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November 03, 1914 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-11-03

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"i ". "

's Excused With Ligi.t Work-
Reserves and Second String
Men hold Short
Catlett, Roehm, and Huebel
Out For Places in-.Varsity

Coach Yost yesterday took his first
steps in the wholesale shift he has
promised the Varsity before the Penn-
'sylvania game Saturday. Quail was
sent to right end, Bastian to right
half; and Norton to a guard.
The regulars were excused from
everything but a light workout yester-
day afternoon, although the men were
in fair shape after the gruelling Crim-
son battle with the exception of Ben-
ton. The big end will be in shape to-
morrow, however, when the real grind
begins for the Quaker tilt.
The second "string men scrimmaged
for a while with the Reserves yester-
day, Huebel tossing a forward pass to
Dunne over the goal line for a 30 yard
gain and a touchdown. The only other
spectacular play was when "Bill" Dav-
idson got away for some 40 yards on
a delayed end run.
The backfield is the scene of the big-
gest shift. Bastian and Catlett are to
be given a trial at right half instead of
Lyons. Roehm will now be shifted to
first assistant to Maulbetsch, and Hue-'
bel will take Catlett's place as substi-
tute fullback. Huebel's shift of posi-
tion will give Zieger the opportunity
to go in if Hughitt should be disabled.
Fielding H. Yost, Jr., has joined the
Michigan coaching staff, and will take
special charge of the backfield men, as
his father expects the little fellow to
become the greatest quarterback in
gridiron history.
.Captain Smith of the Varsity track
team announced yesterday that the
tryouts for places on the interclass
relays which will be held between
halves of the Pennsylvania game
would be staged this afternoon on
Ferry field from 2:00 o'clock until
5:00 o'clock.
Intramural Director -Rowe and Cap-
tain Smith will be on hand with watch-
es, and the five fastest men in each
class will be selected to represent
their division. All seniors who have
had any experience whatRoever in
track work are urged to turn out, as
present indications point to a weak
quartet to represent the last year men.
Fresh pharmics failed to turn out to
nominate class officers yesterday. This
is a repetition of what happened last
year, when the pharmic students neg-
lected to go to the polling place to
vote for a student councilman. The
first year students in the department
will be given another opportunity to
nominate class officers at a meeting to
be held in room 300 of the chemistry
building at 11:00 o'clock this morning.


