11 THE e Deliver FREEMAN HOUSE C H UI 803-807 E. Washington Street 209 Detroit Papers ling Detroit Papers Chicago Daily Papers ONLY ONZ BLOCK FROM THE Solicit the patronage of people w and all Sunday Papers Clean U:1bol l0oavb Take Mageazine Subscriptions At a moderate price the lowest possible' prices and will $4.00 per week 75c per day n to you. PHONE 364EL Safe Drinking Wat News Stand C. C. Freeman, at Washington Ial(ina Pains What Kind of Ic4 or Candies do The Pure Kind of hobby with us in our laundering and we pays. We don't like to see your necks sore fro ragged-edge collars aild we don't turn 'emi out that way. e have beer five years. n making the Pure Kind Have lately installed tl Brine Freezer for making our famous VELVET the kind that is all cream with nothing added Pains" helps you and helps us. vanilla. up our laundry work against any at the price. We have also increased our candy factory good a line as before including our famous Car Our Velvet Ice Cream is sold in the folio Tuttles, Van Doren Pharmacy, Fred Harris, Confectionery, Brown Drug Store. x Swan Laundry W. F. and Fourth Ave. Set! Phone 165 208 E.