THE MICHIGAN DAILY / i/ // S , I_--- i of fine wool- is here for your inspec-~ ik you'll agree that never classier fabrics. Tailored ble style in a suit to your will make you as smartly -ie THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official -newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.5o; by mail, $2.5o. Want ad. stations : Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H.- Davis, cor. Packard and State. 'Phones 960 and 2414. Business Office Phone4 960 Editorial Office Phone 414 Unitarian Church Morning service at 10:30 with ser- mon by Rev. R. S. Loring on Religious Significance of Miracles. At 7:30 in the series of talks on The Different Re- ligions the Young People's Society has Foot Ball Goods for Interclass Foot Ball caans. I l-'i ,+ .iJ Foot Ball Trousers Shoes Stockings Head Harne Shoulder Gu T H - $1.50 to $3.60 - $3.50 to $4 - 25c to 76e ms - Y to $2.50 lards $2.60 to $5 ?ANY State St. H. Beach Carpenter.......Managing Editor arranged for Dr. Shook to speak on W. Sherwood Field......Business Manager Every Article Guaranteed 1FOOT DALI GOOD0S complete line of Foot Ball Goods of all kinds Balls from $1.00 1o $5.00 i Supplies, a outfit for $2.25. Get your Gym Shoes for the rush 75c Students Bookstore A BITE TO EAT? B U SY BE E "THE POPULAR PLACE,, G THE BEST-- EVERYTHING CLEAN EVERYTHING TASTY - EVERYTHING O.h1 --- THE SAME AS LAST YEAR ' Fred Foulk.....................News Editor F. F. McKinney..........Associate Editor T. Hawley Tapping..........Associate Editor F. M. Church. ........Sporting Editor Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard, Ray Leffler Rudolph lofrnan Arthur H. Torrey SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1914. Night Editor-Charles Weinberg. MEET THE TEAM. We did not win from Harvard yes- terday and we have no excuses to offer,] but a team that fought as Michigan] did, and outplayed the eastern cham- pions nearly the entire game, deserves the loyal support of every Wolverine.i With defeat predicted by most of the ardent Michigan men, the team showed a spirit of aggressiveness that por- trays Michigan's fighting spirit at its best. It was an honorable defeat. Every man on the team played the best game that he was capable of, and on each one of them should be bestow- ed the honor that tradition affords a Wolverine warrior. The east can not overlook their great playing and es- pecially that of Maulbetsch, whose in- dividual work stands out above the players of either team. No one can gainsay the fact that one Michigan man is of All-American calibre. The student body to a man is back of the team. Every loyal supporter of Yost's men should meet them when they return from Cambridge at 6:30 o'clock tonight. The score does not show the true worth of Michigan's fighting team, one that honorably up- held the heritage of Michigan spirit. We must show that, we are confident, of its ability to vanquish the teams that remain to be played, Pennsylvania and Cornell. Meet the team, as victory, in the near future rests with your re- ception tonight. Show them that you- know they fought. Some call him "Ma," while others hail him as "Tmommy,"~ but to all he seems a bit more human than a thesis- faced instructor, Bahaism, the New Religion from Persia. Unitarian Church Mortar Board, the senior womens' honorary society, has elected the fol- lowing members: Hazel Goodrich, Faith Goss, Grace Marquedant, Edith McCauley, Edith Moiles, Mildred Rees, Catherine Reighard, Genevieve Riggs, Clara Roe, and Dorothy Roehm. Ini- tiation will be held Tuesday evening, November 10. * * * The folowing senior women have been elected to membership by Senior society: Alice Connelly, Marjorie Del- avan, Mary Lewis, Grace Marquedant, Mary Purdy, Hazel Quick, and Doro- thy Roehm. The new members will be initiated on Wednesday evening, No- vember 11. * * * Tickets for the Women's League luncheon to be given in Barbour gym- nasium, November 16, at 11:30 o'clock under the direction of a committee of the Collegiate alumnae, will be limited in number to 250, and will be on sale next week by representatives of the various classes. - * * * State Street taffvert* Mifusic. ibousie fibr,. 6. 1. iR120t Corner Maynard and Williarn Streets Michigon Men Should Know The Michigan Songs Complete Stuck at the Unversity Music House A.- vS Maim Street University Bookstore mm. 'I Loyalty and Quality. lvery Michigan Student should own a Michigan TOWEL. By special arrange- ments we have been able to get heavy absorbent ones with the word "Michigan" woven in blue. IT UNITED LINES ARBOR TIME TABLE Express Cars for Detroit-7 :10 ourly to 6:io p. in., also 8:io r Detroit-5:40 a. mn., 6:o6 a. in., two hours to 6:06, 7:06 p. m., 9:ro p. m., and 10:45 p. m. tonly, 11:r5 p. m., r2:15 p. M., ., 1 o a. im. s 1r Jackson-7:46 a. m. and hours to 7:46 p. m. r Jackson- 5:12 a. m., 6:51 a. m., two hours to 6:51 p. m., also -z:r5 p. m. We are better prepared r r ° F ; ": .. ii f r a y! f * 4RMaR , I 11 than ever before wants for the Nall 1914 - 15 to meet your and Winter of SHROEN BROS. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS Ready to wear. The store that always treats you fair 124 S. MAIN e of athletics is a Iding store. There he can see and examine imple- ments and ac- cessories f o r P every known athletic sport. An expert will take pleasure in showing champions use in ve lines. He can :, swing a golf club bat, punch a bag t" on the gym ap- can evenntake an ,w on one of the ines; in fact, he gh the manoeuvres i of athletic sport PHONE 1000 I i Your engineering froend4 may to explain the shape of the membership buttons. b@ able Union _" °1 +i - + . ° " .i 11 at Spalding xt best thing Spalding cata- send for a NORMAN-the new COLLA (1 n- '-ioAr C Vnc.)akev s hLDING & BROS. Woodward Ave. LROIT, MICHI. With strikes on your last three balls, don't look for congratulations from the pin-boys. If variety is the spice of life, it is. seldom the backbone. Studies will resume tomorrow after a week of other things. A loyal greeting will await the team today. And the rooters did their share. The Majestic Tuesday Election night will start to read the Election Returns at 7:00 p. m. so be sure to be on hand. 28-31 Buy your coffee, tea and peanuts at The Coffee Ranch; 211 East Liberty. Retail at wholesale prices. Quality unexcelled. eod Wed. Catherine Reighard, '15, and Anita Kelley, '17, were elected Michigan del- egates to the Self-Government confer- ence to be held November 19 and 20, at Northwestern University, at the Wom- en's League board meeting yesterday morning. Announcement was made at the meeting, of the system now being formulated by Miss Evans and Martha Gray, '16, of points for athletic activi- ty to count as do campus activities un- der the present point system.dAplan is also under way, under the direction of Miss Evans, for the establishment pf a "post-ofi'ce" in the Women's League room in University hall, through which notes and committee notificgtions can be forwarded. This plan has been suceessfully tried in other colleges. leges. Clayton Sedgwick Cooper will speak at the weekly Y. W. C. A. meeting at Newberry hall at 4:30 o'clock this af- ternoon at the recognition service for new T. W. C. A. workers. Plans for the coming year will be outlined, and a large attendance is desired. "WARM UNDERWEAR" Union Suits that fit $1.00 Up or $5.00 Down at ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE Main St. Buy your Conklin Pen at Van Dor- en's Pharmacy, 703 Packard street. tf University Ave. Pharmacy. The store that satisfies. tf Pianos to rent at Schaeberle & Sons Music House. tf. ity 75c Sale Price 60c I introduce the highest class line of MACKINAWS in town we are selling them at OUR COST PLUS 75c PROFIT. BUY NOW AND SAVE $2.50. This means that you can get the new shades, vague greens, reds and blues made up in the latest style, Norrolk and half Norfolk, with belted pockets, at a saving of from $2.50 to $3.50. This offer holds until tonight at. o P. M. Monday we are going to ask you $1.50 profit and Monday, Nov. 8, $2.00 profit. The "Best in Town" Toque is a full-sized, long, heavy toque; the kind you've always wanted at FIFTY CENTS. Full supply of toques of all classes. QUARRY DRUG CO. The Druggists on cor. state and N Univ. r Tailors to Mel Our Special $30.00 Suits Have .- QUALITY THAT UALIFYS UICKLYy Henry &Cos 711 N. University Ave. . You will find the largest and * most complete Sootwear The "Muller Gym. Suit" Gym. opens Nov. 2nd. Don't buy the coMmon kind of Gym. suits..We have been improving ours for five years .until our suit with its four exclusive features cannot be beat. Suit,, made of Sea island cotton, is both porous and elastic,yet wears like iron and is cut form fitting like a jersey. The pants are guaranteed -rip proof till July 1, 1915 They also have cloth eyelets that don't scratch. for ladies and gentlemen at Suit $1.00 Entire Outfit $2.25 hr's Shoe Stores, MAIN STREET STATE STREE r HARRY MULLER When near by drop In and let u* show you the new Fall models 334 S. State St. (above Cushing's) '"On to Harvard" Headquarters I r "Call a 't'axi" TYPEWRITERS STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS for Remington, Smith, Royal, Underwood, Oliver, Fox, etc. 1000 Machines Only Michigan Factory WE RENT- -i month, $2.50; 3 months. $6.50; 6 months, $12; 9 months. $17; include ribbons and express prepaid. WE SELL new latest models $50 up. Factory re- built $15 tip. State agents CORONA Folding, weight 6 lbs. Illustrated Catalog Free. Call, write or phone Main'4102 Detroit Typewriter Co., 160 Jefferson, near Woodward Phone 2280 Taxicabs, Limousines, Touring Cars and Auto Baggage Trucks . A Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. 515 E. Liberty WAI KING'LOO COME UP' AND TRY George's Chop Suey Delicious Chinese and American Dishes 341 S. State St. Phone 1244 L THE STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $125,000.00 Wm. J. Booth, Pres., Wm. Arnold, Vice-Pre C. John Waltz, Cashier, R. A. Beal,-Ass't Casi