Michigan's Varsity band made a hit
at Harvard. From the time the musi-
cians, headed by a single proud line
of Boston "cops" -led the Michigan
rooters from South Station to the Cop-
TODAY ley Plaza hotel, until it led it as co-
Annual floral show, Alumni Memorial horts off the field of battle.
hall, 2:30 o'clock to 5:30 o'clock, The following is taken from the Bos-
Choral Union rehearpl, 7:00 o'clock. ton American: "A brilliant feature
Senior lit class meeting, Tappan hall, was the performance of Michigan's fine
4:30 o'clock. military band of 40 pieces. It paraded
the field before the game, played be-
TOMORROW tween halves on the field, and,.in spite
Cosmopolitan club round-up, Newber- of defeat, mached on the field after the
ry hall, 7:30 o'clock, game was over, and led the loyal band
Jackson club smoker, Michigan Union, of Michigan rooters out of the
6:00 o'clock. grounds."
Indiana club smoker, Michigan Union, Describing the first appearance of
7:30 o'clock. the band, the same account says: "The
Talks and musical numbers will fea-f
ture the round-up, party to be given to 1
foreign students by th cosmopolitan LAU 0
club in Newberry hal tomorrow ev-
ening, at 7:30 o'clock. Star Line-Plunger's Phenomenal
Following a few words of welcome Rushes Receive Unanimous
to the foreigners by Prof. J. A. C. Praise of Critics
Hildner, and Fred B. Foulk, grad., Cor-
nelius Baer, '16, will relate his expe- LIKELY TO MAKE ALL-AMERICAN
riences in the Cannibal islands of the
South seas. "Johnnie" Maulbetsch, Michigan's
Pres.,W. C. Achi, '14-'17L, of the Cos-
mopolitan club, will welcome all for- star ground gainer, established a Wol-
eign students, and will outline the verine record in his great line plung-
club's plans for the year. ing against the Crimson Saturday. In
The musical program will consist of his 26 rushes the sophomore star av-,
numbers by L. D. Randall, '16, W. C. eraed five and two twenty-sixths
Achi, '14-'17L, M. V. Nasteff, '1, R. ergd.iean wdtet-sxh
Suarez, '16E, and B. Dawson, '16. Re- yards per try. He netted more ground 1
Suarz, 16E an B. awsn, 16.Re-on straight football than the entire
freshments will be served. Harvard team.
Eastern critics were unanimos in
acclaiming the wonderful showing of
STIR ENTH S M Maulbetsch. Walter Camp declared
that Maulbetsch was one of the great-
est halfbacks he had ever seen. Parke
A MEETINgDavis, Herbert Reed, Grantland Rice
' 9Tand a score of other New York and1
Boston sporting authorities gave the
Alumni and Former Players Send Western back high praises for his
Hosts of Telegrams to Con. work in the game.
gratulate Varsity A large majority of the newspaper7
men present named Maulbetsch as by
0 S. U. WISHES MICHIGAN WELL far the brightest star In their stories
____'_of the big intersectional battle. Ring
Michigan's mass meeting in the Cop- Lardner and "Gus" Axelson, of Chica
ley Plaza hotel on Friday night before go, and "Bob" Ritchie, of Minneapolis,
the Western writers present, in addi-
the game was probably the most en- tion to the Detroit and local critics,
thusiastic alumni gathering ever held all hailed Maulbetsch as the greatest
by Wolverine supporters. back in the country.
The speakers, pictures, songs, yells Predictions were freely made by
and sband musicallr struck the right many of these men that Michigan
chords, and the Michigan rooters would again have the left half-back po-
worked themselves up to a frenzy of sition on the All-American team this
enthusiasm which showed Itself to year, and Maulbetsch seems likely to
great advantage in the stadium the succeed "Jimmie" Craig as Michigan's
next day. grepresentative on the mythical combi-
Telegrams were received at the nations, which are picked at the close
mass meeting from alumni all over of the season.
the country, and after the game many
more messages camne from the same, PIAR3ICS TO MEET TOMORROW
bodies expressing appreciation of the FOR GET-ACQUAINTED SMOKER
great showing of the team.
Thet student council of .Ohio State According to plans completed yes-
university wired the Michigan team terday, the pharmacy smoker, given
its hopes for a victory, while alumni under the auspices of the Prescott
messages were received from all over club, will be held at the Union to-
the country. "Therewere telegrams morrow evening at 7:30 o'clock,
pouring in on Coach Yost and the team Dr. J. O. Schlotterbeck, dean,
all day, both before and after the and Dr. A. B. Stevens, secretary of the
game, from individual alumni and school of pharmacy, have been secured
former players. It was a Maize and by the committee to address the gath-
Blue flood of telegrams, the blanks of ering.
the two companies being the Wolver-.Although all pharmics are invited,
ine colors,.the smoker is really a get-acquainted
__________r_._affair for the freshmen in that depart-
SUIT OF CLO IES IS REWARD mnent, and all members of that class
FOR '9FAULIE'S" PERFORMANCE are urged to turn out, as well as the
E. C. Flanders, a Libertystreet tail-
or telegraphed Coach Yost at Cam- Construct New Ie and Roller Rinks

