THE MICHIGAN D}AILY r ... 1 I IY .. .: _ . .. ', 3 11 'Head and "Head and Shoulders above the Crowd" of ordinary dressers is a very natural and wholly justified feeling for a wearer of STEIN-BiLocH Smart Clothes. ,rs Young Men Whatever you pay for your clothing you canuot afford to overlook this fact ; the big store of Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. can and does positively give the greatest value. Whether it is a suit or overcoat, Manhattan Shirt, Knox Hat, Spalding Sweater, neckwear, hosiery, gloves, un- derwear, trousers, fancy vests, slipous. Everything new and everything right. wd" Try it you'll like it. II I enschmitt, Apfel & Co. LOTHIERS and FURNISHERS I. Before Buying Your Fall Suit ....... -..... ..... See W. E. DIETERLE at his Ann Arbor Store, 516 E.Williams St., three doors below Maynard. All foreign Woolens of the latest weaves and designs. Come in and see for yourself. VARSITY TAILOR WM. E. DIETERLE - DEAN'S Fresh Roasted Peanuts A FULL POUND m l 214 S. Main St. LEMAIRE OPERA GLASSES OUR IMPORTED ORDER OF OPERA GLASSES-UAS ARRIVED S5.O-$25.00 AND UP Bausch & Lomb-Zeiss STEREO PRISM BINOCULARS $40.00-$50.0 AND UP R Upon a small deposit we will gladly lay aside until Xmas any article BROKEN LENSES AND HAVE THEM DUPLICATED - -4 -Walter 1. McKenzie, '15L, who fell from an interurban car at Ypsilanti and fractured his skull last Friday is reported by his physicians as rapidly recovering. They believe that he will be able to leave the hospital in about three weeks. -Dr. H. H. Cummings said yesterday in response to the many inquiries that have been made at the university health service about the yellowish col- or of the drinking water which usu- ally appears on Monday, that this is merely due to the flushing of the hy- drants and that the water is chemical- ly pure. -George M. McClure was elected class president of the soph medics Friday and Laura Buck was chosen vice-president. The new president said last night that he did not wish to ex- press himself regarding the student council until he has had some time to consider the matter. -Dr. D. A. Shook, of the physics de- partment, is publishing in the "Met- tallurgical and Chemical Engineering" a series of articles dealing with refra- tometry. -Dean Guthe of the graduate depart- ment will deliver a lecture on "X- Rays and Chemical Atoms" before the Physics Colloquium at 4:15 o'clock Monday.. This is the first of a series of lectures to be delivered by the mem- bers of the physics faculty this year before this graduate society of the physics department. -University hospital physicians re- ported yesterday that Oliver Boaz, '16E, who has been suffering from an attack of appendicitis, will be able to leave the hospital soon. -Newa noiseless cork carpets, which will stop the noise and whirr of stu- dents who are walking around, were laid in the library yesterday. -Fresh dents elected tlhe following officers yesterday morning: president, R. H. Tremper; vice-president, H. C. Kahor; secretary, D. A. How es; treas- urer, A. D. Honey; athletic manager, H, F. Montague; sergeant at arms, D. B. Newton. --Polonia club will hold its first reg- ular meeting in St. Thomas hall. at 3:00 o'clock today. A Horbaszewski, '16E, and E. Krusza, '15E, will read papers, which will be discussed briefly by various members of the club. Plans will also be made to have graduate members address meetings of the club in the future. -Special cars conveyed over 100 fresh- men members of Prof. 1.D'. Scott's class in geology 25a to Ridgeroad, the scene of the Laurentian beaches, yesterday morning. These beaches are glacial formations left by the predecessors of Lake Erie and plainly show earth and rock formation during the glacial peri- od. --Professor H. D. Hus, of the botany department, has been confined to his home with a severe cold for the past few days. NOTICE Comne Early and Avoid the Rush If you have a coupon for Portraits to be made at Hoppe's Studio COME IN NOW Remember, there are over 1,500 coupons out, and .if you want yours for Christmas COMdE IN S0ON I I Temple Theatre- Mon.. Nov. 2.-Face Value. Tues., Nov. 3.-Hearst Selig News. Wed., Nov. 4.-Woman against Wo- man (with Betty Gray). Thurs., Nov. 5.-Perils of Pauline (io story). Fri., Nov. 6.-Coney Island Night- mare (with Josie Sadler). Sat., Nov. 7.-The Motor Buccaneers (with Francis X. Bushman). Mary Pickford in What the Daisy Said, coming next week. Man's Enemy. 