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October 27, 1912 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-10-27

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No. 23.




* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- x --




{ )....... ... ,....... Taft
* ( ).............Roosevelt
* ( ................ W ilson

( .... . .....Debs
( )................Chafin
( )...................


Teddy Now Leads in Five Departments
While Wilson is Best M)an
in rhree.






Forecast for Ann Arbor-Sunday * Name .....................State..........Department.......

on and Craig Star
in Battle Ending
18-7 Score.

for Michigan

University Observatory - Saturday
7:00 p. m., temperature 44.0; maxi-
mum temperature, 57.8; minimum
temperature, 34.5; wind velocity 4


* * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

SYRACUSE, N. Y., Oct. 26.-An aer-
oplane rising gracefully from the
ground, only to fall a mangled heap*of
machinery; a rocket starting on its
flight in a golden shower of sparks,
only to plunge downward in .the dark-
ness-such was the Michigan team at
Syracuse yesterday. Starting in a:
rush of strength and versatility that
could not be brooked, plowing through
the Orange line, skirting the ends,&and
outguessing, the easterners, the Wol-
verines scored once, threatened again,
and then found themselves fighting a
vain and desperate battle against then
bitter darkness of defeat. The ma-
chine that had sent the hopes of Mich-
igan rooters soaring those first few
minutes, met its match and failed, and
the hopes of the enthusiasts came tum-
bling down like the burnt-out rocket:
After the first period Syracuse awoke,
-not the old Syracuse team, but a
brand new one, full of fight, working
as a unit. Tired of the losing end,
and scenting the victory in the moist-
ure-laden air it came back. But it did
not turn as one "man, nor as the indi-
vidual work of every man, but with
machine-like precision it blocked,
tackled, plunged, and above all follow-
ed the ball, until the hitherto invin-
cible Michigan team crumpled and
three times was its sacred goal line
crossed. It was no fluke victory; it
was not two unmatched teams; it was
the consistent,. unflagging fight of a
united team against onie taken by sur-

the third Orange-shirted player had
flashed across the line. And so it end-
ed as the Wolverines dragged them-'
selves from the field, 18 to 7.
Defeat Comes as Surprise.
Michigan had been touted to win
without the slightest trouble. Dope-
sters and followers of the sport through
out the country conceded the game to
the Wolverines, and did not give it
another thought. It might have been
this foregone conclusion atmosphere
that played its part; that aided in the
costly amazement when Michigan
found the humble easterners-to be Tar-
tars. It is always the unexpected de-
feat that hurts the most; it is always
the highly-praised aeroplane that
whirls only to the ground, and the
costly rocket that only fizzles. Mich-
igan has had its flight; has had its
tumble. The day of experiment is
over and from now on it will be a ma-
chine built to weather the easiest and
the hardest, and built to win.
The game was played in the drench-
ing rain that made the Stadium field a
duck pond, that soaked the bleachers
where the faithful rooters held forth,
and dampened the spirits of the teams,
-that is until Syracuse started. The
knee-deep mud interfered with the us-
ual star work of Craig and prevented
the little half from pulling off his
wonderful runs. It aided perhaps the
smashing line-bucks of Thomson, but
it aided Syracuse more. It aided Syra-
cuse because men working together in
the mud can do more than eleven men
working separately. The rain stopped
a far larger attendance and the major
number of seats in the big athletic
theater were empty.
-Castle, the little right half of the
'Orange team, was the particularly
bright star of the gloomy day. It was
he who made all of the Syracuse plays,
and it was his end runs that enabled
the easterners to claim the honors of
the day. Time and time again he skirt-
ed the ends and made spectacular open
field runs, once being pulled down
from behind by the fleet Jimmie Craig.;
And it was Castle, who in the last mo-
ments of the game, picked up Huebel's
fumble and made it certain by dashing
over 55 white lines. But it was the
unified work of the Syracuse team
that made Castle's work possible, and
the credit must be given to the whole

