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November 01, 1914 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-11-01

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1~ 1NOW








Reimann was the big star of


Ei ,

Clayton Sedgwick Cooper to Talk
at Y. M. C. A. Meeting



* * *

Michigan's football team put
up a great fight against the
Crimson yesterday, but lost.
They arrive at the Michigan Cen-
tral station at 6:30 o'clock to-
night after a trip of 20 hours.
There are still two hard games
left on the schedule for this
year. Every loyal undergraduate
with two sound lungs will be' at
the Michigan Central station to
give them the welcome they de-
* * * * * * * * * * *


First Year Men Si
downs in 40 Mi
While Unive
Fall to


Rabbi David Lefkowitz speaks before
Jewish students, McMillan hall, 6:45


Maxson, Episcopal church,I


dichigan-M. A. C. moving pictures,
Majestic, 6:10 o'clock.
layton Cooper, stereopticon lecture,,
Majestic theater, 7:00 o'clock.
haplain E. H. Lougher, lecture, Meth-
odist church, 8:00 o'clock.
ard was a top ,heavy favorite for the
ame, with all the apparent reasons
i the world for winning by a big
core. While Mahan was out of it, the
iggest reason for the result was
:hnnie Maulbetsch, who stamped
imself as the greatest plunging back
ho has played on Soldiers' field this

linemen, although the Wolverines all
played a wonderful game. There is no
doubt but that the ability of Hughitt
and Splawn to last the entire game
was as great an asset as it was a sur-4
prise. Maulbetsch, however, was the
only back who could carry the ball
consistently. Fumbles, moreover hurt
the Wolverines, and breaks were
against them, except on punts whefl
lucky bounds helped the Maize andl
Forward Pass Fails
Michigan's only attempt at a forward
pass jumped off the tips of Lyon's fin-
gers into Logan's arms. On the other
hand, Harvard tried and worked three
passes, making a total gain of 40
Michigan's rooters and band made a
fine showing in the stadium, the work
of the Michigan musicians being the
spectacular feature of the afternoon
festivities. The march between halves,f
and the rendering of the "Yellow andf
Blue" was the basis of much enthusi-i
asm on the part of the eastern spec-

Dr. Clayton Sedgwick Cooper, of
New York city, will speak on "Relig-
ions of Many Lands" at the "Y" meet-
ing in the Majestic theater at 7:00
o'clock tonight' His lecture will be
illustrated with stereopticon views of



* * * * * * * * * * *
(Courtesy of Huston Bros.)


TO s

Mi ;


foreign countries.
Preceding the lecture, moving pic-
tures of the Michigan-M.A.C. football
game, which was played at East Lan-
sing, October 17, will be shown, com-,
mencing at 6:10 o'clock. These pic-
tures, containing 1,400 feet of film,
which were taken by Daines and Nich-
ols, give each play of the game. They
will be displayed until the students,
who meet the team on its return from
Harvard, arrive.
Religious problems of the countries.
engaged in the European war, and of
the countries of the orient, will be dis-
cussed by Dr. Cooper, who has spent
12 years in observing religious and
educational influences throughout the

Michigan 0, Harvard 7.
All-Fresh 2, U. of D. 0.
Pennsylvania 40, Swartmore
Cornell 48, Holy Cross 0.
Syracuse 24, Carlisle 3.
Princeton 7, Williams 7.
M. A. C. 75, Akron 6.
Yale 49, Colgate 7.
Dartmouth 32, Amhetst 0.
Wisconsin 0, Chicago 0.
Army 41, Villanova 0.
Navy 16, U. of N. C. 14.
Pittsburg, 96, Dickerson 0.
* * * * * * * * * *

6. *
* *1

of Detroit footballers
yesterday afternoon,sec
downs in the 40 minut
the visitors were una
freshman goal line.
tried hard to repeat
last year when they
team to score on Doug
defense of the Michig
ways stiffened when
was .threatened, aid
they took the ball on
their own 15 yard line
,1I First Quarter
Raymond kicked ofi
men to start the game
change of punts, Lei
high one that went o
head, rolling to the f

Make I

I ."..'



