THE MICHIGAN DAILY cal Platform is it Price Quality H Wild Co. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street ot all oods 7a complete line of Sporting Goods, Gym Supplies nan & Co. THE MCHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, r87g. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor-i to 3 p. in. 7 to 10 p. im. Business Manager-i to 3 p. mn. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy;University Pharmacy; Davis and Konald's Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 96o. Frank Pennell............Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard..........Business Manager Maurice Toulme................News Editor C. Harold Hippler ............Assistant Karl Matthews..............Athletic Editor G. C. Eldredge...........Assistant John Townley..........Music and Drama Leonard M. Rieser....................Files EDITORIALS Harold G. McGee Louis R. Haller Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers NIGHT EDITORS H, Beach Carpenter Fred B. Foulk Morton R. Hunter+.. ....Morris Milligan Russell H. Neilson..........Bruce J. Miles REPORTERS James D. Evlin............. Ernest R. -Burton David D. Hunting...........J. V. Sweeney BUSINESS STAFF A. R. Johnson, Jr..........Advertising Mgr. Emerson Smith *.........Accountant Laurence D. Bartlett.......Circulation Mgr. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1912. Night Editor-Bruce J. Miles. iMPORTANT. There will be a meeting of The Michigan Daily business staff, includ- ing all try-outs and men who wish to try out, this afternoon at 5:15 o'clock. All men must report. Ppe Bros N-NE/, s made me a pay the price you get in TYPE WRITERS New and Rebuilt - All Makes FOR SALE OR RENT O. D. MORRILL 322 S..STATE ST. Local Representative, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER WEEKLY CARTOONS. Street' ubb House uth State Street . Wholesome Board at Week. Safe Drinking: ,, C. C. Freemen, Proprietor OUNCEMEN T GO TO [I , Burchfield.& Co.s ie best Tailoring Service to be had Anywhere. king Dress Clothes we aknowledge no equal, rove our superiority in every instance. With this issue appears the first of the weekly cartoons which will appear in The Michigan Daily throughout the remainder of the current school year. This is in accordance with an ambi- tion to place The Michigan Daily high- er in the rank of college newspapers. We deem it a good fortune in having secured Harold Abbott, '13, as official cartoonist. His ability is well known to readers of other campus publica- tions, being a member of the art staffs of the Gargoyle and the Michiganensi- an. FILL OUT A BALLOT. It is with considerable interest that we look forward to the results of the straw presidential election now being launched. Not that it is at all likely that any of the various candidates will be either elated or chagrined over the outcome, but it will give the campus an opoprtunity to test its analytical. eye. It should also tend to incite greater interest in those national af- fairs in which the college man is un- questionably lax. It is hoped that the balloting will be more universal than was the case last spring before the nominations. In limiting each person to one vote, the outcome is bound to be a better criteri- on of the convictions of the campus, than were those contests of past years when ballot box stuffing was undoubt- edly resorted to. The expenditure of a slight effort on the part of each student, including the women of the university, will mean a sucessful tabulation of campus opin- ion on the big question of the hour. NATIONAL OFFICER TO GIVE FIVE LECTURES FOR Y.W.C.A.- Miss W. Burner, secretary of the national Y. W. C. A., will deliver a se- ries of five lectures to university wom- en, beginning Sunday at 4:00 p. m. in Newberry hall. At the first lecture a girls' mass meeting will be held in Miss Burner's honor. The other meet- ings will be held in Newberry hall at 5:00 p. m. from Monday until Thurs-i day inclusive. All of the lectures willt be of special interest to women, treating mostly of college girls' prob- lems.1 WIMMEN'S DAY ; bring on the waf- ers. _X_. Duty Calls, Ye Hatpin Wielders. Who is it that dwells in our clime, And sticks around for a good time, Yet can't be classed in the sublime? The fair coed. Who is it helps us spend the dough, And lets us think we are her beau, Then firmly tells us where to go? The fair coed. Who is it that we still adore, Though we have oft been stung be- fore, Yet stick around and wait for more? The fair coed. -L. T. R. Could you call a queen who goes through the engineering court seven times per diem an arch-angel? -X. Q. X. Yes, Xignatius, you may, but it's an n-th power negation in the humor line, we'd say. One contrib asks if the bunch what stands out in front of the Maj. after the last show to see the stars come out is the astronomy class. Without doubt. Why's Which at Illinois. Some little rascals in the 'steen class at Illinois posted their anti-soph procs on the sorority houses last week. Now they've got to stick around to undue the doity woik. The undueing is said 'o be very popular. _.._. Blue Pencil. M. R. H. Suggests that the largest fish that ever happened is the after- election wail. Why is it If it is, . Is not if it isn't, Would not if it would, Does not if it does, Could not if it could? The answer comes from the Meso- potamian root, Damfino. -M. R. H. -X- Blushingly We Hunt the Axe. Why do I send these pomes to you? Pray do not think I'm sassy; For I'm collecting printed slips, And I've heard that yours are CLAS- SY. -H. E. L. (Sh! 