THE MICHIGAN IDAILY ,.... J. -- .. We. Sell Young Men Imperial Hats Stein Block Clothing !rrow Shirts and Collars mej, Linen Mesh Underwear Spalding Bros. Sweaters Mackin aws all Grades e chImitt, Apfel &Co. Whatever you pay for your clothing you cannot afford to overlook this fact; the big store of Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. can and does positively give the greatest value. Whether it is a suit or -overcoat, Manhattan Shirt, Knox Hat, Spalding Sweater, neckwear, hosiery, gloves, un- derwear, trousers, fancy. vests, slipons b. Everything new and everything right; r t DIETERLIE e THAT FALL SUIT Detroit, Mich. ;h Roasted lute -miot. 214 S. Main St. HIAND, TYPE-' KEEPING and, rStudents niext week at )RTH~AND, 711 Watch for Announcetiet of th~e OPENING OF THlE ARCADE THEATRE ON NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. the N. Jeweler 220 South .main Street' d's for Assortment, the best stock of Watches, Jewelry, verware, etc. d's for Quality, the reputation earned by 4o years of hon- t merchandizing. d's for Repairs, Watch, Jewelry and Optical repairs are ed for by experts. Guaranteed work at seasonable prices.' d's for Glasses, our Optical Department is in charge of rEmil H. Arnold, Optometrist, whose entire -attention is voted to Drugless Eye Testing and snaking of glasses. y broken lenses replaced in our own shop. File your ords with us and save trine. -Althtoulgh no deflultikdte ha been set for a meeting o the faculty Of th literary department, anl aseiu le g will probably be held next week,. -=Prof. J. E. Ileiglar1,of te zoolgi- cal department, returned last eek from Wood's Hole, where he spil the summer. -Webster ,Soiely will hold their fist mieeting at 7:00 o'clock Friday night, when a debate will be hld on the subject, "Resolved; That the jury sys- tern should be abolished." -The House of Representativies will convene onl Tuesday at 730 o'clock, on the fourth floor of University hall Applications for membership will be received at this time, all students en- rolled in the university being eligible. -Prof. John G. *inter, of the Cree; department, who has been spending the summer in Europe, is expected to arrive today. -Convocation will be held in 1111! auditorium Oct. 16. ean V. C. Vaughan will deliver the address to the students. The program will be simple, resembling that of last y~ar. .....-)[. 4J. B. Ediionson, the -new high school inspector for the university, will begin his work of visiting the schools, this week. -Wives of University sudents are re quested to communicate with Airs. Crossman, 1825, Hill St., as soon as possible, withi regard to the organiza- tion, 'composed of the wives of Uni- ersity students, which was first foried last year. Notices' of meetings, etc. will be published. -Several maps, pictures, land foreigna newspapers of the war zone, and Euro- pean countries, involved in the war, are being shown in the exhibit cases on the main floor of thlibrary. - Owing to the heavy enrollment of Freshmen in the literary de~artmn(t, it has been found necessary to estab-, fish, twenty-five sections in rhetoric I. -Tile October issue of the Ahimnas will appear between the twelfth and fifteenth of the month. -Mr. W. B Sbaw, editor in chief of the Alumnus, is filling the place of Mr. Harold Abbot, '5A, who resigned his position as business muauier. Miss Harriet Lawrence, '1, ba ben appointed as assistant editor. --The eligibility committee last Rigi, passed favorably upon the Varsity football candidates. --At sa late hoar lhos iigt, tle Y 31.1 C. A. reported a membership of 713.1 This is considerably ahead of the unni-_ bership standing at this time last year. Record -Nmnber of Band 31en Try Ot With the Harvard and M. A. C trips' as anl added incentive, a larger inum- ber of candidates than ever b}efore,(is in all, tried out for the Varsity band, yesterday afternoon in Wateruian gym, As more than half of this number are veteran players,an unusually good or- ganization is expected this year. Forty of the tryouts, the names of whom will be posted in the corridor of.Univesi- ty hall this morning, will meet from 7:00 until 8:00 o'clock tonight in Uni- versity hall for. the first rehearsl. Each man is requested to bring his music stand. m L E Sovn D~ysandthe Oper- Fihh Stor, Peilsof Paul- I I IJ(N' F( GT THAT 1 in the ame place 1 I i I Headquarters for the Underwood. (the kind the, University uises) and other high - grade Typewriters and Typewriting supplies at k I ' You can have your Official It i u mt laseal our cu~a ni'rs wih the est photos Careul atenton i gienlto all amaxurwork COME 14 AND SEE US I nold & I PESTUDIO 691Liberty St. C'O. RejConlinFiegel Co. I 200-202 So. Main St. PREKETEES SWEETPS ARE the best because they are manufactured of the best materials and under 'our supervision. We give you quick service in our fountain drinks and' lunches. SUGAR BOWL, 220 South Main Street FtII iitsi' SSAYON IPll One hudred dllars i fered by Ike akeMohok Cnfernceto any ~1ereadna man tet of anycol ,_, ,l.or university l in the U ited ta tern at jo1'l Arbitrain"The contest Ii~~~~" __Mrh 5 95. The ' m sloui~ del wth the mat- 1 fahrainaat from the 11 vu~ d my rferto such sub- icc a a a prmaentcourt of arbitra- tin Tejugs are Charles F. '2hvin~ prsnlct o cWetern Reserve in ~ ~ ~~; :vri Ra di ral Colby Mc- 'kmt~rU.S. .,reirdand James o" cyoluietr fte New England L' f tee A it n p-ee so- Pa~ >' Vn~n fliesfor Campaign ( i~ugecweremadedurig te last of A~~u4 n th ula o heMichigan &Jin ohec, b moingthe north par-' th 1-1i0"roomabout twelve tletnorh.ofitsforer position. The celajemnt as adebecause of the an'pd i aeter "du to the extra work 1 tl~ _r'lentlife.-m-embership e1aae. Teoffi'ce has been refire- Kb Aandtimpreidet'sdesk has 'a wuao edto he art of the room >rnuh A y te moingof the parti- ion ~ Xlca 3. ordan hl as been ap- ~ . t