es, and these were made around the
Wolverine ends. The Michigan lineD
as a whole played good ball though the
tackles were up against the strongest
me on the Syracuse team. Barton FOR
* who was shoved into center at the R
last minute, did good work, but Mus- RESH ELEVEN
ser, who succeeded him when the
lanky one was hurt did some poor
passing that was costly. Hughitt, the YEARLING MEN DISPLAY BETTER
little half, did good work and made SPIRIT, BUT HARD LUCK AND
some good gains despite the lightness. BAD TACKLING BRING DEFEAT;
Michigan Wins Toss. SCORE, 19--1.
Michigan won the toss and received
the kick-off, where Pontius was down- PASSES USED EXTENSIVELY
ed. on the 30-yard line.Then the Wol-
verines started and' with Thomson, .il-Fresh Plays Good Offensive Game,
aided by Hughitt, making most of the With Gault ad Davis Nailing
gains, they carried the ball straight
down the field and ovet the Syracuse Visitors' Passes.
goal line in three minutes. Huebel F pi s ni t e
kicked goal. Then Syracuse received Fickle, capricious,inconsistent Fate!
the kick-off and started working the How ironically she deals with the
ball back, Castle making some pretty vain glorious! Teasing and tantalizing
gains. there was an exchange of the object of her caprice by swinging
punts and Syracuse fumbled the ball the prize on the end of a string be-
on its 35-yard line, when Michigan re-' neath their sensitive probosces, then
covered. One or two line plunges, tauntingly and suddenly jerking it
with a well executed forward pass, from their grasp, is one of her favor-
put the ball on the Syracuse four- I ite pastimes, and it is a safe bet that
yard line. she grins, giggles, or laughs at each
Here was where Syracuse woke up. successful attempt.
Here was the point where the aero- By this time Coach Conklin has told
plane started earthward, and where the freshmen just wherein they failed
the rocket started to fizzle. Syracuse in their third unsuccessful contest this
punted out and again the Wolverine season, and it is not for us of the laity
offense pushed the ball toward , the to criticize or censure their actions
goal. Right to. the five-yard lii ,t at this time. In spite of the outcome,
went,-one play might put it over, and the pep which has so long been lying
then Michigan fumbled. Syrac'use dormant cropped forth yesterday af-
punted out, the quarter was over, and ternoon, and the game was only lost
the rocket went out. by something that can best be describ-
Starting with the ball on their 25- ed as a cross between had luck and
yard line, Castle took it 30 yardsinability to tackle. Haigh's capture
aroungl Pontius. Line bucks added of Rhoem's pass in the second quarter,
more, a punt by Syracuse, a return and his run of 60 yards for Detroit
by Michigan, and the Orangemen had University's second touchdown is an
the ball in Michigan territory for the instance wherein both played a part,
first time. And here in the Wolver- the luck being on the side of Haigh
ine limits it stayed most of the rest and Detroit.
of the game. Back and forth in Mich- Forward Pass Used Frequently.
igan's 50 yards waged the battle, Syr- The Detroit sores in every instance
acuse threatening, and yet being driv- were tacked up on the boards at the
en back by Thomson's boot. Then end of a long run by one of its backs,
Castle slipped around Pontius for 45 and in every instance the run started
yards, two line bucks, and Syracuse on a forward pass. In an open game
had scored. The aeroplane wings had such as yesterday's, where practically
broken. There was a kickoff, one or every 'material gain had its origin in
two more plays, and the half ended a forward pass, long gains could be
with Michigan leading by the slender expected, but point-making sprints
margin of seven to six. should not follow so consistently as
Teams Resort to Punts. they did in the contest in question. The
The second half started with hon- final result was 19 to 16.
ors even, neither team gaining much Aside from a few fumbles, the first
ground. Carpell, who was now play- year men played a good offensive
ing right end, stopped the speedy Cas- game, and every point made by them
tle more than once. Punts flew back was well earned. Had luck been with
and forth and Michigan had the ball them in the forward passes the score
on her own 25-yard line. A fumble and and the outcome of the game would
Syracuse claimed it in the same ptaace. have been decidedly different; espe-
Michigan held and punted out. Syra- cially since this was their chief mode
cuse failed to gain and punted back. of attack. Gault's end runs invaria-
Another Michigan fumble and Syr- bly netted good gains for the freshmen,
cuse was threatening on the Wolver- and had he been played this way of-
(Continued on page 5.) (Continued on page 2.)
ree bterian Cburcb
10:30, SERMON, REV. L. A BARRETT, "A Reasonable Faith"


