HAND PRE -wear Lyndon's&M"Booki RFC1VIVZD YIEBTJRDAY At the old price $1.00 This is the last lot of these "M" books~ that we can buy to sell at this price, so get busy. LADIES WORK A SPE@IALTY d LYNDON 719 N. University Avenue t C. 1. KIDD - --Sophomc 16304J 1112 S. Univ. Ave ations IREICTORY PROJ ES f PHUMZL!atr %a ith blaek cloth top, Plain or Tip Toe, Mlediumn weight for street or dregs, aa toe CO., 115 S. Main Street Freshman ALSO CAN DIES Sophomore College Tcackcs Many Things But the Best Is the Lunches AT "6POP SAN CR O F T'S"5 722 Mono Music Sound in Greenbacks, Michiganl ' ost Comimonplace Publication Reveals Possibilities. DOES SERVICE AS A GAZETEER At first glance, the Students' Direct- ory, though bound in greenbacks, ap- pears to be the most commonplace of Michigan's student publications. But on closer inspection it reveals itself a rare piece of literary endeavor. The directory is found to be a composi- tion of many different varieties of lit- erature. It is a gazeteer, a Latin grammar, a novel, a history and an, employment bureau list,-- all in one. Already there is some one w ho' doubts the authenticity of this state- Wed. Oct. 28-8. Lubin presents Geo. Spdneer in Il he Wolf' by Fn- genae Walters. Thurs.-Fri., Oct. 29, 30- Jesse L. Lasky presents Fdward .Abeles in 'The Making of Bobby Burnit' by Winchell Smith. Sat. Oct. 31-Mixed program. 'Col. Ileezaliar in the Wilderness' (Bray Cartoon Comedy) ' Pathe's Weekly' WHITNEY TH-EATRE, Friday night Oct. 30 To Make Your Party "tThe Hit of the s'eason' It will be necessary to decorate appropriately- We have the latest in Chas. F'roh mani-Presents, 11I- ches of music. Students Sto graduation, or they ubject, such as voice, pi- pry to their other work. er information, address iA. SINK, Secretary ynard Street 4ANN ARBOR, MICH MAUDE ADAMS. In J. 11. Barrnes Comedy The. Legend of Leonora. "sio N1 and Low- 116 8. Malat went, but let him peruse the book and judge for hinself. Wheni his eye alights upon the cities of Cleveland, Oberlin, B~aribeau, and Litchfield, he is assured it is a gazeteer. How about the Latin grammar? He turns to the -list of officers of the Chinese students' club, and reads: Maw, Len, Chan, Lieu, Wang. What could sound more like the declension of a classic latin noun? But after the directory ha~s been es- tablishbed in the dignified class of lit- er4 q - Qwhichj the gazeteer and the granimar be-1pug, it should not be in- sulted with the plebifin title of em- ployment list. However, the follow- ing trades are represented, Carpenter, Cook~, Collier, Schumacher, and the gentle art of Spinning, Among the world's greatest histories the Directory should stan out pre- eminently, for it contains the names of John Quncy .Adams, Ujlysses S. Grant, and Lin(!oln. It may be hard to establish th~e fact that the dlirectory is such a light piece of fiction as a novel, but by combining two of the names inl the book you have Cobb-Web, and thuns the point is proved, Again it is found going deep- er into the novel that the hero, whose n a me is Balgooyen IBonjukogl on, drinks everything from B~enzin to Boose with a Mine. Also it is found that there are two Grylls in which he procures a Ham. Later it is found" that he procures a Jewell in the na- ture of, a Diamond, for the nominal price of a Schilling.. Later it is found that the heroine uses Rouse, which makes the hero Grieve and Duy. 1 St. 17T rows, Last 4 rows, + PRICES. MAIN, FLOOR.' BALCOONY. Next Last 4 rows, 4 rows, 4 rows, 479 Seats 1 18 Seats 1ao Seats $1.50 ti 1@Seats $1 Q 154 S.et* 709 :$2.00 l =so GAI ,tRY 509, Seats On Sale WE!). Morning. Festoons, Napkins, Seals, Crepe Papers, Lunch Sets, Tally and Place Cards Gummed Silhouettes, S t e e l Engraved Post Cards, Dance Programmes, invitations COMPLETE LINE FOR ALL OCCASIONS The MnAYER-SCHAIRER Co. Stationers, 112, S. Main Street 0 Phone 1101 AJES THNE HOME Or GOOD SHOWS Stop, Look, and Take' Notice ! Thur-Fri-Sat., GIRL6S i _ i GIRLS- Boyle Woolfolk, Inc. presents Jobn P. Reel in the New Muisical Review, 'THE DREA I4 WIN Last the Study ir De Luxe .; Fla invented. Within our knowl general sale. Certainly none h reo untr i efmded with so many practical convenV INI '4 (First Floor-Furniture) A FINZEL ORCHIESTRA PLANS TO GIVE FORTNIGHTLY %DANTCE Fortnightly dances by the Finzel or- chestra of Detroit, which played at some of the Junior Hops, are booked for the year, beginning with an infor- mal Hallowe'en party at° Granger's. academy tonight. The admission is one dollar, and the program will continue from 9:00 to 1:00 o'clock. The second dance is. plan- ned for the night before the Cornell game. The chaperones for. tonight's. dance are: Dr. J. F. Scott and Mrs.. Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Prentice P. Douglass. Bureau Has Employment for Student, Employment for a student desiring to work for his room is now open at, the Michigan Union employment bu- reau. There are also jobs at soliciting and at selling a recently published book on the European war. Cornell Baseball Team Wants Revenge According to Dr. G. A. May, the Cor- nell baseball aggregation is bent on revenge this spring for the defeats ad- ministered last year. Dr. May spent part of the summer with Al Sharpe, the Cornell coach, and Sharpe, accord- ing to Dr. May, seemed greatly put out over the result of last season's clash, and especially the result of the last game. . PROLOGUE Bill )Mullaney, Stage Tanager, "The Dream Girl" Co. larence Backhous Fred Scott, Juvenile, "The Dream Girl" Co............... Eric Carle Vivian Lorrimer, prima donna, "They Dfream Girl" Co........ Grace Manlove Billy Richardson, another Chorus Girl .~Billy Hooper Clarence Harvey, Chorus man... .~Charles Atwood Frank, carpenter, Opera House, Ester- ville, Iowa................ Ned Wall Samn, property man, Opera House.. ..........JOHN P. REED "THE DREAM GIRL" The. Pasha ................ Bill Mullaney The juvenile................. Fred Scott The Soubrette........... Vivian Gladstone The Dream Girl......Lillian Lorrimer The Guard ...............Ned-Wal The Head Waiter .......... Chas. Atwood As "The Dream Girl" has a prologue and an Watch-for the .Day and Date $1004in Prizes Given Away of theMajestic Big Cou Big Cbhorus Girls' Cm The "Supe'.............SAM Scene i--T'he Pasha's lOhn:ain at Edge of 1- S a a m D c r .EP I L O G U E .S;cene --Roof Garden de Line. Scene 3 -Stage at the Opera Hfouseafter 3-Iem(r'promne Show Girls - Ruth Berry, -Marget Finke, 4MrcIalIen PhlisAdene 3 Hays, Lorraine Whitney, Alarcelle Man- Q- ino. 7 Ponies~ -Billie Hooper, Laura Floyd, Marie Best, Marie Anthony, Gloria Dare. Eileen 8- Moore, Pearl Lilley. 9- MUSICAL NUMBERS I Under Direction of FelNxG. Rie PROLOGUE r-Rehearsal, "Dream Girl"........Chorus 2-Specialty............. iian Gladstone I--Rehearsal March Song..........ChoUms 4--Sonograpth, ":Call of the Dance".. .. . . .. . . . . .Lillian Lorrimer epologue everybody should be in their seats at EILECTION KET URi NS Complete Election Returns will be read from the "Mlajestic Stage" Tu',esdlay night, Aovrn_',er 3rdi. at ;:oo o'clock at which time the "returns" w4 ill commnence to be readl. Foxer IMatinees every weeck-Tuesday, Wsd4nesday, Friday, and Saturday. The Majestic offer: Thursday. Only the first :show at night is reserved, seats held until 7:3u. Ladies' Souv'ir Matinee Children Matinee every Saturday. All children undler twelve years of ag- ai-uiitted for ; cnts. Thy Theatre-. will J~e op I w _- . 01 t 1 - t r.. _ .. roade T Our new ' ackinaws in the late shades, vogue browns and blues, at Ecost plus 75 cents profit are proving, popular. 'This price lasts till Saturday night only. Harry Muiller, 434 S. State; St. "Get lI" out of tme cold election night at the Alajestic sand hear the com- plete returns. 28-31 WANTED-By young lady student Fpleasant room or suite in private family. North of Campus preferred. Address A, care Michigan Daily.. tf. yof Cel.j Friday, Oct. '6 7 'Trey 0' Hearts, Drainatiati mt Joseph Vance's novel. Show for the Chauffeur. Comedy. F'art, the Sun's Rays. Drama, One Paw'9 Saturday, Oct. 31 " Lure of the Geisha, Drma n Two'r.Prt~-a" Flowers Choice Cnzt Flowers .,. Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Cor. 12th St. and S. Univ. Ave. P~Iosk a115 Our new Mackinaws in the late Shades, vogue browns and blues, at cost plus 75 cents profit are proving popular..This price lasts till Saturday night only. Harry Muller, 334 S. State St. Get your kodak supplies at the uni- University Ave. Pharmacy. Open day and night and Sundays. t~f Barba ri 8 Harold. B PRICES 25-3 SEATS ON S Worth 0 1 WHiTN EY THEATRE M, on. Night Nov. 2 of i Ch) The Third Party. Comedy. One Part. Phone $82"J Moonlight. Drama. Little Meg and X. Drama.k ection night Big chorus girls contest at the Nia- ion Returns. jesfic Friday night. 26.7.8 be on hand.__________ 28-31 Pianos to rent. Good dependable in- -struments at lowest rates. Schaeberle at the ',Ka- & Son's Music House, 110, So. Main 1 1 The Election returns Tuest commence to be read at 7 :00 at the :Majestic. "Come EarlyLae See our Student Lamps a Sriitzers, 310 State St. DO TOVW" Uat with your friends at the CAFETERIA For the Students by a Student 605 F William St" i