THE MICHIGAN DAILY MUSIC AND DRAMA. i the Highest Grade, Best Fitting NALMS Sen an NASImmm ,HAAE or omen CO 0TO rfields Main St.' We have them 0 per pair with Rubber or Felt Soles from 85c to P.aIace of Sweets Down Town I r LET TRUBEEY 2 Ir rnish' the Ice Crsm r(w _ Attention to Frm tsrniti#s r hrnd Sororities ON MAIN STREET ,%.k r co e y Dancing Class every ~kard Academy : sd Tuesday and Friday n., Register at Academy for Children's afternoon class. Private tes. Mon. and Tues. $12, Series $10: Wed. and Thur. $14, Series and Sat. $15, Series $14, Phone 18500 5701L Faculty Recital Friday. On Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock in the School of Music concert room Mr. Dotterweich and Mr. Whitmire of the faculty will give the second faculty recital of the season. The program will be as follows: Sonata Opus 13, G major.... .Grieg Mr. Whitmire and Mr. Dotterweich Fantasia F minor ..........Chopin Mr. Dotterweich Meditation from Thais .... Massenet Son of the Puezta..........Keler-Bela Mr. Whitmire Sonetto del Petrarca............Liszt Nocturne (for left hand alone)...... .....Scriabine Caprice Espagnol Opus 3'7........ ....Moszkowsky Mr. Dotterweich SOPH LITS TO HOLD POST ELECTION DANCE SATURDAY Soph lits will hold a post election dance in Barbour gymnasium Satur- day afternoon from 2:00 until 5:00 o'clock. The elections for class offi- cers will be held Saturday morning and the dance will afford an excellent opportunity for the new officers to get acquainted with the mem- bers of the class. As has been the custom at aftern'oon parties the wom- en will come unescorted. The com- mittee in charge has planned several new stunts for the occasion. The chaperons will be Prof. and Mrs. Ran- kin, Miss Bigelow and Miss Sawtelle. Candy of quality at Huyler's agen- cy, 214 S. Main St. tf FRESH LIT PICTURE TAKEN AT NOON TODAY IN FRONT OF MEMO- RIAL HALL. 20 1912 Pierce motorcycles to be sold to make room for 1913 material. Some good prices. Postal to Pierce agency 1605 Wells St. will get you next. 19-20 We set glass in all parts of the city. Phone C. H. Major & Co. 20-22 Charlie, the Barber has moved to 619 E. Liberty St. tf] See our line of small musical instru- juents and get prices, before buying; it will pay you. Grinnell Bros., 120- 122 E. Liberty. 17-22 Charlie, the Barber has moved to 619 E. Liberty St. tf FRESH LIT PICTURE TAKEN AT NOON TODAY IN FRONT OF MEMO. T1A12 HALL. 20 atch This Space Y BEE THEATRICAL CIRCLES "The Prim". One of the most interesting events of the present theatrical season will be the appearance of Edna Marshall, a gifted emotional actress, in "The Price" at the Whitney theater on Tues- day, October 29. It treats of the eter- nal question of the penalty a wom- an must always pay for indulgences which the world smiles at in a man. It is said that by her superb acting in he role of Ethel Toscani,Miss Marshall is setting a standard which the young- er generations of players will find difficult to'reach. "Passers-By." C. Haddon Chambers' successful comedy, "Passers-By" has been spoken of as "a page from life," so truly has the author drawn his types. Charles Frohman is using "Passers-By" for the first stellar tour of Charles Cher- ry under his management and will pre- sent Mr. Cherry in the play at the Whitney theater Monday, October 28. At the Majestie. The entire program at the Majestic theater will be changed tonight. The chief interest in the new show will centre in the act of the Saxon troupe, seven sensational dancers from the Palace Music hall, London. James McCann wil offer a one act playlet; Maggie LeClair, a character comedi- enne, will sing, and three musicians known as Miskel, Hunt and Miller will play the piano and sing. A matinee will be given Friday and Saturday af- ternoons at 3:00 °o'clock. ARTIST ENTERTAINS SORORITY. Madame Schumann-Ileink Gives Tea For Mu Phi Epsilon. Madame Ernestine Schumann-Heink entertained by the members of the Mu Ph Epsilon sorority, of which she is an honorary member, at the Hotel Allen- el, after the concert Tuesday evening. She shook hands with all her "sis- ters" as she called them, and apolo- gized for her inability to "serve tea" in the approved style. "If I am able to attend any social functions when I am here in the spring, I promise to give you my preference," said Mad- ame as she shook hands with them for the third time. KALAMAZOO BARRISTER WILL TALK TO UPPERCLASS LAWS. Mr. Dallas Boudeman, of the Kala- mazoo bar, will- begin a series of lec tures on "Statutory Construction" and "Michigan Statute Law" next Monday. The lectures will be given in room G of the law building and will be open to juniors and seniors. The time for the lectures will be 4:00 p. m. for the one on "Statutory Construction" and 5:00 p. m. for the