619 1. Libsrty St. Reue, Conlin, Fiegel Co. I 74- 200-202 So. Main St. ART ASSOCIATION EXHIBITS LA1)JSCAPES BY LOCAL MAN ALLER JEWELRY CO., State Street Jelvelers L, 514 E. Wiiam Phone 22251 PREKETEES SWEETS ARE the best because they are manufactured of the best materials and under our supervision. We give you quick service in our fountain drinks and lunches. SUGAR BOWL . II It GOOD SWEET CIDER Phone 2140. Kenmore Brook chard. Or- Goods Called For and Delivered NO LOSS BY FIRE Our new vague green mackinaw at{ $6.75 has proved very popular. Harry! Muller. Election .S. De,.ft. Week of Nov. 2 Nights and Sat. Mat. ScC to $2.00 ARTHUR H AMMERSTEIN Offers his Rollicking, Irresistible Musical Comedy Success as Presented During his Unparalleled Record Run of One Year at the N. Y. Casino. Paintings of Mr. F. Usher De Voll and of Mr. E. H. Barnes, will be on exhibition in the large gallery of Me- morial hall, beginning from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock today. The exhibit, which is being conducted 'under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association, will continue for two weeks. The paintings of both artists are landscapes. Those of Mr. De Voll are taken from scenes in the easternstat- es. Mr. Barnes is an Ann Arbor man and most of his pictures are of scenes in this vicinity. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Fresh pharmics nominate in chem- ical building, 4:00 o'clock, Monday af- ternoon. Graham's Barber Shop, 121 W. Hur- on St., opposite D. U. R. Only barber shop in Ann Arbor under student man- agement. Your patronage will be ap- preciated. Glenn Graham, '17 Dent. eod Wed. Ask the upper class man who sells the best toque--Wagner & Co., State St. 29-33 BALMACAAN, MACKINAWS and Nobby Clothing of ADLER'S (COLLEGIAN) and B. KUPPENHEIMER'S fAKE on Sale at ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE Main St. "Say Wife," Let's go to the Majestic Tuesday night and see a good- show and also hear the complete election .returns. 2831 clothes.' 19. Instead, let us order you a spic and span suit and overcoat made to personal meas- ure y ED.V. PRICE & CO. from your selection of style and woolen. Come in this afternoon after classes -,you can af f or d t h e Don't let Thanksgiving Day find you wearing dull: listless HIGH JINKS - rice, I Book and lyrics by Orro HA JRRACH. Musi by RUDO lH I'RIML. Author of "T ln FIRg-FLY." With STELLA MAYHEW And a Singing and Dancing Chorus of Sixty-eight. Spirited, Sparkling and Humorous Melodies that will Remain Fixed in the MNemory: "I'm Through With Roaming Roneos," "Jim," "Come Hither, Eyes." "Love's Own Kiss." "Something Seems Tingle-Tingle-ing," "Not Now. But Later," "I Knew Your Husband Very Well," and "Dixiana Rise.' The most liivy and enjoyable musical col nedy success which Broad- way had a chance of enjoyiung in several seaso ns."- r.' HERALD. Week of November 9 Bayard Veiller's Smashing Alelodrama WITHIN THE LAW" Fred W. Gross E x Ed c i u s itv e L o c a V. Price & i D e a l e r F o r Co., Chicago :::::wmm See our Student Lamps at Switzers, 310 State St. $2.45. tf i M . TYPEWR IT ERS of all makes, Bought, Sold, and Exchanged aat prices consistent with quality. Typewriting SuppliesType- writing and Mimeographing 0. D* M ORRILL %Ow pBaltimore Lunch) 3225' 66te 5t. Phone 582-J ChubbHouse H allowe en Parties Let a Victrola make your party this year a big success. Everybody likes to dance to Victrola music. Start the music when you want to, and keep it! playing as long as you like. Let this Hallowe'en Party be the best ever. A BARGAIN-Ford late 1913 car. Four new tires; shock absorbers, tool box, Prestolite tank. 602 E. Huron. 28-30 FOR. RENT-Comfortable suite near engineering arch. Price $4.00. Ap- ly 1208 Willard. 21-32 FOR RENT-Three single rooms, or a suite and -single room furnished to suit, situated on Church Street, three blocks from campus. Call at - the Busy-Bee. 22-28 FOR SALE-Finest lot in Ann Arbor for Fraternity or Sorority. Near corner of S. University and Washte- naw. Almost 120 feet square. Call 1064-J or 614 S. Thayer. tf Open year round Let us help you. Phone 1707 FOUND-Bunch of keys near Univer- sity hall. Loser may have same by calling at Michigan Daily office and paying for this notice. LOST-Tuesday, library book. Swin- burne's Poems. Return 320 Thomp- son. Reward. WANTED-Live young men to sell souvenir football programs this Fri- day and Saturday. See Haislip Mon- day and Tuesday, Ann Arbor Press, 4:00, o'clock. The Muller Gym Suit" has four ex- elusive features but costs no more than the common hind. WANTED-Students laundry. Mrs. St. George, 909 Sybil St., near Ferry field. 29-30 The Election returns Tuesday will commence to be read at 7:00 o'clock at the Majestic. "Come Early and Stay Late." 28-41 CRINNELL BROTHERS, "The House of Service" 12o.122 Emst Liberty Street Phone 1707 RATE $4.25 per Week L _ I I --- ~~~~ ----- ~~~~~ - fellows are ation of our Wagner & Co., showing Special State St. their Dress 29-33 G. S. CHUBB, Proprietor J. A. NEELANDS, Steward New pumps-Glide Last-just re-I DO YOU?7 Eat with your friends at the CAFETERIA For the Studcnts by a Student 605 R.William St. Get your kodak supplies University Ave. Pharmacy. and night and Sundays. at the uni- Open day tf to rent. Good dependable in- s at lowest rates. Schaeberle Music House, 110 So. Main tf. ceived. Wagner & Co., State St. 23-33 University Ave. Pharmacy. The new store. Drugs, sundaes, and toilet ar- ticles. In future all cars stop at Good rug Store. year "e TI .... Y 4A !ter