First Quarter
Captain Raynsford won the toss,1
choosing to defend the north goal,
while Whithington kicked off. Splawn
returned to Michigan's 31 yard line.C
Maulbetsch and Lyons made 10 in theE
next three plays. Maulbetsch made1
eight and Splawn two through ther
line. Harvard got the ball on Splawn's
on side kick. Francke fumbled and
Hughitt recovered. Maulbetsch madec
10, but Michigan lost 15 for holdig.,
Hughitt failed to gain on a fake,

. He has studied religious prob-
in more than 500 colleges and
rsities of America besides those,
reign countries. He has been in
touch with all of the greatest
,tors of modern China and will
at some unusual phases of the


ctor of Christ's
iver the second
of lectures at
church at 6:30
1 talk on "Faith.
xon, who has


n an,

gIll speak under the
scopal church.
lieves that the best
ained by providing
sectarianism, and
the efforts of all
workers, leaders in
can be brought to
parts of the coun-

all the meetings will be
the choral union with 300
. A. A. Stanley is now
ingers for next Sunday's
meetings begin at 7:00
collections will be taken.;

Dal. will provide a program, All speakers
ne- have not been decided positively but a
icy 'partial list follows:
oss November 8-Under auspices of the
he Episcopal church, Bishop Charles D.
me Williams of the Michigan diocese.
ake December 20-Under auspices of the
Methodist church, Bishop Edwin H.
ain Hughes of San Francisco.
h1at February 21-Under auspices of the
ac- Jewish Students Congregation, Rabbi
om Emil G. Hirsch, of Chicago.
ne, March 21-Under auspices of Pres-
for' byterian church, Dr. F. W. Gunsaulus,
to ipresident of Armour Institute, Chicago.
in Plans for the April and May meet-
to ings have not been completed as yet.
ing 'The Students Christian association will
en have charge of the former and the
lit- Catholic church of the latter,
ns Play Interclass Games Tomorrow
her Interclass football struggles will be
his resumed on Ferry field tomorrow,. the
ch schedule calling for three games. .The
senior lits are booked to appear against1
the combined senior and junior med-
ne ics, while the senior laws meet the
ty, senior engineers. The junior lits and
of junior engineers complete the sched-

Hughitt received. Splawn lost and
Maulbetsch made six yards, Maul-
betsch making it flrst down on the
next play by a line buck. Lyons,
Hughitt and Splawn made first downs.
Michigan was penalized for holding
and Hughitt twice failed to gain. Maul-
betsch made 20 yards on a fake for
mation, carrying the ball to the 20
yard line. Michigan lost the ball in a
play involving a forward pass. Har-"
vard was penalized five yards for off
side, putting the ball on her one yard
line. Hardwick punted to Hughitt on
-Michigan 0, Harvard 0.
Second Quarter
Lyons made three yards on a line
buck. Two penalties forced Michigan
to punt, Hardwick receiving on his 32
Michigan's 43 yard line. Time. Score
yard line. An exchange of punts gave-
Harvard the ball in mid-fleld. Francke
and Bradlee made it first down for the
Crimson. Bigelow replaced Wallace
at center. Hardwick forward passed
to Smith on Michigan's 25 yard line.
Francke made 19 yards on the next
two plays. Francke failed to gain and
Hardwick broke through for a score.
Captain Raynsford's protest of off side
was overruled. Hardwick goaled.
Score-Michigan 0, Harvard 7.
Splawn kicked off over Harvard
goal line, ball being put in play on
Harvard's 20 yard line. Coolidge got
down fast under Francke's punt and
downed Hughitt-on Michigan's 40 yard
line. Maulbetsch made 8 yards on a
trick play. Logan recovered Hughitt's,
forward pass to Lyons. Francke punt-
ed to Hughitt on Michigan's 26 yard
line. Maulbetsch and Hughitt made it
first down for Michigan. Michigan
failed to gain and Splawn punted out
of bounds on Harvard's 20 yard line.
Francke punted, a Harvard player
touched the ball, giving it to Michigan
by foul. Maulbetsch fumbled and the
ball went to Harvard on Michigan's
47 yard line as the half ended. Score
-Michigan 0, Harvard 7.
Third Quarter
No changes were made in either
(Continued on page 6).

Congregational Church.
Prof. Edward D. Jones, of the eco-
nomics department, will speak on "The
Problem, of Unemployment," to uni-
versity students before the men's class
for the study of social and economic
problems at the First Congregational
church at 12:00 o'clock today.