bridge,vSaturday, stating that he would Because of the increased demand
make a suit of clothes for the first for skating facilities in the city since
Michigan player to cross Harvard's the introduction of skating as a uni-
last chalk mark. versity sport, the construction of a
When the reports of the great bat- new ice and roller rink has been begun
tle came in and no one had scored on at the corner of Fifth and Hill streets.
the Crimson, he decided that Maul- The new building will be two stories
betseh, the "German Bullet" had won in height. - The roller rink will occu-
the prize anyway, so "Maulie" will py the upper floor and ice skating will
have a new outfit to coverthe bruises be the attraction on the lower floor..
he received in the memorable fray.
h__e ___dnh _ _m _ _ fray. Detroit Masons Will See Pennsy Game
Jackson Prison Chaplain Scores Movies 1 Palestine lodge, a Detroit body, has
Chaplain E. H. Lougher of the Mich- announced that it will run a special
igan State Prison spoke at the Metho- train to the Pennsylvania-Michigan
dist church last evening, on the causes game Saturday with accommodations
of chrcimne in society. He said that the for 500 members and friends. The train
average age of prisoners has changed will run direct to Ferry field.
in 15 years from 33 to slightly over 21
Iand gives the following as the three Pres. Hutchins to Attend Conference
greatest causes of the crime epidemic: President Harry B. Hutchins will
the saloon,se' the unlicensed "movie," leave tomorrow for Princeton, N. J.,
and the break-up of the home, through where he will attend the sixteenth an-
and th...-..brea.4,--4p,. n

