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September 30, 1914 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-09-30

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N'o. 2.
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Big Gzud:C
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m il mairk ttie shattering
s COmei tO bP looked ipon
an athieitc ~traditJon, as
time in a declde Case will
i Michigan scihedule. There
wore intcre'4 in the game
there ever Wma before in
epefler. (vAg r to the imn.
eduie wh1 i 4the 1914 Var- 1
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the Mange ahic Blue ma- 1
his year sel a likely to I
'eak on the a1glity of the
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* * * * *A
12-13 13-14 14-
1462 1892 18
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256 354 3
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805 1149 11
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Candidates Work
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have a chance to b
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at rig

MTN Gargoyle Decides on Plans for Year
'A *. Plans for the year were decided up-
*I on, at a meeting of the Gargoyle staff,
* nyesterday afternoon. There will be
E15 * TInine issues of the humor magazine
75 * Uthis year. One during each month of
08 * the school year. The first number of
97 * Season Tickets at Harvard Include All Students in University Invited to the Gargoyle will be out October 19.
66 * Games With Michigan, Hear Progra n it Talks, It will be an anti-Harvard offering.
54 * Princeton and Yale Music and Yells A meeting of the business and editori-
28 * al staffs and men who wish to try out
51 * MAY RESERVE SEATS BY MAIL 400 FRESHMEN ATTEND PARTY for either staff has been called for
16 * , tomorrow afternoon at 4.30 o'clock in
43 * All Harvard University, and the The Union will hold a reception, for the.Gargoyle offices in the Press build-
east in general, is looking forward to all students in the University, Friday ing.
three big things on the crimson'foot- night, at 7:30 o'clock, at the clubhouse.
The affair is to serve as a sort of open
ball schedule'far this year. Michigan, house, and everybody is invited to at- H U T -O C R '
house, and everybody is invted to at-
Princeton and Yale are the features tend. The comiteee in charge con-al1IdU LTYsCONCERTS
TLL that are attracting the interest of the sists of Walter 'Watson, '16E, C. B.
Cambridge supporters, and not the Sikes, '16, E. D. Crumpacker, '16E, and bV
least of these is Michigan, as is shown A: S. Hart, '17. The program, which '
Out by the preparations that are being has not yet been completed, will con-
made.. tain a number of talks and musical Theodore Harrison, Baritone, and Miss
' Season tickets are being sold for all numbers. There will be Michigan (Grace Johnson Open Season,
games on the schedule of our strong- songs and yells -by the whole company. in Auditorium
EEK est eastern foe, and only those games Every part of the Union is open to --
are excepted which in the opinion of all students during the next three PROGRAMS FREE TO STUDENTS
duled the Harvard athletic authorities are weeks. This opportunity is given 'to
week, the "big games.' For the Michigan, those who are not members of the Faculty concerts, which for a num-
night Princeton and Yale games arrange- Union to thoroughly Investigate the her of years have been held in the
ments are being made for the reserva- advantages that a membership offers.S
grill- tion of seats by mail. The reading and lounging rooms, the School of Music hall and the High
evens In the opinion of these same author- billiard and pool room, the rooming School auditorium, will hereafter be
er to ities, the Michigan game, coming a and employment agencies are all given in Hill auditorium and in the af-
week before the Princeton struggle, thrown open to the student body for a ternoon at 4:15. o'clock instead of in
yone will be even a larger event than that few weeks. the evening. The School of Music has
which follows immediately after it. Fully 500 Freshmen crowded into also decided to charge no admission
this With this idea in mind the, seating ca- the big assembly room last night, to whatever to the concerts. All persons
crate pacity is being arranged to accommo- attend the get acquainted party ar- are requested to be in the seats1
In date 10,000 more spectators than are ranged for them. They uncorked plen- promptly as the doors will be closed
con- expected for the Tiger scrap. ty of 'pep' and received a 4lt of good during the numbers.