Runners Will Be Shifted From.
Gym as Soon as They
Show Merit

ng one of the most
on theology, in the

Pres. Harry B. Hutchins and Deans
to Hold First Reception
of Its Kind
Pres. Harry B. Hutchins and the
deans of the various departments will
hold a reception for all foreign stu-
dents of the university in Barbour
gymnasium, Friday evening, November
13. This is the first reception ever
given by university authorities to the
foreign students, and promises to es-
tablish the affair as an annual event
at Michigan.
Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, chairman of
the board of advisers to foreign stu-
dents, is in charge of the program and
the decorations.' The program will in-
clude singing, recitations, and a variety
of other acts by foreign students. It
is planned to have the twenty-six na-
tions represented in the university
featured on the program in some way.
It is hoped that all of the 140 foreign
students in the university will be pres-
ent at the reception, and particularly
the new foreign students of whom
there are approximately 35. Although
there will probably be a Cornell foot-
ball mass meeting the same evening,
the two dates will not conflict, as the
reception will not begin until the "pep"
meeting is over.
Open Flower Exhibit in Memorial Hall
Under the auspices of the botanical
department, the third annual chrysan-
themum exhibit was opened in Memo-
rial hall yesterday and will continue'
for three weeks. About 3,000 species
are being shown, and among them are
the green ones which created a great
amount of interest last year. TheseJ
chrysanthemums have been grown in
the botanical gardens, and much of the
work on the exhibit is due to the effortsj
of Mr. Weiner, the head gardener.
Place Union Dinner Tickets on Sale
Tickets for the first Union member-
ship dinner scheduled for ThursdayI
night will be placed on sale at the Un-l
ion today for 60 cents.. Dean Henry
M. Bates of the law department wi!
make the pricipal talk, and Griffith
Hayes, '11, will also speak. If present
plans materialize, an exceptional mu-
sical program will be offered.J


The fast squad of the cross country
club under Captain T. C. Trelfa will
move to the Ferry field club house to-
morrow,.and from there will start the
daily. runs. -
Until. improvement takes place, the
other division of the club, under F. L.
Young, will leave from Waterman
gym every day, and as soon as the slow
boys pick up they will be shifted.
The following men are requested to
see Intramural' Director Rowe and se-
cure lockers from him. They will re-
port at the Ferry field club house at
4:00 o'clock tomorrow. H. L. Carroll,
'17E, H. A. Dennee, '18, H. A. Donnelly,
'17, J. V. Kuivenen, '17E, W. H. Lynch,
'16, G. R. Matteson, '18, I. S. Olson,'
'16L, H. S. Robbins, '15, E. Storms, '17,_
L. F. Terry, '15E, T. C. Trelfa, '16E,
K. W. Vance, '16, S. G. Vedder, '16P,
F. L. Walters, '16, S. Wolf, '18.
California Alumni Hear Game Reports
Michigan alumni at San Francisco
held a smoker and luncheon at the
Hof Brau cafe where reports were
wired in direct from the Harvard
game. The meeting was held at 11:30
o'clock yesterday morning by Califor-
nia time, which was about 2:00 o'clock
by Michigan, and about 3:00 o'clock by]
Boston time.

bounds-on the 5 yard line. "Pat" S
went over for the first touchdow
the game, but H. Schultz failed to
Duncan failed on an attempted
goal, his drop kick falling short,
lowing a fumble by the freshmen.
first year men ran the ball back tC
troit's 25 yard-line, when the half
It took the freshmen just three p
i to make their next 'score, Dunn
turning the kickoff to midfileld,
repeating for 15 yards, and Rayn
going around left end for the las
yards and the score. Dunn made
next tally, following long gains
Smith, H. Schultz and Raymond.
freshmen took the ball on the kic
and in three plays by Smith an(
Schultz, placed the ball on the Det
er's 10 yard line, where the third q
ter ended.
Detroiters Fall to Score
W. Schultz went over foi- a to
down on the first play, and repeat
few minutes later, after long gain
Dunn and Raymond had placed the
on the 5 yard mark. This ended
scoring, the Detroiters making a
effort to score when Lenahan ron
right end for 30 yards, and follo
this a moment later with 'a forv
pass to Gibson, netting 20 yards.
The lineups and summary folloN
All-Fresh (32) V. of D
Robins, Ingham . ..LE ........ Gi
Pobanz........... LT ......Rumlf
Hendrickson...... LG ........ Yc
Howe, Thompson.. C ..........JF
Whalen .......... RG ........Sli
Ewert............RT .......Decl
W. Schultz,
Romans ........ RE .......Dui
Dunn............. Q .. Marshke
H. Schultz ........ LH......Lena

yard line,, where
Raymond punted
got the ball on th
point, the All-F
turns were bein
Harvard game, a
downs. On a ser
mond, H. Schultz
men carried the
17 yard line, whe
of the first quart


6:10 P.M.





At 6:10 P. M.
Doors open at 6:00

Speaker will not
until crowd reti
from Depot


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