, 1

i Michigan musiciansin their natt Senior Las and Engineers la
forms, went through a series of evolu- Scoreless Tie While Jior a
tions' with regular football precision, Lis (!rush Rivals
while the strains of the Michigan an-
them were wafted into the stadium. Interclass football is two steps away Coach Indignant at Circulating Gossi
"Even the Harvard sympathizers from the second round, two games hav- Condemning Hughitt's Action
cheered as the musicians manoeuvred. mug been played yesterday afternoon, Near Harvard's
The gathering went wild when the the junior lits defeating the junior en- Goal Line
famous Michigan locomotive yell shat- gineers, 20 to 7, and the senior engi-
tered the silence. There was more neers playing the senior laws a score- HARVARD IN CRISIS STIFFENS
enthusiasm when the Michigan band less tie. TO WOLVERINES' LINE PLUNGES
played "Our Director," a Harvard Saler starred for the senior laws i
song, as a token of good feeling. The their tilt with the engineers, being the Qarterack and Splawn Exonerated
professional band employed by the biggest factor in their ground gaining. From Failure in Negotiating
Harvard undergraduates then opened The tie will be played off Wednesday. Final Distance
up. It looked and sounded like a Hedman played the best game for
nickle movie orchestra compared withe junior engineers, going over the Coach Yost last night took occasion
the glaring Michigan musicians." lne rs t half for the boiler to correct the reports which had be-
makers' only score. Cork twice pushed
over for the lits when trick plays had come current on the campus to the
MESTS taken the ball within striking distance. effect that Quarterback "Tommy"
The other counter came when Angell Hughitt allowed an alleged personal
received a forward pass on the first feeling to influence his selection of
ENJOY Hplay after kick-off, and ran from the plays in the Harvard game in order
1 1e Tits 20 yard line for attouchdown, mak- that some one other than Maulbetsch
the score 20 for the Tits. might make a touchdown on Harvard.
---___ The schedule of tomorrow's games The Michigan coach Is exceedingly
Crimson Officials Alleviate Gref of is as follows: homeops vs. junior laws, disappointed that any such sentiments
Defeat Through Their soph lits vs. combined soph and fresh should have gained circulation, and he
Courtesy medics, fresh lits vs. fresh engineers, denied the story emphatically. He de-
-EE E- .fended Hughitt's generalship, and re-
SI)E.NTS CHEER TEAM" OFFHonorary Chemical Society Initiates ferred to the pictures printed In the
Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary Detroit News yesterday afternoon as
Harvard gave Michigan the great- chemical society, initiated the follow- absolute proof that Lyons and Benton
est reception a Michigan team and ing men last Friday night: J. A. Deane, were free behind the goal line, and in
rooting delegation have ever received. '17E; E. H. Woodhouse, '15P; H. A. a position to have scored with the
The officials of both institutions have Depew, grad.; E. R. Young, '15E; E. pass, had there not been a mistake in
expressed the desire for further meet- A.. Rykenboer, grad.; E. J. Miller, signals.
grad.; H. F. Wood, '15; N. A. Lange, Yost also corrected the report that
ings; and it seems more than lkely '15. An initiation banquet and dance it was Splawn who failed to make the
that a Crimson team will soon appear will be held in the near future. distance in the third quarter. and de-
on Ferry field, and almost an assured clared emphatically that the was ab-
fact that the East and West will meet solutely no basis for such stories. His
again next season. report follows:
~ I~E El b~lK"I wish to correct the report tha
Michigan's team was given every at-Hitwitcetithl romt hat
tenton nd cuvtsy b th CrisonHughitt switched signals from Maul-
tention and cburtesy by the Crimson betsch to another player in order that
officials, and the royal hospitality of U019N 01R SdSJEL some one else might make the touch-
the Easterners almost wiped away the downs which seemed within Michigan's
sorrow for the defeat. Head of Law Department, and Grad- grasp at Harvard.
A crowd of Harvard students was at ate Will Discuss House Cam. With the ball on the Harvard three-
the depot when the Michigan train paign at Banquet yard line, and two yards to go for a
pulled out, and cheered the departing first down, Maulbetsch was given the
visitors. The Wolverine supporters DISTRkBUTE TICKETS AT NOON ball on the third down on an end run
who made the trip were unanimous in and lost one yard, making it fourth
proclaiming the journey as the most Dean Henry M. Bates will be the down with three yards to go. So
important athletic jaunt they had ever Hughitt elected to have Splawn make
made. principal 'speaker at the first monthly a forward pass. A mistake in signals
Union membership dinner which will occurred, and the pass was not at-
TRYOUTS FOR MANAGERSHIPS be held Thursday night at 6:00 o'clock. tempted.
WILT RECEIVE INSTRUCTIONS Tickets for the affair which are 50 "This play was an excellent one
cents may now be obtained at the Un- and should have gone through easily
Men Appointed Will Do Preliminary ion desk or from members of the com- but for the fact that one man forgot
Duties of Distributing Pen. mittee. Griffith Hayes, '11, will also his duty.
nants in Block "M" make an address. Both Dean Bates "In the third quarter when we were
and Mr. Hayes will discuss the cam- on Harvard's six yard line with about
Candidates for assistant manager- paign for the $1,000,000 clubhouse four feet to go, Maulbetsch was given
ships in football, baseball, and track which was called off for the present, the ball to make this distance and
will meet at 5:00 o'clock this after- because of the financial condition of failed. The report that Splawn car-
moon in the athletic offices. A call has the country. ried the ball here was erroneous,and
been issued by managers Leonard, Lyle Harris, '15, is chairman of the originated from the fact that the Har-
Lang, and Palmer for all try-outs for program committee consisting of vard student in charge of the field tel-
their respective teams to report this Ralph Rice, '15, and Russell E. Dean, ephone incorrectly identified the Mich-
afternoon and get instructions on the '15. The finance committee which will igan backs.
work that is expected of them. have charge of the sale of tickets con- "Hughitt is one of the best quarter-
Some preliminary work, in the way sists of Enos. Bradner, '15, chairman, backs Michigan ever had, and it is un-
of distributing the flags which will E. R. Hazen, '15, Robert Bridge, '16, fortunate that he should be accused of
make the block "M" at the big games F. F. Nesbit, '17, Kenneth McCall, '18, personal sentiments. -He went into the
on Ferry field, must be done at once, George King, '15L, Ray Mills, '16L, Harvard game within two weeks after
and all those who intend to try for any Joseph Fee, '17L, J. C. Abbott, '15E, a complete dislocation, of the left arm
of the positions must report to their R. A. Hall, '16E, Harold McFarlan, at the elbow, and played through the
respective managers today. '17E, Kenneth Campbell, '18E,. Ezra entire game. He deserves none but
Keobbe, '15M, J. R. Darnall, '18M, Max the highest praises.
SOUVENIR PROGRAMS FOR PENN Burnell, '18M, Carlton Cantor, '15D, "It is true he did not get into the-
GAME WILL BE ON SALE SOON R. M. Kellogg, '16D, and H. B. Wright, scrimmage himself, but this was under
'17D. The members of this committee my instructions that he should save
Official souvenir programs for the are requested to call at the Union for himself in every possible way, and I
Piennsylvania-Michigan game will be tickets between 12 :00 o'clock and 1:00 Ihad so arranged the Michigan plays
ready in a few days, and will be placed o'clock this noon. for this game. His presence on the
on sale Friday. The cover depicts a team was absolutely necessary for
Wolverine player just after kicking a PENNSY AND CORNELL TICKETS Michigan to make the showing she did,
goal. Full page pictures of both QUICKLY SNAPPED UP BY FANS and I regret the necessity of having
teams and the All-Fresh squad, and to make this statement."

