DAIL4Y h. 1 I : I are ready to show you the Kodak- Developed° and printed. over night. Try all the other places, and then come here a n d be satisfied. That is what 10ots of others have z ~ done',. Fi40lms Mien's Suits, Overcoats, Ba lmacaans, Hiats, Caps and ~u rnishin~gs OWn in1 the City REMEMBER We have a lull line of Patrick.,Duluth Mackinaw Coat~ Sweaters Balmacaans and Society Brand Clothes ) CALKIN'S. PHARMACY s 324 South State Street r I :1 6a Co. St. ITEM PLE ItI Th A T It -T---- faw. -. 9 1 Uert, ... ....., I MO '. Oc. 8 The Vicing Queen iWith Mary Fuller) TUES. Oct. 27 - Lights on London (By George R. Sims) WED. Oct. 28-Lord Chumney THURS Oct. 29 - Perils of Pauline 9th Story FRI. Oct. 30-.. The White Mouse with F mimii IT stands to reason that we can make you suits cheaper but of the same q ua l it y'as other tailors be- cause we pay less rent. 11 utetd over the Farmer's and Mechanc's Bank. Wheeler Oakman Iwith Richard Travers -- in the Season of Buds Wit Mie. ads~s oncrt ~utone Coming Next Week - Women Against, day away, few tickets remain for safe. Women The seats have gone exceptionally fast, as almost the entire first floor is al- W the second floor is sold and saits of Capital - - $1M0.OOO third floor seats have not been infie- Surplus and Profits $65,000 quent. DIRECTORS Litte ned besai of ine.Cadsi'sWirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Abbott, Litte ned e sid f Me. adsi'sS. w. Clarkson, I;. D. Kinne, H~arrison Soule ability. Hier wonderful success, bothb Waldo'M. Abbott, Blau B. Sutton, Fred Schitud. in. grand opera and on the concert stage, is well known to all followers; AR ADE THEAT R of" music. Her beautiful, sweet voice,' with its remarkable range and its sur- Monday, Oct9 26 prisinig clearness, has been much dis- The Character:Woman. 2 Part Drama. cuissed. Even in New York appear- The (tole in the Carder Wail. The Broken Doff. ances, where she sings every even-ing for months at a time, seats have been Taeaday, Oct. 27, difficult to obtain. As this is her first Special Electric Feature. "A Royal Imposter" appearance in Ann Arbor in a num- SPrsI ulClr ber of years, it is not surprising that Wednesday, Oct."2d the demand for tickets has been s0 For Love or Money large. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ * ,Y *iWHITNEY THEATRE CO313> IMAT10N *j Mon. Night Nov. II2 Editor, The Michigan Daily:--th .While I heartily endorse the edito-d W-- --N $75,000 MNI q dry If you are Y linien Tverybody knom-s that. Joy ,reigns supreme in the All-Gas kitchen, where there's nothing to do but cook. No labor, no lugging heavy loads, no battling against clust, no doubts, no failures, no stiflinig heat. That's the story of the All-Ga ki :111' Housewife and hxelp are happy when gas is the kitchen fuel. It means short, easy~ hours in the kitch~en, o pettben throughout the home aind saving to the p'rider ' Joy and Gas go hand in hand1 in themodern omie. . sy y knows abott and tels abotit in "TheS ry of Nancy Gay." There's a 1VRE oywiiga~rofc for you. Call for it Phone 794 TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE ON~ EASY TERMS SPECIAL PRICE TO STUDENTS M4achines for Rent at Low Rates Our factory rebusilt machines defy comnp. etitiou. Mak~e us prove it. I;N, Resident 114 So. Unive venue rial on the football situation in Sun- day's Daily, I wish that some of this spirit might have been exhibited in the more prominent write-up of the game appearing on the front page. I hav-e always been, loyal to the Maize and Blue, and see no reason why ouir defeat at the hands of Syracuse should call forth such condemnation of the playing of one or two men. 1 do not believe that any man who rep- resented Michigan Saturday played any football but the best of wbich he was capable; nor did we believe that the loss of the game was due to the nmisplays of any one man' I feel that the attitude of the stu- dent body is not one of disapproval or fault-finding; but rather a determina- tion to support the team loyally, leav- ing the criticism of individual players to Coach Yost, who bears the reputa- tion of being able to administer it ~justly whenever needed. R. R. HALL, '17L. FRE~E TRIP TO HARVARD IS j GIVEN BY HRIRY MULL~iER !With the several sch~emes~ to send students to Harvard, another has been proposed to the campu.s by Harry Mul- ler. About 20 students are engaged in distributing advertising cards for toques, gym suits, and shoes, macki- naws and athletic supplies. Those tick- ets are votes, when turned in, at the rate of 10 for each purchase of 50 cents. The student having the highest vote oni Thursday at 3:00 o'clock will be given a round trip ticket, including berth' to Harvard . The high contestants who do not win in an~d give 7tAIL ORINt? , LUp -' LIBERTY STREET of. Bar Bara Worth By Harnd Bellwright PRICES 25- 35=50-75-100 SEATS ON SALE FRID~AY first place will receive jersey sweat-' ers. Every student has a friend in the contest and is boosting him for the place. The race promises to be lively. Adv. The special "Muller Gym Suit." Four exclusive features. Shirt shaped like a jersey sweater; pants with eloth eyelets that won't scratch. Price same as the common kind, $1.00 per suit.: Harry Muller. 25 WVANTED-Porter. Entire 'time re- quired. Board and wages. 1550 Washtenaw. Phone 188. 25 FOR RENT-Three single rooms, or a suite and single room furnished to suit, situated on Church Street~, three blocks from campus. Call at the Busy Bee. 22-28 FOR RENT-Comfortable suite, near engineering arch. Price $4.00. Ap- ply 1208 Willard . 21-3,21 OFFICE FOR RENT-One office room," second floor Press,~ Bldg.,, Maynard St., for rent. Heat and janitor ser- vice included in rent, $10.00 per monthi. Inquire at Ann Arbor Press., 2 1-26 FOR SALE-Good sweet cider. 25c per gallon delivered. Phone 2140. Kenmore Brook Orchards,. Geddes Avenue. 21-26 LOST-Gold clasp pin about one week ago. Initials S. C. Finder, please return to.Libray desk. Reward. 25 LOST-Fountain pen. barrel between Alpha Delt House and" West hall. Finder please return to Mfichigan Daily. 2 LOST-A white ostrich plume on So. University or WVashtenaw. Reward if returned to 1812 Norway Road. Phone 2234-M. Toquet weather? Our toque is full sized, long and heavy. Harry Muller, 334 South State. 25 H~ear Grace Cameron sing "Cause I'm Pigeon Toed." tf Foiutain Pen~ NON-LEAK~ABLE When your Conklin runs dry, dip if in the nearest inkwell, press the "Crescent-Filler" with your thumb and the pen drinks kink ike a dry sponge. Only takes four secon~ds to d19 the whole job! I is as easy as rolling off a log.a It J, , i Wasbtenaw Gas Companyr $p 2.50, $3, $4, $5 and up At a4, Goo~d Dealers' ;ar TRANSIT MARKET Win. IJNDFMAN -' tf. Hats of all kinds i. Next to Wagner VEALER I N THE CONKLIN PEN TO L F 0 . U. S.A. :es----Cranes, eod. any students wearing Clothes? Ask. the ceodTb -toot} brushes and eod. Hes- and etc., and eod. Fresh and Salt Meats Pork, d1am Poultry, etc. Beli phone 2294 212 N. 4th Ave' Get taie looli: off the telep~hone and call 715-.1. Ann Arbor Messenger and Parcel Service for S. 0. S. delivery of any sized parcel. A. F. Brown, '27E. 24-25-2G Danxce every Wednesday and Satur- day night from 9 to 12. 50c per couple. Grace Cameron coming to the Ma- ~jestic is 'the biggest single act ever abooked on the "Butterfield Circuit." tfj Buy your Conklin Pen at Van Dor- en's Pharmnacy, 703 Packard street. If Ualver~ity Ave. Pharmacy. The new store. Drugs, sundaes, and toilet ar- NEW October 28 Victor Records I a The "Best in Town" Toque Is a full-sized, !ong, Heavy toque; the kind you've always wanted at Filly Cents The "!Muller Gym. Suit" Is the best ever. The shirt is, full-fashjioned like a jersey; the pants are guaranteed for a year. GO ON SALE AT j1850-M. of allI kinds ORNELjRS "~Try our Z4hr. Approval Plan" Suit, $1.00. Etire QOutfit $2.23 HARRY MULLER 334 5: State St. "O'Cn-to Harvard" Headquarters Granger's if you every ate les- U IHONE 1707 fGet your kodak supplies at the un University Ave. Pharmacy. Open dg and night and Sundays. IPianos to rent. Good depend strumnents at lowest rates. Sel ay & Son's Music House, 110 S t~f ISt. CALL 120 E, LIBERTY ST. 4 MI ON"& llrm4