nake These great expectations are not advice from the speakers. Theodore Harrison, baritone, new
war- confined to the athletic authorities head of the vocal department of the
ad. alone but are shared by the entire stu- New Courses in Spanish are Arranged School of Music, will make his initial
als dent body, which is looking forward Owing to the great number of stu- -Ann Arbor appeaance at the first of
high to the encounter with its western op dents desiring to study Spanish, Prof. these concerts tomorrow afternoon at
ponent, with fully as much enthusiasm Wagner, of the Spanish department, the scheduled time. Mr. Harrison is
1'ds'. as it is showing for any of its eastern has announced three additional sec- a concert singer of wide experience,
confiiats.having spent three years in Italy in
y conflicts. -tions. Prof. Kenyon, who has pre-hI
can- viously been exclusiyely in the En- opera, and three years in concert work
who gineering department, has been se- in Germany. He "has likewise been
Whoe SIreceived with .ageat enthusiasm .
werecured to take charge of these courses.
UNIV RSIT ROL to ake harg of hesethroughout tis eau~~. a frme
nion An advanced course in practical Span-tr
non, nil r known as Course 7, will be con-.G J s
f G ducted by Mr. Hernandez, who has member of the School of Music facul-
152,d CIU !I lU LI Lonly recently come from South Amer- ty, will make her first Ann Arbor ap-
152 i1m wib e t opearance since returning from a
Alen- lea.,, Freshm en W111 , be rm tt dto y a '7 e v f a se c b o d r
200, Enrollment for Students Shows Gain enroll in this department this year. years'leave of absence abroad. Mrs.t
________________George B. hed who has 'spent the
and; in Literary, Engineering summer abroad under Lhevnne will
; J. Dental and Graduate offer two piano groups. Professor
ward Schools tltanley will accompany Profesor
.am, INCREASE OFREQUIREMENTSAU Harrison, and Miss Hamilton will ac-
hamINCRASE F REUIREENTScompany Miss Jhnson. .
son, W4
165,' Chinese Students Cannot GetoUn r t Mny
idge, From Home, but are Admittedt
oca, to University .WneWilaeNa graved on
rad- Comstock Trophy Cup and-
New Although ,exact statistics are with- Receive Prize
ton- held by some departtents, the enroll- - OWSINCREASE
Igar ment of students continues. to show ENTRIES CLOSE THIS EVENING
raig, a marked increase over that of last Biological Department Alone Reports
rery, year. In the literary department, the ' Captain Reindel, of the Varsity ten- Decrease, Engineers' Camp and
190, registration to date exceeds that of nis team, has announced the condi- Library School Are Taxed
ster, this time last year, but does not equal tions under which play for the Coi- to Capacity
N. the increase of last year over that of
ggie, 1912-1913. . stock tennis trophy will be held this ENTERTAINMENTS, LECTURES
170, The exact figures are not given out fall. AND RECITALS WERE GIVENC
Va.; as yet, but the engineering depart- Entries will be received as late as
pids ment reports a 20 percent increase. 6:00 o'clock tonight, at which hour Ann Arbor Civic Association Conducts
eles, The medic department, to, date, has are to be held and the re- Program of Music For
'drawings aBenefit ofld Studentsx
tral, enrolled 275 students, the homeop de- Benefit of students
ear- partment 65, and the dental depart- sults of these drawings are to deter-
; p. ment 279. With a freshman' class of mine the opponents for the prelimin- Much interest was taken in the ser-{
Eoor, 127, the facilities of the latter depart- ary round. The result of these draw- ies of 72 special lectures and enter-1
Itun, ment are taxed beyond the limit. New tainments given during the summer
; J. equipment has been ordered to pro- ings will be published tomorrow school. The program included 51 lec-g
. J. vide for the increase. Play in the preliminary round will tures, two geological excursions, four
ield, The returns from the pharmacy de- start tomorrow and will be for the recitals by the Department of Oratory,
0.; partment show the registration of 103 best two out of three sets, until the five open air performances by the Benr
ath- students. The graduate department final round is reached, when the mest Greet Woodland Players, six concerts
my; has enrolled 1 6 6 s t u d e n t s three out of five will decide who is in Hill auditorium by members of ther
oos, making an increise of 30 per. cent. to have his name engraved on the faculty of the University School ofa
H. The registration in the law department cup with which Regent Comstock has Music, three visitors' nights at thee