* * * * * * * * * *
Result of Straw Ballot..
Total vote cast .........1084
Roosevelt .............487
* * * * * * * * * *




With almost 400 ballots cast in the
straw ballot contest yesterday, the
Bull Moose leader passed Wilson in
the race and now leads the New Jer-
sey governor by 36 votes. Taft made
a material gain, and is now 66 votes
ahead of Debs, while Chafin, with six
votes, is holding the last position.
The feature of the heavy vote was
the strength showed by the Progres-
sives in the lit and engineering de-
partments. Roosevelt now leads in
five departments,-the lit, engineering,
medic, pharmic, and the graduate
school and the faculty, while Wilson
is ahead in the law, dent and homeop
departments. Of the 41 states, one ter-
ritory and six nations that are repre-
sented in the vote, up to the present
date, the Democrat leader has carried
27, Roosevelt .leads in 13, while Taft
is in the lead in but one state.
Owing to the unusual interest that
has -been taken in the contest, it has
been decided to continue it until Wed-
nesday. Thus the last ballot will ap-
pear in the issue on that morning, in-
stead of this morning as was original-
ly intended, and the final count will
appear in the paper on Thursday
morning, instead of Tuesday.
In order to make the vote represen-
tative of the sentiment of the entire
student body, every one who has not
voted is urged to do so before the' con-
test is ended. But few votes have
been cast by women, and they are es-
pecially urged to exercise their right
and vote.
Dean Vaughan to Make Two Addresses
on Subject Here Today.
According to a proclamation of Gov-
ernor Osborn, today will be recognized
as "Tuberculosis Sunday." Dean V. C.
Vaughan will deliver an address on
"Tuberculosis"at the Episcopal church
at 10:30 this morning. "The Hygiene
of Student Life" will be the subject of
his address at Sarah Caswell Angell
hall this afternoon at 4:00 o'clock.

Fresh Law Class of 161 Casts Only
Ballots, While Fresh Engi.-
neers Poll 90.
Re-elections, are required for
class offices on account of failure
obtain majorities in yesterday's e
tions. In general all of the freshn
polling was characterized by light'
ing and mediocre interest. Junior
soph lits polled heavy, and in the s
lit ballot, competition was especi
keen, re-elections for four offices b(
required. Lack of interest was e
cially noticeable among the fresh l
and engineers. Fresh laws polled c
32 votes from a class of 161. F:
401 fresh engineers, only 90 votes ' V
cast. In all of the classes clean p
tics prevailed. Following are the
suits by classes:
Junior lits: president, H. Beach c
penter; vice-president, Phyllis
Dunn; secretary, Julia Anderson;
atorical delegate, Percival V. Blat
ard; girls' basketball manager, He
Wagner; football manager, F. G.
lard; baseball manager, B. E. Ki
track manager, Floyd Young; basi
ball manager, Frazer Clark. For tre
urer, B. J. Miles and W. C. Mulrend
received the highest number of ve
and a special election will be
Thursday, from 4:00 to 5:30 p. m
west physics lecture room.
ton; track manager, John Bruce; gi
Soph lit: treasurer, George Jo
basketball manager, Helen Morse.
re-election for all other offices wil
held Saturday in Tappan hall fi
9:15 to 12:15 o'clock. The candide
are as follows: president, Chet
Lwang, and C. M. Anderson; vice-pr
dent, Evelyn Roehm; secretary, VJ
gierite Foote and Louise Markli
baseball manager, P. Egar and C. I
es; basketball manager, E. Conn
and H. Kennedy.
Fresh lits: football manager, T.
Bender; baseball manager, Rol
Stuart; girls' basketball manager,
Correy. On account of a mistake
the printing of the .ballot and fail
to obtain majorities, a re-election
be held Saturday in Tappan hall,
ond floor, from 3:00 to 4:30 p. m. I
lowing are the candidates; presid
W. M. Brucker, and H. Pelham; v
president, Martha Colborne, En
Rhodehomel and Blanche C. W
burne; secretary, Merue Correy, R
Graybill, Marguerite Haag, and Rh
Matthews; treasurer, P Gillette,
R. Munter; track manager, W.
Holmes, G. R. Darnell, and Marsh
oratorical delegate, C. L. Muller an
0. Tate.
Fresh laws: vice president MV
guerite Ashford; secretary, F.
Scott; treasurer, P. M. Lovett; s
geant-at-arms, J. P. Kelley; orator
delegate, W. W. Wheatley; base
manager, R. L. Russell; basket
(Continued on page 3.)
The Sunday afternoon program
the Michigan Union today will 0on
of several monologues, ranging f
serious to comic, given by 'Mo' M
man, '14. As usual, smokes will
passed around and refreshments
be served.