cuts of a number of the leading Penn Student Tickets All Mailed But May
and Michigan players feature the con- Not Arrive Till Wednesday COACH M'CALL'S MEN PREPARE
tents. The book will also contain an Because of Rush FOR BATTLE CREEK STRUGGLE
article by Coach Yost on his all-time
Michigan eleven. E. W. Haislip, '14L, Tickets for the Pennsylvania-Mich- Coach ,McCall's soccerites are at it
is the publisher of the program. igan game have been mailed, but will again, preparing for their second fray
not reach the owners in some cases which takes place on Ferry field this
Orangemen Cheer Sleeping Wolverines before Wednesday, as the local post Friday. Battle Creek Normal will be
Just as a token of good will,. some office was swamped by the big mass of the attraction. The soccer men have
200 Syracuse men greeted the sleepy envelopes. Registered orders will be had little work since the Ypsi game,
Michiganders on their way to Harvard at least a day later than .the regular but the team came out of that tussle
last Saturday morning about 2:00 mail orders, since the recording of in good shape and look forward to a
o'clock, with wild shouts of encour- these pieces of mail will take consid- decisive victory over the Nornias.
agement. Needless to say, only about erable extra time.
half of the passengers woke up to hear There have been approximately Doctors Go East For Medical Congress
the cheering. 18,050 tickets sold for the Quaker bat- Dean W. B. Hinsdale, Dr. W. A.
tle, while more than 12,500 tickets Dewey, and Dr. Dean W. Myers of the
Jerseys Will Be Given Point Winners have also been sold for the Cornell homeopathic medical college, will at-
Blue jerseys with specially design- game. The indications are that the tend the thirty-fifth session of the
ed "A-M-A's" attached have been de- facilities of Ferry field will be taxed Southern Homoeopathic Medical as-
cided upon by the athletic associa- for both games. sociation to be held in Baltimore, Md.,
tion as the reward for point winners There are approximately 5,500 seats November 10, 11, and 12. Dr. Dewey
in intercollegiate track competition. left for the game on Saturday. They who represents the Council of Medi-
These jerseys will be awarded the are going fast, however, and the ath- cal Education will give a report on
point winners of the Penn relay games letic officials expect to be sold out "The Work Accomplished and Pro-
also. soon. posed by the Society."

Tickets for the Pennsylvania mass
meeting to -be held in Hill auditorium
Friday night, will be distributed in
the same manner as those for the for-
mer "pep" gathering, prior to the M. A.
C. combat. Beginning Thursday at
1:00 o'clock, a table will be stationed
in front of the Michigan Union where
tickets can be procured on presenta-
tion of athletic books.
All Prescriptions Must Receive 0. K.
Dr. H. H. Cummings, head of the
university health service staff wishes
it made known to the students, that no
prescriptions will be filled by the uni-
versity pharmacy unless they are giv-
en or O.K.'d by a member of the
health service staff.
Graduate Engineer Visits Ann Arbor
W. W. Follett, '81E, a member of the
Boundary Commission, in charge of
the international boundary between
the United States and Mexico, visited
in Ann Arbor Saturday and Sunday.



non-enforcement of discipline and nual conference of the assocaion a
througih divorce. He urged parole American Universities to be held there
rather than sentence. :November 6 and 7.


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