to date is 448, a decrease of 39 from presented the University. Besides observatory, and the President's re-I
last year. This falling off is account- this honor the winner of the tourna- ception to the students of the sum-t
ooks ed. for by the increased requirements ment is to receive an individual prize. mer session. Among the non-facultyr
last for admission to the department. Entries may be telephoned to any lecturers were Dr. E. S. Buchanan,I
than According to present statistics, the member of the committee. Their Oxford, England; Regent J. E. Beal,t
been European was has not decreased the names and telephone numbers follow: Ann Arbor; Regent L. L. Hubbard,
As number of foreign students. Thus far 'Ira Reindel, 2144-J; Jack Switzer, 120; Houghton; and Dr. J, L. Snyder, Pres-S
title the only direct result of the war has IE. P. Wright, 131; Willis Brodhead, 16. ident of Michigan Agricultural College,I
ath- been to cause five Chinese students The entry fee of fifty cents should be East Lansing. .
ear, trouble in obtaining money which was paid. before the first match is played With the co-operation of the officerst
tax sent to them from Manchuria by way and the winner of the match should of the summer session, the Ann Arbor1
(Continued on page 4) notify the committeeof the result. (Continued on page 4)e






cessful at c
At the p
er's slip en
son athletic
ets to the
games are e
will be rec
after Octob
be divided
ing to the
plicant has
This is a d




start at
left half,.
:a lett or
*a";or of

n911 ~ d it i Li'rs uI!.past
~~~~~t ~ -l ofoui1dae c h
W h i l t h ~ W ' o r o f t h E
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Si Uj i A l ziny J
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high, 168 pounds; Ray W. John
180, from the same school; Mil
Henkle, 176, and Nelson Kenneth,
both from Howard City; Glenn Ho
beck, 235, Lapeer; J. A. Plain,
Croswell; McCallum, 180, Midl
F. A. Doyle, 140, Cedar Springs;
W. Ewing, 140, Roche'ster; Edw
Golden, 136, Howard City; W.
Woods, 170, Becket, Mont.; H. Ingb
West Des Moines, Ia.; E. M. Ho
172, Rensselaer, Ind.; H. C. John
165, Ludington; H. C. Humphries,
'Van Wirt, 0.; A. W. Boyd, Shortri
Ind.; Joseph Hodgeson, 165; Av
Pa.; J. A. Kervin and A. Wolfe, B
ford, Pa.; Wesley Bulkely, 165,P
London, Conn.; J.'F. Ashley, Ben
ilie, Ark.; P. P. Randall and Ed
Ma:rr, Cleveland U. S.; E. J. Cr
=ranm Rapids Central; H. D. B
130, Franklin, Pa.; J. E. Robins,
Charleston; S. Cohen, 195, Roches
N Y.; C. W. Fischer, Lake View
. Thomipson, Jackson; D. C. Scroj
150. Charlevoix; W. A. Fransheim,
and W. Walters, 165, Wheeling, W.I
M. D. Anderson, 160, Grand Ra
Union high; R. H. Wilson, Los Ang
Cal.:vI. S. Colleton, Catholic Cen
ra; Rapids; B. Keneper, 178, Sp
ri'h, :. D.; Grover Lutz, Yale, 190
. Warts, Wagoner, Okla.; E. J. H
Holland; 'M. S. Stitt, 185, Taren
Pa.; Harold Rye, Sault Ste. Marie
Smart, 190, Morocco, Ind.; B
Scheinann, D. U. S.; L. N. Scof
SteligCol.; J. Pierce, Celina,
T. C. PFerce, Kewanee, Ill.; D. U. B
?lck, iO, Culver Military Acade
:.. Il Dott, Sioux City, Ia.; C. F. B
Detroit Central, 145; J. L. Norton
ii iwrz; B. A. Sweeney.
Issue 1,200 Student Athletic Bo
When the count was taken,
night. was found that more t
4,2' sudent coupon books had 1
issued iy the athletic authorities.
in previous years, the books en
th sh.- int to admission to allf
ieta cozests during the school y
in vo;fiance with the blanket
a;t 1.

. Tickets f<
igan clash
sale at the
October 1.
tion is expet
sity on the I
vasion of its


'Union Campaign
Chairman Adna R. Joh,,son,
of the Union membership c;
will have the following sub-<
to assist him in the rest of
vass: K. S. Baxter, '15E, Edwa
'15L, H. G. Gault, '15, H. S.
'15E, P. ,H. Middleditch, '15:
Curry, '15M, E. W. Hoffma
Henry Roberts, '14L, J. R. Dar
'18M, E. C. Peabody, '15D, L.
ger, Cecil Brown, '15, Whitne
'15-'17, and Howard Enos, '151
Each of the above sub-chair
have charge of ten committeer
will continue to solicit memb(
next Wednesday and Thursd,
a man to man canvass will be
ed., Every man in the univer,
has not joined the Union bet
time, will be approached. 'I
mittee is making every effort
pass last year's total, which v
than 2800, at the end of the yi
The membership figures la
showed a gain over the same
last year. This was true of i
returns likewise. The compari
the corresponding days, dm
past two years may be fount
other column.



s may se aure AthleIc
(S at Athleti Offi
3 P. M. today.



Saturday, Oc'

will frt b

De Pauw



Admission 50c

2:30 P.

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