library book. Swin- burne's Poems. Return 320 Thomp- son. Reward. WANTED-Live young men to sell souvenir football programs this Fri- day and Saturday. See Haislip Mon- day and Tuesday, Ann Arbor Press, 4:00 o'clock. DAINE$ & NI P 1 0 Ti O ( R A P H E R S CKELS 334 and 336 S. State St. Phone 310-J a Burchfield & Co. ' JFLASHIG All Sz~sT asw alePie FOR RENT-Comfortable engineering arch. Price ply 1208 Willard. suite near $4.00. Ap- 21-32 We can offer you the finest and best tailoring service to be had in the state, with no exception. Evening dress is our specialty. MANN'S DRVG STORE 213 S. Main St. Phone 878' Salads made with a house flavor. In fact, all our confections are strictly home made; such delicacies as candies, im creams and dainty lunches we claim to be the best you can find. rs .on i 599 Burchfield & Co. 106 [-. URON ST. L- -Trll: L;Kj..45T-l P- Got Time to L K We've got Time to Show you our complete line of Toggery YLES We are too busy to write ads. Come in and give us the "once over" EXCL US!YE :SUL YYNGS A ND) SUPE R VISAV TAILORING Toggery Shop So. University Ave. 618 EAST LIBERTY STREET A A'~4 -w