THE IMICHIGAN.-DAILY iality as. Our experience of twen- ly miade-to-order work, the entire supervision iti the cut- .n who measures you are the .r established(puality. 3 ! 11 S. tate St. 9. 9U '3 - - - - THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. jPublished every morning except Monday daring the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $.50; by mail, $2.50. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. If. Davis, car.' Packard and State. 'Phones q6o and 2414. If. Beach Carpenter-------...Managing* Editor W. Sherwxood Field-------.Business Mlanager FreJ Foulk........... ... ..Nerws Editor P. F. MelKinncy............ Associate Editor T. idlawley 'Tapping.......... Associate Editor" F. \M. Church ................Sporting Editor A sistanf s to Pusiness MTanager Joh)11Leconard Ray Leffler. Rudolph Hlofroari Arthur H. Torrey W1EDN\ESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914. Night Editor-Donald M. Sarbaugh. OUR UNION.' The Michigan Union represents' our 9.Y'L.1'11'Oi.1L Li11414.'4 .1V.L.'k. ' - .c iii:'1.Y..'t. .y-_-L ,-...xa .... .- ._ _: __. -L--__ - L -- - - i \L ( w. , i ,' ;;- T_ . a I - _ i ,' ,. I I WHEN DREAMS COME' TRUE. Some good dancing, some singing, not so good, and a bit of mechanical-, I Michigan's Best blea $lo ly injected farce, which finally got in- L i I'vs KS and Second Hand INSTRUMEiNTh your money and buy RICHlTER BRAND Rule, $7.50 with Leather Case n Pens. I. . Note Books 's Special Self-filling Pen $i. 5o to full swving in the last act, made up last night's offering at the Whitney. There was an abundance of dream' talk, as the name might suggest, and most of the dialogue was of primeval simplicity. But the crude spots were toned down commendably,. the com- edy situations were of the staple kind that are always safe, while the caste was agile if not altogether talented. ]Pi ederic Stanley showed enough~ ability to deserve recognition as the star of the, production, even if the book hiad .not considerably grouped the cho- rus around him at frequently pleas- ureable moments. He danced well and sang tender airs, into the spot light im- pre ssively. Jack, Maundy-- as the detective, Mar- garet Grae as the dream girl, Bert 'Wheeler and Mable Withee as the dim- asnutive dancing team and Connie Mac asCousin. Matilda, gave acceptable Ii TEXT For All I',: .tnc i DRAWINGiNTUS and ENGINEERS LOOSE ,LERAF NOTE; BOORK t~N.\~1iSYC State fWaine Street Streefi UniversityB s { AN & CO: Bookstore .I 9TABLE r Detroit-7':70 *. in., also 8:io 3, n., 6:o6 a. in., ,6 p. Inl., 7:o6 p. and 70:45 P. In. :46 a. in. and :51 p. in., also We are better prepared thau ever before to meet your wants for the Fall and Winter of 1914 - 15 SIIROEN BROS. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS Ready to wear. The store that. always treats you fair Michigan spirit and our Michigan so- ciableness in concrete form. It is our- selves. It greew out of us, the student body in the first place, and it contin- ues to have its being unalterably in us.; LWithout us it is idle equipment,- -building, reading room:, cafe, dance floor, manaEers, officers, clerks. With tjs it is an institution: There are some who have grievanc- es or prejudices against the way in which the Union is run. These few are usually' not members.; Their criti- cism is seldom directed against the idea of getting Michigan men together, for wbhich the Union claims to stand. They can show you specific instances where. so-and-sq failed to get, a de- served place on a Union committee; they are willing to prove to you per- haps that one does not get two and a half dollars out o~f a membership, in actual worth. But they confuse the point. They forget that they are criticising. details and not ,essentials. The Union's aim Prrescriptos Just now when you are g.. i v~ared you will need TOILET ARICLsL;OA . TOOTH BRUSHES and 0OWDER , " , TOWEL.S. SHAVING NEEDS $of all kIndkl not the least at this time a STUVID T~ ) I C TOFY for your own cate " T e D ruggists on the t e P.rer.. i .,.id wN U; U iv. THEHOME OF R.XALL4-RE DIES 124 S. MAIN PHONE 'xo I ' , 1 'COW he Set N O OW Ja-te new cos.AR O , - CluetPeaodv ,r& Coh.c Ma's You will find dents believe that it is~ getting along toward its horizon with no inordinate amount of administrative blundering. SIt deserves su~pport, as wellfas intel- ligent, criticism, and every Michigan man should be on its roll. It is estimated that 30000 hours of students' time is spent annually ,ini standing in line. Enough time ,4~o write another Les Miserables, or to play 22,000 games of pool, just as you care to look: at it. It would simplify matters if well- intentioned merchants would leave the 'matter of card-indexin~g students' names to the Union and the Y. M. C. A. Pleasant weather to be spending in_ class rooms. But think of the Califor- nia students who went back in August. Green blinds would improve the al- ready good appearance of the Ferry field club-house. Each man get a maan, and we'll get Harvard. NEW IN D BECO1~NN Styles in FALL HATS Now on Display ALLEN'S Good Clothes: Store Main St. WANTED-Private Board 10 or 12 girls.' Rate $3.50 per wreek. Apply 608 Monroe 'St. 1, 2, 3.j support.{ Dewey and Rlogers will head the production "Safetyr First," at the Ma- jestic for the last three days of the week, with matinees on Friday and Saturday. The Prince Cimap "The Prince Chap," described as a comedy of today, will appear Satur- day at the Whitney, matinee and night. The ticket sale opens tomorrow. COSMOPOLITAN DIRECTORS TO OUTLJ4AN E FLXXS FOR YEAR Definite plans of the Cosmopolitan club for the year will be decided upon at a hmeeting of the board of directors, called by Preside nt W. C. Achi, Jr., for Saturday night. An innovation in the club's" plans for, this year will be a series of inter- national nights, including Russian, Hawaiian, South American, Japanese and Chinese nights. On these even- ings there will be talks by natives on their countries. The Russian night will be held soon. Arrangements are being made for a reception to be given by the club. At this time President Harry B. Hutch- ins wvill address the foreign students. A trip similar to the one taken by Cosmopolitani club members last spring w ill be arranged this year. Last spring large industries in the cities of Detroit, Battle Creek, and Grand Rapids -were visited. A. bureau of ex- tension lectures. will be conducted by the clugb. Lawton to Speak to "Y" Com miltteemen Fred Lawton, '11, of Detroit, will be the principal speaker at the banquet given by the Y. M.?T C. A.. to the group of 100 membership committeemen,' in Newberry hall, at 6:00 o'clock tonight. President William C. Mullendore, '14, '161a, will preside, and Ralph E. Sny- der, '14L, will speak. U NOTICE. The lecture in E~conomics 38, which, was, scheduled to, be given yesterday at 2: 00 o'clock, will be given Thurs- dlay at 2:00 o'clock in room 101 Eco- jnoinics, building. . .., _ ._.. Corner Maynard andl-w * S+ y y Pianos for Ra ; Victor Vict'roa an DI~ cod REXALL! Ansco Films-!- ©r the largest and most complete line of" Footwear f or ladies and gentlemen at ioe Stores, MAIN STREET STATE STREE-T ad let no sh~ow you the new Fall models' a Taxi" NEEiD S WORK 7FOR STI'DE - .1. ITO WOM0N1E Employment has been furnished t'o Ms tiC ~ai wishes to mieet. 75 students, during the last weel . tby e idulprlswmna Union, but more than 260 applicat a1 could not be. supplied, because n:U the organizationa dearth of jobs turned in., ~c and other sports. Of "the 260 acid more applicantsfo* work. the majority is self -supportn l i~ ai~ t liberty to assist. and many are withholding paymento Ms Ah':~au i classifying fresh- their tuition until some perm ",nern rl)U w ork are' requaes t- woyk is secured. Thus far, 40 1,,ai'd- ~a ne jobs, 12 room-jobs, A few other pr-t or~ l manent positions ,and several oddob* have been given out by the bureau1_. 1U11ive~ rtY i ..en are slow inl Un cess more work is turned in fin oti ig. tArat;etic books. They of the/students looking' for work must will b plc ou today and tomorrow return to th erhomes. Hdereaft er r01),Itfrom_°o'lckuntil 5:00o'clock., hours of the bureau will be 11:01 to nth(1)rlro nivers°ity haldand~ 12:00 o'clock a. m. "and 1:00 to 234tl Am!it~ re to obtain them o'clock p. in., and the telephone nr-tvi ber is 2370. = * The Union employment bulr, au Twindrd~omen attended the maintains general relations with h Olfl ta gvr by the;;women's University Y. M. C. A. employmnt aege at Bat°ur girymnasium Moit- reau, but as yet no system of co-oP.. day u u memrs ihip of the league eration between the two has been ef o ouesf uhudredl, more than fected. haf o 1:,oein the Unaiv ers ity W. J. Br yan on "1," Sunday Frmgramall The committee in charge of they 'l x 5icb su gestion box" iii M. C. A. Sunday night meetingsattehe4n:r bay for the members Majestic theater, has secured at - league. Commnuni- ceptionally strong repertoire of pe- aoi>oteotiers anid committee ers for student entertainment anin--vhtr;wi.)t b dropped in, signed struction this year. William Jeunn, or, 5i.U~Iti hoped that mnem- Bryan, Secretary of State, is sla d to er iiri i-iny helpful ideas to talk November 29, and such men ;tas ~eu, bsw ay. These sug- Dean Shaller Mathews, of the U[nivr-t sUl' aH e eiv ered to the p)er- sity of Chicago, Fred .Lawton, :",e s ~ hnn~e are addressed. Detroit,Reverend John Timothy S tone- -" - of Chicago, President Vincent, of in- !t; i''_o~ twin cylinder io- University of Minnesota, Presideti 0< i 15' all "9-JT. Bert Parker Fitch, of AndoverTeo logical Seminary (Harvard) and > ~big %ane lank~s op McDowell, of Chicago, will 1,~jtttit~ A sets of application on the program. 1 _ o ~g~ ame tickets have _______________________I 'nci!c the athletic associ- ave $3.00 to $3.50 by buyiu yn ztil~Y '~ inni and othier per- drawing instruments of W. L. Scv i.roi" h lteodered lickets. for 714 S. 12th St. 1034J. saVhj- 5 crs. 2880 s, Limousines, Cars and Auto Trucks .4 Taxicab CO. *Liberty 5t I ing - K. Disde- TR. nd springs for, mnonths. Call 1-2 PACKARII) ACADEMY ])am~ing classes every Monday and TPhursday 7:00 p. in., beginning Oct-5t n t . A v r o p t n n structor from -New Jersey will dem- onstrate the new dances both in class and private lessons. The academy has been newly decorated and equip- ped with electric fans., Phone 1850-M. plete-at a bar-I State Streett.