other. The lectures will be continued throughout the week at the same hours. UNIVERSITY NOTICES ,Junior medic class meets Friday, 11:00 a. m. West amphitheater. PAINTED WINDOW TO APPEAR FIRST WEEK IN NOVEMBER The second issue of the Painted Window, Michigan's literary maga- zine, will appear the first week in No- vember. This issue, designated the football number, will open with a rousing football story. The conven- tional cover design of the magazine will be harmoniously colored with yel- low and blue. Several short stories, and an abun- dance of good editorials, and poems will go to make the remainder of the magazine a number well worth reading, and a record sale is erect- ed. FRESH LIT PICTURE TAKEN AT NOON TODAY IN FRONT OF MEMO. RIAL HALL. 20 Irst I I , , , ; , . '3. S1 An up-to date showing of nlavlevs i n 1,, Fall Millinery at popular --- prices. Hair Goods a specialty. Bell Phone 1390-J E.' E. HATLEY, 206 E. Liberty Street Spalding and Webber Sweaters R"ll Colars"lClr Absolutely wind and rain proof, Mackinaw's Ulsters in different tyles. The only Ulster in town'that speaks for itself. Varsity Toggery Shop 1 107 S. University Ave. Phone 1 60-L E. J. LOHR, Proprietor J Y- 1 I 1 i. INAW COATS PATRICK'S MACK- Guaranteed all Wool and Storn proof. Cloth 32 ounce Mackinaw leng 34 inches. FU Subscript SOLD ONLY BY f , : , .. f riVVM ' For Men Boys and Ladies NC PG~ You Want RK 0. The kind all champions use Spalding's Trade - Marked plenients. Best rmaterial 1 workmanship.f ding's No. J5 ial Foot Ball e Offical Foot Ball of the, me. Used in all important tches played throughout country. Everything ne- ;sary for the game. or our 1ikal and Winter Catalogue n-'s offcmial FootBallGuide, v)12 d by waiter Camp. Containing tcial rules, records,,pictures of andsof plaiyers, etc. Price, 10 cts. SPALDING & BROS. >dward Ave., Detroit Mich. Student, "going to e Hazel to THE 'MPLE"? MAJUSTIJ C Starting Tonight MATINEES TUES. FRI, WED. 3 P. M . SAT. Saver. Saxon Dancers Sensational European Act FROM PALACE MUSIC HALL, LONDON Character Comedienne MAK GELECLAIR Original Irish Biddie NESTOR and DAHLBERG "SAME STORY IN A DIFFERENT WAY" MISKEL, HUNT and MILLER Musical Singing Act A GIRL WITH A BOY'S VOICE EXTRA ATTRACTION Mr. and Mrs.Jas, R.McCann AND COMPANY I In the One Act Comedy, "UNCLE CHARLES OF CHARLESTON" Election Returns Tues. Nov. 5 Big Double Shows That Night Coining Soon--Casino Girls N o Made in All Heights and Styles Try Them ALSO THE HOUSE OF STANDARD QUALITY SHIR Lof I The largest and finest stock in theI city. Goodyear's Drug Store. 3 tf Ind Student, Hazel"? "witch Charlie's Barber Shop is now open at 619 E. Liberty, tf Charlie's Barber Shop is now open at 619 E. Liberty. tf Wanted College Representativs-Two students to take up old line insur- ance work among fellow students. Splendid opportunity for right men. Address or call No. 410 National Bank Building. 19-25 LOST Lost-Leather I. P. Note book No. 507 with notes. Leave at University Pharmacy or call Bell phone 416. Lost-Person who took raincoat from dent building lobby Friday after- noon between 2:00 and 5:00 return to 717 Arbor St. and avoid trouble. Lost-Plain black pair of trousers on State street between 11:00 and 12:00 today. Finder please call 1050-J. 20 FOR RENT For Rent-Small suite finely located 1116 Washtenaw Ave. For price of single room. 14-20 For Rent-Nice front suite for two young men of good habits, no other roomers. 411 E. Williaims St. Phone 1497. tf HENRY & CO. ,711 N. University rh Th"'t Yor Cloh re Pressed Is Quite Neea oSend Them to Suits c Plaa.Skirts 35C Des igers of Men's Clothes I mMEI own Main St. MARTIN, HALLER I ,I Dealer in Furniture, Upholstery Goods, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Linoleum and Draperies Ann Arbor Dye Works French Dry and Steam Cleaning 112, 114, 116, 118, 120 and 122 E. Liverty Street Follow the Sign- BOTH PHONES 148 PASSENGER ELEVA' I Bell 628 204 E. Washington St. . .._ , The Big Store Reule, o in, Fegel Co. As a young men's store aims to keep in close, constant touch with its clientele absorbing the ideas and studying the individual tastes of alert and progressive young fellows who regard correct attire as an asset in social and business life. Autumn's finest in Furnishings Neckwear, special showing at.'. ..... ................................ . ........ .50c Gloves, ewceptional values at....................................$1.50 and up to $2.50 Shirts, most unusual values, at...................................................$1.00 Reule, Con in, Fiegel Co. Manhattan, headquarters for these famous Shirts , . $1.50 to $4 Hosiery, extra strong showing at....................................25 Great values in Fall Underwear.. .. .............. ..........$1 to $6 200-202 South Mai