THE MICHfIGAN DAILY. ..4 )omfort aswell a tylI .: Try Gilmore Shoe Co, IF%-~ 119 S. Main. We carry AA to E in Men's and women's. Pingree Made is our leader. AIDS IN THIS COLUTN N ARE TOBE PAID FOR IN AD1VANCE. FOR SALE. For Sale-Dr. D. Williams, of St. Jos- eph, 'who has discontinued his prac- tice will sell cabinet, vulcanizer, forceps and other dental instru- ments which he will display in Ann Arbor about June 5 or following week. 177-180 For Sale-Steinway grand piano and other household furniture cheap. 921 E. Huron. 989-J. 177-180 For Sale-My home at 514 Thomp- son St. Twelve rooms,. hot water heat, hardwood finish, garage. Suit- able for club or fraternity. C. K. Mc- gee. 175-180 For Sale-Twelve room house, plumb- ing and steam heating plant newm, Full lot. Good barn. 520 Thomp- son. 179-80 For Sale-Trade advertising on Wag- ner and Co., $7.50 on any suit for $5.00. Call at Alumni Association, Memorial hall. 180 AVANTED) Wanted-Experienced male typewriter operator for next year.. Stenogra- pher preferred. 0. D. Morrill, -322 South State St. 179-80 t H4 E AT RE Down town on Main Street Wed, June 11th Scine Feature Film I H e erN ew S prng. Suit Mere in -iany oc f the fifty beautiful fabrics and colors that sh~owE the joy of Spring time. HMere in sty-le-sthat i t. et the pace for the next twelve i1onthLs.. Here in the uniapp-roachable crafirnanship that gous wt Society Brand. -True,Ladeess blues, restful greys, becoming browns anad endless varliions of these three. Soft frontAsad lapels, snug shoulders, body- tracing lines, new fa',-brics--clothes that arouse a wave of approval rat first sight. Come and see HEAD3QUARTERS FOR GOOD DRESSERS J'' a ._ " >%' Doan. oFaw ef LET F'ur-nisi the Ice creo tax Attefitfloi to roteriiitles ON MIN $T REET "A 'FUGITIVE AT' A I I -Ni 5'i e' 'ypewri~er Re%,*1ring h ne 31~ I will meet or !teat any price Mad" on a typewriter, sale or rental. D. F. WOOD WARD an iArbor Savings Sank Bldg, SecaNd Floor Ann Arbor, Mich. I Don't miss this one. Admission 10cF SO1VI 1ThFAIL TOEI'II.SE No action toward the honor system wa taken by the soph lits at their meeting yesterday' afternoon, due to the small attendance.- The system was explainied by a member. of the commit.- tce a'n,! the matter was left. to be brought up next year. for further ac- tion. It was also decided that the election of football manager, which, should have been held this spring, bej T he New Sprinig Models are. now being shown at Hlayley' s AM ilnry, 206 E., Libcrty fair Goods Seiat Phone 1 390-J HOW LONC -il mmmmm AW ATS Wanted-Set of drawing instruments. Clerk, Eng. Shops. 179-80 For Rent-During summer large fur- nished house, rent reasonable. Phone 637. 175-79-80 does it require to complete a course in .Shorthand and Tpye. writing at the Sc oo.fhorthand?*. ,1 We have the "Comfort" Hat---cushion fitting, That depends on how well you are able to apply yourself to the work. 1 I, "Positive Ventilation." Also fine Panamas. VARSITY TOGG ERYRSHOP B. V. D.'s" Galore 1107 S. U. Ave. x B si r put off till the first meeting next fall. For Rent-House, either furnished or School of usc Cinieneien not furnished. From June 25th on. The eigthteenith annual commennce- 1131 East Huron. Phone 1434-J. maent exercises of the uiversity s 7 cho 179-80 of musi:c will be held in the hg school auditorium Thursday, June 19, For .Rent-During Summer, my house,; at 2:30 o'clock. At this time diplomas 1208 Hill St., furnished. In sprink- arid certificates will be given to about led district. Rent reasonable. L. D. 35 graduates. Wines, Phone 122 9-J. 1H0 _ __________ LOST Mid-Exam "Tango Night," G ranger's, L T- r 4 4'ItJ i .2 1 2, L 7.,I U t -, _ 190. I it Mr,.-, 7 !r an J. Boes6l 200 South state Street Giver Clean, Wholesome board at $4.00 per week. Safe Drinking Water. Lost-In Hamilton Park near Key- stone club, surveying field note book. C. M. Williams, 436-L. 180 Lost--Belt Pin, grape design, set with amethysts, somewhere on Forest Av- enue, So. U., or the campus. Call 1241-J or leave at Daily office. 180 Private instruction in English, Ger- man and Latin by university graduate. 006 Ann St. 707-J. 177-180 iEY'' 2 t "4N It I I'VATINS Order atone't Wahr's Bookstore Paiy ,vitn ordering, 35 cents a piece, delivery June 13tf.h. fouind it necessttry to lhave cc lege -at the end of last semester and go to wo ,I .rk.le ;soon discovoered that as a private secre- tary he could doc, t.trernely Nwell and he at once enrolled for our course aid appllied himsclf diligently to the work. 1 Days he had completed the course and left to take a good position- No student can afford to mis the opportunities which a good working knowliedge of shorthand would give him when it may be so easiy yac quired. Better call at our office and arrange to take the course in Shorthand and Typewriting. We can make you the righit sort of .terms on payment of tuition. 71 1 North University Avenue. 25c Dinners 35c C. "C. Firezrme zn, Proprletor mum= 11 0 D F R E YI"S for is 'a mighty nice city, and Rayl's is the nicest place at which to buy I V0 ine Vans Call, at AT HLETIC'S TELEPHONE, 82-L I Muelig 4Schmid"&, NoFuthAeu I Kodaks,Cutlery, Fishing Tackle and General Sporting Goods I i I ig Man Your Spring. Suit is Here The Style that appeals to all young men of taste and dress. Our lice cf imported woolens are of the finest in the market today. We can prove this to you if you will call on us for inspection. Suits and overcoats $39 and up. Samples fur- nished by request. If . __I~ m'w A.. ~790 Woodward, Ave., M r h ~au... - r0 . Willis Ave., Detroit to purchlase your May We Serve "YOU?---Rayls has been doing it for 38 years and ought to know how:. Films Developed, 10c a, roll (any size.) Michigan Students are Entitled to 10 per cent Discount. Bring Ad. with you. I d GlJee Club Reshis. ,mq), '12-'14L, has resign- of the glee club because of studies, and Bruce D). has been appointed in 2ev 5BouhManxteet Gri 'fins Spenld Day at Whitmiore Lake. G riffins, interdepartmental society, speart yesterday afternoon and evening at Whitmore Lake. Baseball, yacht- ing, swimming, and other sports filled the dlay. IT. .RyL cow Cor. Woodward and Congress I TnK9YWLW l onIbokn lototi 7 lJl'T value qq q y r: i i ]p w r Pal Ji. Y. 1 g..1U1 2 . :43' :k = " ' ', ,"13.50 TAN', BRCSWN'S, GRAY'S AND NRFL:SIncluded iii his Le-o ifPSUM EIL.SITS ke, Hig Stove =0 ~e BiL StoreLIN0-202 So. aira I 11 ''1 1 1 -202 o. "a! rY