Come-Back is Predicted.
Michigan has been defeated, badly
beaten by a team that has been trim-
med by three prominent eastern col-
leges by overwhelming scores. Per-
haps its standing has been lowered in
the East. But Michigan has been' de-
feated before and has never failed
to come back. Last year it fell.before
Cornell and then wiped out Pennsyl-
vania. Three years it was taken by
surprise and trimmed by Notre Dame,
and yet that same year defeated both
Minnesota and Pennsylvania, ranking
itself among the leaders of the coun-
try. There is still a chance to .retrieve
the lost laurels, for the three big gam-
es are yet to come and, two of them
with stronger teams than Syracuse.
Because Michigan was defeated it
does not follow that Michigan has
quit, for it will come back in a man-
ner that will leave no doubt as to its
ability and merits.
The game started as the other three
big games at Syracuse this year have
started, the visitors going up the field
with a rush and landing a touchdown
in three minutes. Again they started
and carried the ball to the Orange four
yard line, when something happened.
Syracuse came to and held, and made
confident by that trick 'it started -for
more. Michigan was taken by sur-
prise and seemed dazed for the mo-
ment until the easterners had tallied.
They tallied again and then Michigan
woke up and stopped the rush, at the
same time seeking to win. But it was
too great a task,-Syracuse had tasted
of victory and would not let go. Then;
in the last few minutes a fumble--the+
one bit of luck in the game,-and

Thomson and Craig Star.
For Michigan Capt. Thomson and
Craig were the big men. It was the
leader's line-bucking that was respon-
sible for most of Michigan's gains, and
it was his toe that drove the Orange
back from the desired goal line again.
and again. Craig did not shine on of-
fense, for the wet and slippery field.
prevented the little sprinter from get-
ting in his deadly work, but on de-
fense he was a tower of strength and
more than once he caught men after
they were clear.
It must be frankly admitted that the
Michigan ends were not up to form
to say the least. It was there that
Syracuse made its gain, and while not
all of its attempts were successful,
enough of them were, and were so'suc-
cessful that the Orange won. Runs

* * * * * *4 *~ * *
Saturday's Scores.
Yale 13; W. & J. 3.
Lafayette 7; Penn 3.
Harvard 30; Brown 0.
Princeton 22; Dartmouth 7.
Army 18; Colgate 0.
Cornell 14; Bucknell 0.
Navy 13; Pittsburg 6.
Amhe'rst 15; Trinity 0.
Chicago 7; Purdue 0.
M. A. C. 58; De Paw 0.
Northwestern 20; Indiana 7.
Notre Dame 14; Wabash 6.
0. S. U. 45; Cincinnati 7.
* * * * * * * * *

* *
* *

12:10, University Bible Classes


Devotional Meeting for Students and Young People




"A Religion





Works Well"

Igor. N.IDivisio

Torxight 7:43


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