'tis a fem's handwriting.) Chafing dish fans will remember that Thursday is PINK TEA DAY in the Colyum. COMMERCE CLUB TO INITIATE THIRTEEN NEW MEN TONIGHT. Thirteen new men recently elected to membership in the Commerce club will be taken into the organization tonight at the club's first smoker at the Union at 7:30 o'clock. Several of the econom- ics faculty will be guests of the even- ing. There will be plenty of lively music furnished by a male quartet made up of "Heinie" Spring, "Howdy" Wilson, "Cam" Trible, and Rolfe Spin- ning, with William Hart presiding at the piano. INVITE MANY TO CORNELL GAME Alumni of Both Universities Have Been Sent Invitations. Invitations to the Michigan-Cornell football game are not being limited to Michigan alumni alone, as the ath- letic association has taken care that the alumni of Cornell, residing in the larger cities near Ann Arbor, were re- minded of the contest and given an op- portunity to obtain good seats. Seven hundred of these invitations were mailed Saturday to Cornell alumni in Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Chicago, and Milwaukee, and a few scattered in the smaller cities of Michigan. Six thousand invitations to Michigan alum- ni were not limited by mileage, but were addressed to all parts of the United States. IS Eeksy to R4 Stuido 519 E. Huron St. HAVE YOU HEARD THE LATEST BITS in GRINNE LL BROS. 120-122 E where the young lady will be pleased to demonstrote songs and music 10 cents. Yellow and Blue 15c FOOT BALL SUPPLIES SHORAL UNION ENGR'; LR - CA FOOT BALL SHOES for $3.50 worth STOCKINGS for 25c worth much more UNION SUITS for $3.50 so good you'll nev Head Gears, Shoulder Guards, Nose Mask, et Ask to see our $6.oo Auto Sweaters. First Choice, Second Choice, WAH University 2 I Next Choice, >0W The Forest Lawn Lunches for Autosigts a specialty. For Infonnaflon call 1238-J Reserved Seat THINK OF IT!! Schuman-Heink, Flonzaly Quartet, Wer ton Symphony Orchestra, Tina Lerner, and The May Fe! with the Choral Union Chorus, the The( and a lot of star soloists. >re - Burchfield & Company 106 East Huron StreetI Restaurant 709 N. University Ave. :1 Tickets for Winter Concerts with reserve $3.75. These tickets may be exchanged for M serve seats later by paying $r.oo to $3.00. ALL SALES AT University School of Restaurant'pen, after having undergone some remodeling and impro ssary in the premises, based always on the same principles of Pure e.n rd Gernuline Food EdICated Cooks and Strict Cleamnliness in life depends on a strong and resourceful mind; but a strong and re- fid is living on a strong and healthy body. s obtained when good and rich bloodis bcirculating in our veins. we get the blood? Easy to answer! From the food we are consuming. nuine food well prepared and well served will constitute theingredients od, will build up a strong constitution and a sound mind and will bring in life. stale food handled by the first man who calls himself cook is the poison graduallyin our systemn. If you don't feel that poison now you will feel hen the results of the affection of your stomach will make you a slave ent pills and other medicines. elaims to offer high-class cooking and filgh-class service at popular priced open for inspection to all visitors. _ r- Ann Arbor Taxicab On account of fire we have moved frsm 114 North State location at %00 North Main Street, being fully equipped w patronoge for the coming year. For prompt and quick servi taxies on leaving car. Also your Baggage Delivered to all parts of the city by our new auto truck on call day RATES Single Passenger . . 5oc To and from Parties $2 Two or more ... .. 25c each By the Hour . From 10:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. 50c strai't Trunks . . . . JESTI C ATINEE 3 P. M. 15 Ctrats S Fri. Sat. DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor Time Table Limited Cars for Detroit-7':12 a. ,ni. and hourly to 6:12 p. m., also 8:12 p. m. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. M., 6:40 a. m., and every two hours to 6;40 p. n., 7:40 p. m., 840 p nm., 9:45 p. m., and.l0:45 p. m To Ypsilanti only. 11:15 p. mi., 1°:1. p. rn. 1230 p. m., I:00a.i, Limited Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. m. and every two hours to 7:46 p. m. Local Cars for Jackson-5:20 a. m., and every two hours to 9:20 p. m., 11:15 p.rm. . Have you noticed that college 'styles3 are not y u na matter of buttons, fancy flaps, etc., but rather of plain rich effect and individualty. That is the kind of clothes we make. All garments mad. in our own shops. WACNE R & CO. STATE S -T ri V? t